Department of Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS). This department was previously known as Family, Consumer, and Human Development (FCHD). The name was changed in Fall Semester 2017.
Creative Projects
A Profile of Child Care Services Offered at Land-Grant Institutions, Mary E. Bissonette
Current child Care Strategies of Twenty-Five states and Summary Recommendations for Future Child Care Services in Utah based on Recommendations from the Governor's Task Force on Child Care, Cheryl Elliot-Robinson
Expectations: A Guide for Childbirth Education at Logan Regional Hospital, Janet Radford Bergeson
Transition for Early Intervention Programs Under part H of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act P. L. 101-476, Kozette Tanner
Validation of VO2 Prediction Equations in Aquatic Treadmill (ATM) Exercise, Scott Hadley
Adolescent Friendship Pairs: Similarities in Identity Status Development, Behaviors, Attitudes, and Intentions, James F. Akers
Adolescent Identity Status in Current Familial Relationships During Separation, Eugene E. Campbell
Adolescent Leisure-Time Activity and Problem Behavior: The Integration of Three Major Explanatory Theories as a New, Gail B. Yost
Adolescent Mental Health and Social Media: The Roles of Psychosocial Development and Online Interaction, Mark L. Ferguson
Adolescent Religiosity, Religious Affiliation, and Premarital Predictors of Marital Quality and Stability, Stacey MacArthur
Adopted Adolescents' Heterosexual Relationship Formation and Sexual Behaviors, Mathew Christensen
Adoptees' Knowledge about and Contact with Birth Parents and Their Adjustment in Adolescence and Young Adulthood, Kyung-Eun Park
A Multivariate Study of Marital Quality, David W. Bradley
An Implementation Study of Nonsecure Residential Juvenile Sex Offender Programs in Utah, Katrina Holgate Miller
Applying Sexual Script Theory to Hooking Up: A Latent Profile Analysis of Predictors and Outcomes of Class Membership, Mitchell R. Rhodes
Bedroom Design and Decoration: A Context for Investigating Developmental Theory in Adolescence, Denise E. Taylor
Cell Phone Use and Psychosocial Development Among Emerging Adults, Torrey B. Morrill
Child Abuse in the Wake of Natural Disasters, Thom Curtis
Child Care and Parental Beliefs in Korean-American Families, Wanjeong Lee
Cognitive Style as a Mediator of Premarital Sexual Attitudes, Motivations, and Behavior, Susan Campbell Bowman
Comparing the Predictive Power of Executive Function Assessment Strategies on Preschool Mathematics Performance, Jacob A. Esplin
Comparisons of Adopted and Non-Adopted Young Adults' Heterosexual Relationships, Bryan W. Winward
Culture, Gender, Identity, and Adolescents' Niche-Building Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Comparison, Archana Singh
Debt and Negative Net Worth Among Near Retirees, Susan M. Brown
Developmental Stages of Preschool Teachers in Selected Arab Gulf Countries, Najwa Mounla
Effectiveness, Facilitator Characteristics, and Predictors of the Premarital Interpersonal Choices and Knowledge (PICK) Program, J. Wade Stewart
Effects of Infant Massage on Aspects of the Parent-Child Relationship: An Experimental Manipulation, Vonda K. Jump
Ego-Identity and Long-Term Moratoria: Associations with College Attendance and Religious Volunteerism, Mark A. Jackson
Environmental and Developmental Indicators in Early Childhood: Relations to Second-Grade Reading Comprehension, Gina A. Cook
Evaluating the Smart Steps For Stepfamilies: Embrace the Journey Program, a Hierarchical Examination, Katie L. Reck
Examining Different Patterns of Children’s Early Dual Language Development and Nonverbal Executive Functioning, Audrey C. Juhasz
Exploring Aspects of Strong Remarriages, Marci Campbell
Familial and Extrafamilial Correlates of Children's Child-Care Perceptions, Michael K. Godfrey
Family and Center Childcare Providers: Correlates Among Mathematics Anxiety/Attitudes toward Mathematics, Teacher Self-Efficacy, and Other Factors, Shawnee M. Hendershot
Family and Consumer Sciences Preservice Teachers' Computer Technology Preparation, Kathy C. Croxall
Family Development and the Marital Relationship as a Developmental Process, J. Scott Crapo
Family Leadership: Constructing and Testing a Theoretical Model of Family Well-Being, Kevin A. Galbraith
Family Relations Factors that Facilitate or Inhibit Middle Adolescent Identity Development, Patricia Hyjer Dyk
Fathers and Sons: An Examination of Distancing Patterns During Adolescence, Mark Ogletree
Fathers, Mothers, Marriages, and Children: Toward a Contextual Model of Positive Paternal Influence, Ariel Rodriguez
Fear of Crime and Perceptions of Law Enforcement Among American Youth, Bruce K. Bayley
Financial Problems as Predictors of Divorce: A Social Exchange Perspective, Jan D. Anderson
Finding Their "Why": Examining the Development of Sense of Purpose During the University Years and Its Role in Student Well-Being, Michael Q. King
Four Levels of Sexual Involvement, and Their Association with Dating Patterns, Family Relationships, and Other Related Factors, Bruce H. Monson
Global Quality Change Through the Baby Steps Project for Infant and Toddler Child Care Programs in Rural and Urban Utah, Maegan Lokteff
Grandparents as Adult Mentors on Reported Adolescent Risk-Taking Behaviors, Thane R. Goodrich
Identifying Sociodemographic Group Changes in a Blended Family Relationship Education Program, Takoma R. Lindsay
Interactions and Play Behavior of Mothers of Typically Developing Infants and Infants with Disabilities: A Vygotskian Approach, Lisa K. Boyce
Late Adolescents’ Perceptions of a Digital Generation Gap and Perceived Parent-Child Relations, J. Mitch Vaterlaus
Latino Stepcouples’ Experiences Two Years After Stepfamily Education and a Narrative Study Regarding Changes in a Latino Stepfamily Two Years After Stepfamily Education, Sheryl Ann Goodey
"Looking at it From Their Perspective": Understanding the Experiences of Black Adolescent Boys in Youth Sport, Amand L. Hardiman
Marital Quality, Context, and Interaction: A Comparison of Individuals Across Various Income Levels, Victor W. Harris
Mental Health Awareness and Advocacy: Assessment Tool Development and an Evaluation of a College-Based Curriculum, Ty B. Aller
Mother-Child Interactions Among Latino Families and European-American Families in Relation to Children's Language Outcomes, Katie Christiansen
Newlywed to Established Marriage: A Longitudinal Study of Early Risk and Protective Factors that Influence Marital Satisfaction, Daniel Alfred Moen
Nonreligious Parents' Perceptions of the Role Religious Differences and Religious Disaffiliation Play in Family Relationships, Heather H. Kelley
"On Down the Road" an Intergenerational Fathering Experience, Jeffery G. Chapman
Online ACT for Caregivers: A Longitudinal Mixed Methods Study, Jacob D. Gossner
On the Multi-Modal Psychological Experience of Competence in Youth Sport, Liam O'Neil
Parenting Stress and Social Support Among Married and Divorced At-Risk Mothers, Sondra Moe
Parenting Style and Child Behavior Problems: A Longitudinal Analysis, Margaret H. Young
Parents' Knowledge and Attitudes About Immunization in India, Anne George
Parents' Marital Quality and Interactions in Relation to Child Well-Being, Spencer C. Leavitt
Peer Groups and Adolescent Development in Traditional and Alternative High Schools, Diana D. Coyl
Peer Relationships, Social Identity, And Motivational Experiences in Youth Sport, Justin T. Worley
Perceived Alzheimer's Disease Threat as a Predictor of Behavior Change to Lower Disease Risk: The Gray Matters Study, Christine Clark
Perceived Children's Characteristics and Other Factors Relating to Parents' Psychological Well-Being in Midlife, Catherine D. Stogner
Perceived Family Relationships Associated with Coming Out of Mormon Male Homosexuals, Brad Benson
Perceived Parental Acceptance Related to Self-Esteem, GPA, Sex-Role Identity, and Substance Use of Adolescents from Intact and Reconstituted Families, Stephen B. Sniteman
Premarital Education: Participation, Attitudes, and Relation to Marital Adjustment in a Sample from Northern Utah, Bryan D. Ramboz
Preschool Children's Development in Number, Geometry, and Executive Function: A Cross-Lagged Examination, Brionne G. Neilson
Processes of Couple Co-Regulation in Bereavement: A Longitudinal Study, Jessica Barboza
Promoting Life Management Skills to Enhance Employment among Women Receiving Services from the Division of Workforce Services, Cheryl Cheek
Psychosocial Development in Adolescents With Disabilities: Modification and Evaluation of Measures, Myles Maxey
Pubertal Development, Parent-Teen Communication, and Sexual Values as Predictors of Adolescent Sexual Intentions and Sexually Related Behaviors, Cynthia R. Christopherson
Relatedness and Autonomy Aspects of Self-Concept in 8- to 12-Year-Old Children, Cherie Martin
Relationship Between First-Year Student Retention, Noncognitive Risk Factors, and Student Advising, R. David Roos
Relationship Between Occupational Complexity and Dementia Risk in Late-Life: A Population Study, Daylee Rose Greene
Relationship Quality Before, During, and After Stepfamily Education: A Latent Trajectory Analysis, Bryan K. Spuhler
Religious Activity and Mortality in the Elderly: The Cache County Study, Andrea D. Hart
Risk Factors Associated with Early Adolescent Sexual Values and Behaviors, David Macbeth
Risk Factors in Adolescent Problem Behaviors Among Native and Nonnative Americans, Roger B. Christensen
Rural Aging: The Geographic Reach of Service Access in Utah, Identifying Barriers and Solutions, Alexandra T. Schiwal
Siblings Influence on Young Adults' Development: A Three-Study Dissertation, Jenna C. Dayley
Social Change Engagement and Leadership Development Among College Students, Andrew Harris
Social Implications of Adolescent Text Messaging, Sarah S. Tulane
Socioeconomic Status Influence on Mothers’ Interactions with Infants: Contributions to Early Infant Development, Krista L. Gurko
Taiwanese Adolescent Psychosocial Development in Urban and Rural Areas, Chien-Ti Lee
The Association Between Shared Values and Well-Being Among Married Couples, Travis G. Parry
The Effects of an Attribution-Based Parenting Program on Perceptions of Parenting Behavior, H. Wallace Goddard
The Effects of Mortgage Debt on Assets and Total Resources Among Near-Retirement Households, Lance Palmer
The Influence of Video and Peer Tutoring on Attitudes of High School Students Towards Peers with Disabilities, Marilyn Hammond
The Influence of Workplace Stressors, Resources and Perceptions on Work-to-Family Spillover: An Application of the Double ABCX Model, Steven A. Dennis