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Wednesday, October 26th
12:00 AM

A Novel Dual Inlet Tangential Vortex Drop Shaft: An Analytical and Numerical Study

S. Mulligan, VorTech Water Solutions Ltd
S. Pope, Armatec Environmental Ltd

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Angle Effects of LIDAR Measurements on a Flat Surface and in High-Velocity Spillway Flows

R. Li, UNSW Sydney
M. Kramer, UNSW Canberra
S. Felder, UNSW Sydney

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Anti Vortex Device to Operate Pump Intakes Below the Minimum Submergence

M. A. Angulo, UNLP
A. Rivetti, UNLP
C. V. Lucino, UNLP
S. O. Liscia, UNLP

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Effect of Deficient Tailwater on the Performance of Slotted Roller Bucket of Indira Sagar Dam, Madhya Pradesh

Vankayalapati S. Ramarao, Central Water and Power Research Station
Amit Kulhare, Central Water and Power Research Station

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Energy Dissipation and Flow Regime Downstream of Trapezoidal Piano Key Weirs

X. Shen, Helmut-Schmidt-University
M. Oertel, Helmut-Schmidt-University

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Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Critical Submergence for Square Water Intakes

B. Das, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Z. Ahmad, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
P. K. Sharma, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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Feasibility Assessment of the Application of Delft3D Model to Simulate Flow over a Spillway in a Dam: Study Case of Hampaturi Dam in Bolivia

F. D. Oliveira, Universidad Mayor de San Simón
M. W. Heredia, Universidad Mayor de San Simón

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Hydraulic Behavior of Spill Channel of Polavaram Dam Spillway without Left Embankment

Vankayalapati S. Ramarao, Central Water and Power Research Station
Yogendra Nath Srivastava, Central Water and Power Research Station

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Hydrodynamic Behavior of Stilling Basins with Deflectors to Reduce Supersaturation of Total Dissolved Gases: Analysis of Yacyretá and Jorge Cepernic Dams

C. A. Fattor, National Institute of Water
J. D. Bacchiega, National Institute of Water
F. Romero, National Institute of Water
C. Fernández, National Institute of Water

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Investigation of Energy Attenuation, Flow Resistance and Impending Motion of Downstream Bed Material in Rock Ramps

Vishal Singh Rawat, National Institute of Technology
Thendiyath Roshni, National Institute of Technology
Michele Palermo, University of Pisa
Simone Pagliara, ETH Zurich
Deep Roy, National Institute of Technology

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Model Studies for Desilting Basin for Teesta-VI H.E. Project, Sikkim – A Case Study

M. Z. Qamar, Central Water and Power Research Station
M. K. Verma, Central Water and Power Research Station
A. P. Meshram, Central Water and Power Research Center
Neena Isaac, Central Water and Power Research Station

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Non-Intrusive Measurements of Air-Water Flow Properties in Supercritical Flows Down Grass-Lined Spillways

H. Cui, UNSW Canberra
S. Felder, UNSW Sydney
M. Kramer, UNSW Canberra

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Numerical and Experimental Study on Energy Dissipation in Hydraulic Jump: A Comparison Between Horizontal and Sloping Rough Channel Bed

Koroungamba Laishram, National Institute of Technology
Thiyam Tamphasana Devi, National Institute of Technology
Ngangbam Romeji Singh, National Institute of Technology
Potsangbam Albino Kumar, National Institute of Technology

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Physical and Numerical Model Studies for Hydraulic Design of Stilling Basin as an Energy Dissipator of a Spillway - A Case Study

B. S. Sundarlal, Central Water and Power Research Station
Vaishali Gadhe, Central Water and Power Research Station
S. R. Patnaik, Central Water Power Research Station
Amol H. Gaikwad, Central Water and Power Research Station

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Prediction of Discharge Coefficient of Circular Side Orifice Through Machine Learning Technique

Syed Ahmed Noman, Aligarh Muslim University
Ajmal Hussain, Aligarh Muslim University
Mohd. Danish, Aligarh Muslim University
Rashid Ali, Aligarh Muslim University

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Preliminary Evaluation and Design of a New Energy Dissipation Stilling Basin via Numerical and Experimental Modeling

F. Zabaleta, University of California, Davis
F. A. Bombardelli, University of California, Davis
S. A. Valbuena, University of California, Davis

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Recent Challenges in Design of Spillway – An Indian Scenario

R. R. Bhate, Central Water and Power Research Station

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Stilling Basins Using Wedge-Shaped Baffle Blocks

N. N. Pillai, Amrita University
M. L. Kansal, IIT Roorkee

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Submerged Flow Regimes Downstream of a Weir at Multiple Slopes

