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Applying Kolb's Method to Broadcast Education in an Engineering Graphics Course, A. Norris and Wade H. Goodridge; Fifth Annual Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research
EngineeringEducation: Departments, Degrees and Directions, L. Benson, Kurt Henry Becker, M. Cooper, H. Griffin, and K. Smith; International Journal of Engineering Education
Research and practice for engineering professional development, J. Daugherty, R. Custer, T. Erekson, and Dan L. Householder; Council on Technology Teacher Education, International Technology and Engineering Educators Association
Challenges to Informed Peer Review Matching Algorithms, Matthew Verleger, Heidi Diefes-Dux, Matthew Ohland, Mary Besterfield-Sacre, and Sean Brophy; Journal of Engineering Education
Motivation While Designing in Engineering and Technology Education Impacted by Academic Preparation, N. Mentzer and Kurt Becker; Journal of Industrial Teacher Education
Education and Qualification for Control and Automation, Bozenna Pasik-Duncan and Matthew Verleger; Springer Handbook of Automation
Council on Technology Teacher Education Yearbook, Kurt Henry Becker, C. Hailey, and M. Thomas; Developing Connections in the Engineering Community
Formative evaluation of a professional development program for high school teachers infusing engineering design into the classroom, J. Callum, C. Hailey, Dan L. Householder, C. Merrill, and J. Dorward; American Society for Engineering Education
Professional development for engineering and technology: A national symposium, R. L. Custer, C. Hailey, C. Cunningham, T. Erekson, and Dan L. Householder
Application of a mitered ogee crest to steep stair-stepped spillways, Wade H. Goodridge and W J. Rahmeyer; 2008 World Environmental and Water Resource Congress
Analyzing best practices in technology education, Dan L. Householder; International Journal of Technology and Design Education
In-service professional development: Lessons learned from a multi-institution study, Dan L. Householder; Committee on K-12 Engineering Education, National Academy of Engineering
Research framework – National Science Foundation projects and opportunities, Dan L. Householder; Mississippi Valley Technology Teacher Education Conference
Selected NSF projects of interest to K-12 engineering and technology education, Dan L. Householder
Classification of Particles by size using aerodynamic vectoring, B. L. Smith, Z. E. Humes, and Angela Minichiello; Bulletin of the American Physical Society
Exciting innovations in technology education, Dan L. Householder; International Technology Education Association Conference
Preparation of proposals to the NSF DR-K12 Program, Dan L. Householder; Quality Education for Minorities Network Technical Assistance Workshop
Writing successful grant proposals, Dan L. Householder; Children's engineering Convention
COTS in space: Developing an environmental control system for balloon-borne air-cooled electronics, Angela Minichiello; Proceedings of the 10th InterSociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITHERM)
Aerodynamic vectoring particle sorting, B. L. Smith, Z. E. Humes, and Angela Minichiello; Proceedings of FEDSM2006 ASME Fluids Engineering Summer Conference
National Center for Engineering and Technology Education, C. Hailey, T. Erekson, Kurt Henry Becker, and M. Thomas; The Technology Teacher
Perspectives on technology education, Dan L. Householder; Mississippi Valley Technology Teacher Education Conference
Success in seeking NSF funding, Dan L. Householder; International Technology Education Association Conference
Technologists in a flat world, Dan L. Householder; Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Particle sorting by aerodynamic vectoring, Z. E. Humes, B. L. Smith, and Angela Minichiello; Bulletin of the American Physical Society
A Comparison of Students' Achievement and Attitudes Between Constructivist and Traditional Classroom Environments in Thailand Vocational Electronics Programs, Kurt Henry Becker and S. Maunsaiyat; Journal of Vocational Education Research
Collaborations to improve math and science education, Dan L. Householder; Grants Resource Center, American Association of State Colleges and Universities
Math, science, and technology initiatives, Dan L. Householder; National Association for Workforce Improvement
National Science Foundation programs supporting technology education, Dan L. Householder; Grants Resource Center, American Association of State Colleges and Universities
The NSF Teacher Professional Continuum Program, Dan L. Householder; International Technology Education Association Conference
Improving International Project Success, Kurt Henry Becker and Gary Stewardson; The Journal of Technology Studies
National Science Foundation programs, Dan L. Householder; Southeastern Technology Education Conference
NSF programs, Dan L. Householder; College of Education Research Forum
Constructivism and the Use of Technology, Kurt Becker; The Technology Teacher
Thai Students' Attitudes and Concepts of Technology, Kurt Henry Becker and Somchai Maunsaiyat; Journal of Technology Education
Thermal design methodology for electronic systems, Angela Minichiello and C. Belady; InterSociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITHERM)
Graduate education in industrial technology: Status, issues and possibilities, M. J. Dyrenfurth and Dan L. Householder; National Association of Industrial Technology Convention
Research and the emergence of a unique body of knowledge in industrial technology, Dan L. Householder; National Association of Industrial Technology Convention
Alternative paradigms in educational research, Dan L. Householder and D. Kilgore; Educational Research Exchange
Integrating science, mathematics and technology in middle school technology-rich environments: A study of implementation and change, Robert K. James, Charles E. Lamb, Dan L. Householder, and Melynda A. Bailey; School Science and Mathematics
Flow network modeling: A case study in expedient system prototyping, Angela Minichiello; Proceedings of the 7th Inter Society Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems
Extending the University's Reach with Technology, Kurt Henry Becker; Journal of Technology Studies
Infusing technology into the K-12 curriculum, Dan L. Householder; Mississippi Valley Technology Teacher Education Conference
Mentoring women in technology, Dan L. Householder; Yearbook of the Council on Technology Teacher Education
The new workplace – the education challenge, Dan L. Householder; Infobits: Mainstreaming in an Internet World
NSF instructional materials development initiatives, Dan L. Householder and G. Salinger; International Technology Education Association Conference
NSF professional development initiatives, Dan L. Householder and G. Salinger; International Technology Education Association Conference
American "KAIZEN" - A Perspective on American Management Theories, Kurt Henry Becker and J. Snow; Journal of Industrial Technology
Intellectual versatility, Dan L. Householder; Training and Development Certification Program
NSF-Funded technology education initiatives, Dan L. Householder; International Technology Education Association Conference
Teachers for the 21st century: professional development and recruitment, Dan L. Householder; Education Information Forum
Technology education teachers: Today and tomorrow, Dan L. Householder; ITEA Council of Supervisors Conference
Integrated thematic instruction in middle school science, mathematics and technology: Strategies and outcomes, Dan L. Householder, R. K. James, and C. E. Lamb; American Educational Research Association
Thermal management of sealed electronic enclosures using synthetic jet technology, Angela Minichiello, A. Glezer, J. G. Hartley, and W. Z. Black; Advances in Electronic Packaging, 1997: Proceedings of the Pacific Rim/ASME International Intersociety Electronic & Photonic Packaging Converence
Challenges in preparing teachers in technology education, Dan L. Householder; Second Jerusalem International Science and Technology education Conference
Providing role models: The importance of mentors for women in technology, Dan L. Householder; Advancing Women's Leadership in Technology: Developing a National Agenda and Support System
Perceptions of technological competencies in elementary technology education, C. J. Thomson and Dan L. Householder; International Conference on Design and Technology Education Research and Curriculum Development
Adult computer literacy, Dan L. Householder; UNESCO Symposium on Adult Literacy in the Computer Age
Creating the future: Strategic planning and organizational change, Dan L. Householder; Technology Teacher
Developing a national curriculum: The U.S. experience, Dan L. Householder; British Council International Seminar
Influences of technology upon teachers, Dan L. Householder; International Conference Technology and Education
Integrated education for success in the global community, Dan L. Householder; Iowa Industrial Technology Education Association
Meeting the challenge in technology education: The international perspective, Dan L. Householder; British Columbia Technology Education Association
Technology as a basis for curriculum development, Dan L. Householder; International Conference Technology and Education
Technology education concerns: Future of technology education, Dan L. Householder; Technology Education Division, American Vocational Association
Technology teacher education: Status and prospect, Dan L. Householder; Journal of Technology Studies
Technology: Its influence in the secondary school upon achievement in academic subjects and upon students' attitude toward technology, Dan L. Householder and Barbara Bolin; International Journal of Technolgy and Design Education
Making the transition to a new curriculum, G. E. Baker and Dan L. Householder; Tech Directions
Coping at the crossroads: Societal and educational transformation, Glenn E. Baker, Richard A. Boser, and Dan L. Householder; Journal of Technology Education
Assessing the quality of technology teacher education programs, Dan L. Householder; Council on Technology Teacher Education
Assessment in teacher education, Dan L. Householder; Mississippi Valley Technology Teacher Education Conference
Contemporary developments in technology education, Dan L. Householder; Annual Conference on Technology Studies
Cross-Curricular Problem Solving, Dan L. Householder; Technology education Symposium XIV
Curriculum design in technology education. Sino-American Technology Education Seminar, Dan L. Householder; Sino-American Technology Education Seminar
Redesign of technology teacher education: Model programs for the future, Dan L. Householder; Camelback Symposium: A compilation of papers
Science, mathematics, technology: A multimedia approach to teaching, Dan L. Householder; International Conference on Technology Education
Technology: A cross-curricular catalyst, Dan L. Householder; International Conference on Design and Technology Education Research and Curriculum Development
The contributions of the technologically-rich learning environment, Dan L. Householder; National School Boards Association Technology and Learning Conference
The development of an instrument for assessing secondary students' attitudes toward technology, Dan L. Householder; ITEA-PATT International Conference, Technology Education, A Global Perspective Reston
Contributions of technology to academic subjects in the high school, Dan L. Householder and B. Bolin; Technology Education Division, American Vocational Association
Teaching and learning in multicultural settings; Strategies for technology education, L. H. Young and Dan L. Householder; Technology Teacher
Content and Strategies for Teaching Computer-Aided Drafting, Kurt Henry Becker; Journal of Industrial Teacher Education
Technology education and technology teacher education, Dan L. Householder; Mississippi Valley Industrial Teacher Education Conference
The technology teacher education checklist: Assessing the change to technology teacher education, Dan L. Householder; Council on Technology Teacher Education
Assessing the effectiveness of the change to technology teacher education, Dan L. Householder and Richard A. Boser; Journal of Technology Education
Computer simulation in manufacturing technology, L. H. Young, Dan L. Householder, and C. A. Winterberger; Journal of Technology Education
Reaction to reform: research implications for industrial teacher education, David C. Bjorkquist and Dan L. Householder; Journal of Industrial Teacher Education
Technological communication: A symbolic system, Dan L. Householder; International Conference Technology and Education
Technological communication: A symbolic system, Dan L. Householder; Australian Council for Education through Technology
Technology teacher education: An interdisciplinary program, Dan L. Householder; National Forum of Technolgy Teacher Educators
Teaching technology education in multicultural settings, Dan L. Householder and L. H. Young; International Technology Education Association
A checklist for training programs, G. E. Baker, Dan L. Householder, and D. McArthur; Training & Development Journal
A technological communication system for the information age, Dan L. Householder; World Future Society
The emerging curriculum in technology education, Dan L. Householder; Technology Teacher
An interdisciplinary program for the preparation of technology education teachers, Dan L. Householder and L. H. Young; South Central Holmes Group
The development of a new degree program for the preparation of teachers of technology education, Dan L. Householder and L. H. Young; Symposium XI, Technology Education: An Interdisciplinary Endeavor
Industrial teacher education in transition, Dan L. Householder; Mississippi Valley Industrial Teacher Education Conference
Professional organizations working together: Perspectives from national leaders, Dan L. Householder; National Association of Industrial and Technical Teacher Educators
Technological literacy in the information age, Dan L. Householder; Symposium X, Technology: An International Perspective
The alumni response, Dan L. Householder; Founder's Day, Eastern Illinois University