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Quantitative Evaluation of Saponin Content in Du Puits Alfalfa Foliage (Medicago sativa L.) with Trichoderma, Wang Li-Chun
Overwintering of Erwinia Amylovora Inside Living Host Tissue in Cache Valley, Utah, G. Doyle Morrill
A Formula to Express Evapotranspiration as a Function of Soil Moisture and Evaporative Demands of the Atmosphere, Aldo L. Norero
The Effect of High Air Temperature and Depth of Planting on the Emergence and Development of Selected Grain Sorghum (Sorghum vulgare) Cultivars, Jhander Orihuela
The Capability of the Utah State University Drainage Farm as an Irrigation and Drainage Demonstration Project, Mario Perez
Methods of Correcting Iron and Zinc Deficiencies in Peach Trees, Earl Seeley
The Anatomical and Morphological Effects of DCPA on Seedlings of Selected Species of Plants, Bijan Shaybany
Inheritance and Linkage Studies of Some Mutant Characters in Sugarbeets, Beta vulgaris L., John R. Stander
The Overwintering of the Fireblight Bacteria Outside of Living Tissue in Utah, Sherman V. Thomson
Some Parent-Progeny Relationships in Agropyron elongatum, Max W. Turley
A Study of Foliar Absorption of Urea in Peach and Apple Trees Influenced by Plant and Environmental Factors, Ataollah Yazdaniha
The Effects of Pre-Emergence Applications of Simazine and Post-Emergence Applications of Dalapon on Physio-Chemical Changes in Apple, Sour Cherry, Sweet Cherry, and Prunus mahaleb, Jawad Thanoon Agha
An Experimental Study of Variation Within and Between Populations of Petrophytum caespitosum (Nutt.) Rydb. with Emphasis on Numerical Techniques, Frank R. Drysdale
Effect of Gibberellic Acid and Chilling on Nucleic Acids During Germination of Dormant Peach Seed, Yuh-nan Lin
A Study of the Influence of Petroleum Mulches on Several Herbicides With Selected Vegetable Crops, C. Linnis Mills
The Morphological and Anatomical Effects of Pyrazon on Beans and Pigweed, James E. Rodebush
Morphological Development in Relation to Cold Hardiness of Dormant Peach Fruit Buds, Schuyler Dranna Seeley
Effect of Stage of Seedling Development on Absorption of Selected Pre-Emergent Herbicides, Pairoj Suchinda
The Influence of Petroleum Mulch on the Germination and Yield of Tomatoes, Clarence Frank Williams
The Influence of Irrigating with Saline Water on the Energy Status of Water in Soil and Plant, Rolando H. Braun
The Influence of Supplemental Irrigation and Environmental Factors on the Yield and Nutrient Composition of Napiergrass, Modesto Capiel
Experiments on the Inactivation of Zinc by the Mineral Fractions of the Soil, John J. Hassett
The Effect of Changing Temperatures on Hardiness, Respiration, and Intensity of Rest of Dormant Peach and Apricot Buds, Anthony H. Hatch
A Study of Factors Affecting the Germination of Alfalfa and Safflower Pollen, Ling Lin
A Study of Cotyledonal Cracking in Snap Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), John L. Morris
The Free Sterol Content of Selected Clones of Alfalfa as Related to Seed Infestation by the Alfalfa Seed Chalcid, Rex Alton Richards
The Influence of Thermo-Gradients Upon Water Movement and Retention in Unsaturated Soils, Jose V. Salazar
The Interaction Between Water Movement, Solute Uptake, and Respirational Energy in Plant Roots, Mohamed Sadek Tawakol
Movement of Atrazine in Soil Under Furrow Irrigation, Jyothi Veerabhadrappa
