Scanning Microscopy
Volume 6, Number 4 (1992)
Calibration of Atomic Force Microscope Tips Using Biomolecules
T. Thundat, X.-Y. Zheng, S. L. Sharp, D. P. Allison, R. J. Warmack, D. C. Joy, and T. L. Ferrell
Atomic Force Microscopy of DNA on Mica and Chemically Modified Mica
T. Thundat, D. P. Allison, R. J. Warmack, G. M. Brown, K. B. Jacobson, J. J. Schrick, and T. L. Ferrell
Investigation of Living Cells in the Nanometer Regime with the Scanning Force Microscope
J. K. H. Hörber, W. Häberle, F. Ohnesorge, G. Binnig, H. G. Liebich, C. P. Czerny, H. Mahnel, and A. Mayr
Charge Dynamics at the Silicon(001) Surface Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Surface Photovoltage
David G. Cahill and R. J. Hamers
Time-Resolved Scanning Electron Microscopy Analysis of Nanodynamical Structures
J. Jason Yao and Noel C. MacDonald
The Spatial Distribution of Backscattered Electrons Revisited with a New Monte Carlo Simulation
Kenji Murata, Masaaki Yasuda, and Hiroaki Kawata
Spectrally Resolved Transmission Cathodoluminescence Evaluation of Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers
S. Myhajlenko, M. Wong, J. L. Edwards Jr., G. N. Maracas, and R. J. Roedel
Modelling Techniques for the Quantification of Some Electron Beam Induced Phenomena
WK Chim, DSH Chan, TS Low, JCH Phang, KS Sim, and KL Pey
On the Origin of Electron-Beam-Induced-Current Contrast of Extended Defects in Silicon
M. Kittler and W. Seifert
Scanning Electron Microscopy Observation of the Interaction Between the Surface Acoustic Waves and Regular Domain Structures in the LiNbO3 Crystals
D. V. Roshchupkin, Th. Fournier, M. Brunel, O. A. Plotitsyna, and N. G. Sorokin
Study of Surface Modified Poly(Ethylene) Yarns
Samuel H. Cohen, Heidi Schreuder-Gibson, and John T. Stapler
Direct Visualization and Silver Enhancement of Ultra-Small Antibody-Bound Gold Particles on Immunolabeled Ultrathin Resin Sections
York-Dieter Stierhof, Bruno M. Humbel, Rene Hermann, Max T. Otten, and Heinz Schwarz
Response of the Esophageal Epithelium to Concomitant Cis-Dichlorodiammineplatinum(II) and Radiation Treatment. An Electron Microscopic Study in Rabbits
M. Albertsson, M. Cwikiel, C. H. Håkansson, and M. Palmegren
Ultrastructural Effects of Therapeutic Irradiation on Human Epithelial Tumors
P. Kellokumpu-Lehtinen
The Effect on the Ultrastructure of Dental Enamel of Excimer-Dye, Argon-Ion and CO2 Lasers
J. Palamara, P. P. Phakey, H. J. Orams, and W. A. Rachinger
Dentinogenesis and the Calciotraumatic Response to the Injection of Lead or Fluoride Ions
John Appleton
Microwear Studies of Early African Hominid Teeth
Pierre-François Puech
Scanning Electron Microscopy of Intracellular Organelles in the Young Odontoblasts of Rats
Yasutomo Iwai-Liao, Yoshikage Higashi, Masakazu Ishikawa, and Hideaki Hori
Microvasculature of Normal and Hydropic Labyrinth
Yoshiaki Nakai, Haruhiko Masutani, Makoto Moriguchi, Kazuhiro Matsunaga, Akihumi Kato, and Hitoshi Maeda
Scanning Electron Microscopy of Nerve Fibers in the Dog Cochlea
Hirofumi Morita, Tomoyuki Hoshino, and Kunihiro Mizuta
Scanning Electron Microscope Observations of Brine Shrimp Larvae from Space Shuttle Experiments
Lynnette DeBell, Avelina Paulsen, and Brian Spooner
Effect of Chronic Treatment with Diuretics on Mouse Liver: A Morphological and Microanalytical Investigation
Ann-Christin Mork, Anne von Euler, and Godfried M. Roomans
Quantitative and Computer Assisted Electron Microscopic and Microprobe Studies in Dermatology
B. Forslind and A. Emilson