Volume 1, Issue 2 (2007) Fall 2007
In the News
In the News
Joe N. Caudell
Research Articles/Notes
Editor's Introduction America’s First Feral Hog War
Michael R. Conover
The Director's Desk Why this Journal was Created
Johan T. du Toit
The Director's Desk Hogs Gone Wild
William H. Clay
The Soap Box Eliminating Trapping Escalates Beaver Complaints and Costs to the Public
Robert Southwick
The Soap Box Birth Control is Not for Everyone: a Response
Allen T. Rutberg
The Soap Box IPM and IWDM: Is there a Difference?
Michael J. Bodenchuk
Introduction to HWC's Special Topic Ecology and Management of Feral Hogs
Stephen S. Ditchkoff and Ben C. West
Demographic and Spatial Characteristics of Feral Hogs in the Chihuahuan Desert, Texas
Roger N. Adkins and Louis A. Harveson
Range Size, Habitat use, and Dial Activity of Feral Hogs on Reclaimed Surface-Mined lands in East Texas
Robert C. Mersinger and Nova J. Silvy
Feral Hog Research in Western Louisiana: Expanding Populations and Unforeseen Consequences
Michael D. Kaller, James D. Hudson III, Eric C. Achberger, and William E. Kelso
Adaptive and Economic Management Methods for Feral Hog Control in Florida
Richard M. Engeman, Bernice U. Constantin, Stephanie A. Shwiff, Henry T. Smith, John Woolard, John Allen, and John Dunlap
Distribution and Disease Prevalence of Feral Hogs in Missouri
R. Edwin Hartin, Mark R. Ryan, and Tyler A. Campbell
Appreciating Feral Hogs: Extension Education for Diverse Stakeholders in Texas
Dale Rollins, Billy J. Higginbotham, Kenneth A. Cearley, and R. Neal Wilkins
A Landscape-Level Survey of Feral Hog Impacts to Natural Resources of the Big Thicket National Preserve
Pedro M. Chavarria, Roel R. Lopez, Gillian Bowser, and Nova J. Silvy
Intrafield Patterns of wildlife Damage to Corn and Soybeans in Northern Indiana
Travis L. DeVault, James C. Beasley, Lee A. Humberg, Brian J. MacGowan, Mónica I. Retamosa, and Olin E. Rhodes Jr.
Foraging Preferences of Captive Canada Geese Related to Turfgrass Mixtures
Brian E. Washburn, Scott C. Barras, and Thomas W. Seamans
Efficacy of CPTH-Treated Egg Baits for Removing Ravens
Peter S. Coates, Jack O. Spencer Jr., and David J. Delehanty
Crop Diversification Leads to Diverse Bird Problems in Hawaiian Agriculture
Marni E. Koopman and William C. Pitt
Influence of Habitat Patch Characteristics on the Success of Upland Duck Nests
Jaime E. Jiménez, Michael R. Conover, Raymond D. Dueser, and Terry A. Messmer
Hazing of Canada Geese is Unlikely to Reduce Nuisance Populations in Urban and Suburban Communities
Robin A. Holevinski, Paul D. Curtis, and Richard A. Malecki
Use of Decoy Traps to Protect Blueberries from Juvenile European Starlings
Michael R. Conover and Richard A. Dolbeer
From the Field An Extraordinary Patch of Feral Hog Damage in Florida Before and After Initiating Hog Removal
Richard M. Engeman, John Woolard, Henry T. Smith, Jean Bourassa, Bernice U. Constantin, and Daniel Griffin
Emeritus A Tribute to Frederick F. Knowlton
William H. Clay