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The Infrastructure of the Fur Trade in the American Southwest, 1821-1840, Hadyn B. Call
Feeling the Drive: The International Meridian Highway, Regional Boosters, and the Redefinition of Space, 1911-1930, Amanda N. Johnson
She Was Our Mother: Manifest Destiny and Misconceptions in New Mexico, 1845-48, Greg Merrill Palmer
Sinners in the City of Saints: Flappers in Salt Lake City, Bree Ann Romero
Everybody has the be Someplace: Twentieth-Centure Pedagogies of Place and Curricular Possibilities for the Intermountain West, Jacob Sheetz-Willard
American Debtors' Prison: The Rise of the New York Citizen as a Commercial Participant during the Early American Republic, 1800-1836, Ryan M. Braeger
Communities of Memory: The Utah History Fair and the Utilization of History and Memory, Nicholas Andrew Demas
An Environmental History of the Bear River Range, 1860-1910, Bradley Paul Hansen
Malaya's Indian Tamil Labor Diaspora: Colonial Subversion of Their Quest for Agency and Modernity (1945-1948), Patricia Annamaria Spencer
A Nation That Wasn't: The Whiskey Rebellion and a Fractured Early Republic, Kevin P. Whitaker
Reinforcements on the Border: The Utah National Guard's Role in the Punitive Expedition, 1916-1917, Thomas Reese Dubach Jr.
“Next Year in Jerusalem”: The Trials and Triumphs of Music in the Schools of Preston, Idaho, 1888-1995, Jill Durrant
"Super Salesmen" for the Toughest Sales Job: The Utah Nippo, Salt Lake City's Japanese Americans, and Proving Group Loyalty, 1941-1946, Sarah L. B. Fassmann
Order and Peace: Samuel Seabury's Concept of Liberty, Cho-Chien Feng
Homesickness and the Location of Home: Germans, Heimweh, and the American Civil War, Joseph G. Foster
"Worlds Without End": The Cosmological Theodicy of Brigham Young, James Chase Kirkham
The Vox Populi Is the Vox Dei: American Localism and the Mormon Expulsion from Jackson County, Missouri, Matthew Lund
Stephen C. Rowan and the U.S. Navy: Sixty Years of Service, Cynthia M. Zemke
Religious Space in Transition: A Comparison of Latter-Day Saint and Nonconformist Worship in Victorian England, Jaclyn Ann Beazer
Recreating Religion: The Response to Joseph Smith’s Innovations in the Second Prophetic Generation of Mormonism, Christopher James Blythe
“I Neither Omit Aught, Nor Have I Omitted Aught”: Embodying a Sovereign—The Resident Ambassador in the Elizabethan Court, 1558-1560, Sarah M. Gawronski
Zababdeh: A Palestinian Water History, Julia S. Templin
Smoldering Embers: Czech-German Cultural Competition, 1848-1948, C. Brandon Hone
Sex in the Kitchen: The Re-Interpretation of Gendered Space Within the Post-World War II Suburban Home in the West, Philip M. Lockette
The Career Intern Program: An Alternative High School in 1970's Philadelphia, Brandon Rains
The Itinerant Prophet: Brigham Young and His Tours of Mormon Settlements, Brent A. Haslam
"Real, Live Mormon Women": Understanding the Role of Early Twentieth-Century LDS Lady Missionaries, Kelly Lelegren
Changes in Seniority to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Travis Q. Mecham
Joseph Smith and the Bible: "Extending the Text and Filling the Silences", Sylvan Eugene Needham III
From Sagebrush to Subdivisions: Visualizing Tourist Development in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, 1967-2002, Clinton R. Pumphrey
From Cultural Traditions to National Trends: The Transition of Domestic Mormon Architecture in Cache Valley, Utah, 1860--1915, Jami J. Van Huss
Bushnell General Military Hospital and the Community of Brigham City, Utah During World War II, Andrea Kaye Carter
Growing Wild: Crested Wheatgrass and the Landscape of Belonging, Lafe Gerald Conner
Henry VIII: Supremacy, Religion, and the Anabaptists, Joel Martin Gillaspie
Culture, Community, and Class in the Bavarian Marriage Process, 1789-1849: Leonhard Büttner, Margaretha Weiss, and Their Illegitimate Children, F. Warren Bittner
Pushing the Car of Progress Forward: The Salt Lake Tribune's Quest to Change Utah for Statehood, 1871-1896, Robert Patrick Mills
Sir Nicholas Throckmorton: A Diplomatic Advisor to Queen Elizabeth, Kenneth M. Kisner
Beyond the Statistics: Indian Experiences in the Indian Student Placement Program, Jenny M. Smith
Los Betabeleros: Hispanic Sugar Beet Laborers in Cache Valley, 1941-1981, Rosermary Washburn Cole
The Power of the Jewel: Discovering Historical Meaning Through the Study of Jewelry Made in Britain During the Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1901, Mary Gilbert Palmer
A Pathway to Prophethood: Joseph Smith Junior as Rodsman, Village Seer, and Judeo-Christian Prophet, Mark Ashurst-McGee
"I Was Seeled to the Prophet in Nauvoo": Helen Mar Whitney and a Lifetime in "the Principle", Tamora M. Hoskisson
A New Town in the Valley: The Centennial History of Newton, Utah 1869-1969, Larry D. Christiansen; Unique Printing Service
The Nixon Environmental Agenda: An Insider's View of Republican Decision-Making, 1968-1973, David D. Dominick
In Union is Strength Mormon Women and Cooperation, 1867-1900, Kathleen C. Haggard
"Halfway Between Nobody Knows Where and Somebody's Starting Point": A History of the West End of Montrose County, Colorado, John A. Hardcastle
The Emergence of Longview, Washington: Indians, Farmers, and Industrialists on the Cowlitz-Columbia Flood Plain, Brett H. Rushforth
A History of Facilities, Programs, and Services for Utah's Women Inmates, Kenneth B. Shulsen
The De Villers Book of Hours, Kenneth R. Williams
Uncertain Justice: The Ute Jurisdiction Case and Conflicting Directions in Federal Indian Law, A. J. Taylor
Pioneer Harmonies: Mormon Women and Music in Utah, 1847-1900, Jennifer L. Fife
The Tail Wags the Dog: State Versus Federal Control in the Public Domain Debate, 1929-1934, Kevin D. Hatfield
The African-American Community of Ogden, Utah: 1910-1950, Eric Stene
Montpelier, Idaho's Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen: A Community of Railroaders, 1900-1920, Kimball M. Fife
The Cache Valley Shoshones: Cultural Change, Subsistence, and Resistance, to 1870, John W. Heaton
Homeward the Course of Empire: The Popularization of the American West in Great Britain, 1850-1913, Ian Craig Breaden
Utah and Mormon Migration in the Twentieth Century: 1890 to 1955, Todd Forsyth Carney
Silent Saints: Deaf Mormons in Utah, Petra M. Horn
Nature's Second Course: Water Culture in the Mormon Communities of Cache Valley, Utah, 1860-1916, Kathryn T. Morse
Working on Desert Rails: A Social and Environmental History, Ann E. Vileisis
Mining the Colorado Plateau: the Story of Calamity Mesa 1910-1970, Lisa Pitcher Godfrey
Creating Ethnicity in the Hydraulic Village of the Mormon West, Charles M. Hatch
The Swett Homestead: An Oral History 1909-1970, Eric G. Swedin
The Ute Indians and the Public School System: A Historical Analysis, 1900-1985, Kim M. Gruenwald
Coal Smoke and Valve Oil: The Steam Era in Cache Valley Agriculture, Michael W. Johnson
Martin Harris in Cache Valley - Events and Influence, Scott R. Shelton
Capitol Reef: The Forgotten National Park, Jonathan Scott Thow
Feathers and Steel: A Folkloric Study of Cockfighting in Northern Utah, Jesse Lloyd Walker
Transplain Migration: The Church Trains in Mormon Immigration, 1861-1868, John K. Hulmston
Quiet Power A History of James Grey Willie, Doug R. Stephens
History of the Forty-Second Parallel as a Political Boundary Between Utah and Idaho, Nancy Bergeson
A Development Plan for the Museums at Union Station in Ogden, Utah, Elizabeth A. M. Griffith
A History of John W. Young's Utah Railroads, 1884-1894, Marlowe C. Adkins Jr.
"Up the Ditch:" The History of Elsinore, Utah, 1874-1977, Ken Cregg Hansen
The Life and Contributions of Captain Dan Jones, Rex LeRoy Christensen
The Life and Contributions of Captain Dan Jones, Rex Leroy Christensen
Spanish Policy Concerning the Apaches in the Eighteenth Century with Emphasis on the Policy of Bernardo de Galvez, Michael Guy Bishop
The Coal Conflict: Utah's Fight with the Union Pacific Railroad, Michael Guy Bishop
Electrification of Utah 1880 to 1915, Boyd L. Dastrup
Federal Reclamation in Utah to 1974, Glen Shagren
Tientsin China in 1900, Glen Shagren
Reluctant Immigrants of Utah the Uncompahgre Utes, James W. Wardle
A History of Mapleton, Utah to 1945, Ralph K. Harmer
Patrick Edward Connor and the Military District of Utah: Civil War Military Operations in Utah and Nevada, 1862-1865, Max Reynolds McCarthy
"In the Toils" or "Onward for Zion": Images of the Mormon Woman, 1852-1890, Gail Farr Casterline
Development of Irrigation in Wasatch County, Craig Woods Fuller
A History of Brigham Young College, Logan, Utah, Arnold K. Garr
Assassin and Hero: The Making of Men a New Analysis of the Attempted Assassination of Theodore Roosevelt, Beverly Brown Grabow
A Trail Guide to the Dominguez – Velez de Escalante Expedition 1776, Robert S. Russon
The Great Depression in Weber County, Utah: An Exercise in Oral History, Mack S. Taft
A History of Water Resources Development in the Bear River Basin of Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming, R. Scott Wrenn
A History of the Public Library Movement in Utah, Max J. Evans
The Cultural Programs of the WPA: with Special Emphasis on the Federal Art Project, Lawrence G. Lashbrook
On Human, Economic, Natural Resources for the state of Utah From 1870- 1910 From U.S. Census Reports, Daniel J. Ringle
The Effects of Huguenot Settlements Upon the French Colonial Empire, Daniel J. Ringle
The United States Marshals in Utah Territory to 1896, Vernal A. Brown
A Biography of Lot Smith (1830-1892), Robert L. Cane Jr.
The History of Cokeville, Wyoming, Errol Jack Lloyd
Carl L. Becker: A Philosophical Analysis, Reed Anderson Olsen