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Diversity and Production of Herbaceous Vegetation in a Northern Utah Subalpine Chronosequence, Gary A. Reese
Higher Plant Acclimation to Solar Ultraviolet-B Radiation, Ronald Robberecht
Rangeland Resource Inventory of the Six-County Area of Utah, Verl L. Bagley
The Effect of Exploitation on Some Parameters of Coyote Populations, Robert P. Davison
Carbon Isotope Ratios of Soil Organic Matter and Their Use in Assessing Community Composition Changes in Curlew Valley, Utah, Ronald S. Dzurec
Resource Partitioning in Breeding Populations of Marsh Hawks and Short-Eared Owls, Susan C. Linner
Effects of Host Plant Patch Size and Surrounding Plant Type on Insect Population Dynamics, Lynn A. Maguire
Chlorophyll Fluorescence Probe of Ultraviolet-B Photoinhibition of Primary Photoreactions in Intact Leaves, Robert S. Nowak
Production of Mountain Whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) in Altered and Unaltered Reaches of Two Intermountain Streams in Their Alluvial Flood Plains, Michael J. Ottenbacher
Habitat Manipulation for the Reestablishment of the Utah Prairie Dog in Capitol Reef National Park, Rodney L. Player
Activities of Domestic Sheep on Central Utah Ranges, J. Daniel Rodgers
An Analysis of a Measure of Productivity in Mule Deer Populations, Ronald J. Ryel
Common Use Grazing Studies on Southern Utah Summer Range, Al F. Schlundt
Reproductive Success of the White-Faced Ibis: The Effects of Pesticides and Colony Characteristics, Benjamin B. Steele
Habitat Use by Breeding Waterfowl of Several Utah Marshes, Paul M. Suchanek
Biology, Reproductive Potential and the Impact of Fishing Pressure on the Bluegill Fishery of Pelican Lake, Uintah County, Utah, Bob D. Burdick
An Experimental Analysis of the Alarm Calls of Captive Uinta Ground Squirrels (Spermophilus armatus), Marion Barch Cherry
Population Limitation of Jackrabbits: An Examination of the Food Hypothesis, William R. Clark
Feeding Behavior and Habitat Selection of Deer and Elk on Northern Utah Summer Range, William B. Collins
Reproductive Modes of the Least Chub (Iotichthys phlegethontis - Cope), Marianne Crawford
Development and Validation Test of a Mule Deer Habitat Rule, Glenn Gephart
Coyote-Prey Relationships in Curlew Valley During a Period of Low Jackrabbit Density, Stephen W. Hoffman
Information Transfer and Regulation in a Model Ecosystem with Environmental Stochasticity, M. McKee
Effects of Forage Availability on Voluntary Intake and Feeding Behavior of Grazing Heifers, Anastasios S. Nastis
Interrelationships Between Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Habitat in a Mountain Stream, John M. Payne
Two Basic Methodological Choices in Wildland Vegetation Inventories: Their Consequences and Implications, Donald Alan Shute
Some Effects of a Grazer, Hyalella azteca on Ecosystem Level Properties in Aquatic Microcosms, Martin D. Werner
The Wood and Bark Biomass and Production of Populus tremuloides, Abies lasiocarpa and Picea engelmannii in Northern Utah, George L. Zimmerman
Leaf Development of Rumex patientia L. Exposed to UV Irradiation (280-320 nm), Judith G. Dickson
The Social Behavior of Brown Bears at McNeil River, Alaska, Allan L. Egbert
A Survey of Plants and Animals of Hill and Wendover Bombing Ranges, Western Utah, Mary Sue Fisher
Influence of Spring Sheep Grazing on the Forage Intake and Quality of Diets Consumed by Pen-Reared Mule Deer Under Winter-Range Conditions, Kenneth Owen Fulgham
Population Dynamics and Net Production of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) in Two Areas of a High Gradient Mountain Stream, Jeffrey C. Gosse
A Discriminant Function Model of Gray-Headed Junco Habitat, Andrew R. Grainger
Physiological Response to Hooking Stress in Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides), A. Wayne Gustaveson
Potential For Cattle Grazing on Sheep Range in Southwest Utah, Jose Salvador Gutierrez-Garza
Ecological Relationships of Accipiters in Northern Utah - With Special Emphasis on the Effects of Human Disturbance, Stephen P. Hennessy
Plant Succession Studies on Subalpine Acid Mine Spoils in the Beartooth Mountains, Patricia Lea Howard
Conflict in Outdoor Recreation, Gerald R. Jacob
Adaptive Significance of Lactate Dehydrogenase B2 Isozymes in Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdneri and a Biochemical Genetic Comparison of Cutthroat Trout (Salmo Clarki) Populations, Gerald Thomas Klar
A Description and Analysis of Behavior Patterns Among Uinta Ground Squirrels, Thomas Earl Morse
Toxicity, Selectivity, and Efficacy of Squoxin (1,1'-Methylendi-2-Napthol) to Fishes in Utah Waters, Dexter R. Pitman
The Contribution of Federal Land Grazing in the Eleven Western States to Total U.S. Beef Supply, Muhammad Rafiq
Park Visitor Responses to Natural Hazards, Lee H. Rentz
Reduced Recruitment in Utah Mule Deer Relative to Winter Condition, Phillip J. Zwank
Possible Impacts of the Expected Shift From Cow-Calf to Cow-Calf-Yearling Enterprises on Beef Production and Beef Prices, Suliman H. Abdalla
Browse Evaluation and Survey Techniques for the Uinta North Slope Moose Herd, William H. Babcock
The Impact of Pesticides on the White-Faced Ibis, David E. Capen
The Effects of Campgrounds on Small Mammals in Canyonlands and Arches National Parks, Utah, Gregory A. Clevenger
Diet Composition and Activities of Elk on Different Habitat Segments in the Lodgepole Pine Type, Uinta Mountains, Utah, William B. Collins
Desert Bighorn Sheep in Canyonlands National Park, H. Clay Dean
Forage Preferences of Mule Deer in the Lodgepole Pine Ecosystem, Ashley National Forest, Utah, Joseph A. Deschamp
Competitive Interaction in Plant Populations Exposed to Enhanced UV-B Radiation, Fred M. Fox
Sheep Behavior and Vulnerability to Coyote Predation, Ernest Albert Gluesing
Infrared Imagery Scanning Systems For Censusing Big Game, Peter S. Goldberg
Coyote Movement Patterns with Emphasis on Home Range Characteristics, Stephen J. Hibler
Seasonal Course of Root Respiration in Atriplex confertifolia, Richard S. Holthausen
Seed and Cone Insects Associated with Pinus monophylla Torr. and Frem., Michael James Jenkins
The Impacts of Agriculture and Pastoralism on Wildlife in the Sudan, Fraser Tong Kuotwel
Relationships of Vegetation to Environment in Canyonlands National Park, Walter Lee Loope
Aspects of the Life History of Three Catostomids Native to the Upper Colorado River Basin, Charles W. McAda
The Effect of Sagebrush Reduction Practices on Sharp-Tailed Grouse Use in Southeastern Idaho, Barry Anthony McArdle
Distribution and Habitat Characteristics of the Kit Fox (Vulpes macrotis) in Utah, John C. McGrew
Rodent Density and Species Composition in the Snake River Birds of Prey Natural Area, Idaho, Jon R. Montan Jr.
Consumption, Digestion, and Utilization by Goats of the Dry Matter and Nitrogen in Diets Containing Oak (Quercus gambelii) Foliage, Anastasios Stefanos Nastis
Social Behavior and Social Organization in an Unconfined Population of Uinta Ground Squirrels, Richard T. Paul
Biological Manipulation of Blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima Torr.) by Browsing with Goats, Frederick D. Provenza
Increased Calf Production and Returns From Improved Range and Livestock Management on a Northern Utah Ranch, Michael H. Ralphs
Resource Partitioning in the North American Gallinules in Southern Texas, William W. Reagan
Economics of Carry-Over Forage Production, Increased Grazing Season Length, and Increased Livestock Production from Rangeland Fertilization, Dean L. Roberts Jr.
Spawning Biology of Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque) in Willard Bay Reservoir, Utah, Stuart Terry Shipman
An Economic Analysis of Predation Control and Predatory Sheep Losses in Southwestern Utah, R. Garth Taylor
The Effect of Four Mine Spoil Treatments on the Seedling Water Relations of Two Plant Species, Lorraine K. Van Kekerix
Coyote-Food Base Relationships in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, John L. Weaver
Chemical Quality Variation in a Small Mountain Watershed, David C. White
Population Dynamics and Age Determination for Five Utah Deer Herds, David L. Beall
Reproduction by Adfluvial Salmonids in Spawn Creek, Cache County, Utah, David R. Bernard
Multiple Hemoglobins in Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdneri, and Cutthroat Trout, Salmo clarkii, Jeffrey Carl Braman
Food Interactions Between Utah Prairie Dogs and Cattle, Dennis Crocker-Bedford
Plant Demographic Studies of a Desert Annuals Community in Northern Utah Dominated by Nonnative Weedy Species, David R. Duba
The Utah Division of Parks and Recreation and Intergovernmental Communications, BrandE Faupell
Socioecology of the Vicuna, William L. Franklin
Forage Selection and Nutrition of Sheep And Goats Grazing in the Tunisian Pre-Sahara, Rudolfo Ricardo Griego
Role Theory Considered as an Influence on Criminal and Deviant Behavior in the Utah State Park System -- A Manager Problem, Gerald R. Grove Jr.
An Economic Analysis of Management Alternatives for Utah Cattle Ranches and Potential Effects on Beef Production, David B. Hewlett
Riparian Environmental – Vegetation Interrelationships Along the Lower Escalante River Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Utah, James R. Irvine
Demographic Analysis of a Utah-Idaho Coyote Population, Jeffrey J. Knudsen
Breeding Biology and Pesticide-PCB Contamination of Western Grebe at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Mark L. Lindvall
Nesting Ecology of the Redhead Duck on Knudson Marsh, Utah, Thomas Claud Michot
Productivity of Two Utah Deer Herds as Related to Nutrition, Clarence Leon Pack
A Hydrology Temperature Model for a Small Mountain Watershed, Charles Wilson Pettee
Aerial Photography in Estimating Waterfowl Populations in Northern Utah, Timothy H. Provan
Plant Demographic Studies of Tall Threetip Sagebrush-Grass Vegetation on the Eastern Snake River Plains, Idaho, Kenneth Harold Rea
Leaf Epidermal Transmittance of Ultraviolet Radiation and Its Implication for Plant Sensitivity to Ultraviolet-Radiation Injury, Ronald Robberecht
Utah Ski Area Use: A Descriptive Analysis, Timothy L. Silva
Photosynthesis, Dark Respiration, and Growth of Rumex patientia L. Exposed to UV-B (280-315 nm) Irradiance Corresponding to Reduced Atmospheric Ozone Concentrations, William B. Sisson
Feeding Behavior of Pen Reared Mule Deer Under Winter Range Conditions, Michael A. Smith
Population Dynamics and Harvest of Canada Geese in Utah, John Tautin