Solubility and Physiological Availability of Phosphates in Sodium and Calcium Systems, Parker F. Pratt
Some Agronomic Aspects of Seed Chalcid Bruchophagus roddi Gussakovsii Resistance in Alfalfas, James H. Thomas
Some Aspects of the Salinity of Mancos Shale and Mancos Derived Soils, James C. Whitmore
Some Chemical Properties of the Profiles of Two Soil Series as Shown by Horizons and by Increments, Verle Q. Hale
Some Effects of the Under Snow Environment on Growth and Carbohydrate Content of Claytonia Lanceolata Pursh, Bryce D. Bennett
Some Parent-Progeny Relationships in Agropyron elongatum, Max W. Turley
Some Relationships of Potassium to Lime-Induced Chlorosis, Wilford H. Robinson
Starch Grain Characters, Amylose, and Amylo-Pectin Contents in Relation to Pollination Time and Formation of Cotyledons in Phaseolus lunatus L. and Phaseolus polystachyus L., Amrik Singh Dhaliwal
Stem Blight of Alfalfa in Utah: A Complex of Two Distinct Diseases, William E. Rader
Studies Into Some Physiological Relationships Between Dodder (Cuscuta, SPP.) and Alfalfa, Harold Edward Pattee
Studies of Evaporational Cooling in an Apple Orchard, Stephen W. Zsiray Jr.
Studies on the Comparative Value of the Hot Treatment (Krantz Patent) and Common Methods of Handling Barnyard Manure, Orval E. Winkler
Studies on the Relationship of Moisture Content to Threshability and Viability of Pea Seeds, Filixberto Roquia Y Dulalas
Studies on the Sampling Methodology of Peas for Yield and Quality, Pratapsinha Chintamani Pendse
Superoptimal CO2 Reduces Seed Yield in Wheat, Timothy P. Grotenhuis
Sustainable Fertilizer Management Practices for Container Nursery Production, Saroj Burlakoti
Temperature and Atmospheric Humidity as Factors Influencing Seed Setting in Alfalfa, Lealand A. Clark
Temperature Effect on Leaf Water Potential Measurements, Rex J. Prosser
The Accuracy of Soil Mapping Units of Certain Pachic and Cumulic Soils in Northern Utah, Behjat Badamchian
The Adaptation of the Neutron Scattering Technique of Soil Moisture Determination to Field Application, Robert L. Uhler
The Alkali Tolerance of Tall Wheatgrass, David L. Carter
The Comparative Value of Commercial Phosphoric Acid as a Fertilizer, Bruce L. Baird
The Effectiveness of Leaching and Soil Amendments in Improving a Salt-Affected Soil of the Hooper Area of Utah, Edwin Baugh Haycock
The Effect of 2 Soil Fertility Levels on 5 Potato Varieties in Relation to Yield, Specific Gravity and Chipping Quality, Gayland D. Robison
The Effect of Alternate Freezing and Thawing on Impermeable Alfalfa and Dodder Seeds, A. R. Midgley
The Effect of Alternate Wetting and Drying on the Ammonium and Nitrite Nitrogen Transformation in Soils, Virupax C. Baligar
The Effect of Bicarbonate on the Uptake of Zinc by Plants, Lawrence G. Morrill
The Effect of Captan, Demeton, and 4(2,4-DB) on Alfalfa Growth and Seed Production, Daniel M. Taylor
The Effect of Changing Temperatures on Hardiness, Respiration, and Intensity of Rest of Dormant Peach and Apricot Buds, Anthony H. Hatch
The Effect of Chelates on Phosphorus Availability and Mobility, Salah Ahmed Tahoun
The Effect of Different Methods of Handling Chicken Manure on the Viability of Weed Seed, Golden L. Stoker
The Effect of Dry Heating on Alfalfa Seed and Adulterants, Ernest V. Staker
The Effect of Early Spring Clipping and the Level of Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Yield of Improved Pastures, North Logan, Utah, Dechar Sumrit
The Effect of Environment and Cultural Practices on the Cold Hardiness of Peach Wood, Larry A. Sagers
