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Algal Bioassay Study for the Dolores Project, Dominguez Project, San Miguel Project, West Divide Project, Leslie G. Terry and V. Dean Adams

Annual Report 1979, Utah Water Research Laboratory

Summary Annual Report 1979, Utah Water Research Laboratory


A Mathematical Hydrodynamic Circulation Model of Great Salt Lake for Resource Management, Gary Z. Watters and Charles T. Kincaid


Impact of Water and Soils Having High Source-Sink Potentials on Water and Salinity Management Under Irrigation in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Lyman S. Willardson, R. J. Hanks, and J. J. Jurinak


Annual Report 1978

Proceedings of the Utah Water Pollution Control Association: 1978 Annual Meeting

Utah Water Laws Politics Institutions


Mathematical Modeling of a Sociological and Hydrologic Decision System, Wade H. Andrews, J. Paul Riley, and Malcolm B. Masteller


Hydraulic Characteristics of PVC Pipe in Sanitary Sewers (A Report of Field Measurements), Ronald R. Bishop


Salinity management options for the Colorado River. Damage estimates and control program impacts, F. Bruce Brown, Joel R. Cannon, Ralph C. d'Arge, Larry Eubanks, W. T. Franklin, Charles W. Howe, Ernest B. Jackson, K. L. Leathers, Frank E. Robinson, Don Snyder, Jeffrey T. Young, and Robert A. Young


Manual of erosion control principles and practices, Calvin G. Clyde, C. Earl Israelsen, Paul E. Packer, Eugene E. Farmer, Joel E. Fletcher, Eugene K. Israelsen, Frank W. Haws, N. V. Rao, and Jay Hansen


Water Quality Analysis Laboratory Procedures Syllabus, P. A. Cowan, D. B. Porcella, V. D. Adams, and L. A. Gardner

Separation of Algal Cells From Wastewater Lagoon Effluents, Steven E. Harris

Separation of Algal Cells From Wastewater Lagoon Effluents; Volume III. Soil Mantle Treatment of Wastewater Stabilization Pond Effluent-Sprinkler Irrigation, Steven E. Harris

Separation of Algal Cells from Wastewater Lagoon Effluents, Volume I: Intermittent Sand Filtration to Upgrade Waste Stabilization Lagoon Effluent, Steven E. Harris


Research on Increased Precipitation by Cloud Seeding: Development Phase, Geoffrey E. Hill


The Great Basin Climate Study for Range Fire Management, Kenneth G. Hubbard and Joel E. Fletcher


Utah's 1977 Drought, Trevor C. Hughes, Clark Bigler, Jerry Olds, Richard Griffin, Arlo Richardson, L. Douglas James, Norris Stenquist, and James Harvey


Feasibility of Accelerating Construction of the Central Utah Project, Trevor C. Hughes, L. Douglas James, Frank Haws, and C. Earl Israelsen


Boeing Engineering and Construction; Groundwater and Surface Water Investigation Report, C. Earl Israelsen and Frank W. Haws


Water conservation information dissemination during the 1997 drought emergency, L. Douglas James and Wade H. Andrews; Water Resources Planning Series


Vulnerability of Water Supply Systems to Drought, D. T. Jensen


The Impact of Energy Resource Development of Water Resource Allocations, John E. Keith, K. S. Turna, Sumol Padunchai, and Rangesan Narayanan


Evaluation and Comparison of Overland Flow and Slow Rate Systems to Upgrade Secondary Wastewater Lagoon Effluent, Michael C. Kemp, Daniel S. Filip, and Dennis B. George


Economic Impacts of Two Proposed Power Plants on Utah's Irrigated Agriculture, Rangesan Narayanan


Unsaturated Transient Flow Through Heterogeneous Soils: Numerical Solutions and Analyses of Three-dimensional Axisymmetric Flows, Abdolhossien Nassehzadeh-Tabrizi, Roland W. Jeppson, and Lyman S. Willardson


Development of an erosion model and its application to phosphate mine dumps in southeastern Idaho, Vinod Prabhakar, Roland W. Jeppson, and Loren R. Anderson


