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Wavelet-Based Index of Magnetic Storm Activity, A. Jach, Piotr Kokoszka, Jan Josef Sojka, and Lie Zhu; Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics


Evolution of equatorial ionosphericbubbles during a large auroral electrojet increase in the recovery phase of a magnetic storm, M. J. Keskinen, S. L. Ossakow, B. G. Fejer, and J. Emmert; Journal of Geophysical Research

Measuring Auger Signatures Using a Rotatable, High-Resolution Retarding Field Analyzer Faraday Cup Detector, Jason Kite and John R. Dennison; Measuring Auger Signatures Using a Rotatable, High-Resolution Retarding Field Analyzer Faraday Cup Detector


Probability Tails of Wavelet Coefficients of Magnetometer Records, Piotr Kokoszka, I. Maslova, Jan Josef Sojka, and Lie Zhu; Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics


Science Icebreaker Activities: An example from Gravitational Wave Astronomy, Michelle B. Larson, Louis J. Rubbo, Kristina D. Zaleski, and Shane L. Larson; The Physics Teacher

The Resolving Power of LISA: Comparing Techniques for Binary Analysis, Shane L. Larson and Lee Samuel Finn; AIP Conference Proceedings

Electrophoretic Extraction of Ions from a Pressure-Driven Flow, H. Luo, Boyd F. Edwards, S. Miller, B. Reschke, and A. Timperman; Electrophoretic Extraction of Ions from a Pressure-Driven Flow


Extreme Longitudinal Variability of Plasma Structuring in the Equatorial Ionosphere on a Magnetically Quiet Equinoctial Day, Sarah E. McDonald, Sunanda Basu, Santimay Basu, Keith M. Groves, Cesar E. Valladares, Ludger Scherliess, Donald C. Thompson, Robert W. Schunk, and Jan Josef Sojka; Radio Science


Mid-Latitude Measurements of Mesospheric Bore Events and Their Association With Temperature Inversion Layers, A. F. Medeiros, M. J. Taylor, J. Fechine, C. M. Weasse, H. Takahashi, R. A. Buriti, M. G. Mlynczak, and J. M. C. Russell; AGU Fall 2006 Meeting


Propagation of short-period gravity waves at high-latitudes during the MaCWAVE winter campaign, K. Nielsen, Michael J. Taylor, N. Mitchell, W. Singer, and R. A. Goldberg; Annales Geophysicae


An Unusual Mesospheric Bore Event Observed at High Latitudes over Antarctica, K. Nielsen, Michael J. Taylor, R G. Stockwell, and M. J. Jarvis; Geophysical Research Letters


Electron transport in laterally confined phosphorus δ-layers in silicon, S. J. Robinson, J. S. Kline, H. J. Wheelwright, J. R. Tucker, C. L. Yang, R. R. Du, B. E. Volland, I. W. Rangelow, and T. C. Shen; Physical Review B

Characterization of Ga-acceptor nanoscale wires in Si” , S. J. Robinson, J. R. Tucker, T. Schenkel, and T. C. Shen

Electron transport in laterally confined phosphorous δ-layers in silicon, S. J. Robinson, J. R. Tucker, and T. C. Shen


Gravitational Waves: New Observatories for New Astronomy, Louis J. Rubbo, Shane L. Larson, Michelle B. Larson, and Kristina D. Zaleski; The Physics Teacher


Utah State University Global Assimilation of Ionospheric Measurements Gauss-Markov Kalman Filter Model of the Ionosphere: Model Description and Validation, Ludger Scherliess, Robert W. Schunk, Jan Josef Sojka, Donald C. Thompson, and Lie Zhu; Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics

Electron transport of nanoscale P-donor wires in silicon, T. C. Shen

Fabrication of Atom-scale Devices by Patterning Donor delta-layers in Silicon, T. C. Shen

Transport Characterization and Device Applications of P-donor Nanowires in Silicon, T. C. Shen


Anomalous F Region Response to Moderate Solar Flares, C. G. Smithtro, Jan Josef Sojka, T. Berkey, Donald C. Thompson, and Robert W. Schunk; Radio Science


Recent Developments in Ionosphere-Thermosphere Modeling with an Emphasis on Solar Variability, Jan Josef Sojka, C. Smithro, and Robert W. Schunk; Advances in Space Research


Multiple Arcs: Evidence for an Active Ionospheric Role in the M-I Coupling, Jan Josef Sojka and L. Zhu; Advances in Space Research


A Novel Joint Space-Wavenumber Analysis of an Unusual Antarctic Gravity Wave Event, R. G. Stockwell, Michael J. Taylor, K. Nielsen, and M. J. Jarvis; Geophysical Research Letters


Characteristics of Wave Induced Oscillations in Mesospheric O2 Emission Intensity and Temperature, A. Taori and Michael J. Taylor; Geophysical Research Letters

The Effect of Voltage Ramp Rate on Dielectric Breakdown of Thin Film Polymers, Anthony Thomas, John R. Dennison, Steve Hart, and R. C. Hoffmann; The Effect of Voltage Ramp Rate on Dielectric Breakdown of Thin Film Polymers


The Utah State University Gauss-Markov Kalman Filter of the Ionosphere: The Effect of Slant TEC and Electron Density Profile Data on Model Fidelity, D. C. Thompson, L. Scherliess, Jan Josef Sojka, and Robert W. Schunk; Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics


Gravitational Waves: Just Plane Symmetry, Charles G. Torre; General Relativity and Gravitation


Observables for the Polarized Gowdy Model, Charles G. Torre; Classical and Quantum Gravity


Uniqueness of Solutions to the Helically Reduced Wave Equation with Sommerfeld Boundary Conditions, Charles G. Torre; Journal of Mathematical Physics

The Impact of Finite-Differencing Errors on Binary Black Hole Merger Templates, Birjoo Vaishnav, Deirdre Shoemaker, and Shane L. Larson; AIP Conference Proceedings


Biconformal Matter Actions, A. Wehner and James Thomas Wheeler; International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Temperature calibration for sample heating in ultrahigh vacuum, H. J. Wheelwright and T. C. Shen


Mesospheric Gravity Waves Observed Near Equatorial and Low-Middle Latitude Stations: Wave Characteristics and Reverse Ray Tracing Results, C. M. Wrasse, T. Nakamura, H. Takahshi, A. F. Medeiros, Michael J. Taylor, D. Gobi, C. M. Denardini, J. Fechine, R. A. Buriti, A. Salatun, Suratno, E. Achmad, and A. G. Admiranto; Annales Geophysicae


Seasonal variation of diurnal perturbations in mesopause regiontemperature, zonal, and meridional winds above Fort Collins, Colorado (40.6°N, 105°), Tao Yuan, C. Y. She, M. E. Hagan, B. P. William, T. Li, K. Arnold, T. D. Kawahara, P. E. Acott, J. D. Vance, D. A. Krueger, and R. G. Roble; Journal of Geophysical Research


Validation Study of the Ionospheric Forecast Model Using the TOPEX TEC Measurements, L. Zhu, Robert W. Schunk, G. Jee, Ludger Scherliess, Jan Josef Sojka, and Donald C. Thompson; Radio Science


Methods for Determining Crossover Energies in Insulating Materials, Jonathan Abbott and John R. Dennison; Methods for Determining Crossover Energies in Insulating Materials

Comparison of Methods for Determining Crossover Energies in Insulators, Jonathan Abbott, Ryan Hoffmann, John R. Dennison, and Sarah Barton; Comparison of Methods for Determining Crossover Energies in Insulators

Contribution of Compact Mass Transferring Systems to the Galactic Gravitational Wave Background, Krzysztof Belczynski, Matthew Benacquista, Shane L. Larson, and Ashley J. Ruiter; Contribution of Compact Mass Transferring Systems to the Galactic Gravitational Wave Background

Comparison of Methods for Resistivity Measurements of Insulators, Jerilyn Brunson and John R. Dennison; Comparison of Methods for Resistivity Measurements of Insulators


Measuring Charge Storage Decay Time and Resistivity of Spacecraft Insulators, Jerilyn Brunson and John R. Dennison; Proceedings of the 10th Rocky Mountain NASA Fellowship Symposium

Measuring Resistivity of Extreme Insulators, Jerilyn Brunson and John R. Dennison; Measuring Resistivity of Extreme Insulators


Search for Correlated High Energy Cosmic Ray Events With CHICOS, B. E. Carlson, E. Brobeck, C. J. Jillings, Michelle B. Larson, T. W. Lynn, R. D. McKeown, James E. Hill, B. J. Falkowski, R. Seki, J. Sepikas, and G. B. Yodh; Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Phyics


The Importance of Accurate Computation of Secondary Electron Emission for Modeling Spacecraft Charging, S. Clerc, John R. Dennison, and C. D. Thomson; 9th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference

Validation of daylight charging capabilities of the SPARCS code, Sebastien Clerc, Sylvie Brosse, and John R. Dennison; Validation of daylight charging capabilities of the SPARCS code


Importance of Accurate Computation of Secondary Electron Emission for ModelingSpacecraft Charging, Sebastien Clerc and John R. Dennison; Importance of Accurate Computation of Secondary Electron Emission for ModelingSpacecraft Charging

Materials Database of Resistivities of Spacecraft Materials, JR Davies, A. Robb Frederickson, Nelson W. Green, C. E. Benson, Jerilyn Brunson, and Prasanna Swaminanthan; Charge Collector Knowledgebase 3rdEdition

Measurements of Electricaland Electron Emission Properties of Highly Insulating Materials, John R. Dennison, Jerilyn Brunson, Ryan Hoffman, Jonathon Abbott, Clint Thomson, and Alec Sim; Measurements of Electricaland Electron Emission Properties of Highly Insulating Materials

Comments on Engineering Design Guidelines: Resistivity Measurements Relatedto Spacecraft Charging, John R. Dennison and A. Robb Frederickson; Charge Collector Knowledgebase 3rdEdition

Test Protocol for Charge Storage Methods, John R. Dennison, A. Robb Frederickson, Nelson W. Green, Prasanna Swaminanthan, and Jerilyn Brunson; Charge Collector Knowledgebase 3rd Edition


State of Utah Space Environment & Contamination Study (SUSpECS) MISSE-6 Payload to Investigate Their Effects on Electron Emission and Resistivity of Spacecraft Materials, John R. Dennison, L. Pearson, L. Davis, J. W. Burns, R. S. Hyde, James S. Dyer, Tina Andrus, Andrew Jay Auman, Jeff Duce, Tim Neilsen, and Rob Leishman; 9th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, Epochal Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan


Proposed Modifications to Engineering Design Guidelines Related to Resistivity Measurements and Spacecraft Charging, John R. Dennison, Prasanna Swaminathan, Randy Jost, Jerilyn Brunson, Nelson W. Green, and A. Robb Frederickson; 9th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference

SUSpECS—State of Utah Space Environment & Contamination Study—MISSE-6, Jeff Duce, Joshua Hodge, Jacob Geddes, Andrew Auman, Sarah Barton, John R. Dennison, Clint Thomson, L. Pearson, L. Davis, J. W. Burns, R. S. Hyde, and James Dyer; SUSpECS—State of Utah Space Environment & Contamination Study—MISSE-6


Climatology of F region zonalplasma drifts over Jicamarca, B. G. Fejer, J. R. Souza, A. S. Santos, and A. E. Costa Pereira; Journal of Geophysical Research


Semi-Relativistic Approximation to Gravitational Radiation from Encounters with Non-Spinning Black Holes, Jonathan R. Gair, Daniel J. Kennefick, and Shane L. Larson; Physical Review D

Charge Storage Measurements of Resistivity for DielectricSamples from the CRRES Internal Discharge Monitor, Nelson W. Green, A. Robb Frederickson, and John R. Dennison; Charge Storage Measurements of Resistivity for DielectricSamples from the CRRES Internal Discharge Monitor


Experimentally Derived Resistivity for Dielectric Samples From the CRRES Internal Discharge Monitor, Nelson W. Green, A. Robb Frederickson, and John R. Dennison; 9th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference

The Effects of Electron Dose on Electron Emission andCharging in Insulators, Ryan Hoffman, Jonathan Abbott, John R. Dennison, and Sarah Barton; The Effects of Electron Dose on Electron Emission andCharging in Insulators


Strong Electric Fields From Positive Lightning Strokes in the Stratosphere, R. H. Holzworth, M. C. McCarthy, J. N. Thomas, J. Chin, T. M. Chinowsky, Michael J. Taylor, and O. Pinto Jr.; Geophysical Research Letters


Universe Interactive: Static Displays with active Components, Michelle B. Larson; The Physics Teacher

LISA: A Modern Astrophysical Observatory, Shane L. Larson; Gravity in the Quantum Worldand the Cosmos

Extreme Longitudinal Variability of Plasma Structuring in the Equatorial Ionosphere on a Magnetically Quiet Equinoctial Day, S. McDonald, S. Basu, Ba Basu, K. Groves, Cesar E. Valladares, L. Scherliess, D. Thompson, Robert W. Schunk, Jan Josef Sojka, and L. Zhu; Proceedings of the Ionospheric Effects Symposium


Using Airglow Measurements to Observe Gravity Waves in the Martian Atmosphere, S. M.L. Melo, O. Chiu, A. Garcia-Munoz, K. Strong, J. C. McConnell, T. G. Slanger, Michael J. Taylor, R. P. Lowe, I. C. McDade, and D. L. Huestis; Advances in Space Research

Shy Drop: A Physics-based Activity for USU Physics Day at Lagoon, Amanda Otterstrom and John R. Dennison; Shy Drop: A Physics-based Activity for USU Physics Day at Lagoon

Pulsed System for Optical Discharge of Thin-film Insulators, Jared Otterstrom and John R. Dennison; Pulsed System for Optical Discharge of Thin-film Insulators


Climatology of Short-period Gravity WavesObserved Over Northern Australia During the DAWEX Campaign and Their Dominant SourceRegions, Pierre-Dominique Pautet, Michael J. Taylor, A. Z. Liu, and G. R. Swenson; Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres


Assimilativemodeling of the equatorial ionosphere for scintillation forecasting: Modeling with verticaldrifts, J. M. Retterer, D. T. Decker, W. S. Borer, R. E. Daniell, and B. G. Fejer; Journal of Geophysical Research

A low-temperature transport study of Ga-implanted wires in Si, S. J. Robinson, J. R. Tucker, and T. C. Shen


Propagating Polar Wind Jets, Robert W. Schunk, H. G. Demars, and Jan Josef Sojka; Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics


An Operational Data Assimilation Model of the Global Ionosphere, Robert W. Schunk, L. Scherliess, Jan Josef Sojka, D. C. Thompson, and L. Zhu; Proceedings of the Ionospheric Effects Symposium


Ionospheric Weather Forecasting on the Horizon, Robert W. Schunk, L. Scherliess, Jan Josef Sojka, D. C. Thompson, and L. Zhu; Space Weather

An epitaxial approach to nanoscale electronics in silicon, T. C. Shen

Integrable nano- to atom-scale 2D donor devices in silicon, T. C. Shen

Silicon nanoscale 2D donor devices fabricated by UHV-STM lithography, T. C. Shen


Evolution of the Electron Yield Curves of Insulators as a Function ofImpinging Electron Fluence and Energy, Alec Sim, John R. Dennison, and Clint Thomson; Proceedings of the 9th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference

Observation and Modeling of Mid-Latitude Ionospheric Dynamics During Solar X-Ray Flares, C. G. Smithtro, T. Berkey, D. Thompson, Jan Josef Sojka, and Robert W. Schunk; Proceedings of the Ionospheric Effects Symposium


A New Global Average Model of the Coupled Thermosphere and Ionosphere, C. G. Smithtro and Jan Josef Sojka; Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics


Behavior of the Ionosphere and Thermosphere Subject to Extreme Solar Cycle Conditions, C. G. Smithtro and Jan Josef Sojka; Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics


Polar F-Layer Model-Observation Comparisons: A Neutral Wind Surprise, Jan Josef Sojka, M. David, Robert W. Schunk, and A. P. van Eyken; Annales Geophysicae

Measurement of Resistivity of Spacecraft Insulators, Shigeyuji Takahashi and John R. Dennison; Measurement of Resistivity of Spacecraft Insulators


Concurrent OHimager and sodium temperature/wind lidar observation of localized ripples over Northern Colorado, L. Tao, C. Y. She, B. P. Williams, Tao Yuan, R. L. Collins, L. Kieffabar, and A. Peterson; Journal of Geophysical Research


Terdiurnal Wave Signatures in the Upper MesosphericTemperature and Their Association With the Wind Fields at Low-latitudes (20°N), A. Taori, Michael J. Taylor, and S. Franke; Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres


A personal tribute to Michael Gadsden, Michael J. Taylor; Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics


Characterization of the Semiannual- Oscillation in Mesospheric Temperatures at Low-latitudes, Michael J. Taylor, A. Taori, H. L. Liu, and R. G. Roble; Advances in Space Research


The LISA Zero-Signal Solution, Massimo Tinto and Shane L. Larson; Classical and Quantum Gravity


Coherent State Path Integral for Linear Systems, Charles G. Torre; Physical Review D


Dynamics of Stomatal Patches for a Single Surface of Xanthium Strumarium L. Leaves Observed with Fluorescence and Thermal Images, J D. West, David Peak, and K A. Mott; Plant, Cell, & Environment


Not So Classical Mechanics – Unexpected Constants of the Motion, James Thomas Wheeler; Canadian Journal of Physics


Comparison of Simultaneous Na Lidar and MesosphericTemperature Mapper Measurements and the Effects Of Tides On the Emission Layer Heights, Y. Zhao, Michael J. Taylor, and X. Chu; Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres

Validation of the Ionosphere Forecast Model (IFM), L. Zhu, Robert W. Schunk, G. Jee, L. Scherliess, Jan Josef Sojka, and D. C. Thompson; Proceedings of the Ionospheric Effects Symposium


Active Ionospheric Role in Small-Scale Aurora Structuring, L. Zhu, Jan Josef Sojka, and Robert W. Schunk; Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics



Biconformal Supergravity and the AdS/CFTConjecture, L. B. Anderson and James Thomas Wheeler; Nuclear Physics B

Introduction to Scientific Computing: Modern Physics Handbook, Jenette Briggs, John R. Dennison, D. Mark Riffe, N. Nickels, and T. E. Burns; Introduction to Scientific Computing: Modern Physics Handbook, Ver. 2.1


Extended BEG Model of Monhalogenated Methanes Physisorbed on Ionic Crystals, T. E. Burns, John R. Dennison, and Jason Kite; Surface Science

Electron Emission from Insulating Materials, John R. Dennison; Electron Emission from Insulating Materials

Electron Emission of Insulating Spacecraft Materials, John R. Dennison; Electron Emission of Insulating Spacecraft Materials

Interaction of the Space Environment with Spacecraft Materials, John R. Dennison; Interaction of the Space Environment with Spacecraft Materials

Final Report: Electron Emission Properties of Dielectric Materials forSatellites Containing Carbon Nanofibers, John R. Dennison, Jodie Corbridge, and Jonathan Abbott; Final Report: Electron Emission Properties of Dielectric Materials forSatellites Containing Carbon Nanofibers

Final Report: Electronic Properties International Space Station Materials, John R. Dennison, C. D. Thomson, Jodie Corbridge, Alec Sim, and Jonathan Abbott; Final Report: Electronic Properties International Space Station Materials


The Effect of Low Energy Electron and UV/VIS Radiation Aging on the Electron Emission Properties and Breakdown of Thin-film Dielectrics, John R. Dennison, C. D. Thomson, and Alec Sim; Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society (DEIS) International Conference on Solid Dielectrics (ICSD)

The effect of low energy electron and UV/VIS radiation aging on the electron emission properties and breakdown of thin-film dielectrics, John R. Dennison, C. D. Thomson, and Alec Sim; The effect of low energy electron and UV/VIS radiation aging on the electron emission properties and breakdown of thin-film dielectrics