Aspen Bibliography

Aspen Bibliography

As the most widespread tree species in North America, Quaking Aspen systems provide an array of natural resource products and uses. Often among the most biologically diverse systems in a given landscape, the condition of aspen forests affects the status of numerous floral and faunal associates. Concern over the health, sustainability, aesthetics, and economic value of aspen has spawned a large body of literature in both basic and applied research. The Aspen Bibliography, sponsored by the Western Aspen Alliance and the Quinney Natural Resources Research Library and available from the Merrill-Cazier Digital Commons portal, provides a comprehensive and searchable database of published and unpublished aspen references. Your feedback and participation in updating this database is important to us. If there are items you are aware of related to aspen ecology that are not found in this database, please contact the Aspen Bibliography administrator at with the citation or mail a hardcopy of the document to Aspen Bibliography - Quinney Library, 5260 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322. All information is provided as-is. While every effort is being made to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date, errors may occur. Also, we provide many links to external web sites. Sometimes the links provided are moved or removed creating a broken link. If you think you have discovered a broken link or an error please notify us at

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Foraging behavior of beavers (Castor canadensis ) in North Dakota, B. Pinkowski; Journal of mammalogy [j. Mammal.]

Protein enrichment of pretreated lignocellulosic materials by fungal fermentation, P. Prendergast, A. Booth, and E. Colleran; Production and feeding of single cell protein

The use of laboratory, fungus cellar and field tests in the development of wood preservatives [Polyporous tulipiferae, Populus tremuloides, aspen, Pinus sp., southern pine], A.F. Preston, P.A. McKaig, and P.J. Walcheski; Proc Annu Meet Am Wood Preserv Assoc. Stevensville, Md.: The Association


Investigation of white-rot fungi for the conversion of poplar into a potential feedstuff for ruminants, A.E. Reade and R.E. McQueen; Canadian Journal of Microbiology


A Soil Catena in the Medicine Bow Mountains Wyoming Usa With Reference to Paleo Environmental Influences, R.G. Reider; Arctic and Alpine Research


Effects of nitrogen sources on cellulose and synthetic lignin degradation by Phanerochaete chrysosporium, I.D. Reid; Applied and Environmental Microbiology


Effects of nitrogen supplements on degradation of aspen wood lignin and carbohydrate components by Phanerochaete chrysosporium, I.D. Reid; Applied and environmental microbiology


Variability and Mechanisms of Secondary Forest Succession in the Aspen Ecosystems of Northern Lower Michigan, Mark Richard Roberts; DAI


A floristic inventory of the plant communities of the San Francisco Peaks Research Natural Area, J.M. Rominger and L.A. Paulik; General Technical Report, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service


Stereospecific Synthesis of Z-13 Hexadecen-11-Yn-1-Yl Acetate the Sex Pheromone of the Processionary Moth Thaumetopoea-Pytyocampa and of 5-Zeta 7 E-5 7 Dodecadien-1-Ol a Sex Pheromone Component of the Forest Tent Caterpillar Malacosoma-Disstria, R. Rossi and A. Carpita; Tetrahedron


Utilization of enzymatically hydrolyzed wood hemicelluloses by microorganisms for production of liquid fuels, J.N. Saddler, E.K.C. Yu, M. Mes-Hartee, N. Levitin, and H.H. Brownell; Applied and environmental microbiology


Potential for economical recovery of fuel from land clearing residue in interior Alaska, G.R. Sampson and F.A. Ruppert; Research Paper, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service


Vegetative regeneration of Gambel oak and chokecherry from excised rhizomes, George A. Schier; Forest Science


Reproductive Attributes of Some Rocky Mountain Usa Subalpine Herbs in Successional Context, D.J. Schimpf and R.L. Bayn, Jr; Great Basin Naturalist


Biodeterioration and strength reductions in preservative treated aspen waferboard, E.L. Schmidt, H.J. Hall, R.O. Gertjejansen, C.G. Carll, and R.C. DeGroot; Forest Products Journal


Rocky Mountain aspen [Populus tremuloides, ecology, multiple-use management, Colorado, Utah], Wayne D. Shepperd and Orville Engelby; Silvicultural systems for the major forest types of the United States

The quality of aspen bolts delivered to two concentration yards in northern Minnesota, P.V. Sibal and J.L. Bowyer; Technical Bulletin, Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Minnesota

Moisture Transport Rate and Energy Consumption for Convective Drying of Fuelwood Chips, Toga Mulia Silitonga; DAI

A proposed method for preliminary assessment of erosion hazards in west-central Alberta, T. Singh; Information Report, Northern Forest Research Centre, Canada

Weight tables for important tree species in the Northwest Territories, T. Singh; Forest Management Note, Northern Forest Research Centre, Canada

Effect of gamma irradiation on the chemical composition of wood from various parts of aspen trees [Populus, cellulose, polysaccharides], S.V. Skvortsov, A.S. Klimentov, and L.N. Kraev; Hydrolysis Wood Chem USSR

Fire behavior measurements on prescribed burns in four aspen clones of Colorado's Front Range, Jane Kapler Smith

Economic feasibility study: integrated industrial complex for the utilization of aspen, birch and cottonwood in northeastern British Columbia, F.A. Sourial; Forest Products Abstracts. [Thesis Summary]

Forests, Wetlands and Waterfowl Populations in the Turtle Mountains of North Dakota and Manitoba, R.E. Stewart, Jr; Water Res Research Institute Completion Report , North Dakota State University, Fargo


Rooting Depths and Successional Development of Selected Boreal Forest Communities, W.L. Strong and G.H. La Roi; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Root System Morphology of Common Boreal Forest Trees in Alberta Canada, W.L. Strong and G.H. La Roi; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


American Solar Energy Policy, 1952-1982, Harvey Strum and Fred Strum; Environmental Review


Comparison of degradative ability, enzymatic activity, and palatability of aquatic hyphomycetes grown on leaf litter, K. Suberkropp, T.L. Arsuffi, and J.P. Anderson; Applied and environmental microbiology

Impact of intensive harvesting on nutrient budgets of boreal forest stands, V.R. Timmer, H.M. Savinsky, G.T. Marek, R.W. Wein, R.R. Riewe, and I.R. Methven; Resources and dynamics of the boreal zone


Temperature control over root growth and root biomass in taiga forest trees, P.R. Tryon and F.S. Chapin; Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Dynamics of wood density and the content of dry matter in it in aspen stands, V.A. Usol'tsev; Lesovedenie


Productivity and nutrient cycling in taiga forest ecosystems, Keith VanCleve, L. Oliver, R. Schlentner, L.A. Viereck, and C.T. Dyrness; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Taiga ecosystems in interior Alaska, Kieth VanCleve; C.T. Dyrness; L.A. Viereck; J. Fox; F.S. Chapin, III; and W. Oechel; BioScience


Aspen clearcutting increases snowmelt and storm flow peaks in north central Minnesota, Elon S. Verry, Jeffrey R. Lewis, and Kenneth N. Brooks; Water Resources Bulletin


Vegetation Soils and Forest Productivity in Selected Forest Types in Interior Alaska USA, L.A. Viereck, C.T. Dyrness, K. VanCleve, and M.J. Foote; Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Economic Incentives for Managing Quaking Aspen in the Mountain West and Evaluating Proposed Improvements of Public Rangelands (Utah), Fred J. Wagstaff; DAI

Gypsy moth host interactions: a concept of room and board, W.E. Wallner; In Proceedings Forest defoliator-host interactions: a comparison between gypsy moth and spruce budworms


Biomass Density and Nutrient Content of Plant Arthropods in the Taiga of Alaska USA, R.A. Werner; Canadian Journal of Forest Research

The Use of Plant Phenology and Analyses of Larval Sampling Techniques in a Control Strategy for Spring Aedes Mosquitoes, Arthur Richard Westwood; DAI

Nestholes in live and dead aspen, B.L. Winternitz and H. Cahn; US Forest Service General Technical Report RM


Xylem morphology and discoloration in bigtooth aspen (Populus grandidentata), R.A. Wittberg and R.T. Eckert; Proc Northeast For Tree Improv Conf


The Wild Horse and Burro Issue, Michael L. Wolfe; Environmental Review


The relationships between activities of indoleacetic acid oxidase, perosidase and isoenzymes in four kinds of calli [Aspen, Hemi melon, soybean and tobacco], G.F. Xu, Y.X. Niu, D.T. Tang, and J.L. Zhang; Chih Wu Hsueh Pao Acta Bot Sin

Intraclonal variation in wood density of trembling aspen in Alberta, A.D. Yanchuk, B.P. Dancik, and M.M. Micko; Wood and Fiber Science


Nitrogenase Acetylene Reduction Activity by Alnus-Incana-Ssp-Rugosa Betulaceae in the Northern Usa Hardwood Forest, P.D. Younger and L.A. Kapustka; American Journal of Botany


Production of 2,3-butanediol by Klebsiella pneumoniae grown on acid hydrolyzed wood hemicellulose, E.K.C. Yu, N. Levitin, and J.N. Saddler; Biotechnology letters


Early winter food habits of Manitoba moose as determined by three rumen analysis methods, R. Zach, V.F.J. Crichton, J.M. Stewart, and K.R. Mayoh; Canadian Journal of Zoology


Artificial regneration of trees and tall shrubs in experimentally burned upland black spruce/feather moss stands in Alaska, J.C. Zasada, R.A. Norum, R.M. VanVeldhuizen, and C.E. Teutsch; Canadian Journal of Forest Research



Soil fertility changes following clearcut and whole-tree harvesting and burning in central Michigan, P.W. Adams and J.R. Boyle; Soil Science Society of America Journal


Effects of nutrient accumulation by aspen, spruce, and pine on soil properties, David H. Alban; Soil Science Society of America Journal

Biomass of the merchantable and unmerchantable portions of the stem, I.S. Alemdag; Information Report, Petawawa National Forestry Institute, Canada


Fire behaviour in aspen slash fuels as related to the Canadian Fire Weather Index, M.E. Alexander; Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Calcium Oxalate Weddellite Crystals in Forest Litter, J.J. Arnott; Scanning Electron Microscopy

Proceedings of the second Alaska integrated pest management conference. January 21-22, 1982, Matanuska-Susitna Community College, B. Averill and W. Vandre


Early succession following clearcutting of aspen communities in Northern Utah, D.L. Bartos and W.F. Mueggler; Journal of Range Management

Effects of herbicide treatment on the internal pathological quality of surviving aspen suckers, J.T. Basham; Report, Great Lakes Forest Research Centre, Canada


Scarification of 3-year-old aspen suckers: 4- and 6-year effects on, and a preliminary forecast of, the internal pathological quality of the survivors, J.T. Basham; Information Report, Great Lakes Forest Research Centre, Canada


Response of suppressed conifer seedlings to release from an aspen-pine overstorey, A.B. Berry; Forestry Chronicle


Regression estimation of litter and one hour timelag fuel loading in aspen-northern hardwood stands, C.D. Beyerhelm and R.W. Sando; Forest Science


Development of canopy stratification during early succession in northern hardwoods, S.H. Bicknell; Forest Ecology and Management


Survey of Trace Metal Pollution in a Forest Ecosystem Southwest of the Anaconda Copper Smelter, G. Bissell


Influence of ACA and CCA waterborne preservatives on the properties of aspen waferboard, K. Boggio and R. Gertjejansen; Forest Products Journal

Insects Aspen Populus-Tremuloides and Re Vegetation, D.M. Bowers and B.Z. Richardson; American Association for the Advancement of Science Abstracts of Papers of the National Meeting


Changes in the yield of forage following the use of herbicides to control aspen poplar, G.G. Bowes; Journal of Range Management


Changes in the Yield of Forage Following the Use of Herbicides to Control Aspen Poplar Populus-Tremuloides, G.G. Bowes; Journal of Range Management

The effect of core block length on strength of faceglued blockboard, J.L. Bowyer and D. Stokke; Wood and Fiber

The distribution and status of the barred owl in Alberta, P.C. Boxall and P.H.R. Stepney; Canadian Field Naturalist


Photosynthesis and Respiration of Developing Populus-Tremuloides Internodes, A.A. Brayman and M. Schaedle; Plant Physiology

Developing Prescribed Burning Prescriptoin for Aspen in the Intermountain West, J.K. Brown and N.V. DeByle; Symposium: Fire -- Its field effects


Survey of pathogens in the large aspen tortrix, Choristoneura conflictana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), in Ontario and British Columbia with particular reference to granulosis virus, J. Burke and J. Percy; Canadian Entomologist


Application of empirical Bayes/James-Stein procedures to simultaneous estimation problems in forest inventory, T.E. Burk and A.R. Ek; Forest Science

A comparison of aqueous extracts from the B horizon of a birch and aspen forest in interior Alaska, R. Candler and K. VanCleve; Soil Science


Genic diversity of natural populations of a clone forming tree Populus tremuloides, W.M. Cheliak and B.P. Dancik; Canadian Journal of Genetics and Cytology

The Impact of Cadmium and Ozone on Foliar Symptom Development, Mineral Composition, Growth, Yield and Quality of Woody and Herbaceous Plants, Bruce Bennett Clarke; DAI

Analysis of Vegetation, Environment, and Dynamics in the Boreal Forests of the Laurentian Highlands, Quebec, Charles Van Horn Cogbill; DAi


Pocket gophers and reforestation on western forests, Glenn L. Crouch; Journal of Forestry


Biogeochemical expression of a classic dispersal train of metalliferous till near Hopetown, Ontario, R.N.W. DiLabio, A.N. Rencz, and P.A. Egginton; Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences


Volume tables and point-sampling factors for aspen [Populus tremuloides] in Colorado, Carleton B. Edminster, H. Todd Mowrer, and H. Todd Hinds; Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, Colo.


Effect of Container Size and Harvest Date on the Growth of Quaking Aspen Populus-Tremuloides Seedlings, L. A. Erhard and J. T. Fisher; HortScience


A Bayfield County Observation of Western Pewee, L. Erickson; Passenger Pigeon

Weathering characteristics of finished wood-based panel products, W.C. Feist; Journal of Coatings Technology


Understory-Overstory Vegetation Relationships: An Annotated Bibliography, Peter F. Ffolliott and Warren P. Clary

Studies on elicitation, biological and chemical properties of phytoalexins in Populus tremuloides Michx, G.H.A. Flores; Forestry Abstracts


A geometrical tree volume model based on the location of the centre of gravity of the bole, R.R. Forslund; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Air quality, oil shale, and wilderness - a workshop to identify and protect air quality related values of the Flat Tops, D.G. Fox, D.J. Murphy, and D. Haddow; General Technical Report, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service

Forest biomass and nutrient studies in central Nova Scotia, B. Freedman, P.N. Duinker, H. Barclay, R. Morash, and U. Prager; Information Report, Maritimes Forest Research Centre, Canada

Sulfur Di Oxide and Ozone Injury to Plants in South-Dakota USA, W.S. Gardner; Phytopathology

Effect of Protein Sources on Digestibility Growth and Intake of Processed Aspen Wood Rations for Lambs, H.J. Garino, J. Carreno, and E. Donefer; Journal of Animal Science

Influence of paper birch on the properties of aspen waferboard: a mill trial, R. Gertjejansen and D. Hedquist; Forest Products Journal

Glyphosate (Roundup) for forestry and brush control - summary of 1982 results, L.L. Gingerich; Proceedings, North Central Weed Control Conference


Steccherinum oreophilum: cultural characters and occurrence in North America, J. Ginns; Mycologia

Ecological and Evolutionary Studies of Forest Trees in Colorado USA, M.C. Grant, J.B. Mitton, and Y.B. Linhart; Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research University of Colorado Occasional Paper


A practical comparative study of several treatments for waterlogged wood, D.W. Grattan; Studies in Conservation


Reproductive Behavior of Female Wild Turkeys in Northern Lower Michigan, Hugh Green; Journal of Wildlife Management


Preservative treatment effects on mechanical and thickness swelling properties of aspen waferboard, H.J. Hall, R.O. Gertjejansen, E.L. Schmidt, C.G. Carll, and R.C. DeGroot; Forest Products Journal


Construction lumber from hybrid aspen plantations in the central States, R.B. Hall, G.D. Hilton, and C.A. Maynard; Journal of Forestry


Rodent occurrence, habitat disturbance, and seed fall in a larch-fir forest, Curtis H. Halvorson; Ecology

Differential effects of livestock use on habitat structure and rodent populations in Great Basin communities, Thomas A. Hanley and Jerry L. Page; California Fish and Game


Tree dynamics in seral and stable aspen stands of central Utah, Roy O. Harniss and Kimball T. Harper


An Experiment in Biomass Production: Results From Three Consecutive Harvests of Cottonwood Alder, Constance A. Harrington, Dean S. DeBell, and Robert F. Strand