A Review of Plant Propagation Methods, Somsong Aritajat
Some Biochemical Changes Occurring in Tomato Fruit Ripened by Several Treatments, Arthur A. Boe
The Effect of Protective Materials on the Overwintering of Hardy Annuals, Candytuft and Stocks, Melvin S. Burningham
Simultaneous Flow of Heat and Water in Plant Tissue, Gaylon Sanford Campbell
Physio-Chemical Changes in Relation to the Rest Period of Peach and Apricot Trees, Hussein Ibrahim El-Mansy
A Study of the Factors Influencing the Synthesis of Tobacco Mosaic Viral RNA in a Partially Purified Synthesizing System, Agnes P. Fok
The Influence of Soil Moisture Regimes and Atmospheric Environments on Transpiration and the Energy Status of Water in Plants, Sampatrao A. Gavande
The Course or Behavior of Applied Zinc to Soil Containing Different Levels of Freshly Applied Organic Matter, Artnel Samuel Henry
Nature of Non-Biological Decomposition of Nitrite in Acid Media, Mukkatira Kariappa Mahendrappa
The Effect of Soil Adsorbents on the Thermodynamic Properties of Soil Water System, Taghi Manbeian
Saponin Content and Some Pod and Blossom Characteristics of Alfalfa as Related to Seed Infestation by the Alfalfa Seed Chalcid, Ronald D. Morse
Movement of Phosphorus in Soils as Influenced by Chelates and Soil Types, Abd-Elmonem Sayed-Ahmad Mostafa
Nitrification in Three Different Soils in Polyethylene Bags in the Field Overwinter, William R. Olmstead
The Influence of Organic Matter and pH on Transformations of Nitrites to Elemental Nitrogen, Mohammad A. Rashid
The Effect of Decomposing Organic Matter on Zinc Level in Soil and Plants, Kamilia Shoukry Mohamed Shoukry
The Inhibition of Water Uptake in Sugar Beet Roots by Ammonia, Darrel Marshall Stuart
An Investigation of Certain Linkage Relationships in Barley, Parichehr Ahmadian Tehrani
An Ecological Study of Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kuhn) Filipjev. in a Field of Alfalfa, Shu-Ten Tseng
Simultaneous Movement of Water and Herbicides in Unsaturated Soils, Ming-shyong Yang
A Survey of the State of Utah for Areas Infested with the Stem Nematode of Alfalfa, Dwayne R. Buxton
Effect of Fluoride on Respiratory Enzymes in Soybean Leaves, Arthur Chiu-Eng Lee
Effect of Calcium Availability on Alfalfa Grown in Calcareous High Sodium Soils, Harry Irving Nightingale
Saponin Content of Lahontan and Du Puits Alfalfas, George Allan Taylor
The Interaction of Water and Salt Flow in Unsaturated Soils, Mahmoud Hassan Abd-el Aziz
Influence of Fertilizer Treatment on the Response of Sugar Beet Yield to Moisture, Samad Farzanfar
Temperature Dependence of Soil-Moisture Potential, Jacob Willem Kijne
Effects of Temperature on Moisture Conductivity in Unsaturated Soil, Richard O'Bannon Meeuwig
Estimation of Optimum Size, Shape, and Replicate Number of Safflower Plots for Yield Trials, David Ernest Polson
Morphology, Fertility, and Cytology of Diploid and Colchicine-Induced Tetraploid Fairway Crested Wheatgrass, William Tai
Effects of Chilling, Chemicals and Pruning on the Rest Period of Peach Trees, Ataollah Yazdaniha
Pressure Dependence of Soil Water Matric Potential, Bozorg Bahrani
A Nutritional Survey of Sweet Cherry Orchards in Utah, M. Dale Christensen
The Effectiveness of Leaching and Soil Amendments in Improving a Salt-Affected Soil of the Hooper Area of Utah, Edwin Baugh Haycock
A Field Study of Miscible Displacement in Saturated Soils, Lloyd Dowley McFadden Sadler
