Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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A Study of the Status of the School Newspaper in the Utah High Schools, Laurence W. Jenkins
Physical and Chemical Properties of Utah and Idaho Honeys, Raymond C. Rhees
The Dry Lake Section of the Brazer Foundation, James S. Yolton
An Economic Analysis of the Marketing Operations of the Utah Berry Growers' Association, George W. Armstrong
The Effect of Some Environmental Influences in Bulk Hybridization of Grass, John W. Clark
Phosphate Deposits in Western Summit, Wasatch, Salt Lake, Morgan, and Weber Counties, Utah, Alvin M. Hanson
An Economic Comparison of Dairy Cattle Breeds in the Weber Milk Shed of Utah, Edgar Andrew Hyer
Investigations of the Fishery of Fish Lake, Utah, Vaughn D. Madsen
A Study of the Ring-Necked Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus torquatus Gmelin) in Northern Utah, William T. McKean
Farm Management Analysis of Sugar Beet Seed Farms in Washington County, Utah, Dwain W. Norris
Stem Blight of Alfalfa in Utah: A Complex of Two Distinct Diseases, William E. Rader
Analysis of Rocky Mountain Mule Deer Kill Records of Five-Year Deer Removal from the Logan River Drainage of Northern Utah, Wilmur Bartels
Wool Scouring Tests in Utah, Alma C. Esplin
An Evaluation of the Health and Physical Education Programs in the High Schools of Utah, Israel C. Heaton
An Economic Study of Coal Mine Taxation in Utah, A. LeMar Hendrickson
The Isolation of Some Nonsymbiotic Nitrogen Fixing Organisms Occurring in Some Utah Soils, Richard B. Johnson
Zinc Relationships of Some Utah Soils, Wilford Derby Laws Jr.
Cambrian Stratigraphy in the Northern Wasatch Region, George Burke Maxey
A Town Library in Action (A Study of the Town Library as a Social Institution in Richmond, Utah, March 1939), Rulon S. McCarrey
Sampling Studies in Morning Glory Roots, Lowell W. Rasmussen
A Study of the Physical Education Facilities and Programs in Three Southern Utah High Schools, Floyd Harrison Slater
Married Students on the U.S.A.C. Campus, Donald L. Taylor
A Study of Bicameral and Unicameral State Legislative Systems, with Special Reference to Utah's Needs, Wendell Bryan Anderson
Inheritance Studies and Possible Linkage Relationships in Barley Involving Five Factor Pairs, Freeman J. Byington
A Study to Determine the Factors Affecting Efficiency in Use of Irrigation Water in Weber County, Utah. 1938, Archie L. Christiansen
Some Changes in State Educational Administration in Utah in Terms of the Recommendations of the Utah Survey of 1926, Verland L. Christiansen
Bulk Hybridization of Smooth Bromegrass (Bromus inermis), Wayne E. Domingo
Relationship Between Size of Farm Business and Labor Income on Utah Farms, Milton S. Folkman
A Survey of Human Intestinal Protozoa of Logan City and Vicinity, Robert B. Harrison
Comparison of Various Types of Milk Sampling Devices, William A. Hoskisson
Engineering in Traffic Safety in Utah, Donald T. Hunter
The Relation of Some Physical and Chemical Factors of the Soil to the Productivity and Distribution of Certain Waterfowl Food Plants at the Bear River Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Grant Hortin Jensen
The Development of Equalization and Assessment in Utah with Special Reference to the Assessment of Rural Lands in Cache County, Theodore R. Maughan
A Study of the Library Facilities and Personnel of Five Selected High Schools of Northern Utah, Clyde H. Morris
Certain Factors in Relation to the Present Occupational Status of Former All-Day Students of Vocational Agriculture in Utah, Mark Nichols
Registration Trends at the Utah State Agricultural College, 1900-1939, A. Vernon Obray
Utah State Agricultural College Graduates Now Living in Other States, Robert Dawson Simpson
A Comparison of Transported with Non-Transported Pupils in the High Schools of the Millard County School District, Golden P. Wright
A Taxonomic and Ecological Study of Acridinae of Utah (Orthoptera-Locustidae), Herald C. Bennion
A Study of Hybrids Between Sugar Beets and Mangel Wurzels With Reference to Color Factors and Sugar Content, Boyd Berrey
Some Factors Related to Student Achievement of Entering Freshmen at the Utah State Agricultural College, James Francis Day
The Ecology of Agropyron inerme on Protected and Heavily Grazed Range Land in Cache Valley, Utah, Wallace R. Hanson
The Ecology of Agropyron inerme on Protected and Heavily Grazed Range Land in Cache Valley, Utah, Wallace R. Hanson
Trichomoniasis of the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station Dairy Herd, Rue Jensen
The Interests of High School Boys in Logan, Utah, C. D. McBride
Glaciation in the Logan Quadrangle, Utah, J. Llewellyn Young
Biology of the Green Soldier Bug, Acrosternum hilaris (Say), at Farmington, Utah, Edward W. Anthon
A Critical Analysis of Methods of Securing Basic Irrigation Data used in Water Right Determinations, A. Alvin Bishop
The Feeding Value of Certain Duck Food Plants of the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge As Determined By Chemical Analysis, Dale Clair Christensen
Past Trends of Cooperative Marketing and its Present Economic Status in Utah, LaMoine B. Christiansen
The Effect of Different Methods of Handling Chicken Manure on the Viability of Weed Seed, Golden L. Stoker
The Life History of the Dewberry Fruit Worm Cacoecia rosaceana (Harr.) in Utah, Merlin W. Allen
A Study of the Equilibria Between Bentonite and the Various Replacing Agents in Alcoholic and Water Solutions, Joel E. Fletcher
The Relation Between Health Ratings of Seventh and Eighth Grade School Children and their Family Social and Economic Backgrounds, Brigham City, Utah, 1935-36, Ralph Jenson Jr.
