Volume 14, Issue 3 (2020) Winter 2020
Letter from the Editor
State of Bird Damage Management
George M. Linz
In the News
In the News
Jason Matthews
Special Topics
Population Increases of Large Birds in North America Pose Challenges for Aviation Safety
Richard A. Dolbeer
Line of Sight: Simulated Aerial Avian Predators Can Reduce Problematic Bird Flyovers of Airfields
William O'Shea, Neil E. Coughlan, Thomas C. Kelly, Neil Mitham, and Jeremy Nicholson
ND2 as an Additional Genetic Marker to Improve Identification of Diving Ducks Involved in Bird Strikes
Sarah A. M. Luttrell, Sergei Drovetski, Nor Faridah Dahlan, Damani Eubanks, and Carla J. Dove
Black Vulture Conflict and Management in the United States: Damage Trends, Management Overview, and Research Needs
Bryan M. Kluever, Morgan B. Pfeiffer, Scott C. Barras, Brett G. Dunlap, and Lee A. Humberg
Serum Chemistry Values in Wild Black Vultures in Mississippi, USA
Fred L. Cunningham, Sherman W. Jack, Amanda R. Deese, Eric R. Wengert, Kyle Van Why, Carla L. Huston, Scott Lemmons, and Richard B. Minnis
Movement Behavior of Radio-Tagged European Starlings in Urban, Rural, and Exurban Landscapes
Page E. Klug and H. Jeffrey Homan
Repellent Surface Applications for Pest Birds
Shelagh T. DeLiberto, James C. Carlson, Hailey E. McLean, Caroline S. Olson, and Scott J. Werner
One Step Closer to a Better Starling Trap
James R. Thiele
Using Bioenergetics and Radar-Derived Bird Abundance to Assess the Impact of a Blackbird Roost on Seasonal Sunflower Damage
Bonne A. Clark, Page E. Klug, Phillip M. Stepanian, and Jeffrey F. Kelly
Supporting Farmer Adoption of Sustainable Bird Management Strategies
Catherine A. Lindell
The Emerging Conflict of Common Ravens Roosting on Electric Power Transmission Line Towers in Montana, USA
Marco Restani and James S. Lueck
Management of the Brown-Headed Cowbird: Implications for Endangered Species and Agricultural Damage Mitigation
Brian D. Peer, Barbara E. Kus, Mary J. Whitfield, Linnea S. Hall, and Stephen I. Rothstein
Research Articles/Notes
Resident Perceptions of Human–Beaver Conflict in a Rural Landscape in Alberta, Canada
Nicholas T. Yarmey and Glynnis A. Hood
Viewing Bornean Human–Elephant Conflicts Through an Environmental Justice Lens
Elena C. Rubino, Christopher Serenari, Nurzhafarina Othman, Marc Ancrenaz, Fauzie Sarjono, and Eddie Ahmad
Baboon and Vervet Monkey Crop-Foraging Behaviors on a Commercial South African Farm: Preliminary Implications for Damage Mitigation
Leah J. Findlay and Russell A. Hill
Field Guarding as a Crop Protection Method: Preliminary Implications for Improving Field Guarding
Leah J. Findlay and Russell A. Hill
Tolerance of Bearded Vultures to Human Activities: Response to Comor et al. (2019)
Olivier Duriez, Antoni Margalida, Luc Albert, Beatriz Arroyo, Virginie Couanon, Hélène Loustau, Martine Razin, and Jean-Baptiste Mihoub
Letter to the Editor
Modeling Migratory Nongame Birds: A Plea for Data
George M. Linz
The Back Page
Call for Papers
Special Topic: Raven Management
Peter S. Coates
Awards and Scholarships
Berryman Institute Awards and Scholarships
Terry A. Messmer