K. S. Vikas, Interdisciplinary Centre for Water Research
A. Sarkar, IIT Bhubaneswar

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Surface Velocities and Free-Surface Aeration in a Converging Smooth Chute During a Major Flood Event

H. Chanson, The University of Queensland
C. J. Apelt, The University of Queensland

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Thursday, October 27th
12:00 AM

2-D Simulation of Flow Structures Over Dunes for Flow Characteristics Estimation

Mohammad Sharifi, Shahid Beheshti University
Mohammad Reza Majdzadeh Tabatabai, Shahid Beheshti University
Seyed Hossein Ghoreishi Najafabadi, Shahid Beheshti University

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A Numerical Investigation on Residual Energy of Labyrinth Weirs

P. Langohr, FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences
B. M. Crookston, Utah State University
D. B. Bung, FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences

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An Experimental Study on Scour at Zero Degree Confluent Channels

Mohd Faisal Ansari, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Mohammad Aamir, Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology
Zulfequar Ahmad, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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Bank Scour Protection Using Spur Dyke in a Meandering Channel Under Low Flow Velocity

Nishank Agrawal, Shiv Nadar University
Ellora Padhi, Shiv Nadar University

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Bed Load Computation for Gravel Particles in Gravel-Silt Mixture

U. K. Singh, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation
S. Kumar, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation
Z. Ahmad, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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Calculating Local Pier Scour in Coarse-Bed Streams

D. C. Froehlich, Cary

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CFD-Based Modeling for Computing Discharge Coefficient of an Ogee Spillway

Hariom Gautam, Indian Institute of Technology
Zulfequar Ahmad, Indian Institute of Technology
Pramod Kumar Sharma, Indian Institute of Technology

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Designing Smooth Mixed-Geometry Canal Transition

D. C. Froehlich, Cary

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Effect of Diameter and Inlet-Depth on Hydro-Suction Performance of a Suction Pipe

A. Jaiswal, IIT Roorkee
Z. Ahmad, IIT Roorkee
S. K. Mishra, IIT Roorkee

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Effect of Sinuosity Variation on Flow Characteristics of Sand Mined Sinuous Channel Using Numerical Modeling

O. P. Maurya, Indian Institute of Technology
K. K. Nandi, Indian Institute of Technology
S. Modalavalasa, Indian Institute of Technology
S. Dutta, Indian Institute of Technology

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Estimation of Discharging Capacity and Assessing the Performance of Overflow Spillway With Full and Partial Operation of Gates Using Numerical Modelling

Prajakta P. Gadge, Central Water and Power Research Station
Kunal Kapur, Central Water and Power Research Station

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Estimation of Maximum Scour Depth and Scour Pattern Around Submerged Spur-Dike

Manish Pandey, National Institute of Technology Warangal
Manali Pal, National Institute of Technology Warangal

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Experimental Evaluation of Drag Force on Different Shapes of Pontoons at Different Water Stream Velocities at Specified Loads and Submergence

R. B. Deogade, Central Water and Power Research Station
H. R. Khandagale, Central Water and Power Research Station
M. Someshwara, Central Water and Power Research Station

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Experimental Optimization of a Gravel Trap in a Gallery

S. Erpicum, Liege University
N. Claude, Electricité de France – Hydro Engineering Center
B. Dewals, Liege University
P. Archambeau, Liege University
M. Pirotton, Liege University

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Experimental Study on Three-Dimensional Velocity Near Piano Key Weirs

Binit Kumar, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Zulfequar Ahmad, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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Flow Over Orifice Spillway: Physical and Numerical Study for Spillway Profile Design of Hydroelectric Project

Sushma Vyas, Central Water and Power Research Station
Y. N. Srivastava, Central Water and Power Research Station

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Hydraulic Performance of Piano Key Weir with Linear and Curvilinear Profiles of Outlet Keys

Prakash Kumar Sinha, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Binit Kumar, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Zulfequar Ahmad, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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Hydrodynamics of Permeable Horseshoe Obstacle in Fluvial Environment: A Physical Modelling

H. Chanson, The University of Queensland
H. K. Lee, The University of Queensland
W. Johnson, The University of Queensland

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Importance of Risk and Hazard Assessment of River Projects in India

Jitesh N. Vyas, Central Water and Power Research Station
Supriya Nath, Central Water and Power Research Station
R. B. Deogade, Central Water and Power Research Station

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Introduction and Investigation of a Large-Scale Piano Key Weir Fabricated Via Rapid Prototyping

M. Oertel, Helmut-Schmidt-University
B. Belay, Helmut-Schmidt-University
X. Shen, Helmut-Schmidt-University
H. Willems, Helmut-Schmidt-University