The Effect of High Air Temperature and Depth of Planting on the Emergence and Development of Selected Grain Sorghum (Sorghum vulgare) Cultivars, Jhander Orihuela
The Effect of Indaziflam on Seed Production in Perennial Cool-Season Grasses, Benson F. Israelsen
The Effect of Light, Soil Temperature, and Soil Moisture on High-Lime Chlorosis, Lauren M. Burtch
The Effect of Limited Moisture Supply at Various Stages of Growth on the Development and Production of Hybrid Corn, Ralph E. Campbell
The Effect of Moisture and Temperature on Transformation of Applied Ammonium Sulfate in Several Western Soils, Lloyd Richard Hossner
The Effect of Protective Materials on the Overwintering of Hardy Annuals, Candytuft and Stocks, Melvin S. Burningham
The Effect of Soil Adsorbents on the Thermodynamic Properties of Soil Water System, Taghi Manbeian
The Effect of Soil Moisture and Fertilizers on Seed Germination, Stephen Dubetz
The Effect of Stage of Maturity on the Quality of Lima Beans for Processing, Abdul Razzaq Abdul Rahman
The Effect of Temperature and Moisture on Nitrification of Applied Ammoniacal Fertilizer in a Noncalcareous Soil, Merwin Allen Stevens
The Effect of Temperature on the Tension of Water in the Soil, Gordon Stewart
The Effect of the Bicarbonate Ion on the Respiration of Excised Roots, Gene W. Miller
The Effect of the Method of Irrigation and Fertilizer Application on the Movement of Nitrates in the Soil, Lavoir A. Banks
The Effect of the Water Extracting Requirement Upon the Fertilizer, Yield and Growth Response of Sweet Corn, Roberto Vazquez
The Effect of Time, Quantity, and Kind of Irrigation on the Yield of Sugar Beets, Delos Boyd Archibald
The Effect of Various Chelates and Chelated Cations on the Availability of Phosphorus to Tomato Plants, Edgar Dale Deremer
The Effect of Various Levels of Bicarbonate, Phosphorus, and pH on the Translocation of Iron in Plants, Ronald Conrad Doney
The Effect of Wilt-Pruf, Antitranspirant on Reducing Water Loss of Apple Trees, Hassan A. Nammah
The Effects of Calcium on the Response of Snapbean to Sodium-Induced Stress, Masud Ahmad Khan
The Effects of Chemical and Cultural Treatments on Gibberellin Levels in Strawberry Leaves and on the Induction of Secondary Flowering, Richard N. Arteca
The Effects of DCPA and Trifluralin on Northern Root-Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne hapla Chitwood) Infection of Selected Vegetables, Rulon Kent Romney
The Effects of Fertilizer and Moisture on the Yield of Sweet Corn, Rex F. Nielson
The Effects of Fertilizers on the Yield, Carotene Content and Tocopherol Content of Ranger Alfalfa Hay in Utah, Charles Wm. Jones
The Effects of Osmotic Potential on Ammonification, Immobilization, Nitrous Oxide Production, and Nitrification Rates in Penoyer Soil, Andrew P. Low
The Effects of Rootstock, Scion, Grafting Method and Plant Growth Regulators on Flexural Strength and Hydraulic Resistance of Apple, Stuart W. Adams
The Effects of SO2 on N2-Fixation, Carbon Partitioning, and Yield Components in Snapbean, Phaseolus Vulgaris L., Stephen M. Griffith
The Effects of Various Nitrogen and Moisture Levels on the Production of Silage Corn, Grain Corn, and Sweet Corn, Donald M. May
The Emergence and Survival of Certain Forage Plants when Seeded in a Saline Soil, Devere Richard McAllister
The Etiology of Apricot Scorch in Utah County, Utah, Joseph Tarbet Woolley
The Evaluation of a Computer Model to Predict the Effects of Salinity on Crop Growth, James K. Wolf
The Feeding Value of Certain Duck Food Plants of the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge As Determined By Chemical Analysis, Dale Clair Christensen
