Department of Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences (ITLS). This department was previously known as Instructional Technology (IT). The name was changed on January 1, 2009.
A Case Study of Learner Support Services in the Turkish Open Education System, Murat Ozoglu
A Comparative Analysis Between a Preacher's Practice and Homiletic Theory, Curtis Castillow
A Descriptive Case Study of Writing Standards-Based Individualized Education Plan Goals Via Problem-Based Learning in a Virtual World, Peter J. Blair
A Model for Doctoral Students' Perceptions and Attitudes toward Written Feedback for Academic Writing, Gulfidan Can
An Analysis of Class Size, Teaching Load, and Instructional Salary Costs in Utah State-Supported Collegiate Institutions of Higher Education, Don K. Richards
An Investigation of the Doctoral Dissertation Literature Review: From the Materials We Use to Prepare Students, to the Materials That Students Prepare, Melynda H. Fitt
A Phenomenological Study of Professional Identity Change in Released-Time Seminary Teachers, Mark Daniel Mason
Applications of Affinity Spaces in English Language Instruction: Writing and Peer Review of Fanfiction Based on Video Games in an Academic English as a Second Language Writing Course, Marta Halaczkiewicz
Bells of Mindfulness: An Online Mindfulness Meditation Course to Promote Mindfulness Meditation for PhD Students, Michael Folland
Designing a Rubric for Evaluating Curricular Resources in Montana's Indian Education for All Repository: A Design-Based Research Approach, Megan M. Hamilton
Developing and Validating Stealth Assessments for an Educational Game to Assess Young Dual Language Immersion Learners' Reading Comprehension, Frederick J. Poole
E3: Emotions, Engagement, and Educational Digital Games, Ani Aghababyan
Effects of Design Thinking Instructional Strategies on Design Skill Acquisition: A Meta-Analysis, Sarah M. Urquhart
Engaging Alternative High School Students Through the Design, Development, and Crafting of Computationally Enhanced Pets, Maneksha Katrine DuMont
Eportfolio Adoption's Mediating Influence on Faculty Perspectives: An Activity Theory View, Jonathan M. Thomas
Estimating the Effects of Forms of Computer-Based Scaffolding in Problem-Centered STEM Instruction, Mason Reed Lefler
Evaluating an Integrated Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math/Computational Thinking Professional Development Program for Elementary Level Paraprofessional Educators, Aubrey A. Rogowski
Evaluating Reliability and Validity Evidence for Merrill's 2007 5 Star Instrument, Max Hale Cropper
Explaining the Paradox: Perceived Instructor Benefits and Costs of Contributing to Massachusetts Institute of Technology OpenCourseWare, Preston Paul Parker
Exploring Peer-Assisted Learning in a High-School-Based Suicide Prevention Intervention, Sterling R. Morris
Identification of the Constraints and Barriers to the Adoption of Distributed Design Education, Benjamin H. George
In-Situ Educational Research from Concept to Classroom Implementation: A Multiple Paper Dissertation, David Mark Weiss
Instructional Logistics and Chunque-Based Learning Systems, Ian A. McArthur
Kindergarteners' Conceptions and Representations of Temperature: An Exploratory Study on How Young Children Perceive Air Temperature, Ryan Francis Cain
Language Proficiency and Cultural Intelligence in Distance English-Language Learning, Jared Marcum
Macromorality and Mormons: A Psychometric Investigation and Qualitative Evaluation of the Defining Issues Test-2, Daniel R. Winder
Making Statistics Matter: Using Self-Data to Improve Statistics Learning, Jeffrey L. Thayne
Mind-It. Introducing Mindfulness Online to Help Students Change Perceptions and Develop Interest: A Design-Based Research Approach, Joana M. Franco
Mixing the Emic and Etic Perspectives: A Study Exploring Development of Fixed-Answer Questions to Measure In-Service Teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, M. Brooke Robertshaw
Model-Centered Instruction: A Design Research Study to Investigate an Alternative Approach to Patient Education, Mary Ann Parlin
Modeling Elementary Students' Computer Science Outcomes With In-School and Out-of-School Factors, Umar Shehzad
Parents as Partners in Kindergarten and Second Grade Literacy Instruction: A Qualitative Inquiry into Student-Authored Traveling Books, Dorothy C. Little
Patterns of Learning Object Reuse in the Connexions Repository, S. M. Duncan
Power of Near-Peers: Conceptualizing and Testing a Near-Peer Mentoring Model in Raising Youths' Self-Efficacy in Computer Programming, Chongning Sun
Qualitative Case Study on Cell Phone Appropriation for Language Learning Purposes in a Dominican Context, Gisela Martiz
Reflective Redo Within a Three-Dimensional Simulation and Its Influence on Student Metacognition, Reflection, and Learning, Jon M. Scoresby
Relationships Between Motivational Orientations and Participants' Perceptions of an Electronic Distance Education Learning Environment, Charles Wynn Wilkes
Retention of Women in Computer Science: Why Women Persist in Their Computer Science Majors, Katarina Pantic
Riding to Learn: Informal Science in Adult Cycling Communities, Joel R. Drake
Self-Directed Learning in Problem-Based Learning Versus Traditional Lecture-Based Learning: A Meta-Analysis, Heather M. Leary
Student Self-Assessment and Student Ratings of Teacher Rapport in Secondary Student Course Ratings, John Wilford Roe
Student Veteran Innovation Workshop: Exploring Purpose-Driven Camaraderie, David Brian Kartchner
Teacher Educators' Computer Technology Integration at Utah State University, Jiayi Wan
Teacher Orientation to Social Studies: A Phenomenological Study, Jeffrey A. Olsen
Teachers' Descriptions of Their Professional Learning Networks and Spaces, Nathan Justis
Teaching Across Borders: Business as Usual?, Bobbe McGhie Allen
Teaching Patterns: A Pattern Language for Improving the Quality of Instruction in Higher Education Settings, Daren Olson
Testing the Efficacy of Merrill’s First Principles of Instruction in Improving Student Performance in Introductory Biology Courses, Joel Lee Gardner
The Application of Instructional Design Principles in the Development of Sportsmanship Education Software and Its Impact on Children’s Acquisition of Sportsmanlike Attitudes and Behaviors, Michael J. Petersen
The Effect of an Ambient Olfactory Intervention on Time-on-Task and Performance During Participant Interaction with an Electronic Flashcard System, Aaron J. Loewer
The Effects of a Direct Instruction Program in Fractions on Academic and Mathematics Self-Concept, William H. Lowry
The Effects of Pedagogical Agents on Mathematics Anxiety and Mathematics Learning, Quan Wei
The Impact of Team-Based Learning’s Readiness Assurance Process on Virtually Isolated Adults, Matthew W. Barclay
The Job Task Model as a Means for Understanding Computer Usage in the Work Place, Vicki S. Napper
The Need for and Ability to Support a Program of Cooperative Vocational Business Education in the Salt Lake City High Schools, Calvin Dean Lowe
The Pursuit of an Unequivocal Primary Representation, Delroy A. Brinkerhoff
The Relationship between Religiosity and Educational Pursuit and Perception Among College Students at Utah State University, Randy A. LaRose
The Role of a Peer-Led Academic Intervention in College Students' Development of Self-Regulated Learning: A Person-Centered Approach, Soojeong Jeong
The Social Validation of Institutional Indicators to Promote System-Wide Web Accessibility in Postsecondary Institutions, Heather Ann Mariger
Understanding Teacher Users of a Digital Library Service: A Clustering Approach, Beijie Xu
Using Formative Student Feedback: A Continuous Quality Improvement Approach for Online Course Development, Kristy T. Bloxham
Using Mixed-Reality Technology to Teach Techniques for Administering Local Anesthesia, Kami M. Hanson
Web Usage Mining: Application to an Online Educational Digital Library Service, Bart C. Palmer
An Administrative Plan for Extension Library Service in Utah, Dana Andrew Samples
An Analysis of Trends Affecting Collection Growth at the Merrill Library, Richard Brian Schockmel
A Personal Journey Through Instructional Technology: A Vision of Excellence Approached From a System of Magnanimity, Virginia Ellen Gilbert
A Self-Instructional Program For the Technical Services of the Utah State University Library, Heber Clark Barzee
Review and Recommendations Regarding Available Funding Sources For Moab City Development, Kuo Kwang Chang
The Feasibility of a Computer-Based Library Reference Interview, Stephen C. Weiss
A Narrative Approach to Educational Video Training, Matthew S. Havertz
A Study of Leadership Behaviors in Esports Contexts, Joseph C. Tucker
A Systematic Review: Learning Emotion Regulation With Virtual Reality, David Boyd Bobo
Design Scaffolding for Computational Making in the Visual Programming Tool ARIS, Whitney E. Lewis
Exploring Trends in Middle School Students' Computational Thinking in the Online Scratch Community: A Pilot Study, Kevin N. Lawanto
Identifying Self-Regulation Strategies Students Use When Cognitive Load Occurs, Linyu Luo
Teacher Perceptions of Factors Influencing Technology Integration in K-12 Schools, Clarence W. M. Ames
The Moderating Effect of Intraoffice Group Dynamics on the Ambulation of SMS-Prompted Utah Tech Professionals, David Collins Moore
Understanding Teacher Sense-Making Discourse During Collaborative Professional Development of an Expansively-Framed Computer Science Curriculum, Courtney Stephens
What Resources Do School Librarians Use When Developing New Programming: A Qualitative Inquiry, Jennifer Hansen