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Effects on a Wedge Flowmeter Installed Downstream of a Double Elbow Out of Plane, Devan S. Radle
Investigating the Effect of Carbon Nanotube Functionalization in a Polydimethylsiloxane Composite through Use of a Stepped Bar Apparatus, Matthew I. Ralphs
Throttleable GOX/ABS Launch Assist Hybrid Rocket Motor for Small Scale Air Launch Platform, Zachary S. Spurrier
Computational Fluid Dynamic Modeling of Natural Convection in Vertically Heated Rods, Mahesh Surendran
Development of a Three-Dimensional High-Order Strand-Grids Approach, Oisin Tong
Microalgae Sorption of Ten Individual Heavy Metals and Their Effects on Growth and Lipid Accumulation, Eric M. Torres
Investigating the Effect of Capping Layers on Final Thin Film Morphology After a Dewetting Process, Benjamin C. White
Design for Manufacturability and Assembly of an Assistive Technician Creeper, Including Single Drive Control of a Multi-Degree of Freedom Kinematic Mechanism, Larry T. Wilde Jr.
Methods of Processing Kenaf Chopped Strand Mats for Manufacturing Test Specimens and Composite Structures, Joshua W. Heil
Use of Direct Metal Laser Sintering for Tooling in High Volume Production, Joel W. Hendrickson
Systems Modeling and Economic Analysis of Photovoltaic (PV) Powered Water Pumping Brackish Water Desalination for Agriculture, Michael A. Jones
Direct Electrical Arc Ignition of Hybrid Rocket Motors, Michael I. Judson Jr.
Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of Oscillating Wings and Comparison to Lifting-Line Theory, Megan Keddington
Experimental Validation Data for CFD of Steady and Transient Mixed Convection on a Vertical Flat Plate, Blake W. Lance
Effective Properties of Randomly Oriented Kenaf Short Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composite, Dayakar Naik L.
Mechanical Properties of Kenaf Composites Using Dynamic Mechanical Analysis, Thomas A. Loveless
Parameterized Least-Squares Attitude History Estimation and Magnetic Field Observations of the Auroral Spatial Structures Probe, Ryan J. Martineau
A Neural Network Approach to Fault Detection in Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control Systems, John N. Schreiner
Electrokinetic Flow in a Nanochannel with an Overlapped Electrical Double Layer, Zhuorui Song
Effect of Manufacturing Processes on the Loss Factor and Other Mechanical Properties of Kenaf Fiber-Reinforced Composites, Brian P. Spackman
Techno-Economic Feasibility and Life Cycle Assessment of Dairy Effluent to Biofuel via Hydrothermal Liquefaction, Hailey M. Summers
Extensions of High-Order Flux Correction Methods to Flows with Source Terms at Low Speeds, Jonathan L. Thorne
High Regression Rate Hybrid Rocket Fuel Grains with Helical Port Structures, Sean D. Walker
The Analysis and Manufacturing of the Personal Vacuum Assisted Climber II, Rhet B. Astle
Lifecycle Assessment of Microalgae to Biofuel: Thermochemical Processing through Hydrothermal Liquefaction or Pyrolysis, Edward P. Bennion
Experimental Studies of Delta Wing Parameters in Open Channel Raceway Determined Via Validated Computational Fluid Dynamics, Cole David Blakely
Retrofitting Two Solar Hot Water Systems for Year Round Operation, Zachary A. Cook
Uncertainty Quantification of Photothermal Radiometry Measurements Using Monte Carlo Simulation and Experimental Repeatability, Austin Fleming
A Computational Fluid Dynamics Validation Experiment for Forced and Mixed Convection on a Vertical Heated Plate, Jeff Robert Harris
System Identification of a Small Low-Cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using Flight Data from Low-Cost Sensors, Nathan V. Hoffer
Nano-Scale Thermal Property Prediction by Molecular Dynamics Simulation with Experimental Validation, Kyle S. Horne
Design and Testing of a Nanosatellite Simulator Reaction Wheel Attitude Control System, Fredric William Long
Uncertainty Analysis of Mechanical Properties from Miniature Tensile Testing of High Strength Steels, Deepthi Rao Malpally
Global Evaluation of Biofuel Potential from Microalgae, Jeffrey W. Moody
Spacecraft Guidance Techniques for Maximizing Mission Success, Shane B. Robinson
The Design and Testing of a Three-Degree-of-Freedom Small Satellite Simulator Using a Linear Controller with Feedback Linearization and Trajectory Generation, Marina A. Samuels
Numerical Examination of Flux Correction for Solving the Navier-Stokes Equations on Unstructured Meshes, Dalon G. Work
The Effect of Navigation State Selection on Fuel Dispersions for Powered Lunar Descent, Jessica Thornley Anderson
Effective Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Nanotube-Based Cryogenic Nanofluids, Lucas Samuel Anderson
Miniature Wire Boom System for Cubsat Application, Keith R. Bradford
Analysis of Star Identification Algorithms due to Uncompensated Spatial Distortion, Steven Paul Brätt
Linear Covariance Analysis for Gimbaled Pointing Systems, Randall S. Christensen
Geosynchronous Earth Orbit/Low Earth Orbit Space Object Inspection and Debris Disposal: A Preliminary Analysis Using a Carrier Satellite With Deployable Small Satellites, Derick A. Crockett
Predicting the Onset of Cavitation in Nonsymetric Bifurcations, Steven E. Daniels
Development of the Multiple Use Plug Hybrid for Nanosats (Muphyn) Miniature Thruster, Shannon Dean Eilers
Improvement in Computational Fluid Dynamics Through Boundary Verification and Preconditioning, David E. Folkner
Error Modeling and Analysis of Star Cameras for a Class of 1U Spacecraft, David M. Fowler
Systems Engineering of the Double-Probe Instrumentation for Measuring Electric-Fields CubeSatellite, Steven M. Grover
The Dynamic Analysis of a Composite Overwrapped Gun Barrel with Constrained Viscoelastic Damping Layers Using the Modal Strain Energy Method, Braydon Day Hall
Hybrid Photothermal Technique for Microscale Thermal Conductivity Measurement, Zilong Hua
Power Efficient Restart-Capable Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene-Based Arc Ignition for Hybrid Rocket Motors, Nathan R. Inkley
Computational Fluid Dynamics Validation of Buoyant Turbulent Flow Heat Transfer, Jared M. Iverson
Towed Water Turbine Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis, Robert G. Maughan
Design and Testing of Digitally Manufactured Paraffin Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene Hybrid Rocket Motors, Jonathan M. McCulley
Spin Stability of Sounding Rocket Secondary Payloads Following High Velocity Ejections, Weston McClain Nelson
Development of a Coupled Fluid and Colloidall Particle Transport Model, Scott Ripplinger
Nutrient and Carbon-Dioxide Requirements for Large-Scale Microalgae Biofuel Production, Benjamin K. Shurtz
Thermo-Piezo-Electro-Mechanical Simulation of AlGaN (Aluminum Gallium Nitride) / GaN (Gallium Nitride) High Electron Mobility Transistor, Lorin E. Stevens
Verification and Validation of the Spalart-Allmaras Turbulence Model for Strand Grids, Oisin Tong
Experimental Studies of Vertical Mixing Patterns in Open Channel Flow Generated by Two Delta Wings Side-by-Side, Garrett Vaughan
Pyrolysis of Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Under High Heat Flux Conditions, James R. Wilson
Catalytic Decomposition of Nitrous Oxide Monopropellant for Hybrid Motor Ignition, Matthew D. Wilson
Development of a Ripple Rejection Controller for DC Commutated Motors, Spencer M. Atkin
Performance Characterization of Complex Fuel Port Geometries for Hybrid Rocket Fuel Grains, Andrew Bath
Waste Heat Utilization in an Anaerobic Digestion System, Brett Boissevain
Streambed Thermal Property Instrument (SPI), James Alwel Dayie
Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Butterfly Valve Performance Factors, Adam Del Toro
Effective Thermal Conductivity of Tri-Isotropic (TRISO) Fuel Compacts, Charles P. Folsom
Evaluation of Turbulence Variable Distributions for Incompressible Fully Rough Pipe Flows, Emilie B. Fowler
Investigation of Relative Importance of Some Error Sources in Particle Image Velocimetry, Jeff R. Harris
A Validation and Comparison About VABS-IDE and VABS-GUI, Teng Hu
Investigation of the Noise Floor of the Standard PIV Cross-Correlation Algorithm, Kyle L. Jones
Using Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry to Quantify and Optimize Mixing in an Algae Raceway Using Delta Wings, Blake W. Lance
Design of a Split Hopkinson Bar Apparatus for use with Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials, Shawn Michael Lang
In Situ Method of Measuring Atmosphere Neutral Winds with a Rigid Falling Sphere, Joshua F. Martineau
Bubble Coalescence and Breakup Modeling for Computing Mass Transfer Coefficient, Ryan A. Mawson
Heater Geometry and Heat Flux Effects on Subcooled, Thin Wire, Nucleate Pool Boiling in Microgravity, Troy Munro
Effect of Orifice Shape on Synthetic Jet Efficiency, David J. Nani
Closed-Loop Thrust and Pressure Profile Throttling of a Nitrous Oxide/Hydroxyl-Terminated Polybutadiene Hybrid Rocket Motor, Zachary W. Peterson
Design and Construction of a Tunable Light Source with Light Emitting Diodes for Photosynthetic Organisms, Nathan Phillipps
Spacecraft Collision Probability Estimation for Rendezvous and Proximity Operations, Michael R. Phillips
Statistical Methods for Launch Vehicle Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GN&C) System Design and Analysis, Michael Benjamin Rose
Experimental Studies of Vertical Mixing in an Open Channel Raceway for Algae Biofuel Production, Ram Sudheer Voleti
Autocorrelation-Based Estimate of Particle Image Density in Particle Image Velocimetry, Scott O. Warner
Unsteady Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Validation and Uncertainty Quantification for a Confined Bank of Cylinders Using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), Brandon M. Wilson
Simulation of Counterintuitive Pressure Drop in a Parallel Flow Design for a Specimen Basket for Use in the Advanced Test Reactor, Adam X. Zabriskie
Characteristics of Combustion Flame Sprayed Nickel Aluminum Using a Coanda Assisted Spray Manipulation Collar for Off-Normal Deposits, Reid S. Archibald
Effect of Heavy Metals Found in Flue Gas on Growth and Lipid Accumulation for Green Algae Scenedesmus obliquus, Reece Butler
Anisotropic Compressive Pressure-Dependent Effective Thermal Conductivity of Granular Beds, R. Daniel Garrett
Theoretical Approach for Error Estimation of Temperature and Thermal Conductivity in Uranium Dioxide Fuel, Adam John Gerth
Turbulence Modeling of Strongly Heated Internal Pipe Flow Using Large Eddy Simulation, Michal Hradisky
Evaluation of an Incompressible Energy-Vorticity Turbulence Model for Fully Rough Pipe Flow, Doug F. Hunsaker
Heat Transfer Through A Rotating Ball Bearing At Low Angular Velocities, Sarah Isert
Optimization of a Low Reynold's Number 2-D Inflatable Airfoil Section, Todd A. Johansen
Investigation of the Design and Static Behavior of Cylindrical Tubular Composite Adhesive Joints Utilizing the Finite Element Method and Stress-Based Failure Theories, Michael D. Lambert