The Free Sterol Content of Selected Clones of Alfalfa as Related to Seed Infestation by the Alfalfa Seed Chalcid, Rex Alton Richards
The Freezing Point of Water in Puddled and Unpuddled Soils at Different Soil Moisture Tension Values, Robert B. Campbell
The Identification of the Tomato Mosaic Virus Prevalent in Utah, Ross D. Watson
The Influence of Adjacent Weed Populations on Thrips and IYSV in Onion, S. Andrew Swain
The Influence of Advective Energy on Evapotranspiration, Mahmoud Abdel Aziz
The Influence of Bulk Density on the Hydraulic Conductivity and Water Content-Matric Suction Relation of Two Soils, Rafael B. Andrade
The Influence of Certain Growth Hormones on Plant Growth at Cold Temperatures, Michael D. Salvesen
The Influence of Irrigating with Saline Water on the Energy Status of Water in Soil and Plant, Rolando H. Braun
The Influence of Petroleum Mulch on the Germination and Yield of Tomatoes, Clarence Frank Williams
The Influence of Soil Moisture Conditions on the Absorption of Phosphorus by Plants from Calcareous Soils, T. J. Denman
The Influence of Soil Moisture Suction and Evaporative Demand on Actual Evapotranspiration and Yield of Alfalfa, Bozorg Bahrani
The Influence of Temperature Gradients on Soil Moisture Flow, Luigi Cavassa
The Influence of Temperature Gradients on Soil Moisture Flow, Luigi Gavazza
The Influence of Temperature on the Impedance to Water Flow Through Plants, Royal Duane Jensen
The Influence of Thermo-Gradients Upon Water Movement and Retention in Unsaturated Soils, Jose V. Salazar
The Influence of Time and Rate of Application of Urea Spray on the Yield and Protein Content of Winter Wheat, Vern L. Marble
The Inheritance of Certain Morphological Characters of the Barley Spike, Donald C. Rasmussen
The Inhibition of Germination Caused by the Lemma and Palea on Phalaris arundinacea Seed, Nard Vee Allen
The Inhibitory Effects of Tarweed Upon the Germination and Growth of Seedlings, Glenn F. Carnahan
The Interactions of Electrical Conductivity, Sodium Adsorption Ratio, Water Volume and Rhizobial Strain on Phaseolus Vulgaris L., David A. Anderson
The Interactive Effects of Water Salinity and Management on Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation in Alfalfa, Thomas J. Keck
The Iron Content of Some Plants as Influenced by Conditions Associated with Lime-Induced Chlorosis, Robert E. Warnock
The Isolation of Some Nonsymbiotic Nitrogen Fixing Organisms Occurring in Some Utah Soils, Richard B. Johnson
The Measurement of Physical Properties of Field Soil, Wilbur Sloat
The Mineral Content of Various Sections of Some Plants as Influenced by Conditions Associated with Lime-Induced Chlorosis, Hyrum Del Var Petersen
The Morphological, Anatomical, and Histochemical Effects of EPTC on Oat Seedlings, Jacinta Yu-Rui Lee
The Morphological and Anatomical Effects of Pyrazon on Beans and Pigweed, James E. Rodebush
The Nitrification of Ammonium Sulfate in Polyethylene Bags in the Field and Laboratory, Carlos Dean Smith
The Overwintering of the Fireblight Bacteria Outside of Living Tissue in Utah, Sherman V. Thomson
The Phenology and Control of Dyers Woad (Isatis tinctoria) in Northern Utah, William A. Varga
The Plankton of the Bear River Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Utah Seasonal Distribution of Organisms, George Piranian
The Plant Growth Promoting Ability of the Microbiome of Ceanothus velutinus From the Intermountain West Region, Jyothsna Ganesh
The Potash Status of Utah Soils, Sukhendu Bikas Chaudhuri