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Extensions and Improvements to Random Forests for Classification, Anna Quach
Exact Approaches for Bias Detection and Avoidance with Small, Sparse, or Correlated Categorical Data, Sarah E. Schwartz
Efficiently representing the integer factorization problem using binary decision diagrams, David Skidmore
A comparison of multiple testing adjustment methods with block-correlation positively-dependent tests, John R. Stevens, Abdullah Al Masud, and Anvar Suyundikov; PLoS ONE
A Comparison of Statistical Methods RElating Pairwise Distance to a Binary Subject-Level Covariate, Rachael Stone
Comparison of Survival Curves Between Cox Proportional Hazards, Random Forests, and Conditional Inference Forests in Survival Analysis, Brandon Weathers
Combinatorial Games on Graphs, Trevor K. Williams
Tree-based Regression for Interval-valued Data, Chih-Ching Yeh
Imputation for Random Forests, Joshua Young
To Dot Product Graphs and Beyond, Sean Bailey
Tutorial for Using the Center for High Performance Computing at The University of Utah and an example using Random Forest, Stephen Barton
Fine Mapping of a Major-Effect QTL Controlling Rhizomatous Growth in Perennial Wildrye Hyrbrids, Jenny L. Clements
A Spatiotemporal Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreak Model Predicting Severity, Cycle Period, and Invasion Speed, Jacob P. Duncan
The Eyes Have It: Eye Tracking Data Visualizations of Viewing Patterns of Statistical Graphics, Trent Fawcett
Separation of Points and Interval Estimation in Mixed Dose-Response Curves with Selective Component Labeling, Darl D. Flake II
Classification of Spacetimes with Symmetry, Jesse W. Hicks
Laboratory Experiences in Mathematical Biology for Post-Secondary Mathematics Students, Matthew Lewis
Bayesian Models for Repeated Measures Data Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods, Yuanzhi Li
Analysis of Ultra-High-Dimensional Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Genome Using DC-RR, Jill F. Lundell and G. Fu; 2016 Joint Statistical Meeting
Machine Learning Techniques for Diagnosing of Erythemato-Squamous Diseases in a Dermatological Setting, Randall Reese
Car Crash Conundrum, Mohammad Sadra Sharifi, David Tate, and Spenser Tingey
Modeling of Mating Encounters: The Classical Mass Action Paradigm and an Application to Pest Control, Katherine R. Snyder
Definition and Construction of Entropy Satisfying Multiresolution Analysis (MRA), Ju Y. Yi
Factors Related to Successful Completion of Developmental Mathematics Courses, Jason Bagley
Annotation Tools for Multivariate Gene Set Testing of Non-Model Organisms, Russell K. Banks
An Integrated Approach to Exploit Linkage Disequilibrium for Ultra High Dimensional Genome-wide Data, Michelle Carlsen
Comparing Linear Mixed Models to Meta-Regression Analysis in the Greenville Air Quality Study, Lynsie M. Daley
A Comparison of Random Forest-Based Methods for Racial/Ethnic-Specific Classification of Obesity, Sun Young Jeon
Data Quality Objectives Supporting the Environmental Direct Radiation Monitoring Program for the Idaho National Laboratory, Jill F. Lundell, S. O. Magnuson, P. Scherbinske, and M. J. Case; INL/EXT-15-34803
Incorporating Prior Information to Enhance Quantitative ELISA, Sarah Marie Reehl
Random Walks and Dihedral Groups, Randall Reese; BYU Spring Research Conference
Classification of Five-Dimensional Lie Algebras with One-Dimensional Subalgebras Acting as Subalgebras of the Lorentz Algebra, Jordan Rozum
Explicit Construction of First Integrals for the Toda Flow on a Classical Simple Lie Algebra, Patrick Seegmiller
Survival Analysis for Truncated Data and Competing Risks, Michael Steelman
Statistical Dependence in Imputed High-Dimensional Data for a Colorectal Cancer Study, Anvar Suyundikov
Tropical Arithmetics and Dot Product Representations of Graphs, Nicole Turner
Computational Topics in Lie Theory and Representation Theory, Thomas J. Apedaile
Hamiltonicity, Pancyclicity, and Cycle Extendability in Graphs, Deborah C. Arangno
Modeling Asset Volatility Using Various Resources, Isaac G. Blackhurst
Multiplicity Results of Periodic Solutions for Two Classes of Nonlinear Problems, Kazuya Hata
Implementation and Application of the Curds and Whey Algorithm to Regression Problems, John Kidd
Traditional Lecture Versus an Activity Approach for Teaching Statistics: A Comparison of Outcomes, Jennifer L. Loveland
How Far Can You Drive with Three Flat Tires and One Good Tire or Why the Data Life Cycle Matters to Me, Jill F. Lundell and Berta Oates; 2014 Radiobioassay and Radiochemistry Measurements Conference
Why I Should Stick My Nose in Other People’s Business or Why I Should Participate in All Phases of the Data Life Cycle, Jill F. Lundell and Berta Oates; 2014 Radiobioassay and Radiochemistry Measurements Conference
MVGST: Tools For Multivariate and Directional Gene Set Testing, Dennis S. Mecham
Statistical Modeling, Exploration, and Visualization of Snow Water Equivalent Data, James Beguah Odei
Visualizing and Forecasting Box-Office Revenues: A Case Study of the James Bond Movie Series, Vahan Petrosyan
Lifetime Modeling of Deficient Bridges in New York, Levi Phippen
The Optimal Release of Sterile Males in Pest Management, Sergio Ramirez
k-Characters and the Group Matrix, Randall Reese; BYU Spring Research Conference
Physically Based Preconditioning Techniques Applied to the First Order Particle Transport and to Fluid Transport in Porous Media, Michael Rigley
High Cognitive Test Item Development and Implementation, Ashley Salisbury
Family-Wise Error Rate Control in Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) Mapping and Gene Ontology Graphs with Remarks on Family Selection, Garrett Saunders
Family-Wise Error Rate Control in Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) Mapping and Gene Ontology Graphs with Remarks on Family Selection, Garrett Saunders
Network Applications and the Utah Homeless Network, Michael A. Snyder
Dot Product Graphs and Their Applications to Ecology, Sean Bailey
Students Rise to the Challenge of Modeling Yeast Growth Despite Sour Hiccups from Imperfect Data, Alicia Caldwell
Processing and Manipulation of Data Collected from the Educational On-Line Game Refraction, Xiaotian Dai
Spatially Indexed Functional Data, Oleksandr Gromenko
Statistical Algorithms for Optimal Experimental Design with Correlated Observations, Chang Li
Probability Estimation in Random Forests, Chunyang Li
Enhancement of Random Forests Using Trees with Oblique Splits, Andrejus Parfionovas
Existence and Multiplicity Results on Standing Wave Solutions of Some Coupled Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations, Rushun Tian
A Classroom Experiment: Implementing a Math-Talk Environment in a University Setting, Janice Bodily
A Collection and Analysis of Local Middle Grade Math Projects for the Common Core, Lynnette Checketts
Simulating Loan Repayment by the Sinking Fund Method (Sinking Fund Governed by a Sequence of Interest Rates), Placede Judicaelle Gangnang Fosso
Homogenization of Large-Scale Movement Models in Ecology with Application to the Spread of Chronic Wasting Disease in Mule Deer, Martha J. Garlick
SigTree: An Automated Meta-Analytic Approach to Find Significant Branches in a Phylogenetic Tree, Todd R. Jones
Validation Study: A Case Study of Calculus 1 (MATH 1210), Abibat Adebisi Lasisi
Interactive Random Forests Plots, Anna T. Quach
Assessing Changes in the Abundance of the Continental Population of Scaup Using a Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Model, Beth E. Ross
Visual Data Mining Techniques for Functional Actigraphy Data: An Object-Oriented Approach in R, Abbass Sharif
The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Disaster: A Graphical Assessment of its Impact on Wildlife, Anvar Suyundikov
Ignoring the Spatial Context in Intro Statistics Classes - and some Simple Graphical Remedies, Nathan Voge
Robust Computational Tools for Multiple Testing with Genetic Association Studies, William L. Welbourn Jr.
GraphShop: An Interactive Software Environment for Graph Theory Research and Applications, Aaron Andersen
Stressors Across the Lifespan and Dementia Risk: A Statistical Method Analysis, Megan Platt Borrowman
Dietary Patterns and Cognitive Decline in Aged Populations, Austin J. Bowles
Ranking Score Vectors of Tournaments, Sebrina Ruth Cropper
Algebraic Properties of Killing Vectors For Lorentz Metrics In Four Dimensions, Jesse W. Hicks
Modeling Phloem Temperatures Relative to Mountain Pine Beetle Phenology, Matthew Jared Lewis
Mathematical Justification of Introductory Hypothesis Tests and Development of Reference Materials, Jennifer L. Loveland
Controlling Error Rates with Multiple Positively-Dependent Tests, Abdullah Al Masud
An Ethnographic Study of In-Service and Pre-Service Teacher Collaboration in the Development and Execution of Mathematics Lessons, Jessica Munns
Collecting, Analyzing and Interpreting Bivariate Data from Leaky Buckets: A Project-Based Learning Unit, Florence Funmilayo Obielodan
Development and Implementation of a Bayesian Model for Sediment Transport in Fluvial Systems, Mark Schmelter
Solving Equations Applet Project, Kimberly Thatcher
On the Use of Log-Transformation vs. Nonlinear Regression for Analyzing Biological Power-Laws, Xiao Xiao
Climate Change and Community Dynamics: A Hierarchical Bayesian Model of Resource-Driven Changes in a Desert Rodent Community, Glenda M. Yenni
Assessing North American Influenza Dynamics with Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Models, Jessica Anderson
Grading Practice Influence on the Value of an Assigned Grade, Carrie Bala
A Comparison of Prediction Methods of Functional Autoregressive Time Series, Devin Didericksen
Goodness-of-Fit and Change-Point Tests for Functional Data, Robertas Gabrys
Improving Accuracy of Large-Scale Prediction of Forest Disease Incidence Through Bayesian Data Reconciliation, Ephraim M. Hanks
Statistical Analysis of Wastewater Remediation and Bio-Fuels Production of Algae, Jay D. Jones