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Examining the Role of Homework Compliance in Acceptance-Enhanced Behavior Therapy for Trichotillomania, Kathryn E. Barber, Douglas W. Woods, Michael P. Twohig, Stephen M. Saunders, Scott N. Compton, and Martin E. Franklin; Behavior Therapy


A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of a Single-Session Digital Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Intervention, Michael E. Levin, Miriam N. Mukasa, Emily M. Bowers, Korena S. Klimczak, and Ty B. Aller; Behavioral Sciences


An Idionomic Network Analysis of Trichotillomania Treatment Processes: Gathering Group-Level and Individual-Level Insights to Inform a Personalized Therapeutic Framework, Mercedes G. Woolley, Baljinder K. Sahdra, Emily M. Bowers, Leila K. Capel, Michael P. Twohig, and Michael E. Levin; Behavior Therapy



An Examination of Psychological Flexibility as a Mediator Between Mental Health Concerns and Satisfaction With Life Among Autistic Adults, Ty B. Aller, Heather H. Kelley, Tyson S. Barrett, Benjamin Covington, Michael E. Levin, and Maryellen Brunson McClain; Autism in Adulthood


Neurocognitive Functioning in Adults With Trichotillomania: Predictors of Treatment Response and Symptom Severity in a Randomized Control Trial, Kathryn E. Barber, Douglas W. Woods, Thilo Deckersbach, Christopher C. Bauer, Scott N. Compton, Michael P. Twohig, Emily J. Ricketts, Jordan Robinson, Stephen M. Saunders, and Martin E. Franklin; Behaviour Research and Therapy


Long-Term Follow-Up of Acceptance-Enhanced Behavior Therapy for Trichotillomania, Kathryn E. Barber, Douglas W. Woods, Laura J. Ely, Stephen M. Saunders, Scott N. Compton, Angela Neal-Barnett, Martin E. Franklin, Matthew R. Capriotti, Christine A. Conelea, and Michael P. Twohig; Psychiatry Research


Efficacy and Feasibility of Web-Based ACT-Enhanced Behavioral Treatment for Skin Picking in Adults: A Randomized Waitlist-Controlled Trial, Emily M. Bowers, Leila K. Capel, Mercedes G. Woolley, Aubry Barnes, Michael P. Twohig, and Michael E. Levin; Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Versus Progressive Relaxation Training for Misophonia: Randomized Controlled Trial Protocol, Interventions, and Audiological Assessments, Emily M. Bowers, Mercedes G. Woolley, Karen Muñoz, Julie M. Petersen, and Michael P. Twohig; Contemporary Clinical Trials


Discriminative Stimuli Promote the Efficacy of Delay Tolerance Training, Katherine R. Brown and Samantha J. Nercesian; Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice


Assessing Factors of Adherence and Efficacy: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Fully Automated Self-Help A-EBT Website, Leila K. Capel, Emily M. Bowers, McKenzie R. Becker, Marisa P. Davis, Michael E. Levin, and Michael P. Twohig; Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders


ACT for OCD: An Example of ACT and Values-Based Exposures, Leila K. Capel and Michael P. Twohig; Journal of Clinical Psychology


A Consideration of Racial/Ethnic Diversity Conceptualization and Measurement: Clarifying Ambiguities and Advancing Scholarship, Mei-ki Chan and Aprile D. Benner; Educational Psychologist


Instruments for Dual-Factor Mental Health Screening in Elementary Schools: Implications in Mental Health Classification, Mei-ki Chan, Michael J. Furlong, and Emmy Ruff; Contemporary School Psychology


School Climate Perception Among Latinx and White Students: An Examination of Intersecting Racial/Ethnic and Socioeconomic Identities in Context, Mei-ki Chan, Jill D. Sharkey, Erin Dowdy, Karen Nylund-Gibson, and Michael J. Furlong; School Psychology Review


Reach, Adoption, and Maintenance of Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy at a University: An Implementation Case Study, Carter H. Davis, Korena Klimczak, Ty B. Aller, Michael P. Twohig, and Michael E. Levin; Psychological Services


Examining Processes of Change for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Self-Help Books With Depressed College Students, Carter H. Davis, Michael P. Twohig, and Michael E. Levin; Cognitive Behaviour Therapy


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Among U.S. Veterans: A Systematic Review, Marissa L. Donahue, Jeremiah E. Fruge, Felicia J. Andresen, and Michael P. Twohig; Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science


An Exploratory Examination of Delay Discounting in Women and Girls Diagnosed With an Eating Disorder, Marissa L. Donahue, Mariah E. Willis-Moore, Julie M. Petersen, Amy L. Odum, Michael E. Levin, Josephine N. Hannah, Tera Lensegrav-Benson, Benita Quakenbush, and Michael Twohig; Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention


Diminished Adolescent Social Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Michael J. Furlong, Mei-ki Chan, Erin Dowdy, and Karen Nylund-Gibson; Child Indicators Research


Development and Validation of the Identity Negotiation Experiences and Strategies Scale, Renee V. Galliher, Joshua G. Parmenter, Lee Pradell, and Theo Klimstra; Identity


Resurgence of Destructive Behavior Following Decreases in Alternative Reinforcement: A Prospective Analysis, Brian D. Greer, Timothy A. Shahan, Casey Irwin Helvey, Wayne W. Fisher, Daniel R. Mitteer, and Ashley M. Fuhrman; Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis


Discussing Patient Emotions in Audiology: Provider Experiences With the Implementation Process of Hearing Loss Psychological Inflexibility Screenings, Sydnee Grigsby, Karen Muñoz, Guadalupe G. San Miguel, and Michael P. Twohig; American Journal of Audiology


Investigating an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy-Based Exposure Therapy Intervention in Treatment-Refractory OCD and Related Disorders: Changes in Psychological Flexibility, Treatment Engagement, and Treatment Perceptions, Nate G. Gruner, Jenifer M. Cullen, Jesse M. Crosby, Stephanie N. DeCross, Brittany Mathes, Lauryn Garner, Christina Gironda, Yuanjun Hu, Jason W. Krompinger, Jason A. Elias, and Michael P. Twohig; Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy


Direct vs. Indirect Contact: A Naturalistic Experiment in Teaching Multicultural Competence, Elizabeth Tish Hicks, Melanie M. Domenech Rodríguez, and Melissa Tehee; Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology

Stimulus Avoidance Assessment: A Systematic Literature Review, Alyssa M. Hurd, Katherine R. Brown, and Kayla R. Randall; Perspectives on Behavior Science


Response to Commentary: The Framework for Systematic Reviews on Psychological Risk Factors for Persistent Somatic Symptoms and Related Syndromes and Disorders (PSY-PSS), Paul Hüsing, Abigail Smakowski, Bernd Löwe, Maria Kleinstäuber, Anne Toussaint, and Meike C. Shedden-Mora; Frontiers in Psychiatry


Efficacy of Patient Education and Duloxetine, Alone and in Combination, for Patients With Multisystem Functional Somatic Disorder: Study Protocol for the EDULOX Trial, Cecilia Pihl Jespersen, Heidi Frølund Pedersen, Maria Kleinstäuber, Per Fink, Kaare Bro Wellnitz, Eva Ørnbøl, Andreas Schröder, Johanne Liv Agger, Lene Vase, Nanna Brix Finnerup, and Lise Kirstine Gormsen; Contemporary Clinical Trials


Endorsing a Biophychosocial Perspective of Pain in Individuals With Chronic Pain: Development and Validation of a Scale, Maria Kleinstäuber, Eric L. Garland, Brittany L. Sisco-Taylor, Mathias Sanyer, Julia Corfe-Tan, and Antonia Barke; The Clinical Journal of Pain


Establishing the Temporal Relationship Between Religious Commitment, Sexual Identity Struggles, and Religious Struggles Among Sexual Minorities, G. Tyler Lefevor and Samuel J. Skidmore; Psychology of Religion and Spirituality


Navigating Faith Transitions: A Four-Year Longitudinal Examination of Religious Deidentification Among LGBTQ+ Latter-Day Saints, G. Tyler Lefevor and Samuel J. Skidmore; Journal of Counseling Psychology


The Influence of Religious Affiliation on the Political Views of LGBT Americans, G. Tyler Lefevor, Sydney A. Sorrell, Kelsy Burke, and Andrew R. Flores; Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion


When Connecting With LGBTQ+ Communities Helps and Why it Does: A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship Between Connectedness and Health-Related Outcomes, G. Tyler Lefevor; Sydney A. Sorrell; Samuel J. Skidmore; Kiet D. Huynh; Rachel M, Golightly; Elanor Standifird; Kyrstin Searle; and Madelyn Call; Psychological Bulletin


An Overview of Research on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Michael E. Levin, Jennifer Krafft, and Michael P. Twohig; Psychiatric Clinics of North America


Audiological Characteristics of a Sample of Adults With Misophonia, Karen F. Muñoz, Mercedes G. Woolley, Doris Velasquez, Diana Ortiz, Guadalupe G. San Miguel, Julie M. Petersen, and Michael P. Twohig; American Journal of Audiology


Zoographics in the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior: Increasing Inclusion of Female Animals, Amy L. Odum, Kiernan T. Callister, Mariah E. Willis-Moore, Daniel S. Da Silva, David N. Legaspi, Lucy N. Scribner, and Josephine N. Hannah; Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior


Self-Compassion and Body Image Inflexibility as Mediators of Outcomes in a Residential Eating Disorder Sample, Julie M. Petersen, Jennifer L. Barney, Leila K. Capel, Mercedes G. Woolley, Tera Lensegrav-Benson, Benita Quakenbush-Roberts, and Michael P. Twohig; Eating Disorders


One Size Does Not Fit All: A Multifaceted Approach to Educate Families About Newborn Screening, Marianna H. Raia, Molly M. Lynch, Alyson C. Ward, Jill A. Brown, Natasha F. Bonhomme, and Vicki L. Hunting; International Journal of Neonatal Screening


Serial Mediation Analysis of Psychological Inflexibility and Daytime Insomnia Rumination in the Relationship Between Dysfunctional Beliefs About Sleep and Insomnia in College Students, Guadalupe G. San Miguel, Mercedes G. Woolley, Eric B. Lee, Brooke M. Smith, Demi Culianos, Michael E. Levin, and Michael P. Twohig; Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy


Physiological, Behavioral, And Self-Report Outcomes of Acceptance- and Regulation-Based Exposure for Intrusive Thoughts, Brooke M. Smith, Jennifer L. Barney, Clarissa W. Ong, Tyson S. Barrett, Michael E. Levin, and Michael P. Twohig; Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science


Increasing Transcultural Competence in Clinical Psychologists Through a Web-Based Training: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial, Selina Studer, Maria Kleinstäuber, Ulrike von Lersner, and Cornelia Weise; Trials


A Review of Research on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders, Michael P. Twohig, Leila K. Capel, and Michael E. Levin; Psychiatric Clinics of North America


Retrospective Consecutive Controlled Case Series of Outcomes for Functional Analyses of Severe Destructive Behavior, Jessie K. Weber, Katherine R. Brown, Billie J. Retzlaff, Alyssa M. Hurd, Heather J. Anderson, and Kendra Smallwood; Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis


'The Eyes are the Window to the Representation': Linking Gaze to Memory Precision and Decision Weights in Object Discrimination Tasks, Emily R. Weichart, Layla Unger, Nicole King, Vladimir M. Sloutsky, and Brandon M. Turner; Psychological Review


Clinical Characteristics of a Treatment Seeking Sample of Adults With Misophonia: Onset, Course, Triggers, Context, And Comorbidity, Mercedes G. Woolley, Leila K. Capel, Emily M. Bowers, Julie M. Petersen, Karen Muñoz, and Michael P. Twohig; Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders


Predictors of Adherence to a Publicly Available Self-Guided Digital Mental Health Intervention, Mercedes G. Woolley, Korena S. Klimczak, Carter H. Davis, and Michael E. Levin; Cognitive Behaviour Therapy


Thought-Shape Fusion in Residential Eating Disorder Treatment: Cognitive Defusion as a Mediator Between Thought-Action Fusion and Treatment Outcome, Mercedes G. Woolley, Sarah E. Schwartz, Francesca M. Knudsen, Tera Lensegrav-Benson, Benita Quakenbush-Roberts, and Michael P. Twohig; Eating Behaviors



LGBTQ Caregiver Acceptance Scale (LCAS): Development and Validation With a Latinx Sample, Roberto L. Abreu, Karina A. Gattamorta, Kirsten A. Gonzalez, Cristalís Capielo Rosario, Roberto L. Roman Laporte, and Melanie M. Domenech Rodríguez; Journal of Family Psychology


Differential Effects of Mindful Breathing and Loving Kindness Meditations: A Component Analysis Study, Sarah J. Bolognino, Tyler L. Renshaw, and Mary L. Phan; Advances in Mental Health

On Stimulus Avoidance Assessment to Inform Treatment Efficacy: A Retrospective Consecutive Case Series, Katherine R. Brown, Alyssa M. Hurd, Lauren N. Layman, Allison Peart, and Kayla Randall; Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice

Supervision for Early Career BCBAs, Katherine R. Brown, Kayla R. Randall, Sean W. Smith, and Denice Rios; Behavior Analysis in Practice


Choosing ACT or CBT: a Preliminary Test of Incorporating Client Preferences for Depression Treatment With College Students, Carter H. Davis, Michael P. Twohig, and Michael Levin; Journal of Affective Disorders


ACT-Enhanced Behavior Therapy for a Hispanic Adult With Trichotillomania: A Case Report, Marissa L. Donahue and Michael P. Twohig; Clinical Case Studies


Merging Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with Exposure Exercises to Treat Social Anxiety in a Teen, Caleb D. Farley and Michael P. Twohig; Clinical Case Studies


Anti-Immigration Policy and Mental Health: Risk of Distress and Trauma Among Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Recipients in the United States, Luz M. Garcini, Melanie M. Domenech Rodríguez, Alfonso Mercado, Michelle Silva, German Cadenas, Thania Galvan, and Manuel Paris; Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy

A Systematic Review on Functional Analysis of Noncompliance, Alyssa M. Hurd, Samantha J. Nercesian, Katherine R. Brown, and Emma J. Visser; Education and Treatment of Children


Disentangling Trait and State Psychological Inflexibility: A Longitudinal Multilevel Approach, Korena S. Klimczak, Sarah E. Schwartz, Marissa L. Donahue, Leila K. Capel, Janice L. Snow, and Michael E. Levin; Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science


Making Space: A Randomized Waitlist-Controlled Trial of an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Website for Hoarding, Jennifer Krafft, Julie M. Petersen, Clarissa W. Ong, Michael P. Twohig, and Michael E. Levin; Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders


Processes of Change in Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Hoarding, Jennifer Krafft, Julie M. Petersen, Clarissa W. Ong, Michael P. Twohig, and Michael E. Levin; Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science

Updated Recommendations for Reinforcement Schedule Thinning Following Functional Communication Training, Michael P. Kranak and Katherine R. Brown; Behavior Analysis in Practice


Sexuality, Religiousness, and Mental Health Among Sexual Minority Latter-day Saints in Other-Gender Relationships, G. Tyler Lefevor; Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy


Correlates of Christian Religious Identification and Deidentification Among Sexual and Gender Minorities: A U.S. Probability Sample, G. Tyler Lefevor, Lauren J. A. Bouton, Edward B. Davis, Samuel J. Skidmore, and Ilan H. Meyer; Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity


Religion/Spirituality, Stress, and Resilience Among Sexual and Gender Minorities: The Religious/Spiritual Stress and Resilience Model, G. Tyler Lefevor, Chana Etengoff, Edward B. Davis, Samuel J. Skidmore, Eric M. Rodriguez, James S. McGraw, and Sharon S. Rostosky; Perspectives on Psychological Science


The Impact of Changes in Religion on Health Among Sexual Minority Mormons, G. Tyler Lefevor, Samuel J. Skidmore, Kiet D. Huynh, and James S. McGraw; The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion

Pavlovian Learning and Conditioned Reinforcement, Gregory J. Madden, Saba Mahmoudi, and Katherine Brown; Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis


Pediatric Hearing Aid Management: Experiences and Perspectives of Spanish-Speaking Parents, Karen Muñoz, Diego Guillen, Carlos Muñoz, and Michael P. Twohig; American Journal of Audiology


Increasing Pediatric Hearing Aid Use: Considerations for Clinical Practice, Karen Muñoz, Kali Markle, Guadalupe G. San Miguel, and Michael P. Twohig; American Journal of Audiology


The Role of Psychological Flexibility in Acceptance-Enhanced Behavior Therapy for Trichotillomania: Moderation and Mediation Findings, Clarissa W. Ong, Douglas W. Woods, Martin E. Franklin, Stephen M. Saunders, Angela M. Neal-Barnett, Scott N. Compton, and Michael P. Twohig; Behaviour Research and Therapy


Five-Year Fidelity Assessment of an Evidence-Based Parenting Program (GenerationPMTO): Inter-Rater Reliability Following International Implementation, Margrét Sigmarsdóttir, Melanie M. Domenech Rodríguez, Abigail Gewirtz, Laura Rains, Jolle Tjaden, and Marion S. Forgatch; BMC Health Services Research


Development and Initial Validation of Scales for Coming Out Vigilance and Positive Coming Out Responses, Samuel J. Skidmore, G. Tyler Lefevor, Kiet D. Huynh, and Connor O. Berg; Sexuality and Culture


"You're Not Gay; You're a Child of God": Microaggressions Experienced by LGBTQ+ Teens and Their Parents in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Sydney A. Sorrell, G. Tyler Lefevor, Jane H. Bell, Connor O. Berg, and Samuel J. Skidmore; Family Process


Introduction to the Special Issue on the ACBS Taskforce Report, Michael P. Twohig, Joanna J. Arch, and Ian Stewart; Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science


Immigration and Psychology: Introduction to Special Issue and Ways Forward, Amanda Venta, Alfonso Mercado, and Melanie M. Domenech Rodríguez; Current Opinion in Psychology



Bullying, Depression, and Parental Acceptance in a Sample of Latinx Sexual and Gender Minority Youth, Roberto L. Abreu, G. Tyler Lefevor, Kirsten A. Gonzalez, Aldo M. Barrita, and Ryan J. Watson; Journal of LGBT Youth


Parental Support, Depressive Symptoms, and LGBTQ Adolescents: Main and Moderation Effects in a Diverse Sample, Roberto L. Abreu, G. Tyler Lefevor, Kirsten A. Gonzalez, Manuel Teran, and Ryan J. Watson; Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology


The Current Status of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in Iran: A Systematic Narrative Review, Mehdi Akbari, Mohammad Seydavi, Carter H. Davis, Michael E. Levin, Michael P. Twohig, and Elahe Zamani; Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science


Experiential Avoidance in Depression, Anxiety, Obsessive-compulsive Related, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorders: A Comprehensive Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Mehdi Akbari, Mohammad Seydavi, Zahra S. Hosseini, Jennifer Krafft, and Michael E. Levin; Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science


Leveraging Personal Values in an Endocrine Therapy Adherence-Promoting Trial for Breast Cancer Survivors: A Mixed-Methods Investigation, Joanna J. Arch, Elizabeth Slivjak, Emma E. Bright, Catherine M. Crespi, Michael E. Levin, Sarah R. Genung, Madeline Nealis, Karen Albright, Jill L. Mitchell, Ami D. Sheth, Jessica F. Magidson, and Annette L. Stanton; Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science


Examining a Mediation Model of Body Image-Related Cognitive Fusion, Intuitive Eating, and Eating Disorder Symptom Severity in a Clinical Sample, Jennifer L. Barney, Tyson S. Barrett, Tera Lensegrav-Benson, Benita Quakenbush, and Michael P. Twohig; Eating and Weight Disorders – Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia, and Obesity


Sexual Complexity: A Comparison Between Men and Women in a Sexual Minority Sample of Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, William S. Bradshaw, John P. Dehlin, and Renee V. Galliher; Religions


Developing Cultural Competency for Providing Psychological Services with Immigrant Populations: A Cross-Level Training Curriculum, Germán A. Cadenas, Greg Neimeyer, Beatriz Suro, Laura P. Minero, Luz M. Garcini, Alfonso Mercado, Manuel Paris, Michelle Alejandra Silva, and Melanie M. Domenech Rodríguez; Training and Education in Professional Psychology


An Open Trial of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with Exposure and Response Prevention in an Intensive Outpatient Setting for Adults with OCD, L. K. Capel, P. Zurita-Ona, C. Muller, and Michael P. Twohig; Cognitive and Behavioral Practice


Native Appropriation in Sport: Cultivating Bias Toward American Indians, Laurel R. Davis-Delano, Renee V. Galliher, and Joseph P. Gone; Race and Social Problems


Development of the Awareness, Skills, Knowledge: General (ASK-G) Scale for Measuring Cultural Competence in the General Population, Melanie M. Domenech Rodríguez, Alexandra K. Reveles, Kaylee Litson, Christina A. Patterson, and Alejandro L. Vázquez; PLOS One


Examining the Role of Experiential Avoidance and Valued Action in the Negative Effects of Weight Self-Stigma, Marissa L. Donahue, Michael E. Levin, KayLoni Olson, Emily Panza, and Jason Lillis; Journal of Behavioral Medicine


Sexual, Gender, and Ethnic Identity Intersectionality Among LGBTQ+ People of Color, Angela M. Enno, Renee V. Galliher, Joshua G. Parmenter, and Melanie M. Domenech Rodríguez; Journal of LGBTQ Issues in Counseling


Sexual, Gender, and Ethnic Identity Intersectionality Among LGBTQ+ People of Color, Angela M. Enno, Renee V. Galliher, Joshua G. Parmenter, and Melanie M. Domenech Rodríguez; Journal of LGBTQ Issues in Counseling


Reinforced Behavioral Variability in the Valproate Rat Model of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Ann Galizio and Amy L. Odum; Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior

Familias Divididas Divided Damilies: Transnational Family Separation and Undocumented Latinx Immigrant Health, Thania Galvan, Dana Rusch, Melanie M. Domenech Rodríguez, and Luz M. Garcini; Journal of Family Psychology


Lessons Learned From Undocumented Latinx Immigrants: How to Build Resilience and Overcome Distress in the Face of Adversity, Luz M. Garcini, German Cadenas, Melanie M. Domenech Rodríguez, Alfonso Mercado, Liliana Campos, Cristina Abraham, Michelle Silva, and Manuel Paris; Psychological Services


One More Wall to Cross: The Role of Psychologists in Addressing Integrated Health Among Undocumented Latinx Immigrants in Inpatient Medical Settings, Luz M. Garcini, Amanda Venta, Alfonso Mercado, Thania Galvan, Casandra L. Compean, Gabriela Guerrero, and Melanie M. Domenech Rodríguez; Psychotherapy


School-Based ADHD Services: Perspectives from Racially and Ethnically Minoritized Students, Megan E. Golson, Tyus T. Roanhorse, Maryellen B. McClain, Renee V. Galliher, and Melanie M. Domenech Rodríguez; Psychology in the Schools


School-Based ADHD Services: Perspectives from Racially and Ethnically Minoritized Students, Megan E. Golson, Tyus T. Roanhorse, Maryellen B. McClain, Renee V. Galliher, and Melanie M. Domenech Rodríguez; Psychology in the Schools


Testing Delay of Gratification in Rats Using a Within-Session Increasing-Delay Task, Jeremy M. Haynes and Amy L. Odum; Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior


Temporal Expectations in Delay of Gratification, Jeremy M. Haynes, Mariah E. Willis-Moore, D. Perez, Devanio J. Cousins, and Amy L. Odum; Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior


Impact of Difficult Dialogues on Social Justice Attitudes during a Multicultural Psychology Course, Elizabeth Tish Hicks, María de la Caridad Alvarez, and Melanie M. Domenech Rodríguez; Teaching of Psychology


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in a Brazilian Context: Treatment of Three Cases, Luana D. Laurito, Carla Pereira Loureiro, Livi Faro, Rafaela Venâncio Dias, Bianca Torres, Maria Eduarda Moreira-de-Oliveira, Samara dos Santos-Ribeiro, Gabriela B. de Menezes, Leonardo F. Fontenelle, Carter H. Davis, and Michael P. Twohig; Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science


Does Internalized Stigma Change the Way That Religiousness Relates to Depression for People With Minoritized Sexualities?, G. Tyler Lefevor, Chana Etengoff, and Samuel J. Skidmore; Journal of Homosexuality


Unpacking the Internalized Homonegativity–Health Relationship: How the Measurement of IH and Health Matter and the Contribution of Religiousness, G. Tyler Lefevor, Eric R. Larsen, Rachel M. Golightly, and Maddie Landrum; Archives of Sexual Behavior


"He Just Wanted Me To Do What Was Best for Me": Latter-Day Saint Clergy's Counsel to Sexual and Gender Minorities and its Impact, G. Tyler Lefevor, Adlyn M. Perez-Figueroa, Samuel J. Skidmore, and Kirsten A. Gonzalez; Religions


Trauma in the American Asylum Process: Experiences of Immigrant Families Under the Migrant Protection Protocols, Alfonso Mercado, Amanda Venta, Frances Morales, Amanda Palomin, Luz M. Garcini, Michelle Alejandra Silva, and Melanie M. Domenech Rodríguez; Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy