Weekend Poster Session 2
Utah State University, Logan, UT
Radiation poses known and serious risks to smallsat survivability and mission duration, with effects falling into two categories: long-term total ionizing dose (TID) and instantaneous single event effects (SEE). Although literature exists on the topic of addressing TID in smallsats, few resources exist for addressing SEEs. Many varieties of SEEs exist, such as bit upsets and latch ups, which can occur in any electronic component containing active semiconductors (such as transistors). SEE consequences range from benign to destructive, so mission reliability can be enhanced by implementing fault protection strategies based on predicted SEE rates. Unfortunately, SEE rates are most reliably estimated through experimental testing that is often too costly for smallsat-scale missions. Prior test data published by larger programs exist, but may be sparse or incompatible with the environment of a particular mission. Despite these limitations, a process may be followed to gain insights and make informed design decisions for smallsats in the absence of hardware testing capabilities or similar test data. This process is: (1) Define the radiation environment; (2) identify the most critical and/or susceptible components on a spacecraft; (3) perform a search for compatible prior test data and/or component class data; (4) evaluate mission-specific SEE rates from available data; (5) study the rates alongside the mission requirements to identify high-risk areas of potential mitigation. The methodology developed in this work is based on the multi-institutional, National Science Foundation (NSF) Space Weather Atmospheric Reconfigurable Multiscale Experiment (SWARM-EX) mission. The steps taken during SWARM-EX’s radiation analysis alongside the detailed methodology serve as a case study for how these techniques can be applied to increasing the reliability of a university-scale smallsat mission.
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CubeSat Radiation Hardness Assurance Beyond Total Dose: Evaluating Single Event Effects
Utah State University, Logan, UT
Radiation poses known and serious risks to smallsat survivability and mission duration, with effects falling into two categories: long-term total ionizing dose (TID) and instantaneous single event effects (SEE). Although literature exists on the topic of addressing TID in smallsats, few resources exist for addressing SEEs. Many varieties of SEEs exist, such as bit upsets and latch ups, which can occur in any electronic component containing active semiconductors (such as transistors). SEE consequences range from benign to destructive, so mission reliability can be enhanced by implementing fault protection strategies based on predicted SEE rates. Unfortunately, SEE rates are most reliably estimated through experimental testing that is often too costly for smallsat-scale missions. Prior test data published by larger programs exist, but may be sparse or incompatible with the environment of a particular mission. Despite these limitations, a process may be followed to gain insights and make informed design decisions for smallsats in the absence of hardware testing capabilities or similar test data. This process is: (1) Define the radiation environment; (2) identify the most critical and/or susceptible components on a spacecraft; (3) perform a search for compatible prior test data and/or component class data; (4) evaluate mission-specific SEE rates from available data; (5) study the rates alongside the mission requirements to identify high-risk areas of potential mitigation. The methodology developed in this work is based on the multi-institutional, National Science Foundation (NSF) Space Weather Atmospheric Reconfigurable Multiscale Experiment (SWARM-EX) mission. The steps taken during SWARM-EX’s radiation analysis alongside the detailed methodology serve as a case study for how these techniques can be applied to increasing the reliability of a university-scale smallsat mission.