Aspen Bibliography

Aspen Bibliography

As the most widespread tree species in North America, Quaking Aspen systems provide an array of natural resource products and uses. Often among the most biologically diverse systems in a given landscape, the condition of aspen forests affects the status of numerous floral and faunal associates. Concern over the health, sustainability, aesthetics, and economic value of aspen has spawned a large body of literature in both basic and applied research. The Aspen Bibliography, sponsored by the Western Aspen Alliance and the Quinney Natural Resources Research Library and available from the Merrill-Cazier Digital Commons portal, provides a comprehensive and searchable database of published and unpublished aspen references. Your feedback and participation in updating this database is important to us. If there are items you are aware of related to aspen ecology that are not found in this database, please contact the Aspen Bibliography administrator at with the citation or mail a hardcopy of the document to Aspen Bibliography - Quinney Library, 5260 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322. All information is provided as-is. While every effort is being made to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date, errors may occur. Also, we provide many links to external web sites. Sometimes the links provided are moved or removed creating a broken link. If you think you have discovered a broken link or an error please notify us at

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The Relation Between Membrane Lipid Phase Separation and Frost Tolerance of Cereals and Other Cool Climate Plant Species, G.W. Harvey, L.V. Gusta, D.C. Fork, and J.A. Berry; Plant Cell and Environment


Effects of Repeated Precommercial Thinnings in Central Hardwood Sapling Stands, D.E. Hilt and M.E. Dale; Southern Journal of Applied Forestry

Energy- and nitrogen-based estimates of elk winter-range carrying capacity, N.T. Hobbs, D.L. Baker, J.E. Ellis, D.M. Swift, and R.A. Green; Journal of Wildlife Management


Confidence Intervals on Food Preference Indices, N.T. Hobbs and D.C. Bowden; Journal of Wildlife Management


Effects of Thinning on Biomass Growth in Young Populus Tremuloides Plots, H. W. Hocker Jr.; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Effects of thinning in young Populus tremuloides plots, H.W. Hocker, Jr; Canadian Journal of Forest Research

The northern Yellowstone elk: ecology and management, D.G. Houston

Dactylosporium macropus [Fungi, description, grown on decaying wood and collected from Populus tremuloides, distribution in Alberta], S.J. Hughes; Fungi-Can. Ottawa : National Mycological Herbarium, Biosystematics Research Institute, Research Branch


Experimental aerial application of forest tent caterpillar baculovirus, W.G.H. Ives, J.A. Muldrew, and R.M. Smith; Information Report, Northern Forest Research Centre, Canada

History of the Tahoe National Forest: 1840-1940, Turrentine W. Jackson, Rand Herbert, and Stephen Wee

Proceedings of the sixteenth international particleboard symposium, WSU, Pullman, Washington, March 30-April 1, 1982, Latibari A. Jahan and T.M. Maloney

Agro-climatic modeling an appropriate technology, A.D. Jedlicka; Interciencia. Caracas

Heavy thinning accelerates growth of 77-year-old lodgepole pine, W.D. Johnstone; Forest Management Note, Northern Forest Research Centre, Canada


Strip cutting in shallow-soil upland black spruce near Nipigon, Ontario. II. Regeneration in the first study area, J.K. Juglum; Information Report, Great Lakes Forest Research Centre, Canada


Evaluation of season, temperature, and water stress effects on stomata using a leaf conductance model, Merrill R. Kaufmann; Plant Physiology


Leaf conductance as a function of photosynthetic photon flux density and absolute humidity difference from leaf to air, Merrill R. Kaufmann; Plant Physiology


Leaf conductance during the final season of a senescing aspen branch, Merrill R. Kaufmann; Plant Physiology

Primary and Secondary Environmental Factors Controlling Leaf Conductance and Transpiration, Merrill R. Kaufmann; Plant Physiology Rockville

Leaf area determinations for subalpine tree species in the central Rocky Mountains, Merrill R. Kaufmann, Carleton B. Edminster, and Charles A. Troendle; Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, Colo.

Interprovincial forest fertilization program. Results of five-year growth remeasurements, H.H. Krause, G.F. Weetman, E. Koller, and J.M. Veilleux; Information Report, Canadian Forestry Service


Yeasts From Exudates of Quercus-Rubra Ulmus-Americana Populus-Tremuloides and Pseudotsuga-Menziesii New Isolations and Elucidation of Some Factors Affecting Ecological Specificity, M.A. Lachance, B.J. Metcalf, and W.T. Sarmer; Microbial Ecology


Habitat Used by Ruffed Grouse in Northern Utah, Judith L. Landry

Tree mass equations for common species of Newfoundland, M.B. Lavigine; Information Report, Newfoundland Forest Research Centre


Wildlife habitats in managed rangelands--the Great Basin of southeastern Oregon. Mule deer, Donavin A. Leckenby, Dennis P. Sheehy, Carl H. Nellis, Richard J. Scherzinger, Ira D. Luman, Wayne Elmore, James C. Lemos, Larry Doughty, and Charles E. Trainer; Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Portland, Oreg

Vegetation and flora of the Caribou Mountatins, Alberta, P.G. Lee, R.A. Ellis, and P.L. Achuff; Canadian Field Naturalist

Redrying fire-retardant-treated structural plywood, P.W. Lee and E.L. Schaffer; