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Emerging challenges with newborn hearing screening, Karl R. White; Emerging challenges with newborn hearing screening

Guidelines for implementing universal newborn hearing screening programs, Karl R. White; Guidelines for implementing universal newborn hearing screening programs

Newborn hearing screening in the USA: Reality and myths, Karl R. White; Newborn hearing screening in the USA: Reality and myths

Perspective & commentary: Hearing Screening Debate Over, Karl R. White; Pediatric News

Statewide management of information from newborn hearing screening programs, Karl R. White; Statewide management of information from newborn hearing screening programs

The status of newborn hearing screening in the United States, Karl R. White; The status of newborn hearing screening in the United States


Universal newborn hearing screening using transient evoked otoacoustic emissions: Past, present,and future, Karl R. White; Seminars in Hearing

An interactive forum on newborn hearing screening, Karl R. White and P. Martin; An interactive forum on newborn hearing screening


Family Functioning in Families of Children with Disabilities: An Intensive Psychometric Investigation of Five Family Measures , Susan Lynn Crowley; Family Functioning in Families of Children with Disabilities: An Intensive Psychometric Investigation of Five Family Measures


Review of Determining Needs in Your Youth Ministry, Susan Lynn Crowley; The Twelfth Mental Measurements Yearbook


Review of the Book: Structural Equation Modeling with EQS and EQS/Windows by B. Byrne, Susan Lynn Crowley; Educational and Psychological Measurement


Review of The Time-Sample Behavioral Checklist, Susan Lynn Crowley and B. Worthen; The Twelfth Mental Measurements Yearbook

Use of transient evoked otoacoustic emissions with school-aged children, N. B. Culpepper, S. Spriet, and Karl R. White; Use of transient evoked otoacoustic emissions with school-aged children

TEOAE-based universal newborn hearing screening, N. B. Culpepper, Karl R. White, P. Martin, and S. Morgan; TEOAE-based universal newborn hearing screening

Beer and Non-Beer Advertising to Latino Youth: The Effects of Spanish vs. English Language, Melanie M. Domenech-Rodriguez, M. Slater, and F. Beauvais; Beer and Non-Beer Advertising to Latino Youth: The Effects of Spanish vs. English Language


Units of Interaction, Evolution, and Replication: Organic and Behavioral Parallels, Sigrid S. Glenn and Gregory J. Madden; Behavior Analyst

Giving children a sound beginning: The promise of universal newborn hearingscreening, G. W. Mauk and Karl R. White; The Volta Review

Referral rates and cost efficiency in a universal newbornhearing screening program using transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE), A. B. Maxon, Karl R. White, T. R. Behrens, and B. R. Vohr; Journal of AmericanAcademy of Audiology

Universal newborn hearing screening: Working toward a state plan, A. B. Maxon, Karl R. White, and B. R. Vohr; Universal newborn hearing screening: Working toward a state plan


Cocaine's Effects on Food-Reinforced Pecking in Pigeons Depend on Food-Deprivation Level, D. W. Schaal, M. A. Miller, and Amy L. Odum; Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior


Alcohol Warnings in TV Beer Advertisements: Effects on Alcohol Risk/Benefit Beliefs, Belief Confidence, and Responses to the Ads, M. D. Slater and Melanie M. Domenech-Rodriguez; Journal of Studies on Alcohol

Modeling Predictors of Alcohol Use and Use Intentions Among Adolescent Anglo Males, Social, Psychological, and Advertising Influences, M. D. Slater, K. Murphy, F. Beauvais, D. Rouner, J. Van Leuven, and Melanie M. Domenech-Rodriguez; Modeling Predictors of Alcohol Use and Use Intentions Among Adolescent Anglo Males, Social, Psychological, and Advertising Influences

Do Adolescents Believe People in TV Commercials to be Underage?, M. D. Slater, D. Rouner, F. Beauvais, K. Murphy, J. Van Leuven, and Melanie M. Domenech-Rodriguez; Do Adolescents Believe People in TV Commercials to be Underage?

TV Beer Advertising and Adolescent Males: Effects of Sports Content and Sports Programming on Responses to the Ads Among Adolescent Anglo Males, M. D. Slater, D. Rouner, F. Beauvais, K. Murphy, J. Van Leuven, and Melanie M. Domenech-Rodriguez; TV Beer Advertising and Adolescent Males: Effects of Sports Content and Sports Programming on Responses to the Ads Among Adolescent Anglo Males


Alcohol Warnings in TV Beer Advertisements, Michael D. Slater and Melanie M. Domenech-Rodriguez; Journal of Studies on Alcohol

Hörprüfungen für alle Neugeborenen auf der Grundlage oto-akustischer Emissionen? Ein Beitrag zur Frühdiagnose entwicklungsgefährdeter Kinder, Karl R. White; Hörprüfungen für alle Neugeborenen auf der Grundlage oto-akustischer Emissionen? Ein Beitrag zur Frühdiagnose entwicklungsgefährdeter Kinder

Implementing newborn hearing screening: Why, when and how?, Karl R. White; Implementing newborn hearing screening: Why, when and how?

Implementing TEOAE-based universal newborn hearing screening: The National Consortium for Universal Newborn Hearing Screening, Karl R. White; Implementing TEOAE-based universal newborn hearing screening: The National Consortium for Universal Newborn Hearing Screening

Improving TEOAE newborn hearing screening techniques and procedures, Karl R. White; Improving TEOAE newborn hearing screening techniques and procedures

Progress towards universal newborn hearing screening in the USA. The role of transient evoked otoacoustic emissions, Karl R. White; Progress towards universal newborn hearing screening in the USA. The role of transient evoked otoacoustic emissions

The NIH Consensus Conference Panel recommendation for universal newborn hearing screening: Foresight or folly, Karl R. White; The NIH Consensus Conference Panel recommendation for universal newborn hearing screening: Foresight or folly

The practicability of implementing TEOAE-based universal newborn hearing screening programs, Karl R. White; The practicability of implementing TEOAE-based universal newborn hearing screening programs

The USA national consortium for universal hearing screening, Karl R. White; The USA national consortium for universal hearing screening

Universal newborn hearing screening: A successful federal initiative, Karl R. White; Early Childhood Update

Universal newborn hearing screening using transient evoked otoacoustic emissions, Karl R. White; Universal newborn hearing screening using transient evoked otoacoustic emissions

Why the implementation of universal newborn hearing screening in the USA is gathering momentum, Karl R. White; Why the implementation of universal newborn hearing screening in the USA is gathering momentum


Practicality, validity, and cost-efficiency of universal newbornhearing screening using transient evoked otoacoustic emissions, Karl R. White, T. R. Behrens, and B. Strickland; Journal for Children with Communication Disorders


Transient evoked otoacoustic emission-basedscreening in typical nurseries: A response to Jacobson and Jacobson, Karl R. White, B. Culpepper, A. B. Maxon, B. R. Vohr, and G. W. Mauk; International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology

Universal newborn hearing screening using TEOAEs, Karl R. White and N. B. Culpepper; Universal newborn hearing screening using TEOAEs


Universal screening for infant hearing impairment: Simple, beneficial, andpresently justified, Karl R. White and A. B. Maxon; International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology



Mothers' and Fathers' Perceptions of Family Functioning in Families Having Children with Disabilities, Susan L. Crowley and Matthew J. Taylor; Early Education and Development


Validity Studies the Children'S Depression Inventory: A Comparison of Generalizability and Classical Test Theory Analyses, Susan Lynn Crowley, Bruce Thompson, and Frances F. Worchel; Educational and Psychological Measurement


Convergent Validity of the School Social Behavior Scales with the Child Behavior Checklist and Teacher's Report Form, Ellen N. Emerson, Susan Lynn Crowley, and Kenneth W. Merrell; Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment

The Effect of Maternal Reprimands on Pre-adolescent Sibling Conflict, Renee Vickerman Galliher and M. W. Roberts; The Effect of Maternal Reprimands on Pre-adolescent Sibling Conflict


Exchange Delays and Impulsive Choice in Adult Humans, Cloyd Hyten, Gregory J. Madden, and Douglas P. Field; Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior

Alcohol Warnings on Televised Beer Advertisements: A Test of Effects, M. D. Slater and Melanie M. Domenech-Rodriguez; Alcohol Warnings on Televised Beer Advertisements: A Test of Effects

Predictors of Adolescent Responses to Televised Beer Advertisements: Another Link in the Casual Chain, M. D. Slater, K. Murphy, D. Rouner, F. Beauvais, J. Van Leuven, and Melanie M. Domenech-Rodriguez; Predictors of Adolescent Responses to Televised Beer Advertisements: Another Link in the Casual Chain

Alcohol Education and Adolescent Counterarguing of TV Beer Advertisements, M. D. Slater, D. Rouner, F. Beauvais, K. Murphy, J. Van Leuven, and Melanie M. Domenech-Rodriguez; Alcohol Education and Adolescent Counterarguing of TV Beer Advertisements

Self-Conscious Emotions in Children: Guilt and Shame are Predicted by What the Child Does Right and Wrong, H. Stegge, T. J. Ferguson, and Susan Lynn Crowley; International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development Abstracts


Cortical Lesions Attenuate the Opposing Effects of Amphetamine and Haloperidol on Neostriatal Neurons in Freely Moving Rats, JoAnn T. Tschanz, Karen E. Griffith, John L. Haracz, and George V. Rebec; European Journal of Pharmacology



Assessment of Childhood Depression: Sampling Multiple Data Sources with One Instrument, Susan Lynn Crowley and Frances F. Worchel; Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment

WWU Lifestyles Project: Patterns of Alcohol and Drug Consumption and Consequences Among Western Washington University Students, P. Fabiano, G. McKinney, Scott Bates, J. E. Trimble, and K. Pearson; WWU Lifestyles Project: Patterns of Alcohol and Drug Consumption and Consequences Among Western Washington University Students


Striatal single-unit responses to amphetamine and neuroleptics in freely moving rats, John L. Haracz, JoAnn T. Tschanz, Zhongrui Wang, Ilsun M. White, and George V. Rebec; Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews

The Scallop in Human Fixed-Interval Research: A Review of Problems with Data Description, C. Hyten and Gregory J. Madden; Psychological Record



Self-Report, Peer-Report, and Teacher-Report Measures of Childhood Depression: An Analysis by Item, Susan L. Crowley, Frances F. Worchel, and Michael J. Ash; Journal of Personality Assessment

Ethical Dilemmas in Clinical Practice, Susan Lynn Crowley; Clinical Child Psychology Newsletter


Selective Responsiveness of Chronically Ill Children to Assessments of Depression, Francis F. Worchel, William A. Rae, T. Kent Olson, and Susan L. Crowley; Journal of Personality Assessment



Review of Intermediate Statistics: A Modern Approach by J. Stevens, Susan Lynn Crowley; Educational and Psychological Measurement


The Impact of Gender on the Reliability of Paper Pencil and Computer Based Versions of the Strong Campbell Interest Inventory, Susan Lynn Crowley, T. R. Vansickle, and J. T. Kapes; Advances in Educational Research: Substantive Findings, Methodological Developments


The Factor Analytic Structure of the Roberts Apperception Test for Children: A Comparison of the Standardization Sample with a Sample of Chronically Ill Children, Ronald S. Palomares, Susan Lynn Crowley, Frances F. Worchel, T. Kent Olson, and William A. Rae; Journal of Personality Assessment


Responses of Motor-and Nonmotor-Related Neostriatal Neurons to Amphetamine and Neuroleptic Drugs, G. V. Rebec, J. L. Haracz, JoAnn T. Tschanz, Z. Wang, and I. W. Wang; Basal Ganglia III


Bilateral Cortical Ablations Attenuate Amphetamine-Induced Excitations of Neostriatal Motor-Related Neurons in Freely Moving Rats, JoAnn T. Tschanz, John L. Haracz, Kareb E. Griffith, and George V. Rebec; Neuroscience Letters



Amphetamine-Induced Excitations Predominate in Single Neostriatal Neurons Showing Motor-Related Activity, John L. Haracz, JoAnn T. Tschanz, Jordan Greenberg, and George V. Rebec; Brain Research



Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs Block Selective Components of Amphetamine-Induced Stereotypy, JoAnn T. Tschanz and George V. Rebec; Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior