Resilient Pedagogy
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Travis N. Thurston, Kacy Lundstrom, and Christopher González
Utah State University
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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.
In early 2020, educators and students around the world endured lapses in quality of educational experiences due to the disruption caused by COVID-19. In return for these lapses, students continued their programs of study within previously established timelines, and educators balanced helping students achieve learning objectives while keeping a manageable workload. Moving forward, students will expect educators and their institutions to deliver high-quality education when disruptions occur, like natural disasters, facilities emergencies, or supply chain disturbances. This expectation will extend to all modes of delivery. We assert that training educators to build adaptable courses that provide them and their students with flexibility allows future disturbances to be managed with reduced stress for all stakeholders, while maintaining the quality of the educational experience.
Recommended Citation
Popovic, K., Reyes, E., M., O’Connor, J. B., Dee, K. C, & Ingram, E. L. (2021). Creating adaptable courses: A course design approach that accommodates flexible delivery. In Thurston, T. N., Lundstrom, K., & González, C. (Eds.), Resilient pedagogy: Practical teaching strategies to overcome distance, disruption, and distraction (pp. 148-165). Utah State University. https://doi.org/10.26079/a516-fb24.
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Higher Education Commons, Online and Distance Education Commons, Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons
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