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On the Population Ecology of Uinta Ground Squirrels, Spencer R. Amend
Evaluation of Molting Areas of Great Basin Canada Geese, Paul D. Arneson
Effects of Starvation and Time at Stocking on Survival of Stocked Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdneri, Marlin John Bricker
An Evaluation of Factors Affecting Establishment and Survival of Russian Wildrye (Elymus junceus Fisch.) on Foothill Ranges in Utah, Dale Lynn Drawe
A Study of Root Biomass in an Engeimann Spruce-Subalpine Fir Stand in Northern Utah, Larry O. Gadt
The Development of a Prediction System for the Occurrence of Law Violations on the Ogden Ranger District, Weber County, Cache National Forest, Utah, John Henry Harris
The Annual Demography of a Population of Antelope Ground Squirrels in Curlew Valley, Utah, James R. Kitts
Effects of Sublethal, Cerebral X-Irradiation on Movement and Home-Range Patterns of Black-Tailed Jackrabbits, Lewis Nelson Jr.
Drift of Oligophlebodes sigma and Baetis bicaudatus in a Mountain Stream, William Dean Pearson
Growth of Eimeria alabamensis from Cattle In Vitro and the Changes in Fine Structure Associated with Schizogony, J. Robert Sampson
The Ontogeny of Social Behavior of Uinta Ground Squirrels, D. Andrew Saunders
An Economic Analysis of Contour Furrows and Gully Checks on the Frail Lands of Southeastern Utah, Karl A. Simonson
Seasonal Utilization of Sago Pondweed by Waterfowl at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Utah, Michael R. Sterling
The Development of the Endogenous Stages of Eimeria ninakohlyakimovae (Yakimoff and Rastegaieff, 1930) in Domestic Sheep, Richard S. Wacha
The Contribution of Summer Tourism to the Utah Economy, William D. Brakel
The Desert Bighorn Sheep of Southeastern Utah, Charles A. Irvine
The Effect of Cattle, Sheep, and Other Factors on Aspen (Populus tremuloides) Reproduction After Clear-Cut Logging in Southern Utah, Paul A. Lucas
Waterfowl Production on a Spring-Fed Salt Marsh in Utah, Donald E. McKnight
Nutritive Values of Russian Wildrye, Crested Wheatgrass, and Intermediate Wheatgrass Grazed by Cattle on Utah Foothill Ranges, George W. Mitchell
Summer Distribution and Food Habits of Microtus in the Logan Canyon Area, Utah, James B. Monroe
Factors Affecting Mourning Dove Use of Water in Artificial Catchment Basins in a Dryland Farming Area of Utah, Norman A. Slade
The Social Organization of Wild Turkeys on the Welder Wildlife Refuge, Texas, Charles Robert Watts
Effects of Range Plant Foliage Removal on Soil Moisture Regime at Two Elevations in Central Utah, John C. Buckhouse
The Role of Agonistic Behavior in Regulation of Density in Uinta Ground Squirrels (Citellus armatus), Richard J. Burns
A Description of the Planarian Phagocata crenophila, New Species, From Utah, Jerry H. Carpenter
Solar Radiation Under Thinned and Unthinned Lodgepole Pine Stands on the Utah State University School Forest, Belden B. Durtschi
The Value of a Trout Stream Fishery, Archie Allen Dyer
Occurrence and Distribution of Invertebrates in Lower Logan River, Nancy A. Erman
Linear Programming Applied to Sheep Ranching in Utah, William R. Flint
The Abundance, Migration and Management of Mule Deer in Dinosaur National Monument, Robert W. Franzen
Waterfowl Ecology and Utilization of Uinta Mountain Water Areas, Steven Roger Peterson
An Analysis of the Outdoor Recreation Resource and Its Development in the Canyon Country of San Juan and Grand Counties, Utah, Lawrence E. Royer
Distribution and Ecology of the Desert Bighorn Sheep in Southeastern Utah, Lanny O. Wilson
The Ecology of the Black-Bellied Tree Duck in Southern Texas, Eric George Bolen
Soil Moisture Depletion by Quaking Aspen and Gambel Oak in Central Utah, Jere J. Christner
The Incidence and Life Cycle of Eimeria utahensis Sp. N. From Kangaroo Rats of Northwestern Utah, John V. Ernst
Feeding Ecology and Territorial Behavior of the Yellow Warbler, Merrill J. Frydendall
Demographic Analysis of a Northern Utah Black-Tailed Jackrabbit Population, Jack E. Gross
An Examination of a Putative System for the In Vitro Synthesis of Drosophila Tryptophan Pyrrolase, John P. Phillips
An Evaluation of Control on the Pocket Gopher, Thomomys talpoides, on the Cache National Forest, Utah, Voit B. Richens
Seasonal, Diurnal and Species Variation in Forage Moisture Content in Relation to Site on Mountain Summer Range of Northern Utah, Chaudhry Mohammad Sharif
The "Starvation Effect" and Tryptophan Pyrrolase Activity in the Vermilion Mutant of Drosophila, Ernest E. Shelton Jr.
Quantitative Analyses of Perennial Atriplex-Dominated Vegetation of Southeastern Utah, Teja Singh
Life Cycles of Three Species of Eimeria from the Uinta Ground Squirrel, Spermophilus armatus, Kenneth S. Todd Jr.
Ecological Studies of Native Green River Fishes Below Flaming Gorge Dam, 1964-1966, Charles David Vanicek
An Evaluation of Conservation Reserve Lands in Relation to Pheasant Production and Survival, Richard M. Bartmann
The Initiation of Infection by DNA From Bacteriophage Lambda, Gerald D. Elseth
Development of Recreational Use Patterns at Flaming Gorge Reservoir, 1963-1965, John Guthrie Hewston
Sound Communication in the Uinta Ground Squirrel, Donna Mae Balph
Existing and Potential Outdoor Recreation Resources in Bear Lake Valley, Utah and Idaho, Dennis H. Black
A Study of 5-Fluorouracil: Its Effects and Mode of Action in Drosophila melanogaster, John B. Jenkins Jr.
Seasonal Habits and Habitat of the Ruffed Grouse in the Wellsville Mountains, Utah, Robert L. Phillips
Some Movements of Black-Tailed Jackrabbits in Northern Utah, Donald H. Rusch
A History of Timber Resource Use in the Development of Cache Valley, Utah, Douglas M. Bird
Canada Goose Production and Population Stability, Ogden Bay Waterfowl Management Area, Utah, Norman H. Dey
Effects of Beaver on Stream Flow and Water Quality, James W. Bates
Farmers' Reactions Toward Upland Bird Hunting in Two Utah Counties, 1957, Frank J. Calkins
Ecological Factors Influencing Plant Distribution in the Shadscale Zone of Southeastern Utah, Kamal M. Ibrahim
The Effect of Range Condition and Intensity of Grazing Upon the Daily Intake and Nutritive Value of the Diet of Sheep on Summer Ranges of Northern Utah, Merwyn Mortimer Kothmann
A Comparison of Cock Pheasant Harvests Among Areas Having Different Hunting Pressures, Cache County, Utah, James C. Bartonek
Food Availability and Selective Utilization by Juvenile Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos platyrhynchos L.) on the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Utah, Nicholas J. Chura
Factors Affecting the Waterfowl Hunter Utilization and the Waterfowl Kill at the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, 1960-61, Stephen V. Goddard
Selected Insecticides in the Control of Invertebrates Possibly Associated With Avian Botulism, J. Larry Haddock
The Effect of Range Condition Upon the Production, Nutritive Intake and Digestibility of Desert Range Forage in Southwestern Utah, J. Kent Taylor
An Introduction to the Ethology of the Uinta Ground Squirrel (Citellus armatus), David F. Balph
Description of Range Lands of Iran Range Problems in Iran Vegetation of Nevada, Nasser Golesorkhi
Banding and Marking Methods in Studying Seasonal Movements of the Sharp-Tailed Grouse in Morton County, North Dakota, Albert T. Klett
The Effects of Hunting Season Length on Comparable Pheasant Populations, Temple A. Reynolds
Ecology of Plant Distribution on the Salt-Deserts of Utah, Dillard H. Gates
The Airplane in Unit Sampling of Mule Deer Populations in Harding County, South Dakota, Karl B. Kuhlmann
A Study of the Winter Foraging Habits of Mule Deer in Enclosures in Northern Utah With a Test of the Half-And-Half Sampling Technique, Donald R. Flook
Evaluation of Stream Bottom Fauna Sampling Techniques as Used in the Logan River, Donald C. Hales
A Management Study of the Cache Elk Herd, Norman V. Hancock
Seeds in the Forest Floor of the Ponderosa Pine Type, James T. Krygier
Factors in the Development and Restoration of Waterfowl Habitat at Ogden Bay Refuge Weber County, Utah, Noland F. Nelson
An Economic Evaluation of Selected Treatments for Avian Botulism in Waterfowl on Utah Marshes, 1953-54, Donald A. Smith
Determination of Digestibility of Lignin by Mule Deer, Robert B. Turner
Survey and Evaluation of Big Game Exclosures in Utah, Stanford Young
Muskrat and Waterfowl Production and Harvest on Dingle Swamp, Bear Lake County, Idaho, Henry M. Reeves
The Effect of Grass Reseeding in Sagebrush Lands on Sage Grouse Populations, Richard W. Trueblood
Effects of Season, Spacing and Intensity of Seeding on Emergence and Survival of Four Wheatgrass Species in Central Utah, Edwin B. Abbott
Studies in the Life History and Ecology of the American Pintail (Anas acuta tzitzihoa Vieliot) in Utah, Robert W. Fuller
Some of the Relationships Between Livestock Grazing and Duck Nesting in the Saltgrass Vegetation Type in Utah, Horatio W. Murdy
The Status and Management of Pheasant Posted Hunting Areas in Utah, William G. Parsons
The Cinnamon Teal (Anas cyanoptera Vieillot): Its Life History, Ecology, and Management, Howard E. Spencer Jr.
A Management Study of the Idaho-Utah Interstate Deer Herd With Special Reference to the Sublett, Black Pine, and East Raft River Mountain Unit, Kenneth L. Diem
An Investigation Concerning the Incidence and Pathogenicity of Pentatrichomonas gallinarum and its Relationship to Histomonas meleagridis in Turkeys in Utah, Ross S. Hadfield
The Incidence of Lead Shot in Waterfowl of the Pacific Flyway, With Special Reference to the Great Salt Lake Basin, Wayne H. Heuer
Factors Affecting the California Quail Populations in Uintah County, Utah, R. Lynn Nielson
A Survey of Extension Work in Wildlife Management and the Development of a Guide to Wildlife Extension Work in Utah, Edwin V. Rawley
Some Effects of Fluctuating and Falling Water Levels on Waterfowl Production, Kenneth E. Wolf
An Economic Study of Rats (Genus Rattus) in Cache County, Utah, John Vincent Bruce
Pellet Seeding on Sagebrush Range, Gordon E. Gatherum
The Opercular Bone As An Indicator of Age and Growth of the Carp Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, William J. McConell
A Population Study of the South Cache Elk Herd, Roger James McCormack
An Ecological Survey of the Muskrat at Locomotive Springs, Box Elder County, Utah, 1950-51, Robert A. McCullough
Reactions of the Rocky Mountain Muskrat Ondtra zibethica osoyoosensis (Lord) to Drought Conditions at Ogden Bay Bird Refuge, Utah, Edward V. Saunders
Age and Growth of the Brown Trout Salmo trutta fario Linnaeus in Logan River, Utah, William Sigler
An Ecological Study of the Utah Sculpin Cottus bairdi semiscaber in Logan River, Utah, William Merle Zarbock