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Utah State University Ground-based Test Facility for Study of Electronic Properties of Spacecraft Materials, W. Y. Chang, John R. Dennison, Neal Nickles, and R. E. Davies; Proceedings of the 6th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference

An Improved Database of Electronic Properties ofSpacecraft Materials for Modeling of Spacecraft Charging, W. Y. Chang, Neal Nickles, John R. Dennison, and C. D. Thomson; An Improved Database of Electronic Properties ofSpacecraft Materials for Modeling of Spacecraft Charging


Evolution of Secondary Electron Emission Characteristics of Spacecraft Surfaces: Importance to Spacecraft Charging, Robert Davies and John R. Dennison; Proceedings of the 6th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference

Absolute and Differential Spacecraft Charging as a Result ofEvolving Surface Contamination, John R. Dennison, Jason Kite, W. Y. Change, and R. E. Davies; 7th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference

River Meandering Dynamics, Boyd F. Edwards; River Meandering Dynamics


Average daytime disturbanceneutral winds measured by UARS: Initial results, B. G. Fejer, J. T. Emmert, G. G. Shepard, and B. H. Solheim; Geophysical Research Letters


Simulation of the prereversalenhancement in the low latitude vertical drifts, C. G. Fesen, R. G. Noble, A. D. Richmond, G. Crowley, and B. G. Fejer; Geophysical Research Letters

Development of Improved Faraday Cup for Measurements of Charged Particle Energy and Angle-Resolved Cross Sections, Kendall Ford and John R. Dennison; Development of Improved Faraday Cup for Measurements of Charged Particle Energy and Angle-Resolved Cross Sections

Inception of Snapover and Gas Induced Glow Discharges, J. T. Galofaro, D. C. Ferguson, B. V. Vayner, W. A. De Groot, C. D. Thomson, John R. Dennison, and R. E. Davies; AIAA's 38th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 10-13 January, Reno, NV


Inception of Snapover and Gas Induced Glow Discharges, J. T. Galofaro, B. V. Vayner, D. C. Ferguson, W. A. Degroot, C. D. Thomson, John R. Dennison, and R. E. Davies; NASA Technical Memorandum


Low Frequency Gravitational Waves from Binary White Dwarf MACHOs, William A. Hiscock, Shane L. Larson, Joshua Routzahn, and Ben Kulick; Astrophysical Journal Letters

A High Resolution Faraday Cup Charged Particle Spectrometer, Jason Kite, Kendall Ford, and John R. Dennison; A High Resolution Faraday Cup Charged Particle Spectrometer


Preliminary Data on Variations ofOH Airglow During the Leonid 1999 Meteor Storm, J. Kristl, M. Esplin, T. Hudson, Michael J. Taylor, and C. L. Siefring; Earth, Moon and Planets


Using Binary Star Observations to Bound the Mass of the Graviton, Shane L. Larson and William A. Hiscock; Physical Review D


Sensitivity Curves for Spaceborne Gravitational Wave Interferometers, Shane L. Larson, William A. Hiscock, and Ronald W. Hellings; Physical Review D

Can Gravitational Waves Be Detected in Quasar Microlensing?, Shane L. Larson and Rudolph Schild; Can Gravitational Waves Be Detected in Quasar Microlensing?


Comparison of 1998 and1999 Leonid Light Curve Morphology and Meteoroid Structure, I. S. Murray, M. Beach, Michael J. Taylor, P. Jenniskens, and R. L. Hawkes; Earth, Moon and Planets


Applications of Secondary Electron Energy- and Angular-Distributions to Spacecraft Charging, Neal Nickles, R. E. Davies, and John R. Dennison; Proceedings of the 6th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference


Instrumentation and Measurement of Secondary Electron Emission for Spacecraft Charging, Neal Nickles and John R. Dennison; Proceedings of the 6th Rocky Mountain NASA Space Grant Consortium Symposium


Observing Gravity Wave Activity in the Mesopause Region by Means of Airglow Tomography, T. Nygren, Michael J. Taylor, G. R. Swenson, and M. S. Lehtinen; Advances in Space Research


DE-2 observations of morningside andeveningside plasma density depletions in the equatorial ionosphere, M. Palmroth, H. Laakso, B. G. Fejer, and R. F. Pfaff; Journal of Geophysical Research


An incoherent scatter radar technique fordetermining two-dimensional ionization structure in polar cap F-region patches, T. R. Pedersen, B. G. Fejer, R. A. Doe, and E. J. Weber; Journal of Geophysical Research


Terdiurnal Oscillations in OH Meinel Rotational Temperatures for Fall Conditions at Northern Mid-latitude Sites, W. R. Pendleton Jr., Michael J. Taylor, and Larry Gardner; Geophysical Research Letters


Surface Core-Level Phonon Broadening of Li(110), D. Mark Riffe and G. K. Wertheim; Physical Review B


Measurement of Silicon Surface Recombination Velocity Using Ultrafast Pump-Probe Reflectivityin the Near Infrared, A. J. Sabbah and D. Mark Riffe; Journal of Applied Physics

Role of scanning probes in nanoelectronics, T. C. Shen


Role of scanning probes in nanoelectronics: a critical review, T. C. Shen; Surface Review Letter


Electron-stimulated bond rearrangements on the H/Si(100)-3x1 surface, T. C. Shen, J. A. Steckel, and K. D. Jordan; Surface Science


Modeling the Evolution of Meso-Scale Ionospheric Irregularities at High Latitudes, Jan Josef Sojka, L. Zhu, M. David, and Robert W. Schunk; Geophysical Research Letters


Meteor Trails and Columniform Sprites, E. M.D. Symbalisty, R. A. Ruossel-Dupre, D. O. ReVelle, D. M. Suszcynsky, V. A. Yukhimuk, and Michael J. Taylor; Icarus


Jet-like Structures and Wake in Mg I (518nm) Images of 1999 Leonid Storm Meteors, Michael J. Taylor, Larry Gardner, I. S. Murray, and P. Jenniskens; Earth, Moon and Planets


Investigation of the First Snapover of Positively Biased Conductors in a Plasma, C. D. Thomson, John R. Dennison, R. E. Davies, D. C. Ferguson, J. T. Galafaro, and B. V. Vayner; Proceedings of the 38th American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Meeting on Aerospace Sciences


Snapover: Anomalous Plasma Current Collection by Positively Biased Conductors when Surrounded by a Dielectric, Clint Thomson and John R. Dennison; 6th Rocky Mountain NASA Space Grant Consortium Symposium


Can Single-Electron Integrated Circuits and Quantum Computers be Fabricated in Silicon?, J. R. Tucker and T. C. Shen; Integrated Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications


A Comprehensive Study of Dielectric-Conductor Junctions in Low Density Plasmas, B. V. Vayner, J. T. Galofaro, D. C. Ferguson, W. A. De Groot, C. D. Thomson, John R. Dennison, and R. E. Davies; Proceedings of the 38th American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Meeting on Aerospace Sciences


Actions for Biconformal Matter, andre wehner and James Thomas Wheeler; Actions for Biconformal Matter


Extended Conformal Symmetry, James Thomas Wheeler; Extended Conformal Symmetry


String without Strings, James Thomas Wheeler; Foundations of Physics

Mesospheric Temperature Profiles Determined from Rayleigh-Scatter Lidar Observations above Logan, Utah: 2. Temperature Results and Comparisons, Vincent B. Wickwar, K C. Beissner, S C. Collins, T D. Wilkerson, and J W. Meriwether jr.; Mesospheric Temperature Profiles Determined from Rayleigh-Scatter Lidar Observations above Logan, Utah: 2. Temperature Results and Comparisons

Mesospheric Temperature Profiles Determined from Rayleigh-Scatter Lidar Observations above Logan, Utah: 1. Instrumentation and Technique, Vincent B. Wickwar, K C. Beissner, S Elkington, S C. Collins, T D. Wilkerson, J W. Meriwether jr., and X Gao; Mesospheric Temperature Profiles Determined from Rayleigh-Scatter Lidar Observations above Logan, Utah: 1. Instrumentation and Technique

O(1D) Intensities and Winds at Bear Lake Observatory During Periods of Moderate Magnetic Activity—Initial Results, Vincent B. Wickwar, C M. Vadnais, I K. Monson, and D Rees; O(1D) Intensities and Winds at Bear Lake Observatory During Periods of Moderate Magnetic Activity—Initial Results


Model Study of Ionospheric Dynamics During a Substorm, Lie Zhu, Robert W. Schunk, Jan Josef Sojka, and Michael David; Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics



low latitude thermospheric winds: Measured quiet time variations with season and solar fluxfrom 1980 to 1990, M. A. Biondi, S. Y. Sazykin, B. G. Fejer, J. W. Meriwether, and C. G. Fesen; Journal of Geophysical Research


Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction of Layering Transitions of Multilayer Nitrogen Physisorbed on Graphite, T. E. Burns, John R. Dennison, and S. N. Ehrlich; Langmuir


Null Geodesics in the Alcubierre Warp Drive Spacetime: The View from the Bridge, Chad Clark, William A. Hiscock, and Shane L. Larson; Classical and Quantum Gravity


Resolving Geomagnetic Disturbances Using "K-Like" Geomagnetic Indices with Variable Time Intervals, D. J. Della-Rose, Jan Josef Sojka, and L. Zhu; Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics

Using Computer-assisted Mathematics to Enhance Structured Problem-solving Techniques in Physics, John R. Dennison, D. Mark Riffe, and Neal Nickles; Using Computer-assisted Mathematics to Enhance Structured Problem-solving Techniques in Physics

Longitudinal studies of equatorial spread F in the American sector, B. G. Fejer, E. R. de Paula, D. L. Hysell, and P. J. Sultan; Proceedings of Ionoshperic Effects Symposium


Effects of the vertical plasma drift velocity on thegeneration and evolution of equatorial spread F, B. G. Fejer, L. Scherliess, and E. R. de Paula; Journal of Geophysical Research


Criteria for Elves and Sprites on Schumann Resonance Observations, E. W. Huang, E. R. Williams, R. Boldi, S. Heckman, W. Lyons, Michael J. Taylor, C. Wong, and T. Nelson; Journal of Geophysical Research

Procurement and characterization of high purity materials for measurement in UHV, Parker Judd and John R. Dennison; Procurement and characterization of high purity materials for measurement in UHV


Constructing a Portable Sundial, Michelle B. Larson; The Physics Teacher


Superfluid Friction and Late-Time Thermal Evolution of Neutron Stars, Michelle B. Larson and Bennett Link; The Astrophysical Journal


Effects of Spacecraft Potential on Secondary Electron Yields in Geosynchronous Orbit, Neal E. Nickles; 5th Rocky Mountain NASA Space Grant Consortium NASA Fellowship Symposium


Radar and satellite global equatorial F-region vertical drift model, L. Scherliess and B. G. Fejer; Journal of Geophysical Research

Atomic processes stimulated by low-energy electrons on H-terminated Si(100) surfaces, T. C. Shen

Exploring nanoscale science and technology with low-energy electrons, T. C. Shen

Fabrication processes for atom-scale FETs, cellular automata and quantum computers, T. C. Shen


The initial stage of nucleation and growth of Al on H/Si(100)-1x1 by dimethylaluminum hydride vapor deposition, T. C. Shen, C. Wang, and J. R. Tucker; Applied Surface Science


Interhemispheric Comparison of TDIM E- and F-Region Ionospheres on 14 January 1988, Jan Josef Sojka, Robert W. Schunk, M. David, J. Chen, S. Slinker, and J. Fedder; Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics

Ionosphere-Thermosphere Dynamical Response to a Geomagnetic Storm on a Global Scale, Jan Josef Sojka, Robert W. Schunk, and H. Thiemann; Proceedings of the ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes

Assimilation Ionosphere Model (AIM): Data Assimilation and Validation Using CIC Caribbean Measurements, Jan Josef Sojka, Robert W. Schunk, and D. C. Thompson; Proceedings of the Ionospheric Effects Symposium

Chaos and Order in an Interdisciplinary REU Site, E Stone and David Peak; CUR Quarterly


Video and Photometric Observations of a Sprite in Coincidence with a Meteor-triggered Jet Event, D. M. Suszcynsky, R. Strabley, R. Roussel-Dupre, E. M.D. Symbalisty, R. A. Armstrong, W. A. Lyons, and Michael J. Taylor; Journal of Geophysical Research


Comparison of Terdiurnal Tidaloscillations in Mesospheric OH Rotational Temperature and Na Lidar Temperature Measurementsat Mid-latitudes, Michael J. Taylor, W. R. Pendleton Jr., C. S. Gardner, and R. J. States; Earth, Planets and Space


Midisuperspace Models of Canonical Quantum Gravity, Charles G. Torre; International Journal of Theoretical Physics


Functional Evolution of Free Quantum Fields, Charles G. Torre and Madhavan Varadarajan; Classical and Quantum Gravity


The Conductor-Dielectric Junctions in a Low Density Plasma, B. V. Vayner, J. T. Galofaro, D. C. Ferguson, Win de Groot, Clint Thomson, John R. Dennison, and Robert Davies; NASA Technical Memorandum


Conformal actions in any dimension, Andre Wehner and James Thomas Wheeler; Nuclear Physics B


Ionospheric and Thermospheric Couplings: Vertical, Latitudinal, and Longitudinal, Vincent B. Wickwar and Herbert C. Carlson; Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics


Horizontal Electrojet Associated with the Sun-Aligned Arcs, Y. Zhang, D. J. McEwen, N. Kong, Jan Josef Sojka, and L. Zhu; Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics


Effects of Magnetospheric Precipitation and Ionospheric Conductivity on the Ground Magnetic Signatures of Traveling Convection Vortices, Lie Zhu, Robert W. Schunk, and Jan Josef Sojka; Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics



Intercomparison of Physical Models and Observations of the Ionosphere, D. N. Anderson, M. J. Buonsanto, M. Codrescu, D. Decker, C. G. Fesen, T. J. Fuller-Rowell, B. W. Reinisch, P. G. Richards, R. G. Roble, Robert W. Schunk, and Jan Josef Sojka; Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics


Photometric Measurements in the SPRITES’95 & 96 Campaign Nitrogen Second Positive (399.0 nm) and First Negative (427.8 nm) Emission, R. A. Armstrong, J. A. Shorter, Michael J. Taylor, D. M. Suszcynsky, W. A. Lyons, and L. Jeong; Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics


CO Physisorbed on Ionic Crystals: An Extended BEG Spin-Lattice Model of Absorbed Dipolar Molecules, T. E. Burns and John R. Dennison; Surface Science


Utah State University Ground-based Test Facility for Study ofElectronic Properties of Spacecraft Materials, W. Y. Chang, John R. Dennison, Neal Nickles, and R. E. Davies; Utah State University Ground-based Test Facility for Study ofElectronic Properties of Spacecraft Materials


Effects of the Evolution of Spacecraft Surfaces on Secondary Electron Emission andSpacecraft Charging, R. E. Davies and John R. Dennison; Proceedings of the 4th Rocky Mountain NASA Space Grant Consortium Fellowship Symposium


Evolution of secondary electron emission characteristics of spacecraft surfaces: Importance to spacecraft charging, R. E. Davies and John R. Dennison; 6th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference

Measurement of Angle-resolved Secondary Electron Spectra, R. E. Davies and John R. Dennison; Measurement of Angle-resolved Secondary Electron Spectra

A spin Lattice Model for Physisorbed Dipolar Molecules on Ionic Substrates, John R. Dennison, Jason Kite, and T. E. Burns; A spin Lattice Model for Physisorbed Dipolar Molecules on Ionic Substrates

Convection near Propagating Autocatalytic Reaction Fronts, Boyd F. Edwards; Convection near Propagating Autocatalytic Reaction Fronts

Fragmentation of Percolation Clusters: Implications for Ising Cluster Kinetics, Boyd F. Edwards; Fragmentation of Percolation Clusters: Implications for Ising Cluster Kinetics

Radar studies of equatorial spread F, B. G. Fejer and D. L. Hysell; Physics of Space Plasmas


Mid- and low-latitude prompt-penetration ionospheric zonalplasma drifts, B. G. Fejer and L. Scherliess; Geophysical Research Letters


Rayleigh Lidar Measurements of the Temporal Frequency and Vertical Wavenumber Spectra in the Mesosphere over the Rocky Mountain Region, X Gao, J W. Meriwether, Vincent B. Wickwar, T D. Wilkerson, and S C. Collins; Journal of Geophysical Research


Observational Limits for Lidar, Radar and Airglow Imager Measurements of Gravity Wave Parameters, C. S. Gardner and Michael J. Taylor; Journal of Geophysical Research

Effective Gravity in Magnetothermal Convection, D. D. Gray, J. Huang, and Boyd F. Edwards; Engineering Mechanics: A Force for the 21st Century


Comparison of Measured High-Latitude F-Region Ion Composition Climatology Variability with Models, J. M. Grebowsky, R. E. Erlandson, Jan Josef Sojka, Robert W. Schunk, and D. Bilitza; Advances in Space Research


Full-wave Modeling of Small-scale Gravity Waves Using Airborne Lidar and Observations of the Hawaiian Airglow (ALOHA-93) O(1S) Images & Coincident Na Wind/Temperature Lidar Measurements, M. P. Hickey, Michael J. Taylor, C. S. Gardner, and C. R. Gibbons; Journal of Geophysical Research


Magnetic Control of Convection in Nonconducting Paramagnetic Fluids, J. Huang, Boyd F. Edwards, and D. D. Gray; Physical Review E

Magnetic Control of Convection in Electrically Nonconducting Fluids, J. Huang, D. D. Gray, and Boyd F. Edwards; Magnetic Control of Convection in Electrically Nonconducting Fluids


Magnetic Control of Convection in Nonconducting Diamagnetic Fluids, J. Huang, D. D. Gray, and Boyd F. Edwards; Physical Review E


Thermoconvective Instability of Paramagnetic Fluids in a Nonuniform Magnetic Field, J. Huang, D. D. Gray, and Boyd F. Edwards; Physical Review E


Observed Coupling of the Mesosphere Inversion Layer to the Thermal Tidal Structure, J W. Meriwether, X Gao, Vincent B. Wickwar, T D. Wilkerson, K C. Beissner, S C. Collins, and M E. Hagan; Geophysical Research Letters

Energy- and Angle-resolved Secondary Electron Cross Sections and Applications to Spacecraft Charging, Neal Nickles, R. E. Davies, and John R. Dennison; Energy- and Angle-resolved Secondary Electron Cross Sections and Applications to Spacecraft Charging

Sample Bias Influence on Angular-Resolved Secondary Electron Emission, Neal Nickles, R. E. Davies, and John R. Dennison; Sample Bias Influence on Angular-Resolved Secondary Electron Emission


Secondary Electron Emission and Spacecraft Charging, Neal Nickles and John R. Dennison; 4th Rocky Mountain NASA Space Grant Consortium Fellowship Symposium

Problem Solving Tutorial, Neal Nickles, John R. Dennison, D. Mark Riffe, and Beth Porter; Problem Solving Tutorial


Application of Tomographic Inversion in Studying Airglow in the Mesopause Region, T. Nygren, Michael J. Taylor, M. S. Lehtinen, and M. Markkanen; Annales Geophysicae


Incoherent scatter radar observations of horizontal F region plasma structure over Sondrestrom, Greenland during polar cap patchevents, T. R. Pedersen, B. G. Fejer, R. A. Doe, and E. J. Weber; Radio Science