Naturally Occurring Organic Compounds in Eutrophic Hyrum Reservoir, Utah, Russell R. Renk, V. Dean Adams, and Donald B. Porcella


Evaluation of the Long Term Effects of Irrigation with Wastewater, James H. Reynolds, M. O. Braun, W. F. Campbell, R. W. Miller, and L. R. Anderson


Engineering properties and slope stability settlement analysis related to phosphate mine spoil dumps in southeastern Idaho, Richard E. Riker, Loren R. Anderson, and Roland W. Jeppson


Cost Allocation Alternatives for the Senegal River Development Program, J. Paul Riley, Jay C. Andersen, A. Bruce Bishop, David S. Bowles, and John E. Keith


Variantes de Repartition des Couts du Programme de Mise en Valeur du Bassin du Fleuve Senegal, J. Paul Riley, Jay C. Andersen, A. Bruce Bishop, David S. Bowles, and John E. Keith


Cost Minimization for Coal Conversion Pollution Control: A Mixed Integer Programming Model, Michael F. Torpy, A. Bruce Bishop, and Rangesan Narayanan


1978-87 Publications of the UWRL, Utah Water Research Laboratory


New Directions in Western Water Law Proceedings of The Sixth Annual Conference of the Utah Section of the American Water Resources Assoc., Utah Water Research Laboratory


Cell Quota Growth and Uptake Models Applied to Growth of Selenastrum Capricornutum, Printz in a Non-Steady State Environment, Kenneth A. Voos, Ronald F. Malone, and William J. Grenney


Annual Report Fiscal Year 1977

The Great Salt Lake


Cost Proposal to the United States Energy Research and Development Administration Studies and Environmental Policy Analysis: Water Quality and Quantity Issues that Affect ERDA Programs, Jay M. Bagley, L. Douglas James, and M. K. Jeppesen


Environmental Quality Management in a Region with External Development Pressures, A. Bruce Bishop, Rangesan Narayanan, Lloyd E. Peterson, Roger D. Hansen, and Matthew B. Conover


Upgrading Aerated Lagoon Effluent with Intermittent Sand Filtration, Richard P. Bishop, James H. Reynolds, Daniel S. Filip, and E. Joe Middlebrooks


Estimation Theory Applied to River Water Quality Modeling, David S. Bowles, William J. Grenney, and J. Paul Riley


Effects of Soil Heterogeneity on One-Dimensional Infiltration, Charles Courette and Roland W. Jeppson


Mixed Integer Programming Models for Water Resources Management, Brad A. Finney, William J. Grenney, A. Bruce Bishop, and Trevor C. Hughes


Runoff Estimates for Small Rural Watersheds and Development of a Sound Design Method: Volume III. Appendix A, Joel E. Fletcher, A. Leon Huber, Frank W. Haws, and Calvin G. Clyde


Runoff Estimates for Small Rural Watersheds and Development of a Sound Design method. Volume II, Recommendations for Preparing Design Manuals and Appendices B, C, D, E, F, G, & H, Joel E. Fletcher, A. Leon Huber, Frank W. Haws, and Calvin G. Clyde


Runoff Estimates for Small Rural Watersheds and Development of a Sound Design Method: Volume I. Research Report, Joel E. Fletcher, A. Leon Huber, Frank W. Haws, and Calvin G. Clyde


Series Intermittent Sand Filtration of Wastewater Lagoon Effluents, David W. Hill, J. H. Reynolds, D. S. Filip, and E. J. Middlebrooks


Evaluation of Southern and Central Utah Cloud Seeding Program, Geoffrey E. Hill


Seedability of Winter Orographic Storms in Utah, Geoffrey E. Hill


A Study of Feasibility of State Water User Fees for Financing Water Development, Daniel H. Hoggan, O. W. Asplund, J. C. Anderson, and D. G. Houston


State Financing Alternatives for Water Projects Required to Support Energy Development in the Western Energy Development Area, Daniel H. Hoggan, Kirk R. Kimball, Edward H. Allen, Jay M. Bagley, Richard L. Dewsnup, and Herbert H. Fullerton


Climatology of Hailstorms in Utah--The Hail Suppression Potential by Cloud Seeding, Kenneth G. Hubbard


Weather Modification Studies: The Potential for Creating and Utilizing Ice Crystals in Weather Modification Activities, Kenneth G. Hubbard


Rural Domestic Water System Peak Flows and Design Innovations, Optimal Water Planning Series, Trevor C. Hughes, Yukio Kono, and Ronald Canfield


Proposal to Technology Transfer Office of Water Research and Technology U.S. Department of Interior, C. Earl Israelsen, Frank W. Haws, Donna H. Falkenborg, and L. Douglas James


A Model of Environmental Transport of Heavy Metals Originating From Stack Derived Particulate Emission in Semi-Arid Regions, J. J. Jurinak, William J. Grenney, Gene L. Wooldridge, J. Paul Riley, and R. J. Wagenet


The Virgin River Basin Study: A Regional Approach to Multiobjective Planning for Water and Related Resources, John E. Keith, Jim Mulder, Trevor C. Hughes, V. A. Narasimhan, Lance Rovig, Karl Eriksen, Don D. Fowler, Lucinda Borchard, Kirk Kimball, Spence Ballard, K. S. Turna, and Daniel H. Hoggan


Growth and Uptake Dynamics of Selenastrum Capricornutum Parameterized by Percent Nitrogen, Ronald F. Malone, Kenneth A. Voos, and William J. Grenney


Water Flow Patterns in Heterogeneous Soils Under Trickle Irrigation, Abdolhossien Nassehzadeh-Tabrizi, Roland W. Jeppson, and Lyman S. Willardson


Proceedings of the Utah Water Pollution Control Association Annual Meeting 1977, James H. Reynolds and Donna H. Falkenborg


Performance Evaluation of an Existing Seven Cell Lagoon System, James H. Reynolds, Ralph E. Swiss, Christine A. Macko, and E. Joe Middlebrooks


Suspended and Dissolved Solids Effects on Freshwater Biota: A Review, Darwin L. Sorensen, Margaret M. McCarthy, E. Joe Middlebrooks, and Donald B. Porcella


Optimizing crop production through control of water and salinity levels in the soil, J. I. Stewart, R. M. Hagan, W. O. Pruitt, R. E. Danielson, W. T. Franklin, R. J. Hanks, J. P. Riley, and E. B. Jackson


Annual Report Fiscal Year 1976


An Energy Accounting Evaluation of Several Alternatives for Hydropower and Geothermal Development, J. Clair Batty, J. Paul Riley, William J. Grenney, and David A. Bell


Colorado River Basin Modeling Studies: Proceedings of a Seminar Held at Utah State University Logan , Utah July 16-18, 1975, Calvin G. Clyde, Donna H. Falkenborg, and J. Paul Riley

Erosion Control During Highway Construction: Volume 1, Calvin G. Clyde, C. Earl Israelsen, Paul E. Packer, and Eugene Farmer


Iron Dynamics in a Gas-Water-Sediment Microcosm, Peter A. Cowan, V. Dean Adams, and Donald B. Porcella


Evaluation of the Addition of Granular Media Filtration to Wastewater Treatment Plants to Meet New Standards, Madhusudan M. Dawda, M. L. Davidson, and E. J. Middlebrooks


Disposal Alternatives for Intermittent Sand Filter Scrapings Utilization and Sand Recovery, Jerry T. Elliott, Daniel S. Filip, and James H. Reynolds


The Effects on Agriculture in Utah of Water Transfers to Oil Shale Development, B. Delworth Gardner, Kenneth S. Lyon, and Roger O. Tew


Hydrologic Impact of Burning and Grazing on a Chained Pinyon-Juniper Site in Southeastern Utah, Gerald F. Gifford, John C. Buckhouse, and Frank E. Busby


Capability of Integer Programming Algorithms in Solving Water Resource Planning Problems, Trevor C. Hughes, William J. Grenney, A. Bruce Bishop, Calvin G. Clyde, Rangesan Narayanan, and Paul E. Pugner


Development of a Water Quality Simulation Model Applicable to Great Salt Lake, Utah, Craig T. Jones, Calvin G. Clyde, William J. Grenney, and J. Paul Riley; Utah Water Research Laboratory


