The Plan B paper is usually a review of literature with conclusions drawn after conceptualizing an area of inquiry, planning a systematic search, and analyzing and critiquing the acquired information. The summary and conclusions developed should enhance knowledge in the discipline. These papers and reports follow the same format specifications as theses and dissertations and are expected to reflect equivalent scholarship standards, even though they may be less intensive and not demand the originality of a Plan A thesis.
Some programs may not require a Plan A thesis or Plan B paper, but instead require a capstone report. Such reports may be found in this series.
Students requesting changes to thesis/dissertation:
Upon final deposit in the Institutional Repository (IR), a thesis/dissertation becomes part of the student’s official academic record. No changes may be made to the thesis or dissertation after it has been approved by the School of Graduate Studies.
A student may submit a request to include an addendum to the completed document. This requires the support of the thesis/dissertation chair and written approval from the Vice Provost for Graduate Studies. The author must submit a written request to the School of Graduate Studies including the proposed addendum and a letter of support from the dissertation chair. The School of Graduate Studies will forward the addendum and approval to the Library, and the addendum will be added to the record in the IR.
Students submitting a Plan B or other report:
Please go to All Graduate Reports and Creative Projects, Fall 2023 to Present and click on "Submit Research."
Impact of Development on Traditional Pastoralism in Somalia, Abdulkadir A. Handulle
Coal Smoke and Valve Oil: The Steam Era in Cache Valley Agriculture, Michael W. Johnson
The Effect of Reinforcer Type on the Resurgence of Responding, Lori Light-Richter
Program Development for Computer Simulation and Analysis for Multiplex Chromatography, Barbara Pawliszyn
Graduate Recital Report, Brian Douglas Petersen
Integration of Precision Teaching Instructional Materials for Levels K-6 State of Utah Core Curriculum Standards and Objectives in Math: A Directory for Computer Managed Instruction/Decision Making, Nancy Joanne Christner Williams
The Stability and Predictive Validity of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development: A Meta-Analysis, Gary A. Goodrich
Computer Program Generation of Extreme Value Distribution Data, Stephen (Wan-tsing) Lei
Computer Simulations of Biological Growth Patterns: Tree Modeling Success and Applications, Robert L. Nagel Jr.
Classification and Interpretation of Selected Soil Data from a Tropical Region of Bolivia, Noemi Sabillon
Land Use Controls As An Influence On Surface Water Quality In Cache County, Utah, Jerry E. Sempek
Revegetation of Denuded High Elevation Watersheds in Mustang, Nepal, Madhukar Upadhya
Automatic Ordering of Program Units for Execution, Ronald D. Williams
Design and Field Layout of Irrigation Flow Measuring Devices in the River-Lab at Utah State University, Abelardo M. Arriaran
Comparison of Bootstrap and Jacknife Statistical Procedures, Amanuel Gobena
Monte Carlo Simulation of the Game of Twenty-One, Douglas E. Loer
Oral Language Proficiency Testing with Navajo Students: Issues and Problems, Carolyn Martin
Beta-Endorphin and Running Addiction: Use in the Treatment of Schizophrenia, Mania, Depression, and Anxiety, James Glenn Rogers
Multiple Shooting, Monique St-Maurice
Analysis of the Costs and Returns of Pasturing Irrigated Alfalfa for Beef Production in Utah in 1983, Irvin R. Bowen
Pheasant Habitat Improvement Through Multiple Land Use Planning on Cache Valley Farmland, Shannon B. Heath
Limitations of Computerized Impact Assessment Models for Planning in Small Towns, Mark Richard Brown
Differential Behavior of Coyotes with Regard to Home Range Limits, Charles Harris
The Writing and Production of a Series of Mini-Documentary Radio Programs on Animal Control and Care in Logan, Camille Cornish-Dryden
Images and Sequences: A Demonstration Project on the Use of Photography as a Tool for Academic Motivation in Logan Junior High School, H. Gordon Hilden
The Impact of Performance Testing On Production Selection, Ross A. Jacobson
An Approach to Selection of Variety and Planting Date in Corn Silage Production, Carlos A. Luna-Gonzalez
Nonparametric Analysis of Right Censored Data with Multiple Comparisons, Hwei-Weng Shih
The Relative Importance of Fathers' Participation in Family Therapy, Alice Ann Smith Aldous
Diagnostic Considerations in the Identification of the Hyperactive Child, Barbara Jagoda Draheim
The Frobenius Theorem, Hiroshi Nagao
Single...Chance or Choice, Karen Robinson
Uniform Commercial Credit Code of Utah, Karen Robinson
Approaches to Adult Probationary Supervision: A Positive Perspective, Douglas Wilson
Huntington Lake Recreation Management Composite Plan, Kermit L. Johansson
A Survey of Selected Employers and Placement Counselors to Determine Sociocultural Factors in the Work Adjustment of Navajo Students in Box Elder County, Utah, Dolores M. Keller
Factorial Analysis of Variance and Covariance on a Minicomputer, LaDonna Black Kemmerle
An Agro-Sylvo-Pastoral Approach to Desertification Control and Increased Productivity of the Sahel, Rober D. Kirmse
Shallow Water Problem, Shu-Chen Li
A Parks and Recreation Plan for Wheatland Wyoming, Wade Weston Ward Sr.
Recital Report, Gregory John Wheeler
The Evolution of IBM's Information Management System-- A Significant Data Base/Data Communications Software Product, Brent W. Anderson
A Discussion of an Empirical Bayes Multiple Comparison Technique, Donna Baranowski
Selected Projects in Costume Design, Michael Eagan
Management Studies: Roosevelt City Fire Department and Vehicle Maintenance Division, Roosevelt, Utah, Rendal D. Esplin
On the Sampling Distribution of Entropy Function, Pan Fu-Charo
Interviewing Process Currently Being Utilized by Cache Valley Businesses in Hiring Office Workers, Angela M. Grimaldi
Competencies Required of High School Distributive Education Students for Entry-Level Employment in Selected Cedar City Businesses, Mervin W. Prince
Criteria for the Selection of Students into a Counseling Program: A Review of Literature, Douglas N. Reeder
Status of Junior High School Typing Programs in the State of Utah, Jane Frances Blair
A Follow-Up Study of the Distributive Education Graduates of Sky View High School 1972-1976, Thomas J. Broberg
A Survey Study of Employer and Student Interest in a Possible General Marketing Program at Snow College, Ephraim, Utah, Rick L. Dove
A Survey of Plants and Animals of Hill and Wendover Bombing Ranges, Western Utah, Mary Sue Fisher
Comparison of the Fisher's Method of Randomization with Other Tests Based on Ranks and the F-Test, Francisco J. González
Job Qualification and Activities of Post Secondary Cooperative Education Coordinators in Utah, Carl L. Grunander
Factor Analysis Method, Stephen Hauwah Kan
Possible Innovations for Teaching Farm Management in Iran, Mehdi- Khosroshahin
Estimation of μy Using the General Regression Model (in sampling), Michael R. Manieri
A Study of the Feasibility of a Two-Year Retail Marketing Program at Southern Utah State College, John R. Pruitt
An Analysis of Trends Affecting Collection Growth at the Merrill Library, Richard Brian Schockmel
Evaluation of an Experiment After Analysis of Variance, Abdullah Sulaiman Atheem
Graduate Recital, Betty R. Beecher
Influence of Angler Motivations, Expectations, and Opinions on Fishery Management Practices in the United States, James E. Brogdon
Graduate Recital, Donna Gatlin Davis
A Study of the Need for a Personal-Use Typewriting Class at Utah State University, Rolayne Day Earl
Interpretation of Selected Soil Data from the Central Part of Utah, Amjad T. El-Rihani
A Study to Determine what Utah Secondary Business Teachers Should Understand About Vocational Funding from the State Level to the School Level, Debbie L. Hymas
Importance of Legumes, Especially The Trifolium Species, in Range Improvement, Abdelhai A. Ibnattya
Stochastic Integration, Diane Knipfer
The Impacts of Agriculture and Pastoralism on Wildlife in the Sudan, Fraser Tong Kuotwel
An Evaluation by Former Students of the Manpower Office Training Program Curriculum at Southern Utah State College, Constance W. Nyman
Curriculum Materials Center: Perceptions of the Faculty of the College of Education at Utah State University, Janie L. Rudrud
Energy Development and Differential Migration Intentions of High School Seniors in Rural Utah in 1975, Carole L. Seyfrit
Specific Hypotheses in Linear Models and Their Power Function in Unbalanced Data, Seyed Mohtaba Taheri
A Manpower Study of the Utah Feed, Grain, and Seed Industry and the Idaho Seed Industry, Earl Ray Thomsen
Contour Trenching as a Strategy in Watershed Rehabilitation: Application to Nepalese Condition, Kumar P. Upadhyay
Masters Recital, Deanne Gardner Johnsen Vanderford
The Feasibility of a Computer-Based Library Reference Interview, Stephen C. Weiss
A Follow-Up of Weber State College's Cash Register Training Graduates, Curtis W. Youngman
Spanish Policy Concerning the Apaches in the Eighteenth Century with Emphasis on the Policy of Bernardo de Galvez, Michael Guy Bishop
The Coal Conflict: Utah's Fight with the Union Pacific Railroad, Michael Guy Bishop
A Study to Determine why Cache County, Utah, High School Students do or do not Enroll in Second-Year Shorthand, Rebecca B. Boswell
Making and Adjusting the Oboe Reed, Norma June Boyce
A Follow-Up Study of Utah Skills Center-North Office Occupations Graduates and Employers, Roietta J. Goodwin
A Study of the Interest in an Expanded Distributive Education Program at Bountiful High School, Donald Koenig
An Empirical Comparison of Confidence Interval for Relative Potency, Catherine H. Lung
Graduate Recital, Judy Ann Morgan
A Study of the Planned Unit Development and its Application to a Site in Cache Valley, Margaret Ann Mullins
A Study to Determine what Businessmen in Logan know about the Cooperative Office Education Concept, Penelope Patz
Federal Reclamation in Utah to 1974, Glen Shagren
Tientsin China in 1900, Glen Shagren
A Computer Approach to Performing MPPA Testing, James W. Shaw
A Follow-Up Study to Determine the Employment Status of Utah State University Distributive Education Graduate, 1969-1973, Robert K. Shaw
Linear Comparisons in Multivariate Analysis of Variance, Hsin-Ming Tzeng
Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services Offered by the Utah State Board of Education, Mark J. Bankhead
Recital Report, Alan P. Beste
Recital Report, Robert Steven Call
Multivariate Analysis of Variance for Simple Designs, Yin-Yin Chen
Speech Improvement Programs in Rural and Urban Utah Public Schools: Kindergarten, First and Second Grades, Linda B. Crozier