Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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An Economic Evaluation of Selected Treatments for Avian Botulism in Waterfowl on Utah Marshes, 1953-54, Donald A. Smith
A History of the United States Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps, Raymond A. Stevens
Participation in Extracurricular Activities by Advanced AF ROTC Cadets and Their Leadership Ratings, Richard C. Strasser
An Economic Evaluation of Feeding Sucrose to Beef and Swine Prior to Slaughter, Douglas C. Strong
A Study of Thirty-Five Parent-Teacher Conferences at the Elementary Training School, Utah State Agricultural College, Thomas A. Taylor
A History of the Men's Physical Education Program at Utah State Agricultural College, Frank R. Tidwell
Determination of Digestibility of Lignin by Mule Deer, Robert B. Turner
Comparison of the Utah State Agricultural College Mathematics Entrance Examination Computational Form Versus Multiple-Choice, Wilson Walker
Linkage Relationships in Group IV in Barley, George W. Wheatley
Effects on Urinary Metabolites of Rats Fed Various Edible Fats, Cleve R. Winkel
A Comparative Study of the Mexican-Indian Students in the Carbon County Schools, John C. Winn
Survey and Evaluation of Big Game Exclosures in Utah, Stanford Young
Criteria for Evaluating Procedures and Techniques Used in Handling Supplies in the Farm Mechanics Departments in Utah High Schools, Clinton D. Zollinger
The European Defense Community, Robert H. Alfandary
Opinions of Secondary School Principals in Regard to the Intramural Activities Program in High Schools of Utah, Thair G. Allen
An Evaluation of the College Football Show Band with Particular Reference to the Institutions of Higher Learning in the Rocky Mountain Area, Grant F. Andersen
Soil Additives and Their Effect on the Yield of Various Crops and the Physical Properties of an Agricultural Soil, Gaylen L. Ashcroft
Use of Corn Syrup Solids of Different Dextrose Equivalents in the Manufacture of Frozen Desserts, Wiggo F. Axelgard
The Economics of Rural Residential Zoning in Utah County, Max K. Buchmiller
A Comprehensive Study Evaluating Driver Education in the Senior High Schools from Analyses of Driving Records of Salt Lake City High School Students, H. Keith Bushman
The Effect of Limited Moisture Supply at Various Stages of Growth on the Development and Production of Hybrid Corn, Ralph E. Campbell
Student Management Practices in the Secondary School Shops of Utah, U. Sterling Cheney
Growth and Nutrition of Plants as Affected by Various Levels of Exchangeable Sodium, Mohammad B. Choudhri
Survey of Personnel Practices in Selected Industrial Organizations of Utah, George R. Clawson
Inheritance Studies of a Wheat Cross to Six Races of Covered Smut, Douglas R. Dewey
A Study of Student Drop-Outs at the South Cache High School 1948 - 53, Rosslyn M. Eppich
Marketing Aspects of Cattle Finishing Operations Major Cattle Finishing Areas of Utah, 1951-52, Robert L. Fulton
The Relationship of the School Lunch and Other Meals to the Total Adolescent's Nutrient Intake in Logan and Wellsville, Utah, Leora S. Galloway
The History of South Cache High School, Robert C. Gustaveson
A Study to Determine the Content of an Industrial Arts Program in the Elementary Schools of Box Elder County, Charles M. Hawkes
A Study of Elementary Physical Education at the Whittier School, Logan, Utah, Phyllis C. Jacobson
Factors that Contribute to Success of Selected Farm Ownership Borrowers in Utah, Grey M. Jensen
The Content of Essential Amino Acids in 1950 Alfalfa Hay Grown in Utah Soil Treated with Different Fertilizers, Adriana Lanting Kunkel
The History of the L.D.S. Temple in Logan, Utah, Melvin A. Larkin
Control of Dodder in Alfalfa Seed Crops, William Orvid Lee
The Place of the General Shop in the Industrial Arts Curriculum in the Secondary Schools of Utah, Max E. McKinnon
The Effect of the Bicarbonate Ion on the Respiration of Excised Roots, Gene W. Miller
Age and Growth of the Utah Chub, Gila atraria (Girard), in Panguitch Lake and Navajo Lake, Utah, From Scales and Opercular Bones, John M. Neuhold
Factors Affecting Length of Tenure of Vocational Agriculture Teachers Who Are Recent Graduates of Utah State Agricultural College, John M. Oglesby
The Effect of Stage of Maturity on the Quality of Lima Beans for Processing, Abdul Razzaq Abdul Rahman
A Study of Mineral Nutrition of Range Cattle in Southeastern Utah, Robert J. Raleigh
Determining the Extent, In Terms of Behavior Growth to Which Industrial Arts Teachers in Utah are Achieving the Objectives of Industrial Arts, A. Kent Randall
Muskrat and Waterfowl Production and Harvest on Dingle Swamp, Bear Lake County, Idaho, Henry M. Reeves
Certain Basic Concepts in the Educational Philosophy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 1830-1930, Wendell O. Rich
A History of the College of Southern Utah, 1897 to 1947, Gerald R. Sherratt
The Effect of Grass Reseeding in Sagebrush Lands on Sage Grouse Populations, Richard W. Trueblood
The Adaptation of the Neutron Scattering Technique of Soil Moisture Determination to Field Application, Robert L. Uhler
What the Industrial Arts Instructors of the State of Utah Consider a Sound Public Relations Program, Walter E. Ulrich Jr.
A Determination of Variability of Teaching Assignments in the Secondary Schools of Utah Together with Implications for Teacher Education Curricula, June Butler Willhite
The Financing and Budgeting of Athletics in the Intermountian Collegiate Athletic Conference for School Year 1951-1952, James Jardine Williams
Seasonal Yield and Nitrogen Content of Three Grasses Grown Alone and in Association with Each Other and with White Dutch Clover, Donald B. Wilson
Effectiveness of Evaporation from Ground and Foliage in Reducing Soil Moisture Depletion, Val D. Wynn
Effects of Season, Spacing and Intensity of Seeding on Emergence and Survival of Four Wheatgrass Species in Central Utah, Edwin B. Abbott
Inheritance of Ten Characters in Barley Crosses, Hazim Ahmed Al-Jibouri
Attitude of the Asiatic Students Attending the Utah State Agricultural College Toward the United States, Logan, and the U.S.A.C, Basher A. Aridi
Interest Patterns for Four Occupations: Kuder Preference Record, Barbara Swensen Baer
Merchandising of Turkeys in the Principal Cities of Utah, 1951-52, Joseph A. Bailey
Consumptive Use of Water by Major Farm Crops in the Milford District of Utah, Glen H. Calder
A Study of the Campus Recreation at Utah State Agricultural College, Tod V. Carlini
The Influence of Temperature Gradients on Soil Moisture Flow, Luigi Cavassa
Sediment Movement in Bear River, Utah, Calvin Geary Clyde
Cost and Efficiency of Producing Canning Peas in Cache and Box Elder Counties, Utah, 1951, Lynn Herman Davis
Thespian, and Other Poems, William A. Eichelbaugh
Geology of the Rendezvous Peak Area, Cache and Box Elder Counties, Utah, Robert L. Ezell
Drainage of the Logan-Hyde Park-Benson Area, Utah, Gordon H. Flammer
A Study of Women's Participation and the Administration of Intramural Sports in the Junior Colleges of Utah, Pauline Fuller
Studies in the Life History and Ecology of the American Pintail (Anas acuta tzitzihoa Vieliot) in Utah, Robert W. Fuller
The Influence of Temperature Gradients on Soil Moisture Flow, Luigi Gavazza
Cost of Producing Broilers in Utah, 1951-1952, Thomas I. Gunn
Socio-Economic Factors Influencing the Intent of Rural Youths to Migrate from Emery, San Juan, Kane, and Piute Counties of Utah, Abdul Ghani Joseph Habbab
Industrial Arts in Utah--Its Introduction and Development, Charles W. Hailes
Distribution of Fluorine in Utah County, Utah, Soils and Uptake of Fluorine by Plants, E. Don Hansen
The Status of the Elementary School Principalship in Utah, Sherman Hansen
Mileage per First Service as Affected by Shape of Area and Number of Cows Serviced by a Technician of a Utah Artificial Breeding Association, Geren V. Howell
The Effects of Fertilizers on the Yield, Carotene Content and Tocopherol Content of Ranger Alfalfa Hay in Utah, Charles Wm. Jones
A Study of the In-Service Growth Program for Ogden City Teachers, D. M. Kelley
Effect of Bicarbonate Ion and Root Aeration on Lime-Induced Chlorosis, Willard L. Lindsay
The Influence of Time and Rate of Application of Urea Spray on the Yield and Protein Content of Winter Wheat, Vern L. Marble
Occupations of State Farmers in Utah, Evan J. Memmott
A Chromatographic Study of the Lower Fatty Acids of Swiss Cheese as a Measure of Quality, Dee R. Morgan
Some of the Relationships Between Livestock Grazing and Duck Nesting in the Saltgrass Vegetation Type in Utah, Horatio W. Murdy
The Status and Management of Pheasant Posted Hunting Areas in Utah, William G. Parsons
Relative Curricular Emphasis in Some Utah High Schools During the 1941-1951 Years, Edward W. Payne
The Reaction of Some Sodium Salts of Fatty Acids and Benzoic Acid With α-Bromobenzyl Cyanide, Richard W. Perkins
The Total Surface of Some Soils as Related to Permeability and Water Retention Characteristics, Warren W. Rasmussen
Drainage of Land Overlying an Artesian Aquifer: Logan-Cache Airport, John Paul Riley
Evaluation of Male Physical Education Programs in Selected Secondary Schools of Utah as Determined by the Standards of the Utah State Course of Study, F. Dale Robbins
A Comparison of Formulae in the Manufacture of Ice Milk, Glen Wilford Sargent
A Linkage Study of Chromosome IV in Barley, Earl William Smith
The Cinnamon Teal (Anas cyanoptera Vieillot): Its Life History, Ecology, and Management, Howard E. Spencer Jr.
A Public Opinion Survey of Ogden City Schools, Nolan R. Taylor
Personnel Practices Governing the Selection and Appointment of Elementary Teachers in Utah, Jack Russell Tittensor
The Influence of Amounts of Propionibacterium shermanii on Eye Formation and Flavor of Swiss Cheese, Dan G. Turner
An Evaluation of the Willard School as a Community-Centered School, Vaughn Wassom
An Analysis of School Drop-Outs at Tooele High School, Franklin Whitehouse
Viability of Seed Produced by Annual Weeds and Winter Wheat Treated With Herbicides, J. Wayne Whitworth
Growth and Development of the Present Division of Technology at Utah State Agricultural College, Lynn R. Willey