Scaffold Students as They Learn, Discover, and Engage by Writing in the Disciplines
Streaming Media
Start Date
8-14-2019 12:00 AM
This session will demonstrate and allow participants to experience strategies to support student writing in the disciplines. As students learn, discover, and engage with new genres of writing, they benefit from inquiry into the features of the genre, teacher modeling of how to write in the genre, and opportunities to collaborate with other writers. In addition, research supports rubrics that provide specific guidance and feedback.
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Scaffold Students as They Learn, Discover, and Engage by Writing in the Disciplines
This session will demonstrate and allow participants to experience strategies to support student writing in the disciplines. As students learn, discover, and engage with new genres of writing, they benefit from inquiry into the features of the genre, teacher modeling of how to write in the genre, and opportunities to collaborate with other writers. In addition, research supports rubrics that provide specific guidance and feedback.