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Wednesday, August 17th
12:00 AM

3D Design, Printing and Scanning

Kevin Reeve, Utah State University
Tyler Clair, Utah State University

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Amplify Your Teaching Impact: Capitalizing on 1-on-1 Instruction

Abby D. Benninghoff, Utah State University

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Avoiding Inert Knowledge: Making Students the Subject of the Classroom

Mitchell Colver, Utah State University

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Case Studies that Students Design

Adam Hunsaker, Utah State University

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Creative Confidence in the Classroom

Daniel Holland, Utah State University

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Ditch Your Textbook: Getting Started with Open Educational Resources

Becky L. Thoms, Utah State University
Erin Davis, Utah State University

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Engaging Students Through Online Polling

Chris Hartwell, Utah State University

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Engaging Students Through Real-Life Problems

Rodney Marchant, Utah State University

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Flipping Chemistry at a Distance

Mike Christiansen, Utah State University

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Including Every Student in Your Classroom

Christopher Phillips, Utah State University

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Integrating Technology and Innovation in Education

Nathan Smith, Utah State University

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Knowledge Masters: Online Educational Gaming for Your Classroom

Clayton Brown, Utah State University

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Learning Analytics: Turning off the DRIP (Data Rich Info Poor)

Courtney Stewart, Utah State University

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Tablets in IVC Classroom

Piotr Runge, Utah State University

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TAKE OFF! How to Make Your Canvas Course More Exciting!

Andreas Wesemann, Utah State University

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The ABCs of XYZ Students

Kit Mohr, Utah State University
Eric Mohr, Utah State University

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Things I Never Knew...Until I Taught Without a Syllabus

John Engler, Utah State University

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