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Investigation on Near Bed Flow Features Over a Water-Worked Gravel Bed

Ellora Padhi, Shiv Nadar University
Nishank Agrawal, Shiv Nadar University

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Jet Scour in Cohesive and Non-Cohesive Soil

J. Di Nardi, University of Pisa
M. Palermo, University of Pisa
S. Pagliara, University of Pisa
F. A. Bombardelli, University of California, Davis

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Laws of Turbulence and the Estimation of Turbulent Kinetic Energy Budget for Flow Through a Degraded Channel-Bed

Mosedul Sarkar, Indian Statistical Institute
Sankar Sarkar, Indian Statistical Institute

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Local Scour Downstream of Type-A Trapezoidal Piano Key Weir

Ch. A. Chooplou, Tarbiat Modares University
A. Ghafouri, Tarbiat Modares University
M. Ghodsian, Tarbiat Modares University
M. Vaghefi, Persian Gulf University

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Near-Full-Scale Physical Modelling and Open-Channel Flow Velocity in a Fish-Friendly Culvert with Full-Height Sidewall Baffles

J. Hu, The University of Queensland
Y. Li, The University of Queensland
H. Chanson, The University of Queensland

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Numerical Modeling for Optimization of the Aspect Ratio of Submerged Vanes for the Purpose of Sediment Deflection in Rivers

V. Chauhan, Shiv Nadar University
R. Chavan, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology
G. D. Singhal, Shiv Nadar University

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Numerical Modelling of Scour and Flow Field for Two Different Arrangements of Piers Using SSIIM Model

Sushant Kumar Biswal, National Institute of Technology Agartala
Animesh Das, National Institute of Technology Agartala

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Numerical Simulation of Air Entrainment in Stepped Spillways

F. Zabaleta, University of California, Davis
S. Márquez Damián, Research Center for Computational Methods
F. A. Bombardelli, University of California, Davis

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Performance Testing of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Used for Stream Flow Measurement

R. B. Deogade, Central Water and Power Research Station
H. R. Khandagale, Central Water and Power Research Station
M. Someshwara, Central Water and Power Research Station

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Physical and Numerical Model Studies of Hirakud Dam Additional Spillway –A Case Study

V. P. Gadhe, Central Water and Power Research Station
S. R. Patnaik, Central Water and Power Research Station

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Plunge Pool Rock Scour Assessment by Fluid-Solid Coupling

E. F. R. Bollaert, AquaVision Engineering Llc
M. Grünzner, Flow Science Deutschland GmbH

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Porous Concrete Slabs Underlain by Polypropylene Fabric for Restoration of Beaches

N. N. Pillai, Amrita University
M. L. Kansal, I.I.T. Roorkee
R. Ramkrishnan, Burnihat

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Predicting Density-Driven Exchange Flows Through the West Crack Breach of the Great Salt Lake Causeway with CFD and ANN

B. M. Crookston, Utah State University
M. Rasmussen, Utah State University
E. Larsen, Utah State University
H. Kartchner, Utah State University
S. Dutta, Utah State University

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Predicting Riverbed Deformation During Floods for a Sustainable Design of Headworks Structures

I. Joshi, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
U. Singh, Hydro Lab
M. B. Bishwakarma, Hydro Lab
Y. Kitamura, Chigasaki Research Institute
L. Lia, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

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Preliminary Analysis of the Effect of Worked Wood Piles in Straight Channels

Deep Roy, National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli
Simone Pagliara, ETH Zurich

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Reynolds Stress Modelling of Supercritical Flow in a Narrow Channel

S. Kadia, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
N. Rüther, Technical University of Munich
E. Pummer, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

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River Aggradation-Degradation Under Sand Mining: Experimental and Numerical Studies

Nejib H. Abdullahi, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Zulfequar Ahmad, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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Scour Downstream of a Broad Crested Drowned Weir

Rajat Chauhan, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Rakesh Kumar Chaudhary, Institute for Integrated Hydro Environment Research
Zulfequar Ahmad, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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Scour Geometry and Dune Formation Characteristics around Customized Structure in Channels

Rajib Das, Jadavpur University
Subhasish Das, Jadavpur University
Michele Palermo, University of Pisa
Deep Roy, National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappally
Simone Pagliara, ETH Zurich

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SPH Simulation of Non-Aerated Flow Over Smooth Invert, Converging Spillways

J. D. Nóbrega, Federal University of Goiás
J. Matos, Universidade de Lisboa
H. E. Schulz, University of São Paulo
R. B. Canelas, Bentley Systems

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