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Substance Use Prevention in Latino children, Melanie M. Domenech-Rodriguez and J. K. Straits; Cultural considerations in mental health: Ethnic minority communities
Parental demandingness in first-generation Latinos/as: Relation to parenting styles and child outcomes, Melissa R. Donovick, Susan Lynn Crowley, and Melanie M. Domenech-Rodriguez; National Multicultural Conference and Summit
Acceptance and Values- Based Multicultural Training: Measure in the Effectiveness of ACT in Increasing Multicultural Engagement and Competence Among Psychology Faculty and Graduate Students, Angela M. Enno, Michael P. Twohig, and Melanie M. Domenech-Rodriguez; Acceptance and Values- Based Multicultural Training: Measure in the Effectiveness of ACT in Increasing Multicultural Engagement and Competence Among Psychology Faculty and Graduate Students
Pathways to Adult Sexual Revictimization: Direct and Indirect Behavioral Risk Factors Across the Lifespan, Jamison D. Fargo; Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Behavioral Economics: Principles, Procedures, and Utility for Applied Behavior Analysis, M. T. Francisco, Gregory J. Madden, and J. B. Borrero; Behavior Analyst Today
Strukturgleichungsmodelle für multimethodale Evaluationsdaten [Structural equation models for multimethod evaluation data], Christian Geiser, Claudia Crayen, and Michael Eid; 9th Meeting of the German Fachgruppe Methoden & Evalutation“ (methods and evaluation research)
Structural equation modeling of multimethod intervention data, Christian Geiser, Claudia Crayen, Herbert Scheithauer, and Michael Eid; XIV Workshop Aggression
Multitrait-multimethod analysis in psychotherapy research: New methodological approaches, Christian Geiser, Michael Eid, and Fridtjof W. Nussbeck; Psychotherapy Research
Structural equation modelling of multitrait-multimethod-multioccasion data, Christian Geiser, Michael Eid, Fridtjof W. Nussbeck, and Delphine S. Courvoisier; Annual meeting of the working group “structural equation modeling”
A CTC(M-1) Model for Different Types of Rater, Christian Geiser, Fridtjof W. Nussbeck, Michael Eid, Delphine S. Courvoisier, and Tanja Lischetzke; Methodology
Coyotes (Canis latrans) and the Matching Law, Lynne B. Gilbert-Norton, Timothy A. Shahan, and John A. Shivik; Behavioural Processes
Comprehension of Expository Text: Insights Gained from Think-Aloud Data, Sandra Gillam, Jamison D. Fargo, and Kelli St. Clair Robertson; American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
Experiential Avoidance and Obsessive Compulsive Symptoms in a Nonclinical Sample of Older Adolescents and an Adult Clinical (Anxiety Disorder) Sample, M. Gillen, David P. Valentiner, Thomas A. Fergus, Patrick B. McGrath, Michael P. Twohig, and A. Abramowitz; Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Convention
Identity Development and Exploration AmongSexual Minority Adolescents: Examination of a Multidimensional Model, J. A. Glover, Renee Vickerman Galliher, and T. G. Lamere; Journal of Homosexuality
Lower Serum Testosterone Associated with Elevated Polychlorinated Biphenyl Concentrations in Native American Men, Alexey Goncharov, Robert Rej, Serban Negoita, Maria Schymura, Azara Santiago-Rivera, Gayle S. Morse, Akwesasne Task Force on the Environment, and David O. Carpenter; Environmental Health Perspectives
Utility of the MMPI in Detecting Malingering in Compensated Back Pain Patients: An Analog Study, J. R. Grewe, M. S. DeBerard, and Scott Bates; Utility of the MMPI in Detecting Malingering in Compensated Back Pain Patients: An Analog Study
Evidence of an Age-Related Threshold Effect of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) on Neuropsychological Functioning in a Native American Population, Richard F. Haase, Robert McCaffrey, Azara Santiago-Rivera, and Gayle S. Morse; Environmental Research
Psychosocial Functioning in Children and Adolescents with Chronic Health Conditions or Physical Disabilities, S. M. Hunt and Renee Vickerman Galliher; Psychosocial Functioning in Children and Adolescents with Chronic Health Conditions or Physical Disabilities
Effects of Initial-Link Duration on Preference and Resistance to Change in Concurrent-Chains Schedules, Corina Jimenez-Gomez, Christopher A. Podlesnik, and Timothy A. Shahan; Behavioural Processes
Longitudinal and Reciprocal Effects of Ethnic Identity and Experiences of Discrimination on Psychosocial Adjustment of Navajo Adolescents, Merrill D. Jones and Renee Vickerman Galliher; Longitudinal and Reciprocal Effects of Ethnic Identity and Experiences of Discrimination on Psychosocial Adjustment of Navajo Adolescents
The Electrophysiological Correlates of Distinctiveness Processing in a Joe-No-Joe Task, J. Kantner, Iris Gordon, K. B. Freisen, A. T. Breuer, Christopher M. Warren, and James Tanaka; 2009 Northwest Cognition and Memory conference
Is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Superior to Established Treatment Comparisons?, Michael E. Levin and Steven C. Hayes; Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics
Mindfulness and Acceptance for Addictive Behaviors: Applying Contextual CBT to Substance Abuse and Behavioral Addictions, Michael E. Levin and Steven C. Hayes
Regression mixture models of alcohol use and risky sexual behavior among criminally-involved adolescents., Michael E. Levin, S. J. Schmiege, and A. Brian
The role of group design methods in behavior analysis: Contextual behavioral science as a model., Michael E. Levin, R. Vilardaga, and Steven C. Hayes
Generalized prejudice: Testing a Relational Frame Theory Account of prejudice and stigma., Michael E. Levin, R. Vilardaga, J. Lillis, Steven C. Hayes, J. Pistorello, and J. B. Luoma
Discounting within the Gambling Context, Gregory J. Madden; Analysis of Gambling Behavior
Impulsivity: The Behavioral and Neurological Science of Discounting, Gregory J. Madden and Warren K. Bickel
Pathological Gamblers Discount Probabilistic Rewards Less Steeply than Matched Controls, Gregory J. Madden, N. M. Petry, and P. Johnson; Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology
Testing crew responses to varied higher plant presentations in the Mars 500 mission simulation, J. M. Marquit, Scott Bates, V. I. Gushin, V. N. Sychev, M. A. Levinskikh, I. G. Podolsky, C. Merchant, and Gail E. Bingham; Journal of Gravitational Physiology
Help-seeking Experiences and Attitudes Among African American, Asian American, and European American College Students, Akihiko Masuda, Page L. Anderson, Michael P. Twohig, Amanda B. Feinstein, Ying_Yi Chou, Johanna W. Wendell, and Analia R. Stormo; International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling
The Effects of Cognitive Defusion and Thought Distraction on Emotional Discomfort and Believability of Negative Self-referential Thoughts, Akihiko Masuda, Michael P. Twohig, Analia R. Stormo, Amanda B. Feinstein, Ying-Yi Chou, and Johanna W. Wendell; Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry
Beauty is in the Ear of the Rememberer: the Effects of Memory on Music Preferences, Daniel Meegan and Christopher M. Warren; 2009 Annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society
The Role of Environmental Factors in Health Disparities among Minority Groups: An Intervention Point for Psychologists, Gayle S. Morse and D. O. Carpenter; Communique Special Issue: Psychological and Behavioral Perspectives on Health Disparities
Stress levels and sources of occupational stress among Psi Chi faculty advisors, T. Nelson and Melanie M. Domenech-Rodriguez; Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Annual Convention
Differential Outcomes Enhance Accuracy of Delayed Matching to Sample but Not Resistance to Change, John A. Nevin, Ryan D. Ward, Corina Jimenez-Gomez, Amy L. Odum, and Timothy A. Shahan; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes
Early Parental Death and Late-Life Dementia Risk - Findings from the Cache County Study, Maria C. Norton, Truls Ostbye, Ken R. Smith, Ronald G. Munger, and JoAnn T. Tschanz; Age and Aging
Caregiver-Recipient Closeness and Symptom Progression in Alzheimer's Disease: The Cache County Dementia Progression Study, Maria C. Norton, Kathleen W. Piercy, Peter V. Rabins, Robert C. Green, John C. Breitner, Truis Ostbye, Chris D. Corcoran, Kathleen A. Welsh-Bohmer, Constantine G. Lyketsos, and JoAnn T. Tschanz; Journal of Gerontology, Series B
Screening for Hazardous/Harmful Drinking and Depressive Symptoms in an At-Risk Emergency Department Population, Robin Osterman, Judy Ribak, Chad M. Bohn, Jamison D. Fargo, and Merilyn S. Sommers; Journal of Addictions Nursing
Does and ACT or Exposure Rationale Increase Compliance and Participation in Exposure?, Katherine A. Peterson, Michael P. Twohig, and Gretchen Scheidel; Association for Behavioral Analysis annual meeting
Resistance to Change and Frequency of Response-Dependent Stimuli Uncorrelated with Reinforcement, Christopher A. Podlesnik, Corina Jimenez-Gomez, Ryan D. Ward, and Timothy A. Shahan; Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
Behavioral Momentum and Relapse of Extinguished Operant Responding, Christopher A. Podlesnik and Timothy A. Shahan; Learning & Behavior
Reinforcer Satiation and Resistance to Change of Responding Maintained by Qualitatively Different Reinforcers, Christopher A. Podlesnik and Timothy A. Shahan; Behavioural Processes
Behavioral Momentum of Cocaine Self- Administration: Effects of Frequency of Reinforcement on Resistance to Extinction, Stacey L. Quick and Timothy A. Shahan; Behavioural Pharmacology
Preface SQAB 2008: More Than the Usual Suspects, Alliston K. Reid, Timothy A. Shahan, and Randolph C. Grace; Behavioural Processes
Facilitating the Adoption of Contingency Management for the Treatment of Substance Use Disorders, John M. Roll, Gregory J. Madden, Richard Rawson, and Nancy M. Petry; Behavior Analysis and Practice
Quality of Life in Space: Life on Earth as Simulated to the Psychological Stability in Space, I. L. Schlact, A. Ono, Masali, and Scott C. Bates; Quality of Life in Space: Life on Earth as Simulation to the Psychological Stability in Space
Randomized Trial of Group Interventions to Reduce HIV/STD Risk and Change Theoretical Mediators Among Detained Adolescents, S. J. Schmiege, M. R. Broaddus, Michael E. Levin, and A. D. Bryan; Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology
Regression Mixture Models of Alcohol Use and Risky sexual Behavior Among Criminally- Involved Adolescents, S. J. Schmiege, Michael E. Levin, and A. D. Bryan; Prevention Science
Effects of Topic on Self-disclosure Levels in Latinos' Intercultural and Intractultural Relationships, A. L. Schwartz and Renee Vickerman Galliher; Effects of Topic on Self-disclosure Levels in Latinos' Intercultural and Intractultural Relationships
Health Disparities in the Forensic Sexual Assault Examination Related to Skin Color, Marilyn S. Sommers, Jamison D. Fargo, Rachel B. Baker, Bonnie M. Fisher, Carol Buschur, and Therese M. Zink; Journal of Forensic Nursing
Study of Higher Plants in the 105-Day Experiment, V. N. Sychev, Gail E. Bingham, and Scott Bates; Study of the Higher Plants in the 105-Day Experiment
Latino/a children's academic achievement: Role of parental variables, Eliza Torres and Melanie M. Domenech-Rodriguez; Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Treatment-resistant Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Case Study, Michael P. Twohig; Cognitive and Behavioral Practice
Applying Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Anxiety and Other Disorders, Michael P. Twohig; CEU training
Problematic Use of Internet Pornography: Research Review and Preliminary Ideas for Helping Clients, Michael P. Twohig; CEU training
Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in the Treatment of OCD, Michael P. Twohig; Obsessive Compulsive Foundation Conference
Viewing Internet Pornography: For Whom Is It Problematic, How, and Why?, Michael P. Twohig, Jesse M. Crosby, and Jared M. Cox; Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity
Treatment of Monozygotic Twins With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Using Cognitive Therapy and Exposure With Ritual Prevention, Michael P. Twohig, Maureen L. Whittal, and Katherine A. Peterson; Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy
Functional contextualism andcontextual behavioral science., R. Vilardaga, Steven C. Hayes, Michael E. Levin, and T. Muto
Creating a Strategy for Progress: a Contextual Behavioral Science Approach, Roger Vilardaga, Steven C. Hayes, Michael E. Levin, and Takashi Muto; The Behavior Analyst
Deictic framing and human objectification: further testing of a new procedure to enhance empathic concern towards others., R. Vilardaga, T. Waltz, Michael E. Levin, Steven C. Hayes, and C. Stromberg
Opioid Therapy for Nonspecific Low Back Pain and the Outcome of Chronic Work Loss, Ernest Volinn, Jamison D. Fargo, and Perry G. Fine; Pain
Nicotine Does Not Enhance Discrimination Performance in a Temporal Bisection Procedure, Ryan D. Ward, Scott T. Barrett, Robert N. Johnson, and Amy L. Odum; Behavioural Pharmacology
Effects of Prefeeding, Extinction, and Distraction during Sample and Comparison Presentation on Sensitivity to Reinforcer Frequency in Matching to Sample, Ryan D. Ward, Robert N. Johnson, and Amy L. Odum; Behavioural Processes
Target-distractor interference in the attentional blink implicates the locus coeruleus-norepinephrine system., Christopher M. Warren, A. T. Breuer, J. Kantner, D. Fiset, C. Blais, and M. E. Masson; Psychonomic Bulletin and Review
Behavioural Evidence Suggesting Specific Modification of the Locus Coeruleus-Norepinephrine System Model of the Attentional Blink, Christopher M. Warren and Clay B. Holroyd; 2009 Northwest Cognition and Memory conference
The Conflict Theory of the Attentional Blink and the Locus Coeruleus - Norepinephrine System, Christopher M. Warren and Clay B. Holroyd; 2009 Northwest Cognition and Memory conference
Supporting the Link Between the Locus Coeruleus – Norepinephrine System, The P300, and the Attentional Blink, Christopher M. Warren, M. E. Masson, and Clay B. Holroyd; 2009 Annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society
Neuropsychological Performance in Advanced Age: Influences of Demographic Factors and Apolipoprotein E: Finds From the Cache County Memory Study, Kathleen A. Welsh-Bohmer, Truls Ostbye, Linda Sanders, Car; F. Pieper, Kathleen M. Hayden, JoAnn T. Tschanz, and Maria C. Norton; The Clinical Neuropsychologist
A sound beginning for all children in American Samoa, Karl R. White; A sound beginning for all children in American Samoa
Assuring financial accss to hearing aids for infants and young children, Karl R. White; Assuring financial accss to hearing aids for infants and young children
Benefits of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention, Karl R. White; Benefits of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention
Cambiar vidas: La experiencia de los programas de detección e intervención temprana de la sordera (DITS) en EEUU y Costa Rica, Karl R. White; Cambiar vidas: La experiencia de los programas de detección e intervención temprana de la sordera (DITS) en EEUU y Costa Rica
Designing newborn hearing screening and intervention programs in American Samoa, Karl R. White; Designing newborn hearing screening and intervention programs in American Samoa
Development of the Costa Rican EHDI Program, Karl R. White; Development of the Costa Rican EHDI Program
Does newborn hearing screening contribute to parent anxiety?, Karl R. White; Does newborn hearing screening contribute to parent anxiety?
Early Hearing Detection and Intervention for Panamanian Children, Karl R. White; Early Hearing Detection and Intervention for Panamanian Children
Early Intervention: Finishing the EHDI Revolution, Karl R. White; Early Intervention: Finishing the EHDI Revolution
Expanding EHDI programs to developing countries, Karl R. White; Expanding EHDI programs to developing countries
Grassroots lobbying and legislative-speak, Karl R. White; Grassroots lobbying and legislative-speak
Hear us roar: Preventing and ameliorating the negative consequences of hearing loss around the world, Karl R. White; Hear us roar: Preventing and ameliorating the negative consequences of hearing loss around the world
Issues in using sedation in EHDI diagnostic procedures, Karl R. White; Issues in using sedation in EHDI diagnostic procedures
Newborn hearing screening and intervention in the United States: Current status and future directions, Karl R. White; Newborn hearing screening and intervention in the United States: Current status and future directions
Overview of the EHDI-Part C Working Group, Karl R. White; Overview of the EHDI-Part C Working Group
Sound Beginnings: Changing the world for children with hearing loss, Karl R. White; Sound Beginnings: Changing the world for children with hearing loss
The future of deaf education in the United States, Karl R. White; The future of deaf education in the United States
Unsung Heroes: The National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management, Karl R. White; Unsung Heroes: The National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management
Writing successful grants for the OSERS Personal Preparation Program, Karl R. White and C. Callow Heusser; Writing successful grants for the OSERS Personal Preparation Program
True Confessions?: Alumni's Retrospective Reports on Undergraduate Cheating Behaviors, Jennifer Yardley, Melanie M. Domenech-Rodriguez, Scott Bates, and Jonathan Nelson; Ethics & Behavior
Parenting Interventions and Latino Families: Research Findings, Cultural Adaptations, and Future Directions, Luis H. Zayas, Joaquin Borrego Jr., and Melanie M. Domenech-Rodriguez; Handbook of U.S. Latino Psychology: Developmental and Community-Based Perspectives
The Impact of Computer versus Paper-Pencil Survey, and Individual versus Group Administration, on Self Reports of Sensitive Behaviors, Scott Bates and Jared M. Cox; Computers in Human Behavior
Top-Down, Bottom-Up: Using Multiple Data Sources from Multiple Stake-Holders in Selecting an Introductory Psychology Textbook, Scott Bates, Michael J. Drysdale, J. K. Nelson, and J. C. Bigelow; Top-Down, Bottom-Up: Using Multiple Data Sources from Multiple Stake-Holders in Selecting an Introductory Psychology Textbook
Emic and Etic Perspectives: Is There Room for Dialog?, Ana A. L. Baumann and Melanie M. Domenech-Rodriguez; Emic and Etic Perspectives: Is There Room for Dialog?
Discounting of Delayed and Probabilistic Increases in Temperature as a Result of Climate Change, Ana A. L. Baumann, W. P. Thomas, Scott Bates, J. D. Marquit, and Amy L. Odum; Discounting of Delayed and Probabilistic Increases in Temperature as a Result of Climate Change
Introductory Psychology Text book Considerations: Incorporating Quantitative and Qualitative Data Based on Brief Student Reviews, J. C. Bigelow, Scott Bates, and Michael J. Drysdale; Introductory Psychology Text book Considerations: Incorporating Quantitative and Qualitative Data Based on Brief Student Reviews
The effect of supplemental instruction on timely graduation, Tyler J. Bowles, Adam C. McCoy, and Scott Bates; College Student Journal
A Self-Determination Study of Two Intense Training Programs: Missionary Training Center and Boot Camp Compared, R. D. Carlisle, P. R. Bennett, and Scott Bates; A Self-Determination Study of Two Intense Training Programs: Missionary Training Center and Boot Camp Compared
A Behavior Analytic Analogue of Learning to Use Synonyms, Syntax, and Parts of Speech, Philip N. Chase, David W. Ellenwood, and Gregory J. Madden; Analysis of Verbal Behavior
The Role of Religiosity and Negativism Dominance in Social Norms Approaches to Problematic Alcohol Use by College Students, J. C. Cox and Scott Bates; The Role of Religiosity and Negativism Dominance in Social Norms Approaches to Problematic Alcohol Use by College Students