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Few apparent short-term effects of elevated soil temperature and increased frequency of summer precipitation on the abundance and taxonomic diversity of desert soil micro- and meso-fauna

Evaporative losses from soils covered by physical and different types of biological soil crusts, S. Chamizo, Y. Canton, F. Domingo, and Jayne Belnap; Hydrological Processes

Long-term impact of agricultural practices on biological soil crusts and their hydrological processes in a semiarid landscape, E. Zaady, S. Arbel, D. Barkai, and S. Sarig; Journal of Arid Environments


Ecohydrological consequences of drought- and infestation- triggered tree die-off: insights and hypotheses, Henry D. Adams, Charles H. Luce, David D. Breshears, Craig D. Allen, Markus Weiler, V. Cody Hale, Alistair M.S. Smith, and Travis E. Huxman; Ecohydrology

Climate Change and Western Public Lands: a Survey of U.S. Federal Land Managers on the Status of Adaptation Efforts, Kelli M. Archie, Lisa Dilling, Jana B. Millford, and Fred C. Pampel; Ecology and Society

Is Proactive Adaptation to Climate Change Necessary in Grazed Rangelands?, Andrew Ash, Philip Thornton, Chris Stokes, and Chuluun Togtohyn; Rangeland Ecology & Management

Biogeochemistry: Unexpected uptake, Jayne Belnap; Nature Geoscience

Introduced and Invasive Species in Novel Rangeland Ecosystems: Friends or Foes?, Jayne Belnap, John A. Ludwig, Bradford P. Wilcox, Julio L. Betancourt, W. Richard Dean, Benjamin D. Hoffmann, and Sue J. Milton; Rangeland Ecology & Management

Successional stage of biological soil crusts: an accurate indicator of ecohydrological condition, Jayne Belnap, Bradford P. Wilcox, Matthew W. Van Scoyoc, and Susan L. Phillips; Ecohydrology

Rare drought-induced mortality of juniper is enhanced by edaphic stressors and influenced by stand density, M. A. Bowker, A. Munoz, T. Martinez, and M. K. Lau; Journal of Arid Environments

Assessment of rangeland ecosystem conditions, Salt Creek watershed and Dugout Ranch, Southeastern Utah, Matthew A. Bowker, Mark E. Miller, and R. Travis Belote; U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2012-1061

Post-cultivation recovery of biological soil crusts in semi-arid native grasslands, southern Australia, A. L. Briggs and J. W. Morgan; Journal of Arid Environments

Assessment of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in selected surface water of the National Park Service Northern Colorado Plateau Network, Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming, from 1972 through 2007, Juliane B. Brown and David P. Thoma; U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5043

Runoff at contrasting scales in a semiarid ecosystem: A complex balance between biological soil crust features and rainfall characteristics, Sonia Chamizo, Yolanda Canton, Emilio Rodriguez-Caballero, Francisco Domingo, and Adrian Escudero; Journal of Hydrology

Physiological ecology of the desert moss Syntrichia caninervis after ten years exposure to elevated CO2: evidence for enhanced photosynthetic thermotolerance, Kirsten K. Coe, Jayne Belnap, Edmund E. Grote, and Jed P. Sparks; Physiologia Plantarum

Precipitation-driven carbon balance controls survivorship of desert biocrust mosses, Kirsten K. Coe, Jayne Belnap, and Jed P. Sparks; Ecology

Ecophysiology of soil crust mosses in dryland systems, Kirsten K. Coe, John P. Sparks, and Jayne Belnap; Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration: Photosynthesis of Bryophytes and Early Land Plants

Opportunities for Increasing Utility of Models for Rangeland Management, Justin D. Derner, David J. Augustine, James C. Ascough, and Lajpat R. Ahuja; Rangeland Ecology & Management

Effects of river regulation on aeolian landscapes, Colorado River, southwestern USA, Amy E. Draut; Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface

Warming reduces the growth and diversity of biological soil crusts in a semi-arid environment: implications for ecosystem structure and functioning, Cristina Escolar, Isabel Martinez, Matthew A. Bowker, and Fernando T. Maestre; Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

Observational and Synoptic Analyses of the Winter Precipitation Regime Change over Utah, Robert R. Gillies, Shih-Yu Wang, and Marty R. Booth; Journal of Climate

Biological soil crust recovery after long-term grazing exclusion in the Monte Desert (Argentina). Changes in coverage, spatial distribution, and soil nitrogen, Diana A. Gomez, Julieta N. Aranibar, Solana Tabeni, Pablo E. Villagra, Irene A. Garibotti, and Adrian Atencio; Acta Oecologica

Revolutionary Land Use Change in the 21st Century: Is (Rangeland) Science Relevant?, J. E. Herrick, J. R. Brown, B. T. Bestelmeyer, S. S. Andrews, G. Baldi, J. Davies, M. Duniway, K. M. Havstad, J. W. Karl, D. L. Karlen, D. P.C. Peters, J. N. Quinton, C. Riginos, P. L. Shaver, D. Steinaker, and S. Twomlow; Rangeland Ecology & Management

A holistic strategy for adaptive land management, Jeffery E. Herrick, Michael C. Duniway, David A. Pyke, Brandon T. Bestelmeyer, Skye A. Wills, Joel R. Brown, Jason W. Karl, and Kris M. Havstad; Journal of Soil and Water Conservation

Increased temperature and altered summer precipitation have differential effects on biological soil crusts in a dryland ecosystem, Shannon L. Johnson, Cheryl R. Kuske, Travis D. Carney, David C. Housman, La Verne Gallegos-Graves, and Jayne Belnap; Global Change Biology

Response and resilience of soil biocrust bacterial communities to chronic physical disturbance in arid shrublands, Cheryl R. Kuske, Chris M. Yeager, Shannon Johnson, Lawrence O. Ticknor, and Jayne Belnap; The ISME Journal

Shifting species interactions in terrestrial dryland ecosystems under altered water availability and climate change, Kevin E. McCluney, Jayne Belnap, Scott L. Collins, Angelica L. Gonzalez, Elizabeth M. Hagen, J. Nathaniel Holland, Burt P. Kotler, Fernando T. Maestre, Stanley D. Smith, and Blair O. Wolf; Biological Reviews

Post-fire land treatments and wind erosion - Lessons from the Milford Flat Fire, UT, USA, Mark E. Miller, Matthew A. Bowker, Richard L. Reynolds, and Harland L. Goldstein; Aeolian Research

Forecasting climate change impacts to plant community composition in the Sonoran Desert region, Seth M. Munson, Robert H. Webb, Jayne Belnap, J. Andrew Hubbard, Don E. Swann, and Sue Rutman; Global Change Biology

How Can Science Be General, Yet Specific? The Conundrum of Rangeland Science in the 21st Century, Debra P.C. Peters, Jayne Belnap, John A. Ludwig, Scott L. Collins, Jose Paruelo, M. Timm Hoffman, and Kris M. Havstad; Rangeland Ecology & Management

How To Be General, Yet Specific: The Conundrum of Rangeland Science in the 21st Century, Debra P.C. Peters, Jayne Belnap, John A. Ludwig, Scott L. Collins, Jose Paruelo, M. Timm Hoffman, and Kris M. Havstad; Rangeland Ecology & Management

Microbial colonization and controls in dryland systems, Stephen B. Pointing and Jayne Belnap; Nature Reviews Microbiology

Changes to dryland rainfall result in rapid moss mortality and altered soil fertility, Sasha C. Reed, Kirsten K. Coe, Jed P. Sparks, David C. Housman, Tamara J. Zelikova, and Jayne Belnap; Nature Climate Change

Effects of Bromus tectorum invasion on microbial carbon and nitrogen cycling in two adjacent undisturbed arid grassland communities, Sean M. Schaeffer, Susan E. Ziegler, Jayne Belnap, and R. D. Evans; Biogeochemistry

Dryland biological soil crust cyanobacteria show unexpected decreases in abundance under long-term elevated CO2, Blaire Steven, La Verne Gallegos-Graves, Chris M. Yeager, Jayne Belnap, R. David Evans, and Cheryl R. Kuske; Environmental Microbiology

Documenting measurement sensitivity and bias of field-measured parameters in water quality monitoring programs, David P. Thorna, Roy J. Irwin, and Pete E. Penoyer; Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

Understanding the role of ecohydrological feedbacks in ecosystem state change in drylands, L. Turnbull, Bradford P. Wilcox, Jayne Belnap, S. Ravi, P. D'Odorico, D. Childers, W. Gwenzi, G. Okin, J. Wainwright, K. K. Caylor, and T. Sankey; Ecohydrology

Biodiversity, water chemistry, physical characteristics, and anthropogenic disturbance gradients of sandstone springs on the Colorado Plateau, Rebecca H. Weissinger, Dustin W. Perkins, and Eric C. Dinger; Western North American Naturalist

Biodiversity, Water Chemistry, Physical Characteristics, and Anthropogenic Disturbance Gradients of Sandstone Springs on the Colorado Plateau, Rebecca H. Weissinger, Dustin W. Perkins, and Eric C. Dinger; Western North American Naturalist

Elevated CO2 did not mitigate the effect of a short-term drought on biological soil crusts, Timothy M. Wertin, Susan L. Phillips, Sasha C. Reed, and Jayne Belnap; Biology and Fertility of Soils

Warming and increased precipitation frequency on the Colorado Plateau: implications for biological soil crusts and soil processes, Tamara J. Zelikova, David C. Housman, Ed E. Grote, Deborah A. Neher, and Jayne Belnap; Plant and Soil


Biological Phosphorus Cycling in Dryland Regions, Jayne Belnap; Phosphorus in Action


Aeolian and Fluvial Processes in Dryland Regions: The Need for Integrated Studies, Jayne Belnap, Seth M. Munson, and Jason P. Field; Ecohydrology

Rain pulse response of soil CO(2) exchange by biological soil crusts and grasslands of the semiarid Colorado Plateau, United States, D. R. Bowling, E. E. Grote, and J. Belnap; Journal of Biophysical Research: Biogeosciences

When Ecosystem Services Crash: Preparing for Big, Fast, Patchy Climate Change, David D. Breshears, Laura Lopez-Hoffman, and Lisa J. Graumlich; Ambio

A site-based approach to delivering rangeland ecosystem services, Joel Brown and Neil MacLeod; The Rangeland Journal

Ranching and Multiyear Droughts in Utah: Production Impacts, Risk Perceptions, and Changes in Preparedness, D. Layne Coppock; Rangeland Ecology & Management


Climate Influences the Demography of Three Dominant Sagebrush Steppe Plants, Harmony Dalgleish, David N. Koons, Melvin Hooten, Corey Moffet, and Peter B. Adler; Ecology

Trends in indices for extremes in daily temperature and precipitation over Utah, USA, Carlos A.C. dos Santos, Christopher M.U. Neale, Tantravahi V.R. Rao, and Bernardo B. da Silva; International Journal of Climatology

Impacts of shrub encroachment on ecosystem structure and functioning: towards a global synthesis, David J. Eldridge, Matthew A. Bowker, Fernando T. Maestre, Erin Roger, James F. Reynolds, and Walter G. Whitford; Ecology Letters

Interactive effects of grazing and burning on wind- and water-driven sediment fluxes: rangeland management implications, Jason P. Field, David D. Breshears, Jeffrey J. Whicker, and Chris B. Zou; Ecological Applications

Geology for a changing world 2010-2020: Implementing the U.S. Geological Survey science strategy, Linda C.S. Gundersen, Jayne Belnap, Martin Goldhaber, Arthur Goldstein, Peter J. Haeussler, S. E. Ingebritsen, John W. Jones, Geoffrey S. Plumlee, E. Robert Thieler, Robert S. Thompson, and Judith M. Back; U.S. Geological Survey

Cattle Selection for Aspen and Meadow Vegetation: Implications for Restoration, Bobette E. Jones, David F. Lile, and Kenneth W. Tate; Rangeland Ecology & Management

DESI—Detection of Early-Season Invasives (Software-Installation Manual and User’s Guide Version 1.0), Raymond F. Kokaly; U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2010-1302

Detecting cheatgrass on the Colorado Plateau using Landsat data: A tutorial for the DESI software, Raymond F. Kokaly; U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2010-1327

Alternative states of a semiarid grassland ecosystem: implications for ecosystem services, Mark E. Miller, R. Travis Belote, Matthew A. Bowker, and Steven L. Garman; Ecosphere

Differences in macroinvertebrate community structure in streams and rivers with different hydrologic regimes in the semi-arid Colorado Plateau, Matthew P. Miller and Anne Brasher; River Systems


On the brink of change: plant responses to climate on the Colorado Plateau, Seth M. Munson, Jayne Belnap, M. Schelz, Mary Moran, and T. W. Caolin; Ecosphere


Responses of wind erosion to climate induced vegetation changes on the Colorado Plateau, S. M. Munson, J. Belnap, and G. S. Okin; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Dust: Small-Scale Processes With Global Consequences, Gregory S. Okin, Joanna E. Bullard, Richard L. Reynolds, John-Andrew C. Ballantine, Kerstin Schepanski, Martin C. Todd, Jayne Belnap, Matthew C. Baddock, Thomas E. Gill, and Mark E. Miller; Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union


Regional and Climatic Controls on Seasonal Dust Deposition in the Southwestern US, Marith Reheis and Frank Urban; Aeolian Research

A Simple Graphical Approach to Quantitative Monitoring of Rangelands, Corinna Riginos, Jeffrey E. Herrick, Siva R. Sundaresan, Cary Farley, and Jayne Belnap; Rangelands

The influence of stream channels on distributions of Larrea tridentata and Ambrosia dumosa in the Mojave Desert, CA, USA: patterns, mechanisms and effects of stream redistribution, Susanne Schwinning, D. R. Sandquist, D. M. Miller, D. R. Bedford, S. L. Phillips, and Jayne Belnap; Ecohydrology

Drought limitation of photosynthesis differs between C3 and C4 grass species in a comparative experiment, S. H. Taylor, B. S. Ripley, F. I. Woodward, and C. P. Osborne; Plant, Cell & Environment



Microclimate and Propagule Availability are Equally Important for Rehabilitation of Dryland N-Fixing Lichens, Matthew A. Bowker, J. Belnap, and D. W. Davidson; Restoration Ecology

Carbon, water, and energy fluxes in a semiarid cold desert grassland during and following multiyear drought, D. R. Bowling, S. Bethers-Marchetti, C. K. Lunch, E. E. Grote, and J. Belnap; Journal of Biophysical Research: Biogeosciences

Catastrophic Thresholds: A Synthesis of Concepts, Perspectives, and Applications, David D. Briske, Robert A. Washington-Allen, Craig R. Johnson, Jeffrey A. Lockwood, Dale R. Lockwood, Tamzen K. Stringham, and Herman H. Shugart; Ecology and Society

Impact of biological soil crusts and desert plants on soil microfaunal community composition, Brian J. Darby, Deborah A. Neher, and Jayne Belnap; Plant and Soil

Topographical Memoir of the Route Traversed by the San Juan Exploring Expedition, Charles H. Dimmock

Vegetation and substrate on aeolian landscapes in the Colorado River corridor, Cataract Canyon, Utah, Amy E. Draut and Elizabeth R. Gillette; U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2010-1273

A hydroclimatic index for examining patterns of drought in the Colorado River Basin, Andrew W. Ellis, Gregory B. Goodrich, and Gregg M. Garfin; International Journal of Climatology

The Ecology of Dust, Jason P. Field, Jayne Belnap, David D. Breshears, Jason C. Neff, Gregory S. Okin, Jeffrey J. Whicker, Thomas H. Painter, Sujith Ravi, Marith C. Reheis, and Richard L. Reynolds; Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment

Predicting regime shifts in flow of the Colorado River, Subhrendu Gangopadhyay and Gregory J. McCabe; Geophysical Research Letters

Mapping ecological sites for long-term monitoring in national parks, Steven L. Garman, Dana L. Witwicki, and Aneth Wight; The Colorado Plateau IV, Shaping Conservation through Science and Management

Carbon exchange in biological soil crust communities under differential temperatures and soil water contents: implications for global change, Edmund E. Grote, Jayne Belnap, David C. Housman, and Jed P. Sparks; Global Change Biology

Fine gravel controls hydrologic and erodibility responses to trampling disturbance for coarse-textured soils with seak cyanobacterial crusts, J. E. Herrick, J. W. Van Zee, Jayne Belnap, J. R. Johansen, and M. Remmenga; CATENA

Using ants for rangeland monitoring: Global patterns in the responses of ant communities to grazing, Benjamin D. Hoffman; Ecological Indicators

Tamarisk biocontrol in the western United States: ecological and societal implications, Kevin R. Hultine, Jayne Belnap, Charles van Riper, James R. Ehleringer, Phillip E. Dennison, Martha E. Lee, Pamela L. Nagler, Keirith A. Snyder, Shauna M. Uselman, and Jason B. West; Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment


Disturbance Facilitates Rapid Range Expansion of Aspen into Higher Elevations of the Rocky Mountains under a Warming Climate, Simon M. Landhäusser, Dominique Deshaies, and Victor J. Lieffers; Journal of Biogeography

Disturbance facilitates rapid range expansion of aspen into higher elevations of the Rocky Mountains under a warming climate, Simon M. Landhausser, Dominique Deshales, and Victor J. Lieffers; Journal of Biogeography

Contemporary geochemical composition and flux of aeolian dust to the San Juan Mountains, Colorado, United States, Corey R. Lawrence, T. H. Painter, C. C. Landry, and J. C. Neff; Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences


A Simple Method to Estimate Threshold Friction Velocity of Wind Erosion in the Field, J. Li, G. S. Okin, J. Herrick, J. Belnap, S. M. Munson, and Mark E. Miller; Geophysical Research Letters

A simple method to estimate threshold friction velocity of wind erosion in the field, Junran Li, Gregory S. Okin, Jeffrey E. Herrick, Jayne Belnap, Seth M. Munson, and Mark E. Miller; Geophysical Research Letters

Conceptual ecological models to guide integrated landscape monitoring of the Great Basin, D. M. Miller, S. P. Finn, Andrea Woodward, Alicia Torregrosa, M. E. Miller, D. R. Bedford, and A. M. Brasher; U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report

Spatial Patterns of Grass Seedling Recruitment Imply Predation and Facilitation by Harvester Ants, N. Nicolai, R. A. Feagin, and F. E. Smeins; Environmental Entomology

Complex seasonal cycle of ecohydrology in the Southwest United States, Michael Notaro, Zhengyu Liu, Robert G. Gallimore, John W. Williams, David S. Gutzler, and Scott Collins; Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences

Response of Colorado River runoff to dust radiative forcing in snow, Thomas H. Painter, Jeffrey S. Deems, Jayne Belnap, Alan F. Hamlet, Christopher C. Landry, and Bradley Udall; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Global biodiversity monitoring, Henrique M. Pereira, Jayne Belnap, Neil Brummitt, Ben Collen, Hui Ding, Mario Gonzalez-Espinosa, Richard D. Gregory, Joao Honrado, Rob H.G. Jongman, Romain Julliard, Louise McRae, Vania Proenca, Patricia Rodrigues, Michael Opige, Jon P. Rodriguez, Dirk S. Schmeller, Chris Van Swaay, and Christiana Vieira; Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment

Atmospheric mineral dust in dryland ecosystems: Application of environmental magnetism, Richard L. Reynolds, Harland L. Goldstein, and Mark E. Miller; Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems

The Influence of an Extensive Dust Event on Snow Chemistry in the Southern Rocky Mountains, C. Rhoades, K. Elder, and E. Greene; Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research

Deriving state-and-transition models from an image series of grassland pattern dynamics, Rohan J. Sadler, Martin Hazelton, Matthias M. Boer, and Pauline F. Grierson; Ecological Modelling

Identifying Thresholds for Ecosystem-Based Management, Jameal F. Samhouri, Phillip S. Levin, and Cameron H. Ainsworth; PLoS ONE


Coherence between the Great Salt Lake Level and the Pacific Quasi-Decadal Oscillation, Shih-Yu Wang, Robert R. Gillies, Jiming Jin, and Lawrence E. Hipps; Journal of Climate


Biological soil crusts exhibit a dynamic response to seasonal rain and release from grazing with implications for soil stability, A. Jimenez Aguilar, E. Huber-Sannwald, J. Belnap, D. R. Smart, and J. T. Arredondo Moreno; Journal of Arid Environments

Influence of Livestock Grazing and Climate on Pinyon Pine (Pinus edulis) Dynamics, Nichole N. Barger, Henry D. Adams, Connie Woodhouse, Jason C. Neff, and Gregory P. Asner; Rangeland Ecology & Management

Dynamics of cover, UV-protective pigments, and quantum yield in biological soil crust communities of an undisturbed Mojave Desert shrubland, Jayne Belnap, Susan L. Phillips, and Stanley D. Smith; Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants

Sediment losses and gains across a gradient of livestock grazing and plant invasion in a cool, semi-arid grassland, Colorado Plateau, USA, Jayne Belnap, Richard L. Reynolds, Marith C. Reheis, Susan L. Phillips, Frank E. Urban, and Harland L. Goldstein; Aeolian Research

Soil amendment effects on the exotic annual grass Bromus tectorum L. and facilitation of its growth by the native perennial grass Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth, Jayne Belnap and Susan K. Sherrod; Plant Ecology


Sediment Losses and Gains Across a Gradient of Livestock Grazing and Plant Invasion in A Cool, Semi-Arid Grassland, Colorado Plateau, USA, J. Belnap, Richard L. Reynolds, Marith Reheis, Susan L. Phillips, Fank E. Urban, and Harland L. Goldstein; Aeolian Research

State-and-Transition Models for Heterogeneous Landscapes: A Strategy for Development and Application, Brandon T. Bestelmeyer, Arlene J. Tugel, George L. Peacock, Daniel G. Robinett, Pat L. Shaver, Joel R. Brown, Jeffrey E. Herrick, Homer Sanches, and Kris M. Havstad; Rangeland Ecology & Management