Methylmercury Fate in the Hypersaline Environment of the Great Salt Lake: A Critical Review of Current Knowledge, Danielle Barandiaran
Modeling Spring Wheat Production as Influenced by Climate and Irrigation, V. Philip Rasmussen Jr.
Molecular Characterization of Soil Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria Based on the Genes Encoding Ammonia Monooxygenase, Jose Javier Alzerreca
Morphological and Physio-Biochemical Responses and Gene Expression Analyses of Landscape Plants Under Salinity Stress, Asmita Paudel
Morphological, Chemical, Histological, and Sensory Quality Changes in Gamma Irradiated Carrots and Potatoes, Keith Andrew Madsen
Morphological Development in Relation to Cold Hardiness of Dormant Peach Fruit Buds, Schuyler Dranna Seeley
Morphology, Fertility, and Cytology of Diploid and Colchicine-Induced Tetraploid Fairway Crested Wheatgrass, William Tai
Movement of Atrazine in Soil Under Furrow Irrigation, Jyothi Veerabhadrappa
Movement of Phosphorus in Soils as Influenced by Chelates and Soil Types, Abd-Elmonem Sayed-Ahmad Mostafa
Nitrification in Three Different Soils in Polyethylene Bags in the Field Overwinter, William R. Olmstead
Nitrogen Availability and Use Efficiency in Corn Treated with Contrasting Nitrogen Sources, Avneet Kakkar
Nitrogen Content and Protein Yield of Alfalfa as Influenced by Variety, William H. Bennett
Nitrogen Effect on Cation Exchange Capacity of Plant Roots, Kamilia Shoukry Mohamed Shoukry
Nitrogen Fertilizer Needs of First-Year Small Grains Following Alfalfa, Collin Pound
Nitrogen Fertilizer Showed Little Effect on First- and Second-Year Corn Yield and Quality Following Alfalfa, Bailey Brent Shaffer
Nitrogen Movement Under Irrigated Corn as Influenced by Nitrogen Source and Rate, Douglas C. Muir
Nodulation and Growth of Shepherdia × utahensis ‘Torrey’, Ji-Jhong Chen
Non-Methane Hydrocarbon Source Apportionment and BTEX Risk Assessment of Winter 2015 in Roosevelt, Utah, Jerimiah Lamb
Novel Techniques to Determine Soil Evaporation Rates: Heat Pulse Probe and Automated Microlysimeter, Kashifa Rumana
Nursery Production of Selected Actinorhizal Species, Taun D. Beddes
Nutrient Management of Cannabis in Controlled Environments, Julie A. Hershkowitz
Nutrients and Phytoplankton in Hyrum Lake, Robert Bruce Murray
Opportunities for Optimal Apple Production Management in Arid Conditions, Sam Johnson
Optimal Compost Rates for Organic Crop Production Based on a Decay Series, Jeffrey B. Endelman
Optimizing Systems for Cold-Climate Strawberry Production, Tiffany L. Maughan
Optimizing the Physical and Nutritional Environment of Unleached Root-Zones, Curtis B. Adams
Orchard Floor Management, Marc A. Rowley
Origins Of The Y Genome In Elymus, Pungu Okito
Overwintering of Erwinia Amylovora Inside Living Host Tissue in Cache Valley, Utah, G. Doyle Morrill
Phenotypic Variations of Kochia scoparia, Kenneth Malcolm Benson
Phosphorous and Potassium Fertility Management for Maximizing Tart Cherry Fruit Quality and Productivity on Alkaline Soils, Sean D. Rowley
Phosphorus Availability as Indicated by Alfalfa Response to Applied Phosphorus on Soils with Low Soil-Test Values, Ibrahim Odeh Ghawi
Phosphorus Rate Effects With and Without AVAIL® on Dryland Winter Wheat in an Eroded Calcareous Soil, Ryan C. Hodges
Phosphorus Status of Genola Soils in Utah, Warren E. Bendixen
Photosynthetic Capacity, Leaf Size and Plant Height in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Deborah L. Bishop
Physiological Response of Kentucky Bluegrass under Salinity Stress, Lijun Wang
Plant Adaptation to Cold I. Chlorophyll II. Minerals, Peter Rosen
Plant and Animal Performance in Tall Fescue and Tall Fescue/Legume Pastures, Troy J. Bingham
Postharvest Degradation of Microalgae: Effect of Temperature and Water Activity, Jacob A. Nelson
Potato Variety Trial as a Step of a Potato Breeding Program, Gonzalo Claure-Vallejo
Potential of Forage Kochia and Other Plant Materials in Reclamation of Gardner Saltbush Ecosystems Invaded by Halogeton, Rob C. Smith
Potentiometric Titration of Sulfate Using A Lead-Mercury Amalgam Indicator Electrode, Charles W. Robbins
Principles of Irrigation Farming as Developed by American Field Experiments, Prabh Dyall Sikka
Propagation of Two Utah Native Plants: Ceanothus velutinus and Cercocarpus montanus, Asmita Paudel
Pruning Strategies for High Density ‘Montmorency' Tart Cherry, Sheriden M. Hansen
Qualitative Mendelian Inheritance in Wheat Hybrids, Aaron F. Bracken
Quality Evaluation of Deep-Fat Fried Peas, Wattana Sathiraswasti
Random Forests Applied as a Soil Spatial Predictive Model in Arid Utah, Alexander Knell Stum
Red Raspberry Root Rot in Northern Utah, Robert L. Powelson
Reducing Soil Crusting to Enhance Sesame Seedling Emergence, Gustavo Campero
Reed Canarygrass Germination at Five Seed Maturity Stages and Sixteen Seed Treatments, Richard N. Peaden
Regulated Deficit Irrigation of 'Montmorency' Tart Cherry, Kylara A. Papenfuss
Relations Between Transpiration, Leaf Temperatures, and Some Environmental Factors, Ronald Kay Tew
Relationship of Bicarbonate Concentration of Plant Tissue to that of the Growth Media as a Factor in Chlorosis, Gary H. Carlsen
Relationship of the Soil Water Content and Microclimate to the Plant Growth Water Use Relationship of Several Plants, Philip Dean Sandberg
Residual Nitrogen as It Affects Soil Fertility Under Irrigated Agriculture in a Tropical Wet-Dry Climate, Don Carlos Kidman
Resistance to and Transmission of Witches' Broom and Comparative Yields of Alfalfa Varieties in the Uintah Basin, Utah, David Val Glover
Response of Glyphosate-Resistant Alfalfa to Glyphosate Application in the Intermountain West, Logan Chet Loveland
Responses of Medical Cannabis to Daily Light Integrals Higher Than Summer Sunlight: Yield, Morphology, And Quality, James D. Nielson
Revealing the Microbiome Associated With the Soil and Root of Shepherdia Species in Utah, Ananta Raj Devkota
Role of Transition Metals in Nitrite Decomposition in Soil, J. S. Bajwa
Root Yields, Sucrose, and Glutamic Acid Content of Sugar Beets as Influenced by Soil Moisture, Nitrogen Fertilization, Variety, and Harvest Date, Donald G. Woolley
Salinity and Water Potential Sensor for Evaluation of Soil Water Quality, Melvin Dee Campbell
Salinity Inventory and Tolerance Screening in Utah Agriculture, Austin McCoy Hawks
Salinity Tolerance in Kentucky Bluegrass Hybrids, Paul G. Harris
Salt Effect on Water Requirements of Plants, Abdel-Wahhab M. H. Sallam
Salt Tolerance of Forage Kochia, Gardner's Saltbush, and Halogeton: Studies in Hydroponic Culture, Joseph Sagers
Salt Tolerance Studies of Selected Crop Plants, Cyril Reed Funk Jr.
Sampling Studies in Morning Glory Roots, Lowell W. Rasmussen
Saponin Content and Some Pod and Blossom Characteristics of Alfalfa as Related to Seed Infestation by the Alfalfa Seed Chalcid, Ronald D. Morse
Saponin Content of Lahontan and Du Puits Alfalfas, George Allan Taylor
Scanning Electron Microscopic (SEM) Studies on Range Grasses and Their Resistance to Black Grass Bugs, Yun-Hwa Ling
Sclerocactus wetlandicus: Habitat Characterization, Seed Germination and Mycorrhizal Analysis, Kourtney T. Harding
Season Advancement of Cool Season Cut Flower Crops Snapdragon and Peony, Maegen A. Lewis
Seasonal Changes of Peach Flower Buds at the Ultrastructural Level, Yeh Feng
Seasonal Yield and Nitrogen Content of Three Grasses Grown Alone and in Association with Each Other and with White Dutch Clover, Donald B. Wilson
Season Extension of Strawberry and Raspberry Production Using High Tunnels, Daniel R. Rowley
Seed and Forage Production in Four Clonal Lines of Alfalfa as Influenced by Lygus Infestation, John Keith Noyes
Seed Case Studies on Atriplex Gardneri (MOQ) Dietr.: Bracteole Cell Wall Composition and Enzymatic Degradation, Priscilla Woolley Burton
Seeding Rate, Herbicide, and Irrigation Effects on Spring-Seeded Oat-Alfalfa Companion Crops, Carson D. Roberts
Seeding Rate, Nitrogen Fertilzer, and Cutting Timing Effects on Teff Forage Yield and Nutritive Value, Michael C. Laca
Seeding Rate, Planting Date, and Herbicides for Dormant Seeded Safflower in Utah, Rodney Daniel Nelson
Seedling Establishment of Alfalfa Comparing Four Varieties, Three Fungicides and Two Inoculums, Ronald Brown Foster
Seedling Rust of Safflower -- Its Influence on the Performance of Selected Varieties and Partial Hybrids, Jon James Jensen
Seed Response Under Snow on a Subalpine Range in Central Utah, Alvin T. Bleak
Selecting and Propagating Clones of Bigtooth Maple (Acer grandidentatum Nutt.), Melody Reed Richards
Selection and Propagation of Pinyon Pine, Kylie M. Lawson
Selenate Uptake by Symphyotrichum ascendens Western Aster, Nathan Hankes
Sensitivity Analysis of Surface Deposition in a Numerical Model of Atmospheric Dispersion, Jackie Lewis
Seriousness of Dodder in Production of Alfalfa Seed in Millard County, Lloyd Claude Warner
Silage Corn Hybrid Response to Row Width and Plant Density in the Intermountain West, Mark A. Pieper
Simple Soil Quality Tests and Organic Management Practices for Orchards in the Intermountain West, Esther Oline Thomsen
Simultaneous Flow of Heat and Water in Plant Tissue, Gaylon Sanford Campbell
Simultaneous Movement of Water and Herbicides in Unsaturated Soils, Ming-shyong Yang
Small Burnet (Sanguisorba minor Scop.) Response to Herbicides Applied Postemergence, Ryan Lee Nelson
Soil Additives and Their Effect on the Yield of Various Crops and the Physical Properties of an Agricultural Soil, Gaylen L. Ashcroft
Soil Health Assessment on Arid Rangeland Soils Impacted by Oil and Gas Exploration, Development, and Extraction, Justin Allred
Soil Moisture Responses in Traditional and Drought Adapted Landscapes in the Intermountain West, James Gregory
Soil Water Flux Estimates from Streaming Potential and Penta-Needle Heat Pulse Probe Measurements, Pawel J. Szafruga