The Radiative and Conductive Heat Exchange of a Cold Desert, Luis R. Martinez
The Relationship Between Leaf Area Index and Photosynthetic Temperature Response in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Canopies, David B. Meek
The Relative Saponin Content of Alfalfa Varieties in Utah as Measured by Chick Growth Depression, Morris Dean Wilding
The Response of Barley to Soil Moisture Tension and Fertilization, Mahmood Agah
Thermodynamics of Phosphate Absorption on Several Charcoals, James Duncan Beaton
The Selection of Superior Alfalfa Varieties for Utah Conditions, Richard M. Taylor
The Surface Movement of a New S-Triazine Herbicide from Treated Cropland and its Environmental Effects, Zeldon A. Nelson
The Temperature Dependence of the Drying of Horizontal Soil Columns, Craig Loren Wiegand
The Thermodynamics and Some Practical Aspects of Zinc Adsorption on Calcite, Dolomite, and Calcian-Magnesite Minerals, Jerome J. Jurinak
The Total Surface of Some Soils as Related to Permeability and Water Retention Characteristics, Warren W. Rasmussen
The Uptake of Iron by Bean Plants as Influenced by Age, and Calcium and Bicarbonate Ions in Solution Cultures, Michael Marcour
The Use of Chlorates for the Eradication of Certain Perennial Weeds in Utah, Lionel Harris
The Use of Foliar Applied Zinc Compounds in Correcting Zinc Deficiency in Fruit Crops, Lynn F. Hall
The Use of Tetrazolium as a Measure of the Salt Tolerance of Alfalfa, Daryl A. Freter
The Yield and Thiamine, Riboflavin and Niacin Content of Alfalfa Hay as Related to Fertilizer Treatment of Soil, Rasik L. Pathak
The Yield and Thiamine, Riboflavin, and Niacin Content of Alfalfa Hay as Related to Fertilizer Treatment of Soil, Rasik L. Pathak
The Yield, Quality, and Nutrient Relationships of Celery as Affected by Commercial Fertilizer, Rex L. Hurst
Time Interval Required to Measure Effects of Herbicides on Canada-Thistle and Field Bindweed, Charles Ralph Whipple
Total Solar Irradiance and Weather Systems Along 40 Degrees North Latitude in the Rocky Mountains, Jeffrey A. Secrest
Ultrastructural Localization of Solanidine in Potato Tubers, Shau-Ron Han
Uptake and Transformation of Trichloroethylene by Hybrid Poplar: Laboratory Studies, Julie K. Chard
Urban Soil Chemical and Nutrient Management Issues Facing Emerging Small Grower Enterprises in Utah, Frank E. Oliver
Use of Gamma Radiation, Chemicals, and Packaging Films to Control Post Harvest Diseases and to Extend Refrigerated Life of Strawberries and Cherries, Gerald M. Cooper
Use of Ground-Based Canopy Reflectance to Determine Radiation Capture, Nitrogen and Water Status, and Final Yield in Wheat, Glen L. Ritchie
Utah Lotus: North American Legume for Possible Use in Rangeland Revegetation in the Southern Great Basin of the Western United States, Jason M. Stettler
Utilizing Legumes to Improve Production and Nutritive Value of Intermountain West Pastures, Jacob T. Briscoe
Validation of Tissue Nutrient Status for Tart Cherry (Prunus cerasus) and Peach (Prunus persica) in Utah, Emily Tsai
Varietal Response in Alfalfa for Seed Production as Affected by Lygus Infestation and Related Factors, A. Glenn Wahlquist
Varieties and Quality of Small Grain Seed Planted in Utah in 1958, Louis A. Jensen
Viability of Seed Produced by Annual Weeds and Winter Wheat Treated With Herbicides, J. Wayne Whitworth
Water Use in Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba) with Applications in Irrigation Timing and Quantity, Preston S. Colver
Weather in Relation to the Yield of Dry-Land Winter Wheat, Wajeeh R. Asfour
Yield and Quality of First-Year Corn Silage Following Alfalfa Stand Termination as Affected by Tillage, Herbicide, and Nitrogen Fertilizer, Jason Daniel Clark
Zinc Deficiency in Soils as Affected by Soluble Phosphate, Glen E. Leggett
Zinc Relationships of Some Utah Soils, Wilford Derby Laws Jr.