Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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Harvest of Wild and Stocked Fish from the Logan River Drainage, Louis S. Pechacek
Harvest of Wild and Stocked Fish From the Logan River Drainage, Louis S. Pechacek
Drainage by Pumping in the Lewiston Area, Utah, Paul J. Pehrson
Development of a College-Entrance Vocabulary Test for Utah State Agricultural College, Alpha Lee Rist
A Cyto-Taxonomic Study of the Genus Geranium within the Wasatch Region, Richard J. Shaw
Inheritance of Resistance to Six Races of Bunt, to Awns and Kernel Color in a Wheat Cross, Marr D. Simons
The History of the Utah Education Association, Carl H. Taylor
Peromyscus Populations as Related to Seasons and Vegetative Types at the Hardware Ranch, Cache County, Utah, George Cleveland Turner Jr.
The Use of Time of High School Students Logan, Utah and in Eight Small Western Towns During the Summer of 1949, Josephine West
A Study of Tenure and the Orderly Demotion or Dismisal of Teachers in the State of Utah, Sidney L. Wyatt
Factors Affecting the Translocation of Herbicides in Mesquite (Prosopis juliflora), Dale W. Young
The Effect of Time, Quantity, and Kind of Irrigation on the Yield of Sugar Beets, Delos Boyd Archibald
The Comparative Value of Commercial Phosphoric Acid as a Fertilizer, Bruce L. Baird
A Study of the 1947 American Council on Education Psychological Examination and Its Usefulness in Predicting the Grades of Utah State Agricultural College Freshmen, Russell B. Bateson
The Potash Status of Utah Soils, Sukhendu Bikas Chaudhuri
Consumptive Use of Water Studies in the Colorado River Area of Utah, J. Y. Christiansen
Seedling Emergence and Survival of Sixteen Grasses in Central Utah, Neil C. Frischknecht
A Study of the Factors Used to Determine Pupil Marks by the Male Physical Education Directors in the High Schools of Utah, Vaughn William Gordon
A Study of the Street Plan of Logan, Utah, Paul Walter Gottschalk
Some Factors Associated with the Economic Feasibility of Reseeding Privately-Owned Cattle Ranges in Utah, James R. Gray
A Study of Farm Mechanics on Typical Farms in the North Cache High School District, Clifford G. Hansen
The Professional Preparation and Teaching Assignments of Industrial Arts Teachers in Utah, 1948-49, Lewis Harding
A Study of Some Personal Problems of North Cache High School Students, Terrance E. Hatch
Teaching Combinations of the Men Teachers of Physical Education in the Public High Schools of Utah, Earl G. Holmstead
Emergence and Survival of Four Introduced Wheatgrasses as Influenced by Rate and Season of Planting on Abandoned Farm Lands of Utah, Donald N. Hyder
Supply and Demand of Elementary School Teachers in Utah, Arthur D. Jackson
The Selection and the Use of Advisory Councils in Departments of Vocational Agriculture in Utah, Maurice R. Lambert
A Study of the Type and Extent of Hearing Loss of Speech Defective Children in the Elementary Schools of Cache County and of the Logan City School Districts, Merlin J. Mecham
An Evaluation of Swimming Abilities of the Freshman Men of Utah State Agricultural College, Rollo J. Morris
A Comparative Study of Hydrogen Peroxide in Treating Milk for Cheddar Cheese Making, Mounir Ramzi Nagmoush
The Effects of Fertilizer and Moisture on the Yield of Sweet Corn, Rex F. Nielson
Seed and Forage Production in Four Clonal Lines of Alfalfa as Influenced by Lygus Infestation, John Keith Noyes
Design of Shallow Wells for Drainage by Pumping, Lewiston Area, Utah, Gregory L. Pearson
The Introduced Fishes, Game Birds, and Game and Fur-Bearing Mammals of Utah, Boris Hewitt Popov
Inheritance Studies in Stem Rust of Wheat, Sayed Bad Shah
The Diet and Daily Forage Consumption of an Experimental Herd of Sheep on Utah's Winter Range, Lee A. Sharp
Supply and Demand of Secondary School Teachers in Utah, George W. Sperry
A Guide to Be Used in Evaluating Audio-Visual Aids for use in the Teaching of Industrial Arts in the Junior High Schools of Utah, Dan H. Swenson
An Evaluation of Trout Stocking in the Logan River Drainage, Nels Andrew Thoreson
A Study of Semisterility and its Lineage Relationships in Translocation Stocks of Barley, Horace Marr Waddoups
Productivity of Cropland in Cache County, Utah, Quentin M. West
A Study of the Reading Habits of Parents in a Utah College Community, LaVerna Heaton Allen
A Study of a Remedial Speech Program in Operation in Four Rural Schools in the State of Utah, John O. Anderson
Participation and Leadership in Voluntary Agencies at Plain City, Utah, 1947, Wade H. Andrews
Nitrogen Content and Protein Yield of Alfalfa as Influenced by Variety, William H. Bennett
A Study of the Need for Supervision of Instruction in the High Schools of Utah, Caseel D. Burke
The Effect of Light, Soil Temperature, and Soil Moisture on High-Lime Chlorosis, Lauren M. Burtch
Public Recreation in Logan, Utah, 1946: An Appraisal, Beatrice J. Carroll
An Analysis of the Library Services of Nine Selected Elementary Schools of Northern Utah, Pearl J. Carter
Crop Response to Applications of Copper Sulfate on Salty Soils, Paul D. Christensen
The Drainage Problem in the Lewiston Area, Utah, Sterling Davis
Elements of Personality Maladjustment Among Freshmen Students Entering Utah State Agricultural College, 1947, William R. Dobson
An Evaluation of the Guidance Tests Given at Utah State Agricultural College for the Year 1946-1947, Robert L. Egbert
Utilization of Forage Plants and Diet of Sheep on Utah Winter Range, Lisle R. Green
Processing, Grading and Sale of Utah Turkeys, 1947-48, Paul R. Grimshaw
A Curriculum Study of the Biological Science Courses in the Secondary Schools and College of Utah During 1947-48, Merrill H. Gunnell
A Study of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory as an Index of Maladjustment in Certain Areas of College Life, Glenn Rogers Hawkes
A Study of Adult Reading in a Selected Rural County of Utah, Lucy V. Heaton
Insect Pests and Predators in Relation to Alfalfa Seed Setting in Southern Alberta and the Effects on These Insects of Three Chlorinated Hydrocarbons, Gordon A. Hobbs
An Analysis of Consumer Preferences for Peaches in Salt Lake City, Utah, 1947, Marion R. Larsen
A Study of the Utah State Agricultural College Male Physical Education Graduates from 1928 to 1947, Ralph B. Maughan
The Emergence and Survival of Certain Forage Plants when Seeded in a Saline Soil, Devere Richard McAllister
The Effects of Serial Testing Upon the Results of the Standford-Binet Tests of Intelligence, Betsey Rogers McCullough
Family Problems in Brigham City, Utah, Dean M. McDonald
The Effect of DDT Residue on the Composition and Digestibility of Alfalfa Hay, Than Myint
A Study of Land Drainage by Pumping from an Experimental Drainage Well in the Delta Area, Utah, Ellaf Arni Olafson
Solubility and Physiological Availability of Phosphates in Sodium and Calcium Systems, Parker F. Pratt
Factors Influencing the Validity of Pheasant Census Methods, Sevier County, Utah, Eldon H. Smith
A Comparison of Speech Defects Found Among Pupils of the Third to Sixth Grades Inclusive of an Urban with a Rural Area in Cache County Utah, George F. Swenson
The Cost of Producing Peaches in Utah County, 1947, Arnold Taylor
The Drainage Problem in the Draper Area, Utah, Stanley H. Van Orman
The Cost of Producing Eggs in Utah, 1946, Chall Allred
Cost of Producing Peaches in Washington County and Box Elder-Weber Area, 1947, Wells M. Allred
An Evaluation of the Practices and Functions of the Clerk of the Board of Education in the State of Utah, Dean C. Andrew
A Comparison of Price Differentials in the Chain and Independent Grocery Stores of Logan, Utah, David C. Bacon
The Cost of Producing Eggs and the Egg Feed Ratio in Utah 1929-'46, Emer E. Broadbent
The Measurement of Agricultural Production in the Utah From 1920 to 1946, Owen L. Brough Jr.
A Study of the Content and Administration of Intramural Sports Programs in the High Schools of Utah, Byrne C. Fernelius
A Study of a Heron Nesting Colony, Linden J. Leatham
Membership Relations of the Utah Poultry and Farmers' Cooperative, Glen T. Nelson
A Farm Management Study of Dairy Farms in Duchesne County, Utah, 1945, Melvin M. Peterson
A Survey of the Requirements in Physical Education for Boys in Region One of the Utah State Athletic Association, Wayne G. Taylor
An Evaluation of Non-Directive Counseling in the Treatment of Delinquents, George D. Watt
Variable Factors in the Determination of Fat and Moisture in Cheddar Cheese, William C. Winder
A Taxonomic Study of the Scolytidae (Coleoptera) of the Logan Canyon Area of Utah, Stephen L. Wood
A Study of Thirty-Six Organizations of Logan, Utah, in 1945-46 to Determine Their Fields of Activity and the Amount of Duplication and Coordination that Exists Among Them, Harold R. Capener
History and Function of the Pep Club at Ogden High School, Helena B. Case
Uses of Local and Outside Agencies by People Living in the Open Country Community of Benson, Utah, Ezra Woolley Geddes
A Survey of the Native Rabbits of Utah With Reference to Their Classification, Distribution, Life Histories and Ecology, Reuel G. Janson
Thrips Species Infesting Tomatoes and Other Host Plants of These Insects in Northern Utah, Darrell R. Maddock
An Analysis and Evaluation of the Methods of Reporting Pupils' Progress in the Elementary Schools of Utah, John W. Chadwick
Inventory of Attitudes and Opinions of Utah Educators on Social and Educational Issues, Max L. Gowans
Occupational Survey of Ogden City With Implications for Vocational Education, LeRoy A. Blaser
Predicting Success at the Utah State Agricultural College Naval Training School for Elementary Electricity and Radio Material, Luna Robertson Brite
An Evaluation of Certain Tests in Predicting Mechanic Learner Achievement, Eldon Ernest Jacobsen