Management of the Great Salt Lake: A Research Plan and Strategy, Craig T. Jones, Calvin G. Clyde, and J. Paul Riley


An Empirical Analysis of Predictors of Income Distribution Effects of Water Quality Controls, John E. Keith, Ming C. Chen, Don C. Reading, and Robert Johnson


An Economic Appraisal of Reuse Concepts in Regional Water Supply Planning, Rangesan Narayanan, Bartell C. Jensen, A. Bruce Bishop, and Kenneth S. Lyon


User Oriented Systems Analysis for Regional Municipal Water Supply Planning, Paul E. Pugner and Trevor C. Hughes


Application of a Hydrologic Model to the Planning and Design of Storm Drainage Systems for Urban Areas, George B. Shih; Eugene K. Israelsen; Robert N. Parnell, Jr.; and J. Paul Riley


Nitrogen Cycling in Microcosms and Application to the Biology of the Northern Arm of the Great Salt Lake, John C. Stube, Frederick J. Post, and Donald B. Porcella


BSAM: Basin Simulation Assessment Model Documentation and User Manual, Utah Water Research Laboratory


Annual Report Fiscal Year 1975

Selected Municipal Service Charges for Culinary Water, Sanitary Sewerage and Solid Waste Disposal in 53 of Utah's Cities and Towns


Naturally Occurring Organic Compounds and Algal Growth in a Eutrophic Lake, V. Dean Adams, Russell R. Renk, Peter A. Cowan, and Donald B. Porcella


Water as a Factor in Energy Resources Development, A. Bruce Bishop, Melvin D. Chambers, William O. Mace, and David W. Mills


Optimization of Water Allocation, Wastewater Treatment, and Reuse Considering Nonlinear Costs, Seasonal Variations, and Stochastic Supplies, A. Bruce Bishop, Rangesan Narayanan, Suravuth Pratishthananda, Stanley L. Klemetson, and William J. Grenney


An Application of the Utah State University Watershed Simulation Model to the Entiat Experimental Watershed, Washington State, David S. Bowles, J. Paul Riley, and George B. Shih


Urban Storm Runoff Inlet Hydrograph Study Volume 2; Laboratory Studies of the Resistance Coefficient for Sheet Flow over Natural Turf Surfaces, Cheng-Lung Chen


Urban Storm Runoff Inlet Hydrograph Study Volume 4; Synthetic Storms for Design of Urban Highway Drainage Facilities., Cheng-Lung Chen


Urban Storm Runoff Inlet Hydrograph Study, Volume 5, Soil-Cover-Moisture Complex: Analysis of Parametric Infiltration Models for Highway Sideslopes, Cheng-Lung Chen


Process Studies and Modeling of Self-Cleaning Capacity of Mountain Creeks for Recreation Planning and Management, Cheng-Lung Chen and Keith D. Davis


Urban Storm Runoff Inlet Hydrograph Study Volume 1: Computer Analysis of Runoff from Urban Highway Watersheds Under Time- and Space-Varying Rainstorms, Chen-Lung Chen

Assessment of Proposed River Management and Planning Alternatives by Water Quality Simulation Modeling, Lester S. Dixon


The Effects of Artificial Destratification on the Water Quality and Microbial Populations of Hyrum Reservoir, Douglas D. Drury, Donald B. Porcella, and Robert A. Gearheart


Urban Storm Runoff Inlet Hydrograph Study Volume 3: Hydrologic Data for Two Urban Highway Watersheds in the Salt Lake City Area, Utah, Joel E. Fletcher and Cheng-lung Chen


Regional Development: An Econometric Study of the Role of Water Development in Effectuating Population and Income Changes, Herbert H. Fullerton, Chris W. Lewis, Jay C. Andersen, John E. Keith, and Reed Willis


Modeling Phytoplankton Blooms in a Stratified Embayment, William J. Grenney


A Study of Alternative Methods to Modernize Water Institutions and Eliminate Problems of Multiple Jurisdiction and Conflicting Objectives, Frank W. Haws