Aspen Bibliography

Aspen Bibliography

As the most widespread tree species in North America, Quaking Aspen systems provide an array of natural resource products and uses. Often among the most biologically diverse systems in a given landscape, the condition of aspen forests affects the status of numerous floral and faunal associates. Concern over the health, sustainability, aesthetics, and economic value of aspen has spawned a large body of literature in both basic and applied research. The Aspen Bibliography, sponsored by the Western Aspen Alliance and the Quinney Natural Resources Research Library and available from the Merrill-Cazier Digital Commons portal, provides a comprehensive and searchable database of published and unpublished aspen references. Your feedback and participation in updating this database is important to us. If there are items you are aware of related to aspen ecology that are not found in this database, please contact the Aspen Bibliography administrator at with the citation or mail a hardcopy of the document to Aspen Bibliography - Quinney Library, 5260 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322. All information is provided as-is. While every effort is being made to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date, errors may occur. Also, we provide many links to external web sites. Sometimes the links provided are moved or removed creating a broken link. If you think you have discovered a broken link or an error please notify us at

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Short-Term Effects of Carbon Dioxide on Gas Exchange of Leaves of Bigtooth Aspen Populus-Grandidentata in the Field, T.W. Jurik, J.A. Weber, and D.M. Gates; Plant Physiology Rockville


Ascospore germination, mycelial growth, and microconidial anamorphs of Encoelia pruinosa in culture, J. Juzwik and T.E. Hinds; Canadian Journal of Botany


Use of Pretreated Lignocellulose for the Production of Cellulases, A.W. Kahn and K.A. Lamb; Biotechnology Letters

Long-Term Ecological Behaviour of Abandoned Uranium Mill Tailings; 2.: Growth Patterns of Indigenous Vegetation on Terrestrial and Semi-Aquatic Areas, K. Kalin; Report Eps 3/Ha/2


A canopy model (RM-CWU) for determining transpiration of subalpine forests. I. Model development, Merrill R. Kaufmann; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Effects of weather and physiographic conditions on temperature and humidity in subalpine watersheds of the Fraser Experimental Forest, Merrill R. Kaufmann; Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, Colo.


Direct effects of sulphur dioxide on trees, T. Keller; Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London

Biomass equations for seven major maritimes tree species, M.F. Ker; Information Report, Maritimes Forest Research Centre, Canada

Utilization of Steam and Explosion-Decompressed Aspen Wood by Some Anaerobes, A.W. Khan, M. Asther, and C. Giuliano; Journal of Fermentation Technology


The Lectin Reactivity and Lectin-Like Activity of Allergenic Pollen Extracts, S.J. Klemawesch and C.E. Buckley; Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology


Acid precipitation in the Colorado Front Range: an overview with time predictions for significant effects, G.W. Kling and M.C. Grant; Arctic and Alpine Research

Strength properties of birch and aspen sulphite pulps in the yield range of 77-94 percent [Populus, Betula papyrifera], Z. Koran, S.N. Lo, and J.L. Valade; Pulp Pap Can

Trees of the Great Basin : a Natural History, Ronald M. Lanner

Using ultra low-volume basal techniques to control brush on rights-of-way, R.P. Larson; Proceedings, Northeastern Weed Science Society

Flakeboard fracture surface observations and correlations with orthotropic failure criteria, T.L. Laufenberg; Journal of the Institute of Wood Science


Biomass and growth of Populus tremuloides in northeastern Alberta: Estimates using hierarchy in tree size, V.J. Lieffers and J.S. Campbell; Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Very high-yield pulps from aspen and birch, S.N. Lo, K.N. Law, Z. Koran, J.L.N. Valade, and Ricker Lawrence; Application of chemical engineering in the forest products industry.New York : American Institute of Chemical Engineers

Use of Forest Site Index for Evaluating Terrestrial Resources at Risk From Acidic Deposition, O.L. Loucks; Acid Precipitation Series Volume 5: Direct and Indirect Effects of Acidic Deposition on Vegetation, Butterworth Publishers, Boston. 1984. P 97-109, 2 Fig, 4 Tab, 28 Ref.


Population dynamics and production studies of Phryganella acropodia and Difflugiella oviformis (Testacea, Rhizopoda, Protozoa) in an aspen woodland soil, J.D. Lousier; Pedobiologia


Population dynamics and production studies of species of Euglyphidae (Testacea, Rhizopoda, Protozoa) in an aspen woodland soil, J.D. Lousier; Pedobiologia

Population dynamics and production studies of species of Nebelidae (Testacea, Rhizopoda) in an aspen woodland soil, J.D. Lousier; Acta Protozoologica


Annual population dynamics and production ecology of Testacea (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) in an aspen woodland soil [Canada], J.D. Lousier and D. Parkinson; Soil Biology and Biochemistry

Feeding and Growth of Three Lepidoptera Species as Influenced by Natural and Altered Nutrient and Allelochemical Concentration in Their Diet (Fertilization, Iron-Deficient, Tannins), Syafrida Manuwoto; DAI


High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Carboxylic Acids in Pyroligneous Fluids, H. Menard, A. Gaboury, D. Belanger, and C. Roy; Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis


Predicting soil moisture depletion beneath trembling aspen, D. Mital and E. Sucoff; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


A normal diameter distribution aspen growth model with cumulative variance estimation, H. Todd Mowrer


Accumulation of calcium crystals in the decayed wood of aspen attacked by Fomes igniarius, A.F. Muhammad and M.M. Micko; IAWA Bull New Series

Hydrogen fluoride solvolysis of aspen wood chips, W.D. Murray; Fifth canadian bioenergy r & d seminar (Cinquieme seminaire canadien r & d bioenergetiques)


Ethanol fermentation of hexose and pentose wood sugars produced by hydrogen-fluoride solvolysis of aspen chips [by Zymomonas mobilis and a mutant of Clostridium saccharolyticum], W.D. Murray and M. Asther; Biotechnology Letters

The Crystalline Monadnocks of North-Central Wisconsin USA, G.E. Musolf; Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences Arts and Letters


A method for describing equilibrium moisture content of forest fuels, R.M. Nelson, Jr.; Canadian Journal of Forest Research

New developments in fuel ethanol production by gaseous anhydrous hydrofluoric acid (HF) hydrolysis of hardwood, Populus tremuloides, C.M. Ostrovski, J. Aitken, and D. Free; Bioenergy 84 Proceedings of conference Volume III. Biomass conversion

Canertech's ethanol-from-cellulose program, C.M. Ostrovski, J. Aitken, D. Free, and H.E. Duckworth; Fifth canadian bioenergy r & d seminar


Distribution of birch (Betula spp.), willow (Salix spp.), and poplar (Populus spp.) secondary metabolites and their potential role as chemical defense against herbivores, R.T. Palo; Journal of Chemical Ecology


Biomass prediction using generalized allometric regressions for some northeast tree species, John Pastor, J.D. Aber, and J.M. Melillo; Forest Ecology and Management


Distribution and cycling of nutrients in an aspen-mixed-hardwood-spodosol ecosystem in northern Wisconsin, John Pastor and J.G. Bockheim; Ecology

Dimensional relationships for several tree species from the spruce-fir forest types of northwestern Ontario, B. Payandeh; Canadian Forestry Service Research Notes


Twenty-six years of change in a Pinus strobus, Acer saccharum forest, Lake Itasca, Minnesota, R.K. Peet; Bull. Torrey bot. Club.


Twenty-six Years of Change in a Pinus-Strobus Acer-Saccharum Forest Lake Itasca Minnesota USA, R.K. Peet; Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club


Subnivean accumulation of CO sub(2) and its effects on winter distribution of small mammals, C.E. Penny and W.O. Pruitt, Jr.; Winter ecology of small mammals


How endemic injuries affect early growth of aspen suckers, Donald A. Perala; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Estimating postfire changes in production and value of Northern Rocky Mountain-Intermountain rangelands, D.L. Peterson and P.J. Flowers; Research Paper Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service

Characteristics and management implications of ecosystems with boreal hardwood components in the Great Clay Belt, northern Ontario, Canada, G. Pierpoint, R.K. Jones, J.K. Juglum, G.M. Wickware, R. Arnup, and E.L. Stone; Forest soils and treatment impacts: Proceedings Sixth North American Forest Soils Conference

Disease of poplar caused by Ceratocystis fimbriata Ell. et Halst. I. Isolation of C. fimbriata , symptoms of the disease and evaluation of resistance of poplar clones resulting from artificial infection, K. Przybyl; Arboretum kornickie [arbor. Kornickie.]

Disease of poplar caused by the fungus Ceratocystis fimbriata Ell. et Halst. II. Morphology of the pathogen, K. Przybyl; Arboretum kornickie [arbor. Kornickie.]


