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Boil, Boil, Toil, and Trouble - Connecting with the Community through Microgravity Boiling Experiments, Troy Munro, Andrew Fassmann, Heng Ban, and John R. Dennison; AIAA Region VI Student Conference

Effects of Micro-gravity on Thin-Wire Subcooled Nucleate Boiling Dynamics, Troy Munro, Andrew Fassmann, Heng Ban, and John R. Dennison; Effects of Micro-gravity on Thin-Wire Subcooled Nucleate Boiling Dynamics

Effects of Micro-gravity on Thin-Wire Subcooled Nucleate Boiling Dynamics, Troy Munro, Andrew Fassmann, Heng Ban, and John R. Dennison; Effects of Micro-gravity on Thin-Wire Subcooled Nucleate Boiling Dynamics


A New, Vapour-phase Mechanism for Stomatal Responses to Humidity and Temperature, David Peak and K A. Mott; Plant, Cell, & Environment

Smartphones as Integrated Kinematic and Dynamic Sensors for Amusement Park Physics Applications, Stephanie Peterson and John R. Dennison; Smartphones as Integrated Kinematic and Dynamic Sensors for Amusement Park Physics Applications


Classical Fano Oscillator, D. Mark Riffe; Physical Review B

New Emerging Techniques, T. Schenkel, T. C. Shen, Y. Wang, and X. Zhang; Nanofabrication Handbook

Carbon Nanotubes for Space Applications Interchange , T. C. Shen

NDL: a new facility to promote interdisciplinary research at USU, T. C. Shen

Temperature and Endurance Time of Electrostatic Field Strengths of Polymeric Spacecraft Insulators, Charles Sim, Alec Sim, and John R. Dennison; Temperature and Endurance Time of Electrostatic Field Strengths of Polymeric Spacecraft Insulators


The Existence of Time, J. A. Spencer and James Thomas Wheeler; International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics


Observations of the vertical ion drift in the equatorial ionosphere during the solar minimumperiod of 2009, R. A. Stoneback, R. A. Heelis, A. G. Burrell, W. R. Coley, B. G. Fejer, and E. Pacheco; Journal of Geophysical Research

Comparing the Dynamics of StomatalNetworks to the Problem-Solving Dynamics of Cellular Computers, J D. West, S M. Messinger, David Peak, and K A. Mott; Unifying Themes inComplex Systems

Approximation of Range in Materials as a Function of Incident Electron Energy, Gregory Wilson and John R. Dennison; Approximation of Range in Materials as a Function of Incident Electron Energy



The Mock LISA Data Challenges: from Challenge 3 to Challenge 4, Stanislav Babak and Shane L. Larson; Classical and Quantum Gravity

Electron Induced Luminescence of InsulatingPolymeric Materials, Douglas Ball, Alec Sim, Josh Hodges, Ryan Hoffmann, and John R. Dennison; Electron Induced Luminescence of InsulatingPolymeric Materials

Electrons in Matter, Robert Call, Cody Mart, Brian Wood, and John R. Dennison; Electrons in Matter


Polar Mesospheric Cloud Structures Observed From the Cloud Imaging and Particle Size Experiment on the Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere Spacecraft: Atmospheric Gravity Waves as Drivers for Longitudinal Variability in Polar Mesospheric Cloud Occurrence, A. Chandran, D. W. Rusch, A. W. Merkel, S. E. Palo, G. E. Thomas, Michael J. Taylor, S. M. Bailey, and J. M. Russell III; Journal of Geophysical Research

It Glows! A Story of Persistence in Investigations of the Electroluminescence of JWST Composite Materials, John R. Dennison; It Glows! A Story of Persistence in Investigations of the Electroluminescence of JWST Composite Materials

Effects on Spacecraft Charging of Modification of Materials by Space EnvironmentInteractions, John R. Dennison and R. C. Hoffmann; Effects on Spacecraft Charging of Modification of Materials by Space EnvironmentInteractions

Quantitative Assessment of JWST Electron-Induced Glow and Arcing Risks, John R. Dennison, Robert Meloy, and Charles Bower; Quantitative Assessment of JWST Electron-Induced Glow and Arcing Risks

Quantitative Assessment of JWST Electron-Induced Glow Risk, John R. Dennison, Robert Meloy, and Charles Bower; Quantitative Assessment of JWST Electron-Induced Glow Risk

Comparison of Flight and Ground Tests ofEnvironmental Degradation of MISSE-6 SUSpECS Materials, John R. Dennison, John Prebola, Amberly Evans, and Joshua L. Hodges; Comparison of Flight and Ground Tests ofEnvironmental Degradation of MISSE-6 SUSpECS Materials


Spacecraft Coating-Induced Charging: A Materials and Modeling Study of Environmental Extreme, Michelle M. Donegan, Jennifer L. Sample, John R. Dennison, and R. Hoffman; Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets

Traveling-Wave Electrophoresis for Microfluidic Separations, Boyd F. Edwards; Traveling-Wave Electrophoresis for Microfluidic Separations


Does Chiasmus Appear in the Book of Mormon by Chance?, Boyd F. Edwards and W. F. Edwards; BYU Studies


When Are Chiasms Admissible as Evidence?, Boyd F. Edwards and W. F. Edwards; BYU Studies

Ion Flows in Quasi Equilibrium Magnetized Plasmas, W. Edwards, Eric D. Held, A. Singh, and Boyd F. Edwards; Ion Flows in Quasi Equilibrium Magnetized Plasmas

The Effects of Surface Modification on Optical Properties of Spacecraft Materials, Amberly Evans and John R. Dennison; USU Student Showcase

The Effects of Surface Modification on Spacecraft Charging Parameters, Amberly Evans and John R. Dennison; American Physical Society Four Corner Section Meeting, Weber State University, Ogden, UT,


The Effects of Surface Modification on Spacecraft Charging Parameters, Amberly Evans and John R. Dennison; Proceedings of the 11th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference

A Systematic Study of Nucleate Boiling in Microgravity, Jason Farnsworth, Frank McCown, and John R. Dennison; A Systematic Study of Nucleate Boiling in Microgravity

FUNBOE – Follow-Up Nucleate Boiling On-flight Experiment: A Systematic Study of Nucleate Boiling, Jason Farnsworth, Frank McCown, and John R. Dennison; FUNBOE – Follow-Up Nucleate Boiling On-flight Experiment: A Systematic Study of Nucleate Boiling

Design of a Free-Floating Experimental System for 0-g Boiling, Andrew Fassmann, Heng Ben, and John R. Dennison; Design of a Free-Floating Experimental System for 0-g Boiling


Lunar dependent equatorial ionospheric effects during sudden stratosphericwarmings, B. G. Fejer, M. E. Olson, J. L. Chau, C. Stolle, H. Luhr, L. P. Goncharenko, K. Yumoto, and T. Nagatsuma; Journal of Geophysical Research

Comparison of Flight and Ground Tests ofEnvironmental Degradation of MISSE-6 SUSpECS Materials, Danielle Fulmer, Amberly Evans, John R. Dennison, and Josh Hodges; Comparison of Flight and Ground Tests ofEnvironmental Degradation of MISSE-6 SUSpECS Materials


A global climatology of the mesospheric sodium layerfrom GOMOS data during the 2002-2008 period, D. F. Fussen, F. Vanhellemont, C. T'etart, N. Mateshvili, E. Dekemper, N. Loodts, C. Bingen, E. Kyrola, J. Tamminen, V. Sofieva, A. Hauchecorne, F. Dalaudier, J. L. Bertaux, G. Barrot, L. Blanot, O. Fanton d'Andon, T. Fehr, L. Saavedra, Tao Yuan, and C. Y. She; Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP)


Propagation of Plasma Bubbles Observed in Brazil from GPS and Airglow Data, J. A. Haase, T. Dautermann, Michael J. Taylor, N. Chapagain, E. Calais, and Pierre-Dominique Pautet; Advances in Space Research


The Faraday filterbasedspectrometer for observing sodium nightglow and studying atomic and molecular oxygen associated withthe sodium chemistry in the mesopause region, S. D. Harrell, C. Y. She, Tao Yuan, D. A. Krueger, J. M. C. Plane, and Tom Slanger; Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics

Physical Damage Due to Electrostatic Discharge of InsulatingPolymers, Jessie Hayes, John R. Dennison, Charlie Sim, and Ryan Hoffman; Physical Damage Due to Electrostatic Discharge of InsulatingPolymers

In Situ Measurements of Electron Beam Induced Surface Voltage of Insulators, Joshua L. Hodges, Ryan Hoffmann, and John R. Dennison; In Situ Measurements of Electron Beam Induced Surface Voltage of Insulators


Methods to Determine Total Electron-Induced Electron Yields Over Broad Range ofConductive and Nonconductive Materials, Ryan C. Hoffmann and John R. Dennison; Proceedings of the 11th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference—2010


Measurement Methods of Electron Emission Over a Full Range of Sample Charging, R. C. Hoffman and John R. Dennison; Proceedings of the 11th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference—2010


Measurement Methods of Electron Emission Over a Full Range of Sample Charging, R. Hoffman and John R. Dennison; Proceedings of the 11th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference

Electron Beam Induced Electroluminescence in SpaceBased CarbonFiber Composite Materials, Ryan Hoffman, John R. Dennison, and Todd Schneider; Electron Beam Induced Electroluminescence in SpaceBased CarbonFiber Composite Materials


Constraining the black hole mass spectrum with gravitational wave observations – I. The error kernel, Danny C. Jacobs, Joseph E. Plowman, Ronald W. Hellings, Sachiko Tsuruta, and Shane L. Larson; Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

A Systematic Study of Nucleate Boiling, Justin Koeln, Heng Ben, and John R. Dennison; A Systematic Study of Nucleate Boiling

A Systematic Study of Nucleate Boiling in Microgravity, Justin Koeln, Heng Ben, and John R. Dennison; A Systematic Study of Nucleate Boiling in Microgravity

Electron Beam Induced Electroluminescence in SpaceBased Carbon Fiber Composite Materials, Justin Koeln, Heng Ben, and John R. Dennison; Electron Beam Induced Electroluminescence in SpaceBased Carbon Fiber Composite Materials


Integrated Sachs-Wolfe Effect for Gravitational Radiation, Pablo Laguna, Shane L. Larson, David Spergel, and Nicolas Yunes; Astrophysical Journal Letters

LISA: Seeing the Low Frequency Gravitational Wave Cosmos, Shane L. Larson; Proceedings of the Snowbird Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology Workshop

Utilizing a Chaotic Oscillator for Precision Measurements ofMotion, Taren McKenna, Tom Apedaile, and John R. Dennison; Utilizing a Chaotic Oscillator for Precision Measurements ofMotion


Understanding Space Weather Customers in GPS-Reliant Industries, Jennifer L. Meehan, G. Fisher, and W. Murtagh; Space Weather


Space Weather & GPS Reliant Industries, Jennifer L. Meehan and W. Murtagh; Space Weather & GPS Reliant Industries


Space Weather & GPS Reliant Industries, Jennifer L. Meehan and W. Murtagh; Space Weather & GPS Reliant Industries


Stomatal Responses to Humidity and Temperature in Darkness, K A. Mott and David Peak; Plant, Cell, & Environment


Duskside F-region dynamo currents: Itsrelationship with prereversal enhancement of vertical plasma drift, P. Park, H. Luhr, B. G. Fejer, and K. W. Mim; Annales Geophysicae


Analysis of Gravity Waves Structures Visible in Noctilucent Cloud Images, Pierre-Dominique Pautet, J. Stegman, C. M. Wrasse, K. Nielsen, H. Takahashi, Michael J. Taylor, K. W. Hoppel, and S. D. Eckermann; Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics

Properties of Plasmas, Lance Petersen and John R. Dennison; Properties of Plasmas


Comparison of Sprite-Halo Characteristics Imaged Over the USA and South America, Lance Petersen, M. J. Taylor, M. Bailey, J. Hayes, P.-D. Pautet, and S. Cummer; APS April Meeting 2010

Smartphones as Integrated Kinematic and Dynamic Sensors for Amusement Park Physics Applications, Stephanie Peterson and John R. Dennison; Smartphones as Integrated Kinematic and Dynamic Sensors for Amusement Park Physics Applications

Improved Methods for Teaching Science, Stephanie Peterson, Sarah Scott, and John R. Dennison; Improved Methods for Teaching Science

A study of substrate factor on carbon nanotube forest growth, Carlos Read, Robert Call, and T. C. Shen


Simultaneous Separation and Detection of Cations and Anions Ion a Microfluidic Device with Suppressed Electroosmotic Flow and a Single Injection Point, B. R. Reschke, J. Schiffbauer, Boyd F. Edwards, and A. T. Timperman; Analyst


The LISA Gravitational Wave Foreground: A Study of Double White Dwarfs, Ashley J. Ruiter, Krzysztof Belczynski, Matthew Benacquista, Shane L. Larson, and Gabriel Williams; Astrophysical Journal


Observations of Prolific Transient Luminous Event Production Above a Mesoscale Convective System in Argentina During the Sprite2006 Campaign in Brazil, F. T. São Sabbas, Michael J. Taylor, Pierre-Dominique Pautet, T. Berkey, S. Cummer, R. R. Azambuja, J. P.C. Santiago, J. N. Thomas, O. Pinto Jr., N. N. Solorzano, N. J. Schuch, S. R. Freitas, N. J. Ferreira, and J. C. Conforte; Journal of Geophysical Research

Carbon Nanotubes for Space Applications Interchange , T. C. Shen

Nanotechnology in Nature, T. C. Shen

A Unified Model of Charge Transport in Highly Insulating Materials, Alec Sim and John R. Dennison; A Unified Model of Charge Transport in Highly Insulating Materials

A Unified Theoretical Approach to Modeling Materials Properties for Spacecraft Charging, Alec Sim and John R. Dennison; A Unified Theoretical Approach to Modeling Materials Properties for Spacecraft Charging


Charge Dynamics in Highly Insulating Space Craft Materials, Alec Sim and John R. Dennison

Parameterization of Temperature, Electric Field, Dose Rate and Time Dependence of Low Conductivity Spacecraft Materials Using a Unified Electron Transport Model, Alec Sim and John R. Dennison; Parameterization of Temperature, Electric Field, Dose Rate and Time Dependence of Low Conductivity Spacecraft Materials Using a Unified Electron Transport Model


Unified Model of Charge Transport in Insulating Polymeric Materials, Alec Sim and John R. Dennison; proceedings of the 15th Rocky Mountain NASA Space Grant Consortium

Temperature and Endurance Time of Electrostatic Field Strengths of Polymeric Spacecraft Insulators, Charles Sim, Alec Sim, Douglas Ball, and John R. Dennison; Temperature and Endurance Time of Electrostatic Field Strengths of Polymeric Spacecraft Insulators

Temperature and Endurance Time of Electrostatic Field Strengths ofPolymeric Spacecraft Insulators, Charles Sim, Alec Sim, Douglas Ball, and John R. Dennison; Temperature and Endurance Time of Electrostatic Field Strengths ofPolymeric Spacecraft Insulators

Evaluation of the Temperature and Time Dependence of Electrostatic Breakdown, Charlie Sim and John R. Dennison; Evaluation of the Temperature and Time Dependence of Electrostatic Breakdown

Evaluation of the Temperature and Time Dependence of Electrostatic Breakdown, Charlie Sim and John R. Dennison; Evaluation of the Temperature and Time Dependence of Electrostatic Breakdown


OH and OI airglow layer modulation by ducted shortperiod gravity waves: effects of trapping altitude, J. B. Snively, V. P. Pasko, and Michael J. Taylor; Journal of Geophysical Research


Equatorial Ionosphere Bottom-type Spread-F Observed by OI 630.0 nm Airglow Imaging, H. Takahashi, M. A. Abdu, Michael J. Taylor, Pierre-Dominique Pautet, E. R. de Paula, E. A. Kherani, A. F. Medeiros, C. M. Wrasse, I. S. Batista, J. H.A. Sobral, D. Gobbi, D. Arruda, I. Paulino, S. Vadas, and D. C. Fritts; Geophysical Research Letters

Mesosphericionospheric Coupling Processes Observed in the F-layer Bottomside Oscillation, H. Takahashi, S. L. Valdas, C. M. Wrasse, Michael J. Taylor, P. D. Pautet, A. F. Medeiros, R. A. Buriti, E. R. de Paula, M. A. Mbdu, I. S. Batista, I. Paulina, P. A. Stamus, and D. C. Fritts; IAGA Special Sopron Book Series


Near-infrared Spectroscopy of the Stardust Sample Return Capsule Entry: Detection of Carbon, Michael J. Taylor and P. Jenniskens; Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets

High-Latitude Gravity Wave Measurements in Noctilucent Cloudsand Polar Mesospheric Clouds, Michael J. Taylor, P. D. Pautet, Y. Zhao, C. E. Randall, J. Lumpe, S. M. Bailey, J. Carstens, K. Nielsen, J. M. Russell III, and J. Stegman; IAGA Special Sopron Book Series


Symmetric Criticality in Classical Field Theory, Charles G. Torre and Ian M. Anderson; AIP Conference Proceedings


On theconsistency of model, ground-based and satellite observations of tidal signatures: Initial results from theCAWSES tidal campaigns, W. E. Ward, J. Oberheide, L. P. Goncharenko, T. Nakamura, P. Hoffmann, W. Singer, L. C. Chang, J. Du, D. Y. Wang, P. Batista, B. Clemesha, A. H. Manson, D. M. Riggin, C. Y. She, T. Tsuda, and Tao Yuan; Journal of Geophysical Research

From Sundials to Quantum Gravity, James Thomas Wheeler; From Sundials to Quantum Gravity

Hamiltonian Mechanics and theNature of Time, James Thomas Wheeler; Hamiltonian Mechanics and the Nature of Time


Approximation of Range in Materials as a Function of Incident Electron Energy, Gregory Wilson and John R. Dennison; Proceedings of the 11th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference


A collaborative study on temperature diurnal tide in the midlatitude mesopause region (41°N, 105°W) with Na lidar and TIMED/SABER observations, Tao Yuan, C. Y. She, J. Forbes, X. Zhang, D. Krueger, and S. Reising; Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics



Relative effects of electric field and neutral wind on positive ionospheric storms, N. Balan, H. Alleyne, Y. Otsuka, D. Vijaya Lekshmi, B. G. Fejer, and I. McCrea; Earth, Planets and Space

Simulation of Steady-State Non-Equilibrium Ion DistributionsWithin a Finite-length Nanofluidic Channel, w. Booth, J. Schiffbauer, J. Fernandez, K. Kelly, A. Timperman, and Boyd F. Edwards; Simulation of Steady-State Non-Equilibrium Ion DistributionsWithin a Finite-length Nanofluidic Channel

Steady-state Non-equilibrium Simulations of a Symmetric Electrolyte Solution at a Micro-Nano-Micro Fluidic Interface, W. Booth, J. Schiffbauer, K. Kelly, Boyd F. Edwards, and A. Timperman; Steady-state Non-equilibrium Simulations of a Symmetric Electrolyte Solution at a Micro-Nano-Micro Fluidic Interface

Investigations of Molecular Motion and Separation in a TravelingWave Electrophoresis System, R. L. Carroll, Boyd F. Edwards, K. Jo, and A. Timperman; Investigations of Molecular Motion and Separation in a TravelingWave Electrophoresis System


Climatology of early night equatorial spread F over Jicamarca, N. P. Chapagain and B. G. Fejer; Journal of Geophysical Research


Quiet variability of equatorial E × B driftsduring a sudden stratospheric warning event, J. L. Chau, B. G. Fejer, and L. P. Goncharenko; Geophysical Research Letters

A New Fourier Model of Traveling Wave Electrophoresis, R. Correll, J. Eakins, J. Vopal, and Boyd F. Edwards; A New Fourier Model of Traveling Wave Electrophoresis

Time Dependent Conductivity of Spacecraft Materials, Justin Dekany and John R. Dennison; Time Dependent Conductivity of Spacecraft Materials

Reduction and Characterization of Error in Low Current Measurements, Justin Dekany, John R. Dennison, and Alec Sim; Reduction and Characterization of Error in Low Current Measurements

Applying Concepts from USU Physics Day at Lagoon in Secondary Science Classes, John R. Dennison; Applying Concepts from USU Physics Day at Lagoon in Secondary Science Classes


Characterization of Electrical Materials Properties Related to Spacecraft Charging, John R. Dennison; Radiation capabilities for the Europa Jupiter System Missions Instrument Workshop

Testing of Materials Electrical Properties and Radiation Effects at Utah State University, John R. Dennison; Testing of Materials Electrical Properties and Radiation Effects at Utah State University