Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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Biology of the Boxelder Bug in Cache Valley, Arab Bakir Al-Tikrity
Attitudes of Members of the Latter-day Saint Church Towards the Church Welfare Program and the Relationship of These Attitudes to Selected Factors, Harold L. Bartlett
Affect of Specified Factors on 1951 Farm Prices of Utah Peaches, William N. Capener
The Relation Between Group Participation and Personality Adjustment of High School Students in Piute and Kane Counties, Utah, John R. Christiansen
The Effects of Salt Content and Temperature on Eye Formation in Swiss Cheese, Kenneth B. Creer
A Management Study of the Idaho-Utah Interstate Deer Herd With Special Reference to the Sublett, Black Pine, and East Raft River Mountain Unit, Kenneth L. Diem
Marketing of Chickens in Utah, Glen Downs
Control of Pheasant Eye as it Affects Yield and Other Related Factors in Winter Wheat, Ray J. Downs
Changes in Agricultural Production and Cash Farm Income in Cache County, Utah, 1909-1949, LaVon S. Fife
Snow College, its Founding and Development, Ross Partington Findlay
A Study of the Craft Activities in Summer Recreation Programs in Relationship to Weber County, Utah, Leonard W. Glismann
An Investigation Concerning the Incidence and Pathogenicity of Pentatrichomonas gallinarum and its Relationship to Histomonas meleagridis in Turkeys in Utah, Ross S. Hadfield
A Comparison of the Band and Orchestral Programs in the High Schools of Utah, George D. Harris
Factors Determining Fruit Set and Seed Development in Artificially Pollinated Tomatoes, Charles Howard Henry
The Incidence of Lead Shot in Waterfowl of the Pacific Flyway, With Special Reference to the Great Salt Lake Basin, Wayne H. Heuer
A Comparative Study of Raw, Pasteurized, and Hydrogen Peroxide Treated Milk in the Production of Swiss Cheese, John Darold Johnson
The Content of Pantothenic Acid, Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 Like-Activity in Alfalfa Hay Grown in Utah Soils Treated with Different Fertilizers, Buranaphoka Kashemsri
Geology of the Mink Creek Region, Idaho, Allen S. Keller
Zinc Deficiency in Soils as Affected by Soluble Phosphate, Glen E. Leggett
The History of the New Jersey-Logan Academy, 1878-1934, Harold Y. S. Loo
The Uptake of Iron by Bean Plants as Influenced by Age, and Calcium and Bicarbonate Ions in Solution Cultures, Michael Marcour
The Effect of Feeding Sucrose to Beef and Swine on the Percentage of Carbohydrate, pH, Color, Texture, and Flavor of Muscle and Liver, Margaret B. Merkley
Cultural Variations of Child Rearing Practices Among the Mormons of Brigham City, Utah, Nile D. Meservy
Social Status of the Male Teacher in the Utah Rural Elementary Schools, Morris M. Miller
An Intensive Study of the Practices of Financing Extracurriculum Activities Discovered in Five Utah Secondary Schools, Irving B. Moore
Attitudes of School Administrators and Instructors of Vocational Agricultural Education in Utah, Horace L. Morrill Jr.
Factors Affecting the California Quail Populations in Uintah County, Utah, R. Lynn Nielson
A Study of Boys' Gymnasium Clothing Procedures in Utah High Schools of Region One for 1952, Remo J. Polidori
Evaluation of Aspects of the Guidance Programs in the Salt Lake City High Schools: An Opinion Survey, Liliuo Poulter
A Survey of Extension Work in Wildlife Management and the Development of a Guide to Wildlife Extension Work in Utah, Edwin V. Rawley
Revenue Trends and Sources of Revenue in the Public Schools of Utah Between 1916 and 1950, G. Frank Raymond
A Method of Estimating Fishing Pressure and Harvest as Used on Logan River, Utah, Albert Frank Regenthal
Costs of Marketing Cattle in Utah, Eugene S. Sanford
The Solution of Boundary Value Problems by Use of the Laplace Transformation as Compared with Classical Methods, Dan W. Stoddard
The Consumptive Use of Water in Milford Valley, Utah, Terrel R. Tovey
The Iron Content of Some Plants as Influenced by Conditions Associated with Lime-Induced Chlorosis, Robert E. Warnock
Some Effects of Fluctuating and Falling Water Levels on Waterfowl Production, Kenneth E. Wolf
Ascorbic Acid and Glucose: Their Relation to Rheumatic Fever in Utah, and Their Relation to Incidence of Dental Caries in Idaho, Patricia Wood
The Etiology of Apricot Scorch in Utah County, Utah, Joseph Tarbet Woolley
Effects of Aureomycin in Milk Used for the Manufacture of Cheese, James A. Banghart
Academic Mortality and Survival of Students of the Freshman Class of 1946 Through Senior Year 1950 at the Utah State Agricultural College, Marvin T. Bell
The Effect of DDT upon the Digestion and Utilization of Certain Nutrients by Dairy Calves, Verle R. Bohman
An Economic Study of Rats (Genus Rattus) in Cache County, Utah, John Vincent Bruce
The Freezing Point of Water in Puddled and Unpuddled Soils at Different Soil Moisture Tension Values, Robert B. Campbell
Crossing Techniques, Method of Seedling Establishment, and Inheritance Studies of Plant Color and Pubescence Conducted on Pubescent Wheatgrass Agropyron trichophorum (Link) Richt, A. Morris Decker Jr.
The Food of Pond Fish in Northern Utah, Robert L. Eberhardt
Use of DK Cheese Starter in Manufacture of Commercial Cheddar Cheese, Carl Anthon Ernstrom
Pellet Seeding on Sagebrush Range, Gordon E. Gatherum
Inheritance of 16 Barley Characters and Their Linkage Relationships, Tejpal Singh Gill
A Study of the Changes of Personality, Attitudes, And Speech Problems of an Adult Stutterer While Undergoing Speech Therapy, Halvor P. Hansen
Unit Consumptive Use of Water Studies in the Ashley and Ferron Valleys of Utah for the 1950 Growing Season, James O. Henrie
Teacher and Prinipal Evaluations of Selected Administrative Practices in Secondary Schools in Utah, Leo William Jex
High School Grades and College Aptitude Tests as Indices to College Achievement and Contination at Utah State Agricultural College, Walter Clarence Johnson
An Evaluation of Wool Density Sampling Procedures When Using the Wira Fleece Caliper, Doyle J. Matthews
The Opercular Bone As An Indicator of Age and Growth of the Carp Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, William J. McConell
A Population Study of the South Cache Elk Herd, Roger James McCormack
An Ecological Survey of the Muskrat at Locomotive Springs, Box Elder County, Utah, 1950-51, Robert A. McCullough
The Effect of Common Contaminants on Cheese Starter, Ivan R. Miller
The Yield and Thiamine, Riboflavin and Niacin Content of Alfalfa Hay as Related to Fertilizer Treatment of Soil, Rasik L. Pathak
The Yield and Thiamine, Riboflavin, and Niacin Content of Alfalfa Hay as Related to Fertilizer Treatment of Soil, Rasik L. Pathak
An Evaluation of Necessary Elements for Desirable Industrial Arts Instruction in the Elementary Schools of Utah, Lee W. Ralphs
Some Relationships of Potassium to Lime-Induced Chlorosis, Wilford H. Robinson
Fertilizer Trials on Dryland Winter Wheat, I. G. Sampson
Reactions of the Rocky Mountain Muskrat Ondtra zibethica osoyoosensis (Lord) to Drought Conditions at Ogden Bay Bird Refuge, Utah, Edward V. Saunders
Age and Growth of the Brown Trout Salmo trutta fario Linnaeus in Logan River, Utah, William Sigler
The Relative Efficiency of Artificially Stack-Dried Alfalfa Hay Versus Field-Cured Alfalfa Hay in Promoting Growth of Dairy Heifers at Huntley, Montana, John A. Stocking
Canal Seepage Loss Investigations in the Lewiston Area, Utah, Robert V. Thurmond
Varietal Response in Alfalfa for Seed Production as Affected by Lygus Infestation and Related Factors, A. Glenn Wahlquist
Evaluating the Curriculum of Logan Secondary Schools in Terms of Meeting the Imperative Needs of Youth, Leo R. Walker
Age and Growth of the Green Sunfish Lepomis cyanellus Rafinesque in Northern Utah, Young E. Wright
A Comparison of Sweet Cream Buttermilk Powder with Nonfat Dried Milk Solids in the Manufacture of Ice Cream, Davi Yanasugondha
An Ecological Study of the Utah Sculpin Cottus bairdi semiscaber in Logan River, Utah, William Merle Zarbock
Life History of the Utah Sculpin Cottus bairdi semiscaber (Cope) in Logan River, Utah, William M. Zarbook
Application of Pheasant Census Methods in Cache County, Utah, Gordon L. Zorb
Conditions at the Utah State Industrial School in 1947 with Emphasis on Changes in Program in 1945, 1947 and 1949, Bert Anderson
History of the Reorganization of Utah's State Administrative Government By the Twenty-Fourth Legislature, Desmond L. Anderson
Weather in Relation to the Yield of Dry-Land Winter Wheat, Wajeeh R. Asfour
Study of Producer Marketing of Fruits and Vegetables on the Growers' Market in Salt Lake City, Utah, John D. Baker Jr.
Establishing Criteria for the Pre-Service Selection of Teachers with Special Application to the Utah State Agricultural College, Howard H. Barron
An Examination of Union-Management Relations in the Garland Plant of the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company, Theral V. Bishop
Attitude of Utah Farm People Toward the Extension Service in Utah, Stephen L. Brower
The Development of the Blackfoot Clinical Rating Scale for Evaluating and Recording Personality Changes in Mentally Ill Patients, John R. Cochran
Some Factors which May Influence Survival of Game Farm-Reared Pheasants after Release into the Wild, Taylor F. Cottle
Inheritance of Resistance to Races of Covered Smut, Awns, and Chaff Color in a Wheat Cross, Nazar Singh Dhesi
The Food of Three Centrarchids and an Ameiurid in Northern Utah During 1949-50, Robert L. Eberhardt
Consumptive Use of Water Studies in the Ashley and Ferron Creek Areas of Utah, Elden E. Fisher
A Survey of Plant Parasitic and Associated Species of Nematodes in the Carrot Producing Area of Cedar Valley, Iron County, Utah, Paul R. Fitzgerald
Life History of the Cutthroat Trout Salmo clarkii Richardson in the Logan River, Utah, George Gordon Fleener
An Etiological and Host Range Study of Celery Mosaic in Utah, Dennis H. Hall
An Economic Analysis of the Possible Implications of the Abolition of the Basing Point System of Pricing on the Steel Industry in Utah, Lester T. Hansen
The Yield, Quality, and Nutrient Relationships of Celery as Affected by Commercial Fertilizer, Rex L. Hurst
Inheritance of Certain Characters and the Linkage Relationships of Factors on Chromosome IV in Barley, Claude J. Jenkins
The Demand for and Consumption of Fluid Milk in Logan, Utah, 1949, Edwin B. Jones
Actinomycetes of Virgin Utah Soils with Special Reference to Antagonisms, Paul H. Krumperman
Hive and Field Mortality of Honey Bees in Northern Utah Due to Effects of Certain Ecological and Chemical Factors, Shih Chun Ma
Farm Organization and Management in Egypt and Utah, Aly A. Morad
Leafhoppers (Cicadellidae) Associated with the Stone Fruit Orchards of Northern Utah, Mervin W. Nielson