Acid-buffering capacity of foliage from boreal forest species, B. Pylypec and R.E. Redmann; Canadian Journal of Botany

Physiological Genetics Studies of Populus Grandidentata, Populus Tremuloides, and Their Hybrid, Populus Xsmithii (Aspen, Michigan, Populus Xrouleauiana, Gregory Lynn Reighard; DAI

Assessment of wet oxidation of agricultural residues to form fermentation substrates, H. Robey; Fifth canadian bioenergy r & d seminar., Cinquieme seminaire canadien r & d bioenergetiques

Documentation and preliminary validation of H2OTRANS and DAYTRANS, two models for predicting transpiration and water stress in western coniferous forests, S.W. Running; Research Paper, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service


Stem wood of the hybrid-aspen family "19/51" (,Holsatia') from two sites. Uber das Holz der Hybridaspenfamilie "19/51" (,Holsatia') von zwei Versuchsorten, H. Sachsse, B. Supraptono, and G.H. Melchior; Holzforschung


Conversion of Pre Treated Ligno Cellulosic Substrates to Ethanol by Clostridium-Thermocellum in Mono Culture and Co Culture With Clostridium-Thermosaccharolyticum and Clostridium-Thermohydrosulfuricum, J.N. Saddler and M.K.H. Chan; Canadian Journal of Microbiology

Enzymatic hydrolysis of various pretreated lignocellulosic substrates and the fermentation of the liberated sugars to ethanol and butanediol, J.N. Saddler, M. Mes Hartree, E.K.C. Yu, and H.H. Brownell; Fifth Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals

Protein and Fiber Studies in Ruminant Animals (Ruminal Degradation): Soil Temperature Effects on Carbon Exchange in Taiga Species of Interior Alaska, Krishna Agung Santosa and William Thomas Lawrence, Jr.; DAI

Test methods for mechanical and biodurability evaluation of preservative treated non-veneered wood composites, E.L. Schmidt; Proceedings, American Wood Preservers' Association

Evaluation of preservative effects on mechanical properties and biodurability of aspen waferboard, E.L. Schmidt, H.J. Hall, and R.O. Gertjejansen; For Serv Gen Tech Rep SO US South For Exp Stn


Steam Explosion of Mixed Hardwood Chips Rice Hulls Corn Stalks and Sugar Cane Bagasse, T.P. Schultz, M. Templeton, C.J. Biermann, and G.D. McGinnis; Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry


Comparison of a gravimetric CO2 method for uronic anhydride with a colorimetric method, R.W. Scott, K.A. Libkie, and E.L. Springer; Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology


Tree regeneration following fire as evidence of timberline stability in the Colorado Front Range, U.S.A., D. Shankman; Arctic and Alpine Research


Whole stand volume tables for quaking aspen [Populus tremuloides] in the Rocky Mountains [Colorado, Wyoming], Wayne D. Shepperd and H.T. Mowrer; Research Note, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service


Log merchandising in aspen, P.V. Sibal, J.L. Bowyer, and D.P. Bradley; Journal of Forestry

Moisture loss in aspen logging residue, S.A. Sinclair, C.C. Hassler, and K. Bolstad; Wood and Fiber Science


Biomass equations for six major tree species of the Northwest Territories [Picea glauca, Picea mariana, Pinus banksiana, Larix laricina, Populus tremuloides, Populus balsamifera], T. Singh; Information Report, Northern Forest Research Centre, Canada: The Centre

Conversion of tree volume to biomass in the prairie provinces, T. Singh; Forest Management Note, Northern Forest Research Centre, Canada


Variation in the ovendry wood density of ten Prairie tree species, T. Singh; Forestry Chronicle

Quality responses of 29-year-old, even-aged central hardwoods after thinning, D.L. Sonderman; Research Paper, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service


Comparative studies of host specificity and symptoms exhibited by poplars infected with Marssonina brunnea, Marssonina castagnei and Marssonina populi, A.G. Spiers; European Journal of Forest Pathology

An Analysis of the Community Gradient Between an Aspen Maple Upland Forest and an Alder Cedar Swamp Forest in Northern Lower Michigan USA, E.R. Squiers; American Journal of Botany

Aspen Stump Colonization Rhizomorph Production and Sucker Infection by Armillaria-Mellea, G.R. Stanosz and R.F. Patton; Phytopathology


Green Weight Tables for Eight Tree Species in Northern Michigan, H.M. Steinhilb, R.A. Arola, and S.A. Winsauer; General Technical Report, North Central Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service

Isolation of toxins of Hypoxylon mammatum and demonstration of some toxin effects on selected clones of Populus tremuloides, B.A. Stermer, R.P. Scheffer, and J.H. Hart; Phytopathology


Destruction of riparian systems due to water development in the Mono Lake watershed, Scott Stine, David Gaines, and Peter Vorster; California riparian systems: ecology, conservation, and productive management

Tohoe, an environmental history, Douglas H. Strong


Characterization and air drying of chunkwood and chips, J.B. Sturos; Research Note, North Central Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service


Air drying of chunkwood and chips, J.B. Sturos, L.A. Coyer, and R.A. Arola; Research Note, North Central Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service


Degradation, growth, and changes in palatability of leaves colonized by six aquatic hyphomycete species, K. Suberkropp and T.L. Arsuffi; Mycologia

Bioactive Components of Quaking Aspen Populus-Tremuloides and Tulip Tree Liriodendron-Tulipifera Leaves Against Southern Armyworm Larvae Spodoptera-Eridania, P.I. Sunarjo and M.T.S. Hsia; Abstracts of Papers American Chemical Society


Plantation establishment in the boreal forest: glyphosate, hexazinone, and manual weed control, R.F. Sutton; Forestry Chronicle

Proceedings aspen symposium, USDA, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region


Tree Diameter Measurements at English and Metric Standard Heights: A Comparison, D.D. Van Hooser and D.C. Chojnacky; Research Paper, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service


Trouble in the Quakies [Populus tremuloides, clearcutting, western USA], S.M. Voynick; Am For

An aid to identifying aspen diseases frequently encountered in the Rocky Mountains, James W. Walters and Jerome S. Beatty

Influence of wetwood on pulsed-current resistances in lumber before and during kiln-drying, J.C. Ward; Wood and Fiber Science


Hydrolysis of biomass by sulphur dioxide, M. Wayman, A. Tallevi, and B. Winsborrow; Biomass

Hydrolysis of lignocellulosics by sulphur dioxide, M. Wayman, A. Tallevi, and B. Winsborrow; Fifth canadian bioenergy r & d seminar., Cinquieme seminaire canadien r & d bioenergetiques


Physiologic Response of Elk to Differences in Winter Range Quality, Bruce J. Weber; The Journal of Wildlife Management

Application of 35 mm aerial photography to evaluate post-harvest aspen regeneration, R.C. Weih, G.D. Nord, and M.P. Meyer; Research Report, Remote Sensing Laboratory, Institute of Agriculture, Forestry and Home Economics, University of Minnesota


Natural establishment of aspen from seed on a phosphate mine dump, B.D. Williams and R.S. Johnston; Journal of Range Management

Effects of habitat patchiness created by a ruffed grouse management plan on breeding bird communities, Richard H. Yahner; American midland naturalist


Variation and heritability of wood density and fibre length of trembling aspen in Alberta, Canada, A.D. Yanchuk, B.P. Dancik, and M.M. Micko; Silvae Genetica


Production of 2,3-butanediol from HF-hydrolyzed aspen wood, E.K.C. Yu, L. Deschatelets, N. Levitin, and J.N. Saddler; Biotechnology letters


The Bio Conversion of Wood Hydrolyzates to Butanol and Butanediol, E.K.C. Yu, L. Deschatelets, and J.N. Saddler; Biotechnology Letters


Effect of moving on energy reserves of western snowberry [Undesirable shrub in the aspen parkland, Alberta], B.W. Adams and A.W. Bailey; Agric For Bull Alberta Univ Fac Ext


Somatic cell differentiation and rapid clonal propagation of aspen, M.R. Ahuja; Silvae Genetica

Cattle preferences for plant communities and forages in the aspen parkland, R.L. Arthur and A.W. Bailey; Agriculture and Forestry Bulletin


Aspen Management Guidelines for the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forest, Aspen Management Task Force

Wood quality of Alberta aspen: mechanical strengths of clear, stained and decayed wood [Populus tremuloides, Fomes igniarius], L. Bach, E.I.C. Wang, and M. Micko; Agriculture and Forestry Bulletin, University of Alberta

Effect of herbicide with and without burning on aspen poplar forest [Rangeland management, Alberta], A.W. Bailey and W.D. Willms; Agric For Bull Alberta Univ Fac Ext

Characteristics of gray wolf, Canis lupus , den and rendezvous sites in southcentral Alaska, W.B. Ballard and J.R. Dau; Canadian Field Naturalist

A review of balsam fir utilization research, D.P. Barnes and S.A. Sinclair; Forest Industries, USA


Aspen succession in the Intermountain West: a deterministic model, Dale L. Bartos, Frederick R. Ward, and George S. Innis