The Plan B paper is usually a review of literature with conclusions drawn after conceptualizing an area of inquiry, planning a systematic search, and analyzing and critiquing the acquired information. The summary and conclusions developed should enhance knowledge in the discipline. These papers and reports follow the same format specifications as theses and dissertations and are expected to reflect equivalent scholarship standards, even though they may be less intensive and not demand the originality of a Plan A thesis.
Some programs may not require a Plan A thesis or Plan B paper, but instead require a capstone report. Such reports may be found in this series.
Students requesting changes to thesis/dissertation:
Upon final deposit in the Institutional Repository (IR), a thesis/dissertation becomes part of the student’s official academic record. No changes may be made to the thesis or dissertation after it has been approved by the School of Graduate Studies.
A student may submit a request to include an addendum to the completed document. This requires the support of the thesis/dissertation chair and written approval from the Vice Provost for Graduate Studies. The author must submit a written request to the School of Graduate Studies including the proposed addendum and a letter of support from the dissertation chair. The School of Graduate Studies will forward the addendum and approval to the Library, and the addendum will be added to the record in the IR.
Students submitting a Plan B or other report:
Please go to All Graduate Reports and Creative Projects, Fall 2023 to Present and click on "Submit Research."
Methods for Detection of Salmonella spp., Parichaya Attaphongse
Interim Sediment Management Plan for First Dam, Logan River, Thirumurugan Bose
Unwritten Law: Resilient Management in Latin American Artisanal Fisheries, Brandon Chapman
Determinants of Residential Water Conservation: The Case of Salt Lake City Utah, Eric A. Coleman
Field Calibration of the Float Method in Open Channels, Jorge Escurra
The Robustness of Factor Analyses When the Data Does Not Conform to Standard Parametric Requirements, Haisong Peng
Review of Social Competency Training for Pre-School and Elementary School Age Students at Risk for Developing or Classified with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders, Cristine C. Sosa
Alternative Future Growth Scenarios for Conserving Open Space Along Utah's Wasatch Front: A Case Study for the Mountain Land Association of Governments, Richard E. Toth
Hydraulic Characteristics of Labyrinth Weirs, Corwin M. Willmore
Finite Element Studies in Metal Cutting, Suhail Ahmed
Computer Simulation and Homogenization in Heating Design Optimization, Daniel K. Balls
A Personal Journey Through Instructional Technology: A Vision of Excellence Approached From a System of Magnanimity, Virginia Ellen Gilbert
The Garr Family Saga The Connecting Power of Oral Narrative, Margaret Garr Jaggi
Test Suite for Multiobjective Optimization and Results Using Normal Boundary Intersection (NBI) in Design Explorer, Siva Kumar Natarajan
Beyond the Statistics: Indian Experiences in the Indian Student Placement Program, Jenny M. Smith
Parents of Children with Severe Disabilities: Parental Stress, Depression, and the Marital Relationship, Melinda W. Christensen
Optimal Path Planning and the Fast Marching Method, J. J. Clark
Los Betabeleros: Hispanic Sugar Beet Laborers in Cache Valley, 1941-1981, Rosermary Washburn Cole
A Recommendation for Determining the Efficacy of Weight Removal Estimates for the Pacific Cod Longline CDQ Fishery, Anna L. Furniss
The Wetland Wonders Education Program: Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Kristen Gilbert
The Obesity Epidemic: Characteristics of Successful Weight Management Programs and Colorado's Approach, Michele Singer
Brain Injury in Children: Assessment and School-based Interventions, Deanne Smith
The Classification of Low Dimensional Nilpotent Lie Algebras, Kimberli C. Tripp
A History and Cultural Resource Site Recordation of Ogden Center and the Home of Truth Cooperative Settlement, Heather M. Weymouth
A Guide to Utah Native Plants and Their Use in the Landscape, Jared F. Barnes
Scale Economies in Public Education: Evidence from School Level Data, Ryan C. Bosworth
A Comparative Review of Wetland Mitigation Practices: Monitoring, Maintaining, and Funding Mitigated Wetlands, Giselle Marie Groshart
Spatial Perception and Integration of the Interior and Exterior Environments, Eric Don Howard
A Natural Channel Design to Restore the Greenwater River, Washington, Gregory J. Laurie
A Review of Progressive Muscle Relaxation Interventions used with School-Aged Children and Adolescents, Christopher Laypath
Detection of Changes in Financial Time Series, Rich Madsen
Factors That Influence High School Student Participation in United States Department of Agriculture School Lunch Nutrition Programs, Rebecca S. McKinnon
Predicting Successful Weight Loss Maintenance With the Health Locus of Control and Other Behavioral Modification Factors, Kimberley Ann McMahon
The Power of the Jewel: Discovering Historical Meaning Through the Study of Jewelry Made in Britain During the Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1901, Mary Gilbert Palmer
A River Runs Through Us: The Bear River Watershed Education Project, Robert M. Parrish
Factors Influencing Milk Consumption in an Elementary School Lunch Program, Andrea G. Payne
Analysis of a Non-Replicated Split-Split Plot Experiment, Emily Simmons Sim
Bear-Viewing Ecotourism in British Columbia: Ecological, Economic, and Social Perspectives Using a Case-Study Analysis of Knight Inlet Lodge, BC, Julian S. Smith
Creating Community Greenbelts Through TDR Zoning, Tim B. Watkins
Adolescent Suicide: A Review of School-Based Suicide Prevention in Middle and High School Settings, Stephanie Anne Alberico
Legend-Tripping at St. Anne's Retreat and Hecate in Logan Canyon: Origin, Belief, and Contemporary Oral Tradition, Anna-María Snæbjörnsdóttir Arnljóts
Utilizing Irrigation Canals in Northern Utah for Recreational Trail Use: An Evaluation of Issues and Concerns, James G. Carlson
"I Was Seeled to the Prophet in Nauvoo": Helen Mar Whitney and a Lifetime in "the Principle", Tamora M. Hoskisson
Economic Sanctions: Their Ineffectiveness at Attaining Their Stated Foreign Policy Goals with Specific Reference to the Cuban Case, Harold Lee Ingram
Low Seasonal Temperatures Promote Life Cycle Synchronization, Janette Lee Jenkins
Pooled and Individual Bycatch Quotas: Exploring Tradeoffs Between Observer Coverage Levels, Bycatch Frequency, Pool Size, and the Precision of Bycatch Estimates, Landon S. Jensen
School-Based Primary Prevention of Internalizing Disorders, Carol M. Moore
The Relationship of Human Psychological Characteristics with Athletic Performance, Grant P. Murray
Treatment of Separation Anxiety Disorder and School Refusal: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature, Nicole Petersen
A Survey of the Taniyama-Shimura Conjecture, Kady Schneiter
Is It Time for Cooperative Learning to Enter American Classrooms?, Donna Sewell
Evaluation of a Collaborative Model Using A Case Study Analysis of Watershed Planning in the Intermountain West, Gary Bentrup
4-H Summer Camp Program for Youth-At-Risk, Carol A. Daniels
Brigham City, Utah: Main Street District Improvements, Ross Swanson
Conceptual Education Master Plan for the Utah Botanical Center: Part One: Natural Resources, Gregory J. Wright
In Union is Strength Mormon Women and Cooperation, 1867-1900, Kathleen C. Haggard
Designing, Developing, Producing, and Evaluating Interactive Geography Education Multimedia Materials, Michael Forrest Harper
A Comparative Analysis of Seven Published Self-Report Measures for Assessing Internalizing-Type Symptoms in Children and Adolescents, Kathryn E. Anderson
Terminal Emulation System, Chun-Fu Lee
Superior/Subordinate Communication in an Effective Organization, Jim Sawdey
NetTest: An Integrated Web-Based Test Tools, Tzy-Tao Yang
The Influence of Adoption on Self-Related Social-Emotional Characteristics of Adopted Children and Adolescents, H. Norman Ames
Land Degradation and Desertification in Arid and Semiarid Regions, Youssef Bahddou
Environmental Contamination by Trace Metals at the Inactive Pacific Mine Site, American Fork Canyon: Legal and Remediation Implications, Phyllis Ann Bustamante
Multimedia in Communication Education: A Survey of Communication Educators, Michelle Hales
The Development of an Electronic Newspaper at the Deseret News and a Survey of its Users, Marilyn L. Karras
A History of Facilities, Programs, and Services for Utah's Women Inmates, Kenneth B. Shulsen
Evolution of a Free Press in Taiwan: A Case Study, Chi Wang
Developing Optimal Levels of Appreciation for And Use of School Sites for Education, Gary Lee Worthley
The Curriculum for the Lab Portion of a Training for Day Care Providers in Developmentally Appropriate Practices, Celeste Anderson
Conceptual Design and Master Planning for the Fisheries & Wildlife Research Center, David T. Anderson
A Walk on the Wild Side: Conceptual Master Plan and Vegetation Management Plan for the Ogden Nature Center, Beth G. Pyle
A Proposed Analysis of Planning Factors within the Interpretive Planning Process, Christopher W. Sands
Characteristics of College Students Seeking Mental Health Services and Reasons Given for Choosing the Mental Health Service Provider, Ann Leslie Athorp
The development and Writing of a Children's Story to Promote an Awareness of Deaf Culture and American Sign Language, Blaine J. Taylor
Training Seminars for Regular Education Teachers: Preparing to Teach Students who are Deaf in the Hearing Classroom, K'Leis H. Young
A Profile of Child Care Services Offered at Land-Grant Institutions, Mary E. Bissonette
Current child Care Strategies of Twenty-Five states and Summary Recommendations for Future Child Care Services in Utah based on Recommendations from the Governor's Task Force on Child Care, Cheryl Elliot-Robinson
Transition for Early Intervention Programs Under part H of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act P. L. 101-476, Kozette Tanner
Expectations: A Guide for Childbirth Education at Logan Regional Hospital, Janet Radford Bergeson
Reverse Peace Corps: A Proposal on the Recruitment of Third World Nationals as Peace Corps Volunteers Assigned to the United States, Payam Foroughi
Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain and Marital Adjustment Effects on the Spouse, Marilyn Matson Jones
Numerical Simulation of Saturated Flow with Fractal Analysis of the Hydraulic Conductivity Distribution, Joan Leilani Oana
Osprey Summer: Ospreys Nesting on Flaming Gorge, Ron Stewart
The Intermountain Indian School, Lewis A. Williams
The Reliance on the Four Major News Agencies for International News Reports in Taiwan, Denise Hsiu-wen Li
The Needs and Concerns of the Siblings of the Deaf-Blind, Lori P. Rowan
Correlations Between Ego Identity Development and Career Development, Kenyon M. Watkins
Bilingual Education: What it Could Mean on the Navajo Reservation, Berniece A. Blackhorse
Applied Chaotic Dynamics: An Introduction, James Frankenfield
Snow and Avalanche Physics: Physical Analysis of Factors Affecting the Stability of a Seasonal Continental Snowpack, James Frankenfield
A Guide in Working With Elementary-Aged Navajo Children of Alcoholic Parents, George Ray Henry
Community Choral Recital: An Avenue to Continuing Education, Carl Hoffman
Office Signs: Reflectors of Organizational Culture, Melvin Leon Jeppson
An Analysis of Institutional Approaches for Management of Common Rangeland Resources in Sub-Saharan Africa, Mohale Gabriel Sekoto
Pastoral Development Strategies In The Sahel and East Africa: Can the Mistakes be Corrected?, Ahmed Musa Haji Ahmed
Review and Recommendations Regarding Available Funding Sources For Moab City Development, Kuo Kwang Chang
An Experimental Analysis of the Two-String Problem, Mary Ann Henneman