An Economic Analysis of Farm Tenure in the Uintah Basin, Utah, Glen B. Johnson
The Microflora of Milk Drawn Aseptically from the U.S.A.C. Dairy Herd, Lewis W. Jones
The Plankton of the Bear River Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Utah Seasonal Distribution of Organisms, George Piranian
The Identification of the Tomato Mosaic Virus Prevalent in Utah, Ross D. Watson
Preferences of a Group of Nursery School Children at the Utah State Agricultural College for Colored or Uncolored Picture Books, Verna S. Carlisle
A Study of the Work of the Cache County Consumers Council During 1934-1936, J. Stanford Larson
A Survey of Housing Conditions and Proposed Housing for the Utah State Agricultural College, Lenore Lewis
Children of the Depression: A Study of Children in 169 FERA Families Ogden, Utah, 1935, Leah Plowman Lillywhite
Cumulative Records for Elementary and Secondary Schools of Utah, Eugene Labon Morrill
The Vitamin D and Provitamin D Content of Some Varieties of Utah Wheat, Harold M. Nielsen
The Geology of a Part of the Bear River Range and Some Relationships that it Bears with the Rest of the Range, Vic E. Peterson
An Analytical Study of Utah Verse to Determine What Utah Poetry Might Be Recommended for Study in Elementary and Secondary Utah Schools, Lawrence James Sorenson
A Survey of Utah's Program for Carving Out the Ten Point Plan of the State Council for Crime Prevention, W. Howard Kunz
A Study of the Evaluation With Theories of Utah Supervisory Practices, Deta P. Neeley
A Survey of the Literature Dealing with the Calcium-Phosphorus Metabolism of Normal Children, Albertine Appy Noecker
Inheritance of Resistance to Three Physiologic Forms of Bunt in Ridit x Utah-Kanred Cross, Muhammad Ibrahim Shah
A History of Wool Manufacturing as it is Related to Wool Marketing in Utah, George Elwood Spencer
A Study of Certain Economic Factors Involved in the Organization and Management of Poultry Farms in Utah, Robert L. Wrigley Jr.
A Study of Family Conditions Among FERA People in Logan, Utah, 1934, Carmen D. Fredrickson
The Evolution of the Curriculum of the Utah State Agricultural College, Alfred B. Hart
Some Factors Involved in the Manufacture of Brick Cheese, George F. Jackson
An Evaluation of Teaching Practice in the Minimum Essentials of English Through Grades Six to Twelve in the Schools of Cache County, Utah 1931-1932, W. Wendell Perkins
An Evaluation of the Functions and Types of Student Body Government in Utah High Schools, in Terms of Approved Principles and Practices, Lowell E. Stanley
A Study of the Oviposition and Nymphal Development of Paratrioza cockerelli (Sulc) Upon Various Host Plants, Wylie L. Thomas
Studies on the Comparative Value of the Hot Treatment (Krantz Patent) and Common Methods of Handling Barnyard Manure, Orval E. Winkler
A Study of the Reading Habits of U.S.A.C. Freshmen and Senior Students, Leah D. Merrill
Bird Studies of the Bear River Marshes, Ernest W. Parkinson
Bird Studies of the Bear River Marshes, Ernest W. Parkinson
Pasteurized Versus Raw Milk in Brick Cheese-Making, Z. Doyle Roundy
A Dietetic Analysis of the Nursery School Diets at the Utah State Agricultural College, Eleonora Jennie Tasso
Inheritance of Resistance to Loose Smut (U. tritici) in Certain Wheat Crosses, Bion Tolman
A Study of the Seasonal Growth, Diet and Health Status of Fifty School Children in Monticello, Utah, Martha C. Eagar
The Design of a Multiple Intake Drainage Well, Orville L. Eliason
Fire Insurance of School Buildings in Utah, Elmer Jeppsen
The Construction of a Standard Health Program for a Rural School With Its Application to Cache County, Wilford Price
Alfalfa Seed Production in Millard County, Utah as Related to Soil Type, George Whornham
Fertilizer Studies as Conducted on Muck Soil in Sanpete County, Utah, Lemoyne Wilson
Fertilizer Studies as Conducted on the Carbon County Experimental Farm with Special Reference to Treble-Superphosphate, Delos Zobell
A Farm Organization and Management Study in Western Millard County, Utah, George Thomas Blanch
A Study of Different Methods of Applying Ammonium Sulfate Alone and in a Complete Fertilizer, Clarence Burnham
Temperature and Atmospheric Humidity as Factors Influencing Seed Setting in Alfalfa, Lealand A. Clark
Inheritance in a Wheat Cross of Ridit X Utac, C. Leland Dalley
Inheritance in a Wheat Cross of Ridit x Utac, C. Leland Dalley