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Water Quality Insights, Volume 1: Overview and Affirmative Position


Optimal Configuration of Regional Water Supply Systems (WASOPT2) , Mohamed L. Al-Eryani and Trevor C. Hughes


A Methodology for Estimating Instream Flow Values for Recreation, Parvaneh Amirfathi, Rangesan Narayanan, A. Bruce Bishop, and Dean Larson


Problems of Small Privately Operated Water Companies in Utah, Jay M. Bagley and Frank W. Haws


Delineation of Landslide, Flash Flood, and Debris Flow Hazards in Utah, David S. Bowles; Proceedings of a Specialty Conference


Methodology Report: Updating the Estimation of Water Surface Elevation Probabilities and Associated Damages for Great Salt Lake , David S. Bowles, L. Douglas James, D. George Chadwick, Ronald V. Canfield, and Norman Stauffer


Water Well Pump Efficiency Monitor Units, Calvin G. Clyde, Duard S. Woffinden, and Graeme Duncan


Water education grades K-6, Donald R. Daugs and C. Earl Israelsen


Water Education ... With Emphasis on Deer Creek Reservoir - Provo River Drainage Area (Grades 5-8), Donald R. Daugs, C. Earl Israelsen, and MarDell C. Parrish


Identification and Modeling the Impact of Marine Shale Bedrock on Groundwater and Stream Salinity: Upper Colorado River Basin, Christopher J. Duffy, Jerome J. Jurinak, Sanjay Sangani, and Ali Azimi

Permit guidance manual for land treatment of hazardous wastes, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Environmental Protection Agency

Remote Control of Hydrometeorological Devices, Geoffrey E. Hill


Evaluation of Miramat Under High Velocity Flows, C. Earl Israelsen and Frank W. Haws


Preliminary Identification, Analysis, and Classification of Odor-Causing Mechanisms Influenced by Decreasing Salinity of the Great Salt Lake, C. Earl Israelsen, Darwin L. Sorensen, Alberta J. Seierstad, and Charlotte Brennard

Water quality insights, Volume 2: Position papers, negative position, and glossary, L. Douglas James


Assessment of Control Alternatives for the Great Salt Lake, L. Douglas James and David S. Bowles

Annual Report 1985, Utah Water Research Laboratory

Summary Annual Report 1985, Utah Water Research Laboratory


Development of Design Criteria for Sensitizer Photooxidation Treatment Systems, Richard J. Watts, V. Dean Adams, and E. Joe Middlebrooks


A Study of Trihalomethane Precursors in Deer Creek Reservoir, Megan J. White and V. Dean Adams


Fiscal Year 1983 Summary Report of Utah Center for Water Resources Research

Lake and Reservoir Management

Review of In-Place Treatment Techniques for Contaminated Surface Soils, Volume 1

Summary Annual Report 1984


A Statistical Comparison of a Direct Filtration and a Conventional Water Treatment Facility in the Intermountain Region, Susan K. Burns and V. Dean Adams


Direct Filtration Versus Conventional Water Treatment in the Intermountain Region, Susan K. Burns, V. Dean Adams, and Steel B. Maloney


Management of Groundwater Recharge Areas in the Mouth of Weber Canyon, Calvin G. Clyde, Christopher J. Duffy, Edward P. Fisk, Daniel H. Hoggan, and David E. Hansen


A Groundwater Model of Cache Valley, Utah, Calvin G. Clyde, Roland W. Jeppson, and Win-Kai Liu


Trihalomethane Compounds and Their Precursors in Salt Lake County: Evaluation of Trihalomethane Source and Production, Kyle R. Cook, V. Dean Adams, Dennis B. George, Vincent A. Lamarra, and Richard A. Hanson


Review and Evaluation of the Gibson Dome High Level Nuclear Waste Repository Environmental Assessment: Geohydrologic Issues, Christopher J. Duffy and Brad Hall

Water Resources Atlas of Florida, Edward A. Fernald and Donald J. Patton


Use of the Hewlett-Packard 9810 Calculator System in Water Quality Analysis, Jerald S. Fifield


Hydropower Potential at State Dam Logan River, Frank W. Haws


New Concepts For Preliminary Hydropower Design: The Powermax Slope, Binary Turbine Sizing, and Static Regain, Frank W. Haws and Eugene K. Israelsen


Erosion and Sedimentation in Utah: A Guide for Control, C. Earl Israelsen and Eugene K. Israelsen


Summary Report: Updating the Estimation of Water Surface Elevation Probabilities and Associated Damages for Great Salt Lake, L. Douglas James, David S. Bowles, D. George Chadwick, and J. Paul Riley


Abstracts of specialty conference papers; delineation of landslide, flash flood and debris flow hazards in Utah, B. Kaliser, M. K. McCarter, R. Pack, and J. Newman


Soft-Op User Manual for Microcomputer Aided Process Control of the Oxidation Ditch Facility, Drew D. McIntyre


Sediment-Phosphorus Relationships in Deer Creek Reservoir, Jay J. Messer, Thomas B. Hardy, and Jean M. Ihnat


Review of In-Place Treatment Techniques for Contaminated Surface Soils - Volume 2: Background Information for In Situ Treatment, Ronald C. Sims, Darwin L. Sorensen, Judith Sims, Joan E. McLean, Ramzi Mahmood, and R. Ryan Dupont

Annual Report 1984, Utah Water Research Laboratory


Annual report 1983

Summary Annual Report 1983


Aquatic Resources Management of the Colorado River Ecosystem, V. Dean Adams and Vincent A. Lamarra; Proceedings of the 1981 Symposium on the Aquatic Resources Management of the Colorado River Ecosystem


Some Lake Level Control Alternatives for the Great Salt Lake, Marvin E. Allen, Ronald K. Christensen, and J. Paul Riley


Impediments to Effective Interactions Between Multipurpose Water Districts and Other Governmental Institutions in Urbanizing Areas, Jay M. Bagley, Frank W. Haws, Wendell B. Anderson, Daniel H. Hoggan, and Lee Kapaloski


Adapting Appropriation Water Law to Accommodate Equitable Consideration of Instream Flow Uses, Jay M. Bagley, Dean T. Larson, and Lee Kapaloski


Hydrologic Evaluation of the Coastal Belt Water Project Sarir and Tazerbo Well Fields, Libya, Edward P. Fisk, Christopher J. Duffy, Calvin G. Clyde, Roland W. Jeppson, Phillip H. DeGroot, Bhasker Rao K., and Win-kai Liu


A Preliminary Quantification of the Impacts of Aspen to Conifer Succession on Water Yield Within the Colorado River Basin (A Process Aggravating the Salt Pollution Problem), Gerald F. Gifford, William Humphries, and Richard A. Jaynes


Eutrophication Assessment of Mt. Dell Reservoir, Richard A. Hanson, V. Dean Adams, Vincent A. Lamarra, Kyle R. Cook, and Dennis B. George


Evaluation of the Potential for Groundwater Transport of Mutagenic Compounds Released by Spent Oil Shale, Robert E. Hinchee, V. Dean Adams, Jeffrey G. Curtis, and Alberta J. Seierstad


Index Construction for Multiple Objective Analysis of Land and Water Use in a High Mountain Watershed, L. Douglas James, Dean T. Larson, Mac McKee, Jay J. Messer, Thomas M. Twedt, Randy Sperger, Barbara D. Campion, Frank J. Nemanich, Donald B. Porcella, and Herbert H. Fullerton


Hydraulics of Solving Unsteady Debris Flow, Roland W. Jeppson and Salvador A. Rodriguez


Adapting Water Services to Urban Growth: A Case Study of Salt Lake County, Dean T. Larson, Kirk R. Kimball, Calvin W. Hiibner, and Jay M. Bagley


Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Are They a Problem in Processed Oil Shales?, David L. Maase and V. Dean Adams


Reconnaissance of Sediment-Phosphorus Relationships in Some Utah Reservoirs, Jay J. Messer and Jean M. Ihnat


Reconnaissance of Sediment-Phosphorus Relationships in Upper Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Jay J. Messer, Jean M. Ihnat, Bruce Mok, and David Wegner


Alteration of Availability of Heavy Metals to Aquatic Microflora by Complexation with Organics Associated with Oil Shale Development, Bruce S. Mok and Jay J. Messer


Drought Management Concepts: Lessons of the 1976-1977 U.S. Drought, Rangesan Narayanan, Herbert H. Fullerton, Trevor C. Hughes, A. Bruce Bishop, Mac McKee, Dean T. Larson, and Hamid Fakhraei


An Economic Evaluation of Benefits and Costs of Maintaining Instream Flows, Rangesan Narayanan, Dean T. Larson, A. Bruce Bishop, and Parvaneh Amirfathi


Conjunctive Water Use Planning with Water Quality Constraints in Tooele Valley, Utah, Bhasker Rao K., Calvin G. Clyde, and Rangesan Narayanan


The Evaluation of Metals and Other Substances Released into Coal Mine Accrual Waters on the Wasatch Plateau Coal Field, Utah, Alberta J. Seierstad, V. Dean Adams, Vincent A. Lamarra, Nancy J. Hoefs, and Robert E. Hinchee


Effects of Cadmium on Streams and Irrigated Agriculture in the Presence and Absence of Oil Shale Leachate, Douglas A. Selby, Jean M. Ihnat, Fredrick J. Post, and Jay J. Messer


Fecal Coliform Release Studies and Development of a Preliminary Nonpoint Source Transport Model for Indicator Bacteria, Everett P. Springer, Gerald F. Gifford, Michael P. Windham, Richard Thelin, and Michael Kress


An Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Crude Oil on Two Freshwater Lake Ecosystems, Martin D. Werner, V. Dean Adams, and Vincent A. Lamarra


Annual Report 1982

Statistical evaluation of the winter cloud seeding in Utah (FY 1974-1978)

Summary Annual Report 1982


Sprinkler Application of SO2 - Treated Groundwater at the Sandarosa Farm, Snowville, Utah, V. Dean Adams and Craig S. Criddle


Predicted Limnology of the Proposed Ridges Basin Reservoir, Lawrence A. Baker and V. Dean Adams


Energy Impacts of Water Based Recreation, J. Clair Batty, David A. Bell, E. Bruce Godfrey, Craig Howell, J. Paul Riley, and Thomas C. Stoddard


Development of Contingency Plans and Scientific Background Studies for Applying Weather Modification During Drought Periods in Utah, David S. Bowles, Marjorie Frantz, Terry Glover, E. Arlo Richardson, and Joe L. Sutherland


Salt Loading from Efflorescence and Suspended Sediments in the Price River Basin, David S. Bowles, Hooshang Nezafati, Rao K. Bhasker, J. Paul Riley, and R. J. Wagenet


Hydrologic Series Generation from the Spectral Density Function, Ronand V. Canfield


The Water Requirements and Pollutant Potential in the Gasification of Carbonaceous Shales, Jeffery A. Cissell, V. Dean Adams, Joel E. Fletcher, Daniel S. Filip, and Dennis B. George


Hydraulics and Numerical Solutions of Steady-State but Spatially Varied Debris Flow, Alfredo A. DeLeon and Roland W. Jeppson


Evaluation of Microcosms for Determining the Fate and Effect of Benz(a)anthracene in Aquatic Systems, Judith G. Dickson, V. Dean Adams, and Dennis B. George


Reverse Osmosis in the Treatment of Drinking Water, R. Ryan Dupont, Talbert N. Eisenberg, and E. Joe Middlebrooks


Guidelines for Minimizing Salinity Buildup in Groundwaters of Utah, Edward P. Fisk and Calvin G. Clyde


Removal of Nitrogen From Secondary Wastewater Effluent Through No 3-N Reduction Using Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Javid Ghorashian, V. Dean Adams, and Dennis B. George


Defining Stream Fish Microhabitat Requirements for Water Project Planning, William T. Helm


Further Studies of a Cache Valley Residence Having a Groundwater Heat Pump, Michael L. Henrie


Evaluation of the Utah Operational Weather Modification Program, Geoffrey E. Hill


Organizational Alternatives to Achieve Greater Uniformity in State-wide Water Rights Management in Utah, Daniel H. Hoggan, Kirk R. Kimball, Jay M. Bagley, and Frank W. Haws


Consumptive Use and Water Requirements for Utah, A. Leon Huber, Frank W. Haws, Trevor C. Hughes, and Jay M. Bagley


Evaluation of Selected Mulches and Specialty Erosion Control Products Under Simulated Rain, C. Earl Israelsen, Eugene K. Israelsen, and William N. McNeill


A Chance-Constrained Programming Model of Water Allocations in Utah, John E. Keith, Gustavo A. Martinez Gerstl, Rangesan Narayanan, and Donald L. Snyder


A Multivariate Water Quality Index for Use in Management of a Wildland Watershed, Ramzi Mahmood, Jay J. Messer, Frank J. Nemanich, Charles I. Liff, and Dennis B. George


Impacts of Western Coal, Oil Shale, and Tar Sands Development on Aquatic Environmental Quality: A Technical Information Matrix; Volume 1 Introduction and Instructions, Jay J. Messer, Charles I. Liff, Kurt Gernerd, and Frederick J. Post


Potential for Acid Snowmelt in the Wasatch Mountains, Jay J. Messer, Lloyd Slezak, and Charles I. Liff


An Evaluation of Water Conservation Techniques in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Rangesan Narayanan and Douglas R. Franklin


Salt Uptake in Natural Channels Traversing Mancos Shales in the Price River Basin, Utah, J. Paul Riley, D. George Chadwick, Lester S. Dixon, L. Douglas James, William J. Grenney, and Eugene K. Israelsen


Potential of Water and Salt Yields From Surface Runoff on Public Lands in the Price River Basin, J. Paul Riley, Eugene K. Israelsen, William N. McNeill, and Brian Peckins


Catalytic Oxidation of Sulfur Dioxide in Wastewater, Ernest J. Upton and V. Dean Adams


An Evaluation of the Performance of a Modified Overland Flow Wastewater Treatment System: Sloped Rock-Grass Filtration, Daria Wightman, Dennis B. George, John H. Zirschky, Daniel S. Filip, and Judith Sims


Annual Report 1981

Common Hazards and Other Things-A Glossary of Terms

Summary Annual Report 1981


Lime Neutralization of SO2 Treated Wastewater After Air Stripping, V. Dean Adams


Sulfur Dioxide Treatment of Secondary sewage: Effect on Viruses, V. Dean Adams