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Measurement and Modeling of Reduced-Gravity Fluid Distribution and Transport in Unsaturated Porous Plant-Growth Media, Robert Heinse
Herbicide, Salinity, and Flooding Tolerance of Foxtail Barley (Hordeum jubatum L.) and Desirable Pasture Grasses, Karl R. Israelsen
Goatsrue (Galega officinalis) Seed Biology, Control, and Toxicity, Michelle Oldham
Nursery Production of Selected Actinorhizal Species, Taun D. Beddes
Soil Moisture Responses in Traditional and Drought Adapted Landscapes in the Intermountain West, James Gregory
Evaluation of Competition Between Turfgrass and Trees in the Landscape, Christopher A. Hendrickson
Measurement of Fine Spatial Scale Ecohydrologic Gradients in a Pinyon-Juniper Ecosystem, Matthew David Madsen
Origins Of The Y Genome In Elymus, Pungu Okito
Identification of Subsoil Compaction Using Electrical Conductivity and Spectral Data Across Varying Soil Moisture Regimes in Utah, Jay Murray Payne
Ethylene Synthesis and Sensitivity in Crop Plants, Joseph F. Romagnano
Environmental, Chemical, and Genetic Reduction of Ethylene Sensitivity in Crop Plants, Timothy J. Hudelson
Vascular Plant Species Richness and Distribution in a Heterogeneous Landscape, Kelly J. McCloskey
Humic and Fulvic Acids: Effects on Plant Nutrition and Growth, Jason Tew
Determining the Factors That Control Respiration and Carbon Use Efficiency in Crop Plants, Jonathan M. Frantz
Effect of Drought, Flooding, and Potassium Stress on the Quantity and Composition of Root Exudates in Axenic Culture, Amelia Henry
Physiological and Biochemical Aspects of Agrobacterium-Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Interactions, David L. Parrott Jr.
Use of Ground-Based Canopy Reflectance to Determine Radiation Capture, Nitrogen and Water Status, and Final Yield in Wheat, Glen L. Ritchie
The Efficacy of Plant Residue Degradation Products on Phosphorus, Iron, Iodine, and Fluorine Bioavailability to Plants, Cheryl L. Mackowiak
Effects of High Ammonium/Nitrate Ratios on Nitrification and Growth of Wheat in Hydroponics, Dawn J. Muhlestein
Molecular Characterization of Soil Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria Based on the Genes Encoding Ammonia Monooxygenase, Jose Javier Alzerreca
Uptake and Transformation of Trichloroethylene by Hybrid Poplar: Laboratory Studies, Julie K. Chard
Effects of Safflower (A Spring Crop), and Wheat Planting Date on Controlling Jointed Goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica) in Winter Wheat, Caleb Dale Dalley
Effect of Blue Light and Temperature on Leaf Expansion, Stem Elongation, and Growth, Tracy A. O. Dougher
Water Uptake, Water Relations, Tree Growth, and Root Distribution under Herbaceous Competition, Bertha Alicia Hernandez-Leos
Ammonium and Nitrate Effects on Growth, Development and Nutrient Uptake of Hydroponic Wheat, Thomas M. Hooten
Predicting Transpiration Rates of Hydroponically-Grown Plant Communities in Controlled Environments, Oscar Monje
Management of Microbial Nitrate Production in Agricultural Soils, Wei Shi
Identification of Belowground Woody Structures Using Molecular Biomarkers, Benny R. Bobowski
Development of Super-Dwarf Wheat Under Stress Conditions Simulating Those on the Space Station MIR, Liming Jiang
A Slow-Release Nitrogen Fertilizer: Ammonium-Loaded Clinoptilolite, T. Scott Perrin
Superoptimal CO2 Reduces Seed Yield in Wheat, Timothy P. Grotenhuis
The Effects of Osmotic Potential on Ammonification, Immobilization, Nitrous Oxide Production, and Nitrification Rates in Penoyer Soil, Andrew P. Low
An Integration of Tillage and Herbicides to Control Jointed Goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica Host.) in Winter Wheat, Troy M. Price
Membrane Protein as a Basis of NACL Tolerance in Alfalfa, Husni N. Sabah
Cytological and Molecular Analyses of the Ns Genome in Russian Wildrye, Psathyrostachys juncea (Fisch.), Junzhi Wei
Influences of Nitrogen Supply and Elevated CO2 on Nitrogen Consumption, Nitrogen Loss, Tissue Nitrogen Concentration, and Yield of Hydroponic Wheat, Karl B. Ritchie
Effect of Salinity (NaCl) on Germination, Growth, Ion Accumulation, and Protein Synthesis in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), Thamir S. Al-Niemi
Effects of Water Stress Preconditioning on Plant Water Relations and Transplant Survival of Artemisia cana and Agropyron intermedium, Jerriann Ernstsen
Wheat Kernel Hormone Levels During Development and Their Relevance to Zygotic and Somatic Embryogenesis, J. Richard Hess
Amelioration Effects of Calcium Amendments on the Growth of Phaseolus vulgaris L. Under Sodium Stress, Salam Mahmoud Awada
Photosynthetic Capacity, Leaf Size and Plant Height in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Deborah L. Bishop
Potassium and Sodium Interrelations in Alfalfa Phenotypes Grown on Calcareous Soil, Suresh S. Dhumal
The Effects of Calcium on the Response of Snapbean to Sodium-Induced Stress, Masud Ahmad Khan
Hydrogen Uptake Genes and Nitrogen Fixation Efficiency of Rhizobium Species in Symbiosis With Alfalfa, Chickpea and Pigeonpea, G. Mustafa Sajid
Morphological Responses of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to Changes in Phytochrome Photoequilibria, Blue Light and Photoperiod, Charles Barnes
The Relationship Between Leaf Area Index and Photosynthetic Temperature Response in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Canopies, David B. Meek
Carbon Dioxide Toxicity in Wheat, Robert Spanarkel
Burning, Flaming and Herbicides for Control of Jointed Goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica Host.), Blake D. Willis
An Apple Rest Model for Mild Winter Conditions, Jose Ignacio Del Real Laborde
Soil Temperature Influence on Water Use and Yield Under Variable Irrigation, Jon M. Wraith
Analyses of Somaclonal Variation in Hexaploid Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Zahra Noori Hashim
Investigations of Field Performance and Physiological Effects of Metsulfuron and Metsulfuron Combinations on Field Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis L.), Hamid Rahimian Mashhadi
Effects of Phosphorus on No-Till, Minimum-Till, and Conventional Till Irrigated Field Corn, John A. McKay
N2-Fixation in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Seedlings and Rhizobium meliloti L. Grown in Vitro Under Salt and Drought Stresses, Ramzi Muhiddin Mohamad
Calcium Amelioration of Salinity (Sodicity) on Nitrogen Fixation, Stomatal Resistance, Potassium/Sodium Ratio and Total Nitrogen of Phaseolus vulgaris L., Mahmood Akhavan-Kharazian
Boron Composition of Alfalfa in Utah as Related to Soils and Irrigation Waters, Robert N. Radtke Jr.
Classification and Interpretation of Selected Soil Data from a Tropical Region of Bolivia, Noemi Sabillon
Chemical Weathering of Pyrite in Soils, Aaron D. Brown
Electrophoretic Patterns of Storage Proteins in Phaseolus Prone to Cotyledonal Cracking, Zahra N. Hashim
Comparisons of Snow Deposition, Soil Temperature, Matric Potential and Quasi-Friction Velocity Between a Windward Site and a Lee Shelter in a Cold Desert, Harvey L. Neuber
The Effects of SO2 on N2-Fixation, Carbon Partitioning, and Yield Components in Snapbean, Phaseolus Vulgaris L., Stephen M. Griffith
The Photoregulation of Phenylpropanoid Metabolism and Amino Acid Accumulation in Triticum Aestivum (Var. Fremont), Daniel J. Guerra
An Evaluation of Variety--Interactions Under Conservation Tillage Wheat Cropping Systems, Robert L. Newhall
Seed Case Studies on Atriplex Gardneri (MOQ) Dietr.: Bracteole Cell Wall Composition and Enzymatic Degradation, Priscilla Woolley Burton
Genesis of a Vertisol and an Associated Palexeroll in Northern Utah, Robert C. Graham
Influence of Phosphorus and Water Management on Mycorrhiza and Rhizobia in Symbiosis With Legumes, David C. Ianson
The Interactive Effects of Water Salinity and Management on Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation in Alfalfa, Thomas J. Keck
Scanning Electron Microscopic (SEM) Studies on Range Grasses and Their Resistance to Black Grass Bugs, Yun-Hwa Ling
A Study of Cell Dimensions, Amyloplast Position and Certain Physiological Responses During Gravitropic Bending of Dicot Stems, Julianne E. Sliwinski
The Interactions of Electrical Conductivity, Sodium Adsorption Ratio, Water Volume and Rhizobial Strain on Phaseolus Vulgaris L., David A. Anderson
Fertility and Saline Water Management Interactions on Plant Growth and Nitrogen Fixation in Phaseolus, Robin R. Drysdale Rodriguez
The Roles of Mechanical Stress and Ethylene in Clinostat-Induced Leaf Epinasty and Gravitropic Response of Dicot Shoots, Raymond M. Wheeler
Ultrastructural Localization of Solanidine in Potato Tubers, Shau-Ron Han
Characteristics and Genesis of Some Soils of the Upper Terraces of Lake Bonneville, Mohammad Ali Haji Mirsadeghi
Characteristics and Genesis of Certain Soils in the Southern Foothills of Central Alborz, Iran, Firouz Rooyani
Iron and Zinc Deficiencies in Selected Calcareous Soils of Southern Utah, E. Frank Schnitzer
Total Solar Irradiance and Weather Systems Along 40 Degrees North Latitude in the Rocky Mountains, Jeffrey A. Secrest
Comparison of the Mineralogy and Morphology of Some Cambic and Argillic Horizons in Soils of Northern Utah, Randal Jay Southard
Diffuse Irradiance in the Rocky Mountains at 40° Latitude, Brock Allen LeBaron
The Effect of Wilt-Pruf, Antitranspirant on Reducing Water Loss of Apple Trees, Hassan A. Nammah
Reducing Soil Crusting to Enhance Sesame Seedling Emergence, Gustavo Campero
Interpretation of Selected Soil Data from the Central Part of Utah, Amjad T. El-Rihani
Phosphorus Availability as Indicated by Alfalfa Response to Applied Phosphorus on Soils with Low Soil-Test Values, Ibrahim Odeh Ghawi
Vertical Mesoscale Water Vapor Flux in an Irrigated Valley, Esmaiel Malek
Effect of Drilling Fluid Components and Mixtures on Plants and Soils, Parvin Pesaran (Djavan)
Effects of Low-Level Chronic Radiation on Plant Nuclear Parameters as Related to Successional Patterns, Eric A. Rechel
Characteristics and Genesis of the Payson and Trenton Soils, Hakeem T. Saif
The Influence of Certain Growth Hormones on Plant Growth at Cold Temperatures, Michael D. Salvesen
An Evaluation of Using In-Field Evaporation Pans to Schedule Irrigation on Potatoes, Michael J. Tremblay
A Study of Rest Period, Hardiness, and Bud Development of the 'Concord' Grape, Mervin Gayle Weeks
The Evaluation of a Computer Model to Predict the Effects of Salinity on Crop Growth, James K. Wolf
The Effects of Chemical and Cultural Treatments on Gibberellin Levels in Strawberry Leaves and on the Induction of Secondary Flowering, Richard N. Arteca
The Accuracy of Soil Mapping Units of Certain Pachic and Cumulic Soils in Northern Utah, Behjat Badamchian
Albedo of the Earth's Surface -- A Comparison of Measurements Taken on the Ground and from Flying Platforms, Frank D. Eaton