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Natural-Resources Education in Utah's Public Schools, John J. Van Niel
The Basis of Browsing Tolerance in Shrubs of the Intermountain West: Growth Rates and Meristematic Potential, Jackson L. Wandera
The Response of Coyotes to Novel and Familiar Visual and Olfactory Stimuli, Yiting Zhang
Development of a Management Plan for Grey Goral: Lessons from Blackbuck and Cheer Pheasant Reintroduction Attempts, Maqsood Anwar
Root Exploitation of Fertile Soil Microsites, Robert B. Jackson
Fee Hunting Opportunities on Private Land in Utah: An Economic and Policy Analysis, Lucy A. Jordan
Seasonal Variation in the Species Composition, Abundance, and Size-Frequency Distribution of Zooplankton in Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho, Edmundo G. Moreno
Diel Vertical Migration and Feeding of Underyearling Bear Lake Sculpin Cottus extensus (Pisces, Cottidae), Darcy Neverman
Modeling Forest Dynamics Based on Stand Level Resource Allocation, Geoffrey Candler Poole
Impact of Root Competition on Survival and Growth of Seedlings of Important Great Basin Species, Günther Reichenberger
Nutrient and Water Interrelationships between Crested Wheatgrass and Two Shrub Species, Paul B. Baker
The Feasibility of River Otter Reintroduction in Northern Utah, Joel P. Bich
Factors Affecting Recovery from Defoliation during Drought in Two Aridland Tussock Grasses, Carlos Alberto Busso
Gambel Oak for Spanish Goats: A Digestion-Balance Evaluation of Nutrient Availability, Brian L. Dick
Acquisition of Forgaging Skills by Lambs Eating Grass or Shrub, Enrique R. Flores
Effect of Fertilization on Woody Plant Chemistry: The Role in Diet Selection by Goats, Amanuel Gobena
The Effects of the Spatial Pattern of Defoliation on Regrowth of a Tussock Grass, Warren G. Gold
Early Career Development Processes of Women and Men Resource Managers in the USDA Forest Service, Joseph Anthony Mincolla
Winter Ecological Energetics of Blue Grouse, Peter Jeffrey Pekins
Nesting and Habitat Parameters for Selected Raptors in the Desert of Northwestern Utah, David L. Peterson
Inter-Seasonal Range Relationships of Spanish Goats and Mule Deer in a Utah Oakbrush Community, Robert Alexander Riggs
A Model of Energy Expenditure in White-Tailed Jackrabbits (Lepus townsendii) Based on Integrated Studies of Energetics and Field Ecology, Gordon L. Rogowitz
Control and Evaluation of Big Game Browsing Damage to Commercial Fruit Orchards, William E. Stone
The Modeling and Measurement of Respiratory Carbon Use and Net Carbon Gain of Two Agropyron Bunchgrasses, Halldor Thorgeirsson
The Effects of Forest Harvesting on Small Mammals in Western Newfoundland and its Significance to Marten, Brian Tucker
A New Approach to Forest Site Quality Modeling, David L. Verbyla
Fire Frequency and the Vegetal Mosaic of the Utah State University Experimental Forest, Linda L. Wadleigh-Anhold
The Association of Seed and Cone Predator Populations and Cone Crop Production in Engelmann Spruce, Dawn E. Cameron
Autecological and Grazing Control Studies of Dyers Woad (Isatis tinctoria L.) on Northern Utah Rangelands, Kassim O. Farah
Factors Affecting the Sprouting Response of Woody Caatinga Species and Their Implications for Improved Caatinga Management, Linda Howell Hardesty
Utilization of Crested Wheatgrass Plants by Cattle Under Several Grazing Regimes, Patricia Selann Johnson
Causes of Seeding Failure within the Tooele Fire Rehabilitation Project in Northwestern Utah, Jeffrey S. Murphy
Maintenance Energy Requirements of Free Ranging Goats and Sheep, Ederlon Ribeiro de Oliveira
Wood and Forage Production in Cleared and Thinned Dry Tropical Woodland: Implications to Goat Nutrition, Walter H. Schacht
Effects of Grazing Intensity by Sheep on the Production of Atriplex nummularia and Sheep Live Weight in Jordan, Kamal I. Tadros
Lodgepole Pine Susceptibility Rating of Mountain Pine Beetle Through the Use of a Density Management Diagram, John Albert Anhold
Vulnerability of Cougars to Hunting, Dan Barnhurst
Investigation of Host Selection by Mountain Pine Beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) Hopk. in Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta) Dougl., Thomas James Eager
Belowground Resource Exploitation in Semiarid Plants: A Comparative Study Using Two Tussock Grasses That Differ in Competitive Ability, David M. Eissenstat
Carnivore Competition and Resource use in the Serengeti Ecosystem of Tanzania, George Walter Frame
The Redevelopment of Plant Community Diversity on a Surface Coal Mine in Southwestern Wyoming, Thomas Joseph Hatton
Aspects of the Feeding Ecology of the Bonneville Cisco of Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho, David C. Lentz
Effect of Spring Grazing by Cattle on Growth and Survival of Shrub Seedlings Interplanted in Crested Wheatgrass, Lynn M. McConville
Animal Nutritional Response to Sward Structure Under Short Duration Grazing Management, Kenneth C. Olson
Estimating Optimum Overstory Vegetation Reduction for Increasing Understory Production, John A. Tanaka
A Market Analysis for Adult Outdoor Education in Five Western States, Karla Joy VanderZanden
The Effects of Recreation Specialization and Motivations on the Environmental Setting Preferences of Backcountry Hikers, Randy J. Virden
Intercept Feeding as a Means of Reducing Deer-Vehicle Collisions, Peggy Wood
Effect of Short Duration Grazing on Soil Moisture Depletion and Plant Water Status in a Crested Wheatgrass Pasture, Jon M. Wraith
Coprecipitation of Phosphorus With Calcium Carbonate in Bear Lake, Utah - Idaho, Paul W. Birdsey Jr.
Growth and Water Relations of Mountain Big Sagebrush on Reclaimed Mine Soils in Southwestern Wyoming, Alan T. Carpenter
An Autecological Study of Dyers Woad (Isatis tinctoria L.) on Utah Rangeland, Ann T. Fuller
Phosphorus Dynamics in Dingle Marsh, Idaho, Rex C. Herron
Behavioral Response of Desert Bighorn Sheep to Human Harassment: A Comparison of Disturbed and Undisturbed Populations, Michael M. King
Seasonal Feeding Behavior and Forage Selection by Goats in Cleared and Thinned Deciduous Woodlands in Northeast Brazil, Roberto Cesar Magalhaes Mesquita
The Acarau Valley in Northeast Brazil: Vegetation, Soils and Land Use., Joao Stacishin de Queiroz
Temporal and Spatial Partitioning of the Soil Water Resource Between Two Agropyron bunchgrasses and Artemisia tridentata, Halldor Thorgeirsson
Forage Quality Comparison of Burned and Nonburned Aspen Communities, Deborah L. Blank
Dynamics of Arid-Land, Perennial Plant Populations with an Examination of Potential Causal Agents, Henry George Gardiner
Seed Reserves in Stockpiled Topsoil on a Coal Mine Near Kemmerer, Wyoming, Cynthia K. Johnson
Resource Acquisition in the Presence of a Novel Stimulus by Coyotes of Different Social Rank, Warren E. Johnson
Effects of Clearcutting on Forage Production, Quality and Decomposition in the Caatinga Woodland of Northeast Brazil: Implications to Goat and Sheep Nutrition, Robert D. Kirmse
Plant Gas Exchange of Two Bunchgrasses in Relation to Herbivory Tolerance, Robert S. Nowak
Initial Assessment of the Introduction of Spottail Shiner (Notropis hudsonius) and Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus) into Willard Bay Reservoir, Utah., Thomas E. Sommerfeldt
Plant Monoterpenoids as Factors in Diet Selection and Grazing Behaviour of Sheep, Wilson Kimuti A. Yabann
Use of Clearcut Habitats by Black Bears in the Pacific Northwest, Kim R. Barber
Evaluation of the Early Establishment Phase of Agropyron desertorum, Medicago sativa and Atriplex canescens in Monocultures and Mixtures, Oscar Luis Prado Escobar
Applying the Concept of Feeding Stations to the Behavior of Cattle Grazing Variable Amounts of Available Forage, Enrique R. Flores
The Interaction of Ultraviolet-B Radiation Stress and Plant Competition in Agricultural Plant Populations, Warren Glenn Gold
Differential Behavior of Coyotes with Regard to Home Range Limits, Charles E. Harris
Effects of a Wildfire on Seed Rain and Soil Seed Reserve Dynamics of a Good Condition Sagebrush-Grass Rangeland in Central Utah, Mohamed Ali Hassan
Investigation of Selected Aspects of Kokanee (Onchorhynchus nerka) Ecology in Porcupine Reservoir, Utah, With Management Implications, Paul Joel Janssen
Brown Trout Perception of Ultraviolet Radiation and Possible Influence on Distribution, Terrence H. Lee
Nutrition and Feeding Behavior of Goats and Sheep Grazing Deciduous Shrub-Woodland in Northeastern Brazil, James Alan Pfister
Sheep Diets and Feeding Behavior in Single and Common Use Grazing Trials on Southwestern Utah Summer Range, George B. Ruyle
Mule Deer Reproduction and Survival in the LaSal Mountains, Utah, Randall B. Smith
Predictors of Corporate Funding for Environmental and Recreational Programs, Joel H. Staub
Cougar Predation and Ecological Energetics in Southern Utah, Bruce Bennet Ackerman
The Visual Decision Making Process as a Technique for Redistributing Outdoor Recreation Use, Martha Gail Hahn
Human-Bear Interactions in the Backcountry of Yosemite National Park, Bruce Charles Hastings
Population Characteristics and Movement Patterns of Cougars in Southern Utah, Thomas P. Hemker
Habitat Used by Ruffed Grouse in Northern Utah, Judith L. Landry
Muskrat Population Levels and Vegetation Utilization: A Basis for an Index, Thomas R. McCabe
An Evaluation of Deschampsia caespitosa (L.) Beauv Populations for Metal Tolerances and Ecotypic Variation at Climax, Colorado, Paul Ellsworth Pratt
The Influence of Winter Social Behavior on the Habitat Selection and Reproductive Success of the Black-Billed Magpie, Kerry P. Reese
Efficacy of Denning in Alleviating Coyote Depredations upon Domestic Sheep, James A. Till
Influence of Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density on UV-BInduced Photoinhibition in Soybean Leaves: Comparison of Preconditioning and Concomitant Light Treatments, Charles W. Warner
Economic Analysis of Long-Term Management Strategies for Two Sizes of Utah Cattle Ranches, Roger E. Banner
Lifestyle as a Determinant of Participation Among Dispersed Forest Recreationists, John R. Butler
An Economic Analysis of Prairie Dog Control, Alan Robert Collins
The Energy Expenditure of Heifers Grazing Crested Wheatgrass Rangeland in West-Central Utah, Kris M. Havstad
Effect of Mild Water Stress and Enhanced Ultraviolet-B Irradiation on Leaf Growth of Rumex obtusifolius L. and Rumex patientia L. (Polygonaceae)., Steve R. Holman
Seasonal Temperature Preference of Adult Mountain Whitefish, Prosopium williamsoni, Jean M. Ihnat
Natural Pastures of the Macquarie Region of New South Wales: Their Origin, Composition and Management, David Leslie Michaelk
Fall Regrowth of Crested Wheatgrass and Fourwing Saltbush, Noor Mohammad
Stream Insect Production as a Function of Alkalinity and Detritus Processing, Thomas G. Osborn
Some Morphological and Chemical Responses of Blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima) to Goat Browsing: Influences on Dietary Blackbrush Selection by Goats and Cattle, Frederick D. Provenza