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Playing with Daddy: Social Toy Play, Early Head Start, and Developmental Outcomes, Lori A. Roggman, Lisa Bouye, G. A. Cook, K. Christiansen, and D. Jones; Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice about Men as Fathers

Developmental Parenting Workshop, Lori A. Roggman and M. S. Innocenti; Developmental Parenting Workshop

Measuring "Good" Parenting and Parent-Child Interactions: Diversity, Utility, Reliability, and Validity in New Measures, Lori A. Roggman and M. S. Innocenti; Measuring "Good" Parenting and Parent-Child Interactions: Diversity, Utility, Reliability, and Validity in New Measures

Developmental Parenting on the Living Room Floor, Lori A. Roggman, M. S. Innocenti, Lisa Bouye, and V. K. Jump; Developmental Parenting on the Living Room Floor

Parenting Interactions with Children: Checklist of Observations Linked to Outcomes (PICCOLO), Lori A. Roggman, M. S. Innocenti, G. A. Cook, V. K. Jump, and J. F. Akers; Parenting Interactions with Children: Checklist of Observations Linked to Outcomes (PICCOLO)

PICCOLO: A User-Friendly Reliable & Valid Parenting Measure, Lori A. Roggman, V. Jump, and M. S. Innocenti; PICCOLO: A User-Friendly Reliable & Valid Parenting Measure

What's Happening in Your Home Visits? Two Measures to Help You See, Lori A. Roggman, C. Peterson, and V. Jump; What's Happening in Your Home Visits? Two Measures to Help You See

Maternal and Adolescent Depression Related to Teen Smoking, J Van de Venne, Kay Bradford, C Martin, M Cox, and H Omar; Adolescent Behavior Research: International Perspectives



Parent socialization, family economic well-being, and toddlers' cognitive development in rural Paraguay, Ann Berhout Austin, C. N. de Aquino, E. U. de Burro, K. E. Park, B. Bayley, M. Christensen, S. Leavitt, J. Merrill, D. Taylor, and A. T. George; Journal of Research in Childhood Education

Shared Narratives: A Promising Approach for Supporting Language and Literacy Skills with Migrant Families, Lisa Bouye, Lori A. Roggman, M. S. Innocenti, V. K. Jump, and L. Linares; Shared Narratives: A Promising Approach for Supporting Language and Literacy Skills with Migrant Families

Frontline Research: Help or Hindrance?, Kay Bradford; Frontline Research: Help or Hindrance?

Learning Competent Fathering: A LongitudinalAnalysis of Marital Intimacy and Fathering, Kay Bradford and A J. Hawkins; Fathering

Examination of Federal Flood Insurance with Implications for Housing Educators, S Brown and Lucy M. Delgadillo; Examination of Federal Flood Insurance with Implications for Housing Educators


Povider management of child stress behavior in family daycare homes: Scaffolding for learning and development by developmentally appropriate practice, C Y. Chang, Ann Berhout Austin, and K Piercy; Journal of Genetic Psychology

Children's Attachment Security and Psychosocial Aspects of School Readiness, K. Christiansen, G. A. Cook, Lori A. Roggman, and C. Price; Children's Attachment Security and Psychosocial Aspects of School Readiness

When Daddy is Sad: Relations Between Father Depression and Child Behavior, K. Christiansen, Lori A. Roggman, and Lisa Bouye; When Daddy is Sad: Relations Between Father Depression and Child Behavior

How Does Early Self-Regulation Influence 2nd Grade Reading Comprehension?, G. A. Cook, Lori A. Roggman, C. Price, and K. Christiansen; How Does Early Self-Regulation Influence 2nd Grade Reading Comprehension?

Demand-Side Housing Policy in Costa Rica: A Response to theHousing deficit, Lucy M. Delgadillo; International Journal of Consumer Studies

Financial Illness to be Addressed in the Future of Housing: Mortgage Defaults and Bankruptcies, Lucy M. Delgadillo; Financial Illness to be Addressed in the Future of Housing: Mortgage Defaults and Bankruptcies

Financial Illness to be Addressed in the Future of Housing: Mortgage Defaults and Bankruptcies, Lucy M. Delgadillo; Financial Illness to be Addressed in the Future of Housing: Mortgage Defaults and Bankruptcies

What Does the Future Bring to Latino Immigrants Regarding Housing Issues?, Lucy M. Delgadillo; What Does the Future Bring to Latino Immigrants Regarding Housing Issues?

Geography of Consumer Bankruptcies and Neighborhood Characteristics, Lucy M. Delgadillo and D Coster; Geography of Consumer Bankruptcies and Neighborhood Characteristics

An Exploration of Off-Campus Student HousingSatisfaction, Lucy M. Delgadillo and L Erickson; Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences

Spatial Analysis of Mortgage Default in a Metropolitan County, Lucy M. Delgadillo and L Erickson; Housing and Society

Concentrations of Subprime Lending Activities, Equity Risk Factors, and Bankruptcy Filings, Lucy M. Delgadillo, L Erickson, and D Coster; Housing and Society

Geography of Consumer Bankruptciesand Neighborhood Characteristics, Lucy M. Delgadillo, L Erickson, and D Coster; Consumer Interest Annual 52

Targeting Bankruptcy Consumer Prevention to Vulnerable Census Tracts, Lucy M. Delgadillo, L Erickson, and J Lown; Forum for Families and Consumer Issues

Borrower and Mortgage Related FactorsAssociated with FHA Foreclosures, Lucy M. Delgadillo and A Gallagher; Family and Consumer Science Research Journal

The Relationship Between Consumer Debt Behavior and Marital Relations in Newlyweds, Jeffery Dew; The Relationship Between Consumer Debt Behavior and Marital Relations in Newlyweds

Times Have Changed: Historical Trends in Spouses’ Daily Time Together by Work Strategy, Jeffery Dew; Times Have Changed: Historical Trends in Spouses’ Daily Time Together by Work Strategy

Marital Distress During the Retirement Transition, Jeffery Dew and J Yorgason; Marital Distress During the Retirement Transition

Predatory Mortgage Lending: A Professional Perspective, L Erickson, Lucy M. Delgadillo, and K Piercy; The Monetary Cost of Pre-Purchase Housing Counseling and Education: a Case Study

How Does Parent Involvement in Early Childhood Services Contribute to School Readiness? Different Pathways for Home and Center-Based Early Head Start Program Participants, B. Green, J. Brekhus, J. Kormacher, J. Atwater, and Lori A. Roggman; How Does Parent Involvement in Early Childhood Services Contribute to School Readiness? Different Pathways for Home and Center-Based Early Head Start Program Participants

An Analysis of Mortgage Default Client and Mortgage Default Counseling at a Housing Financial Counseling Center, L Green and Lucy M. Delgadillo; An Analysis of Mortgage Default Client and Mortgage Default Counseling at a Housing Financial Counseling Center

An Analysis of Mortgage Default Client and MortgageDefault Counseling at a Housing Financial Counseling Center, L Green and Lucy M. Delgadillo; An Analysis of Mortgage Default Client and MortgageDefault Counseling at a Housing Financial Counseling Center

The Monetary Cost of Pre-Purchase Housing Counseling and Education: a Case Study, L Green and Lucy M. Delgadillo; The Monetary Cost of Pre-Purchase Housing Counseling and Education: a Case Study

The Development and Intervention Use of a Simple Parent-Child Interaction Measure, M. S. Innocenti and Lori A. Roggman; The Development and Intervention Use of a Simple Parent-Child Interaction Measure

Genetic Taste Sensitivity to Propylthiouracil (PROP), D. Jones, Lori A. Roggman, and G. A. Cook; Genetic Taste Sensitivity to Propylthiouracil (PROP)

Taste Sensitivity to Propylthiouracil (PROP) and its Relation to Parent Investment in the Infant: Mothers, of Firstborns Versus Mothers of Laterborns, D. Jones, Lori A. Roggman, and T. Gilbertson; Taste Sensitivity to Propylthiouracil (PROP) and its Relation to Parent Investment in the Infant: Mothers, of Firstborns Versus Mothers of Laterborns

Parenting Behaviors: Do They Affect Child Outcomes?, V. K. Jump, G. A. Cook, Lori A. Roggman, M. S. Innocenti, and K. Christiansen; Parenting Behaviors: Do They Affect Child Outcomes?

Home Visiting Interventions: Challenges Faced in Learning About What Really Happens, C. A. Peterson and Lori A. Roggman; Home Visiting Interventions: Challenges Faced in Learning About What Really Happens

Attachment: Correlates and Measurement, Lori A. Roggman; Attachment: Correlates and Measurement

Attachment: Correlates and Measurement, Lori A. Roggman; Psychology of Attachment and Early Intervention

Early Head Start Impacts on Father Involvement and Child Development: Direct, Indirect, and Moderating, Lori A. Roggman, Lisa Bouye, G. A. Cook, K. Christiansen, and D. Jones; Early Head Start Impacts on Father Involvement and Child Development: Direct, Indirect, and Moderating

Father Depression & Involvement in Play: Direct and Indirect Effects, Lori A. Roggman, Lisa Bouye, G. A. Cook, K. Christiansen, and D. Jones; Fatherdepression & involvement in play: Direct and indirect effects

Home Visits: Measuring How They Work, Lori A. Roggman, K. Christiansen, G. A. Cook, V. K. Jump, Lisa Bouye, and C. Peterson; Home Visits: Measuring How They Work

How Soon Can We Help? Attachment, Aggression, Maternal Well-Being, and Intervention, Lori A. Roggman, G. A. Cook, K. Christiansen, and C. Price; How Soon Can We Help? Attachment, Aggression, Maternal Well-Being, and Intervention

Tracking the Path to Kindergarten: How Infants AT Risk Grow Up Prepared to Succeed in School, Lori A. Roggman, G. A. Cook, K. Christiansen, C. Price, and D. Jones; Tracking the Path to Kindergarten: How Infants AT Risk Grow Up Prepared to Succeed in School

The Importance of Maternal Teaching/Talking and Responsiveness to Later Attachment: An Examination of the PICCOLO Measure of Maternal-Child Interaction with Attachment in the first 3-Years of Life, Lori A. Roggman, G. A. Cook, M. S. Innocenti, and V. K. Jump; The Importance of Maternal Teaching/Talking and Responsiveness to Later Attachment: An Examination of the PICCOLO Measure of Maternal-Child Interaction with Attachment in the first 3-Years of Life

Developing New Outcome Measures: Process, Procedures, Practicalities, Lori A. Roggman and M. S. Innocenti; Developing New Outcome Measures: Process, Procedures, Practicalities

Home Visitor's Workshop, Lori A. Roggman, M. S. Innocenti, and Lisa Bouye; Home Visitor's Workshop

PICCOLO: Measuring the High Notes of Parenting Interactions, Lori A. Roggman, M. S. Innocenti, G. A. Cook, V. K. Jump, K. Christiansen, and J. Akers; PICCOLO: Measuring the High Notes of Parenting Interactions

Developing PICCOLO: A Measure of Parenting Interactions with Children in a Checklist of Observations Linked to Outcomes , Lori A. Roggman, V. K. Jump, M. S. Innocenti, G. A. Cook, J. Akers, and K. Christiansen; Developing PICCOLO: A Measure of Parenting Interactions with Children in a Checklist of Observations Linked to Outcomes

Healthy Homes Trainthe- Trainer Program. A Professional Perspective, C Stokes, Lucy M. Delgadillo, L K. Hawks, and R Sowards; Healthy Homes Trainthe- Trainer Program. A Professional Perspective

Depression,Sensation Seeking, and Maternal Smoking as Predictors of Adolescent Cigarette Smoking, J Van de Venne, Kay Bradford, C Martin, M Cox, and H Omar; The Scientific World Journal

Sensation Seeking and Depression as Predictors of Lifetime Smoking Status of Teens, J G. Van de Venne, Kay Bradford, C A. Martin, H Omar, M Cox, and A O'Malley; Sensation Seeking and Depression as Predictors of Lifetime Smoking Status of Teens

The Importance of Having a Violence Protocol in Marriage Education, J B. Whiting, Kay Bradford, M D. Roberts, and E L. Carlton; The Importance of Having a Violence Protocol in Marriage Education


Book Sharing Behaviors of Latino Mothers and Their Young Children, Lisa Bouye, G. A. Cook, Lori A. Roggman, and M. Innocenti; Book Sharing Behaviors of Latino Mothers and Their Young Children

Navigating the Transition to Marriage (or ‘How to Increase Your Anniversaries’), Kay Bradford; University of Kentucky Public Relations First Monday Features

Interparental Conflict as Intrusive Family Process, Kay Bradford and B K. Barber; Journal of Emotional Abuse

Intrusive and Coercive Family Processes: Interparental Conflict and Ineffective Parenting, Kay Bradford and B K. Barber; Implications of Parent-Child Boundary Dissolution for Developmental Psychopathology: Who is the Parent and Who is the Child?

A Multi-National study of Interparental Conflict, Parenting, and Adolescent Functioning: South Africa, Bangladesh, China, India, Bosnia, Germany, Palestine, Colombia, and the United States, Kay Bradford, B K. Barber, J A. Olsen, S L. Maughan, L D. Erickson, D Ward, and H E. Stolz; Parent-Youth Relations: Cultural and Cross-Cultural Perspectives

Strengthening Families: Marital Issues in Families Coping with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Kay Bradford and G W. Bradford; Strengthening Families: Marital Issues in Families Coping with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Thinking About Retiring? What Are the Real Issues for MFTs?, G W. Brock, Kay Bradford, M L. Michaels, and J B. Whiting; Thinking About Retiring? What Are the Real Issues for MFTs?

Changes and Stability in Early Family Contexts for Low-Income Children, Associations with Child Functioning at Kindergarten Entry, R. Chazan-Cohen, H. Raikes, J. M. Constantine, E. Eliason Kisker, L. B. Tarullo, C. Ayoub, and Lori A. Roggman; Changes and Stability in Early Family Contexts for Low-Income Children, Associations with Child Functioning at Kindergarten Entry

Math Interactions in the Context of Play: Relations to Child Math Ability, K. Christiansen, A. Austin, and Lori A. Roggman; Math Interactions in the Context of Play: Relations to Child Math Ability

Reading Comprehension: A Look at Early Indicators, G. A. Cook and Lori A. Roggman; Reading Comprehension: A Look At Early Indicators

Price of Shelter: Housing Issues Affecting Low-income,New Immigrant Latinos, Lucy M. Delgadillo and E Contos; Housing and Society

The Price of Shelter. Housing Issues AffectingLow Income Latinos, Lucy M. Delgadillo and E Contos; Consumer Interest Annual 51

Sinking, Swimming, and Yachting in Deep Water: The Interrelationships Between Debts, Assets, and Marital Conflict, Jeffery Dew; Sinking, Swimming, and Yachting in Deep Water: The Interrelationships Between Debts, Assets, and Marital Conflict

The Meaning of Assets in Marriage, Jeffery Dew; The Meaning of Assets in Marriage

The Influence of Fatherhood on Men’s Development at Mid-Life, D Eggebeen, Jeffery Dew, and C K. Knoester; The Influence of Fatherhood on Men’s Development at Mid-Life

Off-Campus Student Housing: A Measure of Value, L Erickson and Lucy M. Delgadillo; Off-Campus Student Housing: A Measure of Value

Integrating Sexual and Marital Therapy through David Schnarch’s Crucible Approach, E Eyre, W Harris, D Hill, E Kittrell, O Luke, C Lunney, M Smallwood, J Vann, and Kay Bradford; Integrating Sexual and Marital Therapy through David Schnarch’s Crucible Approach

Children as Victims of Hurricane Katrina, C A. Gnatuk, Kay Bradford, and A Lesueur; Children as Victims of Hurricane Katrina

Tips for Parents: Helping Children Cope withHurricane Katrina, C A. Gnatuk, Kay Bradford, and A Lesueur; Tips for Parents: Helping Children Cope withHurricane Katrina

Mapping the Concentration of Mortgage Default in Weber County, L Green and Lucy M. Delgadillo; Mapping the Concentration of Mortgage Default in Weber County

Examining Language Growth and Its Predictors in U.S. Spanish-Speaking Children: A Comparative Examination of a Targeted Early Intervention Program, M. S. Innocenti, Lisa Bouye, Lori A. Roggman, and J. F. Akers; Examining Language Growth and Its Predictors in U.S. Spanish-Speaking Children: A Comparative Examination of a Targeted Early Intervention Program

English, Spanish, or Both: Which Words Count Most?, M. S. Innocenti; Lori A. Roggman; J. Akers,; and Lisa Bouye; English, Spanish, or Both: Which Words Count Most?

Setting Housing Issues on the Policy Agenda, J Johnson and Lucy M. Delgadillo; Setting Housing Issues on the Policy Agenda

The Ability to Taste Propylthiouracil (PROP) and Its Relation to Stress and Emotional Reactivity in College Students and Mothers, D. Jones and Lori A. Roggman; The Ability to Taste Propylthiouracil (PROP) and Its Relation to Stress and Emotional Reactivity in College Students and Mothers

Promoting Young Children's Literacy Skills at Home, Shirlene Call Law; Promoting Young Children's Literacy Skills at Home

Dictionary and its changed role in English language learning, Yin Liu; Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities

Reviewer for Chapter 6, Government Role in Housing, J Merril, S Crull, L Tyler, and Lucy M. Delgadillo; Introduction to Housing

How Siblings Influence Early Language Development in Spanish Speaking Low Income Families, E. Ortiz, M. Innocenti, and Lori A. Roggman; How Siblings Influence Early Language Development in Spanish Speaking Low Income Families

Demographics of Borrowers and Causes of Default or Residential Mortgages in Northern Utah, C Pedersen, K Nye, and Lucy M. Delgadillo; Demographics of Borrowers and Causes of Default or Residential Mortgages in Northern Utah

Attachment: Outcomes, Predictors and Measurement, Lori A. Roggman; Attachment: Outcomes, Predictors and Measurement

Do Fathers Contribute to Children's Early Language in Low Socioeconomic Status Families?, Lori A. Roggman, Lisa Bouye, G. A. Cook, K. Christiansen, and D. Jones; Do Fathers Contribute to Children's Early Language in Low Socioeconomic Status Families?

Attachment and Early Risk Factors: Intervention and Outcomes, Lori A. Roggman and G. A. Cook; Attachment and Early Risk Factors: Intervention and Outcomes

Family and School Socialization and Adolescent Academic Achievement: A Cross-National Dominance Analysis of Achievement Predictors, H E. Stolz, B K. Barber, J A. Olsen, L D. Erickson, Kay Bradford, S L. Maughan, and D Ward; Parent-Youth Relations: Cultural and Cross-Cultural Perspectives

Maternal and Teen Predictors of Lifetime Smoking Status in Teens, J G. Van de Venne, C A. Martin, Kay Bradford, M E. Cox, and A J. O'Malley; Maternal and Teen Predictors of Lifetime Smoking Status in Teens

Adolescent Public, Private, and Self Perceived Religiosity and Psychosocial Functioning in a Multiple National Sample, D Ward, B K. Barber, H E. Stolz, L D. Erickson, S L. Maughan, and Kay Bradford; Adolescent Public, Private, and Self Perceived Religiosity and Psychosocial Functioning in a Multiple National Sample

"Love, Limits, and Latitude: A Thousand Small Moments of Parenting" Session Manual, M. G. Wells, David D. Law, and J. E. Johnson; "Love, Limits, and Latitude: A Thousand Small Moments of Parenting" Session Manual

What Works for Whom: A Meta-Analytic Review of Marital and Couples Therapy in Reference to Marital Distress, N. D. Wood, D. R. Crane, B. S. Schaalje, and David D. Law; The American Journal of Family Therapy


Parent-Toddler Book Reading: Fostering a Love of Reading, C. Asher, Lori A. Roggman, Lisa Bouye, G. A. Cook, and K. Christiansen; Parent-Toddler Book Reading: Fostering a Love of Reading

Utah Pre-Kindergarten Guidelines for Language & Literacy, Mathematics, and Motor Development, Ann Berhout Austin

Estudio de Impacto: Pastoral del Nino, Ann Berhout Austin, Cyle Nielsen de Aquino, and Shannon Peairson

Learning to Read: A Look at Early Language Development and the Home Environment, Lisa Bouye, Lori A. Roggman, and G. A. Cook; Learning to Read: A Look at Early Language Development and the Home Environment

Poverty and Mother-Toddler Pretend Play: Do Mother's Make a Difference?, Lisa Bouye, Lori A. Roggman, and G. A. Cook; Poverty and Mother-Toddler Pretend Play: Do Mother's Make a Difference?

Longitudinal Linkages Between Interparental Conflict and Parenting, Kay Bradford; Longitudinal Linkages Between Interparental Conflict and Parenting