The Effect of Urea, Ammonium Sulfate, and Organic Materials on Nitrite Accumulation and Gaseous Loss of Nitrogen in Acid Soil, Siddangouda V. Patil
Differentiation Between the pH Effect and the Bicarbonate Ion Effect in Causing Lime-Induced Chlorosis, Hyrum Del Var Petersen
Nitrite Reactions in Soil, John Otto Reuss
Salt Effect on Water Requirements of Plants, Abdel-Wahhab M. H. Sallam
Nitrogen Effect on Cation Exchange Capacity of Plant Roots, Kamilia Shoukry Mohamed Shoukry
The Nitrification of Ammonium Sulfate in Polyethylene Bags in the Field and Laboratory, Carlos Dean Smith
Some Agronomic Aspects of Seed Chalcid Bruchophagus roddi Gussakovsii Resistance in Alfalfas, James H. Thomas
The Influence of Advective Energy on Evapotranspiration, Mahmoud Abdel Aziz
Experiments on the Origin and Nature of a Zinc Deficiency of Field Beans on a Portneuf Soil as Determined by the Application of Zinc 65, Edgar Dale De Remer
Post-Harvest Storage Studies With Selected Fruits, Amrik Singh Dhaliwal
A Genetic Investigation of a Yellow Plant Color Characteristic in Winter Wheat, John Oscar Evans
On the Enthalpy and Entropy of Soil Water, Robert A. Kohl
Effect of Sweeteners on the Acceptability of Selected Processed Fruits, Richard Lee McLaughlin
A Genetic Study of Linkage and Inheritance in Barley, Jerald Dean Oldham
The Effect of Chelates on Phosphorus Availability and Mobility, Salah Ahmed Tahoun
Relations Between Transpiration, Leaf Temperatures, and Some Environmental Factors, Ronald Kay Tew
Estimation of Optimum Plot Size and Shape for Use in Safflower Yield Trials, Alfred Max Wiedemann
Phosphorus Status of Genola Soils in Utah, Warren E. Bendixen
General and Specific Combining Ability of Five Alfalfa Clones Including Reciprocal Effects for Seedling Vigor and Seed Yield, Edwin Theodore Bingham
The Influence of Soil Compaction Upon the Thermodynamics of Soil Moisture, James E. Box Jr.
Use of Gamma Radiation, Chemicals, and Packaging Films to Control Post Harvest Diseases and to Extend Refrigerated Life of Strawberries and Cherries, Gerald M. Cooper
An Inheritance and Linkage Study of Barley with Special Emphasis on Purple Pigmentation of the Auricle, Devon Lyle Doney
The Use of Tetrazolium as a Measure of the Salt Tolerance of Alfalfa, Daryl A. Freter
The Effect of Moisture and Temperature on Transformation of Applied Ammonium Sulfate in Several Western Soils, Lloyd Richard Hossner
The Influence of Temperature on the Impedance to Water Flow Through Plants, Royal Duane Jensen
Moisture and Temperature Effects on the Transformations of Nitrogen from Applied Ammonium Sulfate in a Calcareous Soil, John Keith Justice
Alfalfa Resistance to the Clover Seed Chalcid Bruchophagus gibbus (Boheman), Gerald Douglas Minion
Influence of Compaction and Freezing on the Structure and Permeability of Some Selected Horizons from Northern Utah Soils, Samir Ramzy Nagmoush
Effect of Anions on the Sodium Adsorption Capacity and Electrophoretic Mobility of Sodium Saturated Utah Bentonite, Theron G. Sommerfeldt
The Effect of Temperature and Moisture on Nitrification of Applied Ammoniacal Fertilizer in a Noncalcareous Soil, Merwin Allen Stevens
The Effect of Captan, Demeton, and 4(2,4-DB) on Alfalfa Growth and Seed Production, Daniel M. Taylor
The Mineral Content of Various Sections of Some Plants as Influenced by Conditions Associated with Lime-Induced Chlorosis, Hyrum Del Var Petersen