Creative Projects
Weber Basin Water Conservancy District Bottom-Up Climate Vulnerability Study Using RiverWare, Jacob Everitt
A Bayesian Method for Groundwater Quality Monitoring Network Analysis, Khalil A. Ammar
A Computational Framework for Dam Safety Risk Assessment with Uncertainty Analysis, Anruag Srivastava
Advances in Process Understanding and Methods to Support River Temperature Modeling in Large Regulated Systems, Bryce A. Mihalevich
Advancing Cyberinfrastructure for Collaborative Data Sharing and Modeling in Hydrology, Tian Gan
Advancing Data Collection, Management, and Analysis for Quantifying Residential Water Use via Low Cost, Open Source, Smart Metering Infrastructure, Camilo J. Bastidas Pacheco
Advancing Methods to Quantify Actual Evapotranspiration in Stony Soil Ecosystems, Kshitij Parajuli
Advancing Near Surface Soil Moisture Measurements Using Robotics, Automation, and Remote Sensing, Hemanth Narayan Dakshinamurthy
Advancing Streamflow Forecasts Through the Application of a Physically Based Energy Balance Snowmelt Model With Data Assimilation and Cyberinfrastructure Resources, Tseganeh Zekiewos Gichamo
Advancing the Cyberinfrastructure for Integrated Water Resources Modeling, Caleb A. Buahin
Advancing the Cyberinfrastructure for Smart Water Metering and Water Demand Modeling, Nour A. Attallah
Advancing Water Resources Systems Modeling Cyberinfrastructure to Enable Systematic Data Analysis, Modeling, and Comparisons, Adel Mohammad Kheir Abdallah
Age Effects on Iron-Based Pipes in Water Distribution Systems, Ryan T. Christensen
Agricultural Water Management in the Sevier River Basin, Utah: A Multidisciplinary Approach, Daeha Kim
A Hydro-Quality Model to Predict the Effects of Biological Transformations on the Chemical Quality of Return Flow, V. A. Narasimhan
Air Pressures Over Reservoir, Canal, and Water Catchment Surfaces Exposed to Wind, Allen Ray Dedrick
A Methodology to Conduct Diagnostic Performance Assessment and Simulation of Deliveries in Large-Scale Pressurized Irrigation Systems, Daniele S.A. Zaccaria
Anaerobic Digestion Process Stability and the Extension of the ADM1 for Municipal Sludge Co-Digested with Bakery Waste, Morris Elya Demitry
Anaerobic Hydrogen and Methane Production from Dairy Processing Waste: Experiment and Modeling, Jianming Zhong
Analysis and Modeling of Pedestrian Walking Behaviors Involving Individuals with Disabilities, Mohammad Sadra Sharifi
Analysis of Irrigation Decision Behavior and Forecasting Future Irrigation Decisions, Sanyogita Andriyas
Analytical and Numerical Investigation of a Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall on I-15, Aaron S. Budge
Analyzing Irrigation District Water Productivity by Benchmarking Current Operations Using Remote Sensing and Simulation of Alternative Water Delivery Scenarios, Jonna D. van Opstal
An Analysis of Electromagnetic Flowmeters: A Numerical Study, Kade J. Beck
Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics in Flow Measurement and Meter Design, Zachary B. Sharp
Applications of Bayesian Statistics in Fluvial Bed Load Transport, Mark L. Schmelter
A Quantitative Framework for Assessing Vulnerability and Redundancy of Freight Transportation Networks, Sarawut Jansuwan
A Rationale for Furrow Irrigation System Design and Management, Safa Noori Hamad
Assessing the Role of Magnetite in Municipal Wastewater Treatment, Patricia Ayaa
Assessment of Future Streamflow in the Colorado River Basin With Some Implications for Water Management, Homa Salehabadi
A Study of Flooded and Rain Infiltration Relations With Surface Ponding, Yehia Z. El-Shafei
A Study of Free Surface and Viscous Effects on Simulated Rough Open Channel Beds, Julian B. Andersen
A Study of the Effects of Water Institutions on Planning and Management of Water Resources in Utah, Donald H. McLean
A Study of the Variability Versus the Assumed Constancy of Manning's n, Tyler G. Allen
Bayesian Data-Driven Models for Irrigation Water Management, Alfonso F. Torres-Rua
Bridge Failure Rates, Consequences, and Predictive Trends, Wesley Cook
Bridge Instrumentation and the Development of Non-Destructive and Destructive Techniques Used to Estimate Residual Tendon Stress in Prestressed Girders, Brian Michael Kukay
Calculated Surface Velocity Coefficients for Prismatic Open Channels by Three-Dimensional Hydraulic Modeling, Nat Marjang
Changes in Hybrid Poplar Endophytic Microbial Diversity in Response to Trichloroethylene Exposure, Jared S. Ervin
Characterization and Physicochemical Modifications of Polymer Hollow Fiber Membranes for Biomedical and Bioprocessing Applications, Benjamin R. Madsen
Characterizing Ecologically Relevant Variations in Streamflow Regimes, Kiran J. Chinnayakanahalli
Characterizing Subsurface Textural Properties Using Electromagnetic Induction Mapping and Geostatistics, Hiruy Abdu
Climatic Variability and Dynamics of Great Salt Lake Hydrology, Taiye B. Sangoyomi
Comparison of Optimization Methodologies for Sustained-Yield Groundwater Pumping Planning in East Shore Area, Utah, Shu Takahashi
Conceptualization and Development of a Dam Break Life-Loss Estimation Model, Maged A. Aboelata
Controlling Nonspecific Adsorption of Proteins at Bio-Interfaces for Biosensor and Biomedical Applications, Harshil D. Dhruv
Cost-Effective Planning Strategies for Battery Electric Bus Systems, Yi He
Dam Safety Risk Assessment Modeling With Uncertainty Analysis, Sanjay Singh Chauhan
Decision Analysis Considering Welfare Impacts in Water Resources Using the Benefit Transfer Approach, Ashraf Shaqadan
Designing an Instrument Based on Native Fluorescence to Determine Soil Microbial Content at a Mars Analog Site, Heather D. Smith
Development and Application of a Decision Framework to Support Improved River Basin Water Management, Leah Meeks
Development of a Drainage Function for the Transient Case, and a Two-Dimensional Ground-Water Mound Study to Evaluate Aquifer Parameters, Seid Abdollah Jenab
Development of a Water Quality Model Applicable to Great Salt Lake, Utah, Craig T. Jones
Discharge Coefficient Scale Effects Analysis for Weirs, Michael Clyde Johnson
Distributed Hydrological Modeling Using Soil Depth Estimated Based on Landscape Variables from Enhanced Terrain Analysis, Teklu K. Tesfa
Distributed Hydrologic Modeling for Streamflow Prediction at Ungauged Basins, Christina Bandaragoda
Durability of Wireless Charging Systems Embedded Into Concrete Pavements for Electric Vehicles, Pilaiwan Vaikasi
Effect of Vegetation on the Accumulation and Melting of Snow at the TW Daniels Experimental Forest, Vinod Mahat
Emerging Technologies and Advanced Analyses for Non-Invasive Near-Surface Site Characterization, Aser Abbas
Enhancing Ductility of One-Way Concrete Slabs Reinforced With Welded Wire Reinforcement, Mohamed K. Shwani
Estimating Evapotranspiration Using the Complementary Relationship and the Budyko Framework, Homin Kim
Estimating Suspended Solids and Phosphorus Loading in Urban Stormwater Systems Using High-Frequency, Continuous Data, Anthony A. Melcher
Estimating Yield of Irrigated Potatoes Using Aerial and Satellite Remote Sensing, Saravanan Sivarajan
Estimation of Crop Evapotranspiration by Means of the Penman-Monteith Equation, Paul J. Vanderkimpen
Estimation of High-Resolution Evapotranspiration in Heterogeneous Environments Using Drone-Based Remote Sensing, Ayman M. M. Nassar
Evaluation of Bioretention Performance in Northern Utah as a Function of Media, Vegetation, and Loading, Trixie Rife
Evaluation of Flood Routing Techniques for Incremental Damage Assessment, Enan Fakhri Jayyousi
Evaluation of Spatially-Distributed Snowpack Estimation Using Pattern Recognition, Cheng-Hua Leu
Evapotranspiration Estimation: A Study of Methods in the Western United States, Clayton S. Lewis
Evapotranspiration Modeling and Forecasting for Efficient Management of Irrigation Command Areas, Roula Bachour
Evapotranspiration Using a Satellite-Based Surface Energy Balance with Standardized Ground Control, Ricardo Trezza
Examination of a Non-Point Source Loading Function for the Mancos Shale Wildlands of the Price River Basin, Utah, Stanley L. Ponce II
Exploring Analytical Issues Associated With Oxidation Kinetics in Drinking Water, Shadi Haji Eghrari
Finite Difference Solution for Drainage of Heterogeneous Sloping Lands, Fahd Salih Natur
Flume Study of the Effect of Concentration and Size of Roughness Elements on Flow in High-Gradient Natural Channels, Mohamed Wafaie Abdelsalam
Functional Ontologies and Their Application to Hydrologic Modeling: Development of an Integrated Semantic and Procedural Knowledge Model and Reasoning Engine, Aaron Range Byrd
Fundamentals of Operation of the Induced Bed Reactor (IBR) Anaerobic Digester, Jacob Shaun Dustin
Groundwater-Surface Water Interaction to Increase Groundwater Availability, Saeid Masoudiashtiani
High Resolution Multi-Spectral Imagery and Learning Machines in Precision Irrigation Water Management, Leila Hassan-Esfahani
Hydraulics of Waste Stabilization Ponds and its Influence on Treatment Efficiency, Kenneth A. Mangelson
Hydro-Climatic Changes and Corresponding Impacts on Agricultural Water Demand in the Ganges Delta of Bangladesh, Sonia Binte Murshed
Hydrological Characterization of a Riparian Vegetation Zone Using High Resolution Multi-Spectral Airborne Imagery, Osama Zaki Akasheh
Hydrologic Information Systems: Advancing Cyberinfrastructure for Environmental Observatories, Jeffery S. Horsburgh
Identification of Influential Climate Indicators, Prediction of Long-Term Streamflow and Great Salt Lake Elevation Using Machine Learning Approach, Niroj K. Shrestha
Impact of Land-Applied Biosolids on Forage Quality and Water Movement During Rangeland Restoration Activities, Issaak R. Vasquez
Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources and Corresponding Adaptation Strategies of the Nam Ngum River Basin, Laos, Dumindu Lasitha Jayasekera
Improved Sustainability and Efficiency of Partial Depth Concrete Bridge Deck Repair, Israi I. H. Abu Shanab
Improvement of Deep Tubewell Irrigation Project Performance in Bangladesh, Md. Mirjahan Miah
Improvement Opportunities in the Two-Source Energy Balance Model for ET Using UAV Imagery and Point Cloud Information, Mahyar Aboutalebi
Improving Complementary Methods to Predict Evapotranspiration for Data Deficit Conditions and Global Applications Under Climate Change, Fathi M. A. Anayah
Improving Flood Inundation and Streamflow Forecasts in Snowmelt Dominated Regions, Irene Garousi-Nejad
Innovative and Efficient Simulation-Optimization Tools for Successful Groundwater Management and Conflict Resolution, Bassel Timani
Integrated Systems Modeling to Improve Watershed Habitat Management and Decision Making, Ayman H. Alafifi
Integrating Surface and Sub Surface Flow Models of Different Spatial and Temporal Scales Using Potential Coupling Interfaces, Alphonce Chenjerayi Guzha
Investigating and Improving Bridge Management System Methodologies Under Uncertainty, Minwoo Chang
Investigating Rapid Concrete Repair Materials and Admixtures, Ivan Quezada