Human–Wildlife Interactions | Journals | Utah State University

Human–Wildlife Interactions (HWI) is the only scientific journal dedicated specifically to publishing manuscripts that report research, management case studies, and policy perspectives designed to enhance the professional management of human–wildlife conflicts. HWI is an open-access journal published 3 times per year.

Early online access is available for articles published in a forthcoming issue. View publications for Volume 17, Issue 3, and Volume 18, Issue 1.

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Volume 17, Issue 2 (2023)


Letter from the Editor


An Introduction to the Special Issue: Island Invaders
Aaron B. Shiels, Shane R. Siers, and S. Nicole Frey

Special Topics


The Lord Howe Island Rodent Eradication: Social and Technical Lessons for Inhabited Islands
Grant A. Harper, Simon Pahor, Kelly Harrington, Darcelle Matassoni, and Darryl Birch


Rat Biosecurity Surveillance and Response Following Eradication on a Tropical Atoll
David Ringler, Richard Griffiths, Frank Murphy, Baudouin des Monstiers, and James C. Russell


The Path to U.S. National Registration of a Toxic Bait for the Control of the Small Indian Mongoose
Carmen C. Antaky, Steven C. Hess, Emily W. Ruell, Israel L. Leinbach, Shane R. Siers, and Robert T. Sugihara


An Automatic System to Evaluate Bait Station Visitation by Brown Treesnakes and Mongooses
Robert T. Sugihara, William C. Pitt, Are R. Berentsen, and Francis L. Benevides Jr.


Ecological Associations of Nonnative Ungulates on the Hawaiian Island of Lāna‘i
Steven C. Hess, Lucas Berio Fortini, Christina R. Leopold, Jacob Muise, and Jonathan C. Sprague


Pilot Study for Invasive Brown Treesnake Baiting in Residential Areas
Shane R. Siers, Juan-Carlos Mungaray, Jordan I. S. Barcinas, Jeried E. Calaor, Rachel M. Volsteadt, Martin Kastner, Scott M. Goetz, Melia G. Nafus, and Thomas C. Hall


The Impact of Feral Honey Bees on Endangered Seabirds in the Hawaiian Islands
André Francis Raine, Scott Driskill, Stephen Rossiter, Jennifer Rothe, Kyle Pias, Rachel Sprague, and Alex Dutcher

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