Purpose & Scope | Human–Wildlife Interactions | Journals | Utah State University

Purpose & Scope

Human–Wildlife Interactions (HWI) serves the professional needs of the wildlife biologist and manager in the arena of human–wildlife conflicts/interactions, wildlife damage management, and contemporary wildlife management. The intent of HWI is to publish original contributions on all aspects of contemporary wildlife management and human–wildlife interactions with an emphasis on scientific research and management case studies that identify and report innovative conservation strategies, technologies, tools, and partnerships that can enhance human–wildlife interactions by mitigating human–wildlife conflicts through direct and indirect management of wildlife and increased stakeholder engagement. Our intent is to promote a dialogue among wildlife professionals concerning contemporary management issues. As such, we hope to provide a repository for wildlife management science and case studies that document and share manager experiences and lessons learned.

Subject Areas

The following general subjects are appropriate for HWI articles:


These articles typically describe the cause and the effects of specific actions, practices, or policies on the management of human–wildlife conflicts, wildlife damage, and related contemporary management issues. As such, we welcome articles on economics, invasive species, endangered or threatened species, human dimensions, nuisance wildlife, over-abundant species, urban wildlife, wildlife damage, and zoonotic diseases. Articles are usually the results of scientific research and/or long-term case studies. These articles sent are typically assigned to an Associate Editor (AE) and sent out by the managing editor for peer-review by 2 anonymous reviewers. Once the reviews are complete, they are sent along with the original article to the AE for a recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) regarding publication merit.


Technique articles typically report an evaluation of or improvement upon techniques or tools used frequently in wildlife damage management or contemporary wildlife management. These articles are usually shorter in nature, from 3 to 12 double-spaced manuscript pages, and are also assigned to an AE and sent out for peer-review.

Contemporary Conservation and Policy Issues

This category offers our authors greater flexibility, featuring articles that relate to human–wildlife interactions/conflicts and the impact of human activities on wildlife or their habitats. Contributions on political or legal issues, special topics in human–wildlife conflict management, wildlife management, refinement of state or federal natural resource programs or policies, regional or national surveys of wildlife management programs or policies, social movements affecting wildlife management, and related topics are welcome. The articles are assigned to an AE for peer-editing and single review and may be sent out for peer-review based on AE recommendations.


These articles explore the principles, logic, and ethics which guide the professional management of wildlife. The articles are assigned to an AE for peer-editing, single review, and publication recommendation to the EIC.

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Article Categories

HWI encourages submissions in the categories of 1) Research or Management Articles or Notes; 2) Management Case Studies; 3) Invited Reviews and Synthesis Articles; 4) In My Opinion; 5) Commentary; 6) Letters to the Editor; 7) Book, Media, Products, Tools, and Technology Reviews; 8) In the News; 9) Special Topics; 10) Awards and Recognition; and 11) In Memory.

1. Research or Management Articles or Notes

Manuscripts in this category focus on aspects of human–wildlife interactions, wildlife conflict management, wildlife damage management, and contemporary wildlife management that can provide new information obtained through scientific research that may assist wildlife professionals and others in management. Notes are distinct from peer-reviewed articles in that they are shorter in length, may present new findings based on limited sample sizes or scale, and typically only contain photos or diagrams essential to illustrate new techniques or tools. Both article and note submissions require an abstract.

2. Management Case Studies

These articles provide managers with new information to assist managers in enhancing human–wildlife interactions, mitigation human–wildlife conflicts, reducing wildlife damage management, or managing wildlife. The cases studies present data, report observations, and/or summarize experiences documented over time. Unlike management articles or notes, the information reported may not have been obtained through a rigorous experimental design or statistical analysis. However, these case studies warrant publication in a peer-reviewed format because of the potential management implications. These articles can include direct and indirect management of wildlife and human dimensions programs or processes. These articles are sent out for peer-review.

3. Invited Reviews and Synthesis Articles

The EIC has the option to solicit articles that review and synthesize important topics that pertain to the scientific foundations of human–wildlife interactions, wildlife damage management, and wildlife conservation policy and management. Invited articles must include a Management Implications section, and are reviewed by an AE and the EIC. If HWI solicits a review or synthesis article, page charges may be waived. HWI also welcomes unsolicited reviews or synthesis papers on topics within the scope of the journal. Page charges apply for unsolicited reviews or synthesis papers.

4. In My Opinion

These articles are essays that explore in detail the underlying values, tenets, and philosophy that guide contemporary wildlife management, wildlife damage management, and human–wildlife conflict management. These articles can uncover contemporary dogma, false assumptions and misguided policy, or otherwise stimulate thought and innovation. The EIC may send opinion essays for peer-review but also may accept them without doing so.

5. Commentary

Commentaries are of 2 types: reaction to a previous article in HWI or a response to an issue, movement, policy, or program that could impact the wildlife management, wildlife damage management, and human–wildlife interactions. In either case, the manuscript must be well-documented, prepared professionally, and include an abstract. The EIC may accept Commentary submissions with or without peer-review. This category facilitates the dissemination of emerging information in print in a timely manner.

6. Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor are short articles that address issues relevant to HWI. Appropriate topics include comments on recently published manuscripts (and author responses to the comments) or on topics or methods relevant to human–wildlife interactions, wildlife damage management, or the management of wildlife. Letters should be short (~1,000 words) and consist of a short title, author name and address, text, and Literature Cited if necessary. Letters are selected by the EIC and are not typically subject to peer-review, but they may be assigned to an AE for review and recommendation. Letters are not subject to page charges.

7. Book, Media, Products, Tools, and Technology Reviews

These reviews provide a brief synopsis and commentary on a book, media-based communication, product, tool, or technology relevant to some aspect of the human–wildlife interaction or the management of wildlife. This includes computer programs, models, software, or products or tools that can assist managers in conducting their work. These are sent out to an AE for review and publication recommendation.

8. In the News

This is a special section in each issue of HWI that summarizes and shares topics in the news. Topics range from unique observations or incidences involving human–wildlife interactions, wildlife damage management, or wildlife management. This section is designed to disseminate hot topics or issues. The section is usually prepared by an assigned AE, but HWI welcomes contributions from our readers.

9. Special Topics

This is a special section in HWI that contains 6 or more articles that address timely or emerging topics. Articles selected for the special section are assigned to an AE and sent out for peer-review. Previous special sections have included papers on urban bear damage, sage-grouse conservation, bird strikes, and invasive species. The EIC invites proposals from authors who are interested in publishing a body of work in a special section. The EIC may also announce a call-for-papers for a special section.

10. Awards and Recognition

This is a new addition to HWI. We desire to share the accomplishments and recognition received by HWI contributors and readers. As such, we will dedicate space in each issue to acknowledge the work and accomplishment of wildlife professionals. Submissions should be no longer than 2 paragraphs and may include a photograph.

11. In Memory

This is a special section in HWI dedicated to honor wildlife professionals who have passed away in the recent year. Submission should be limited to <1,000 words, and we encourage submission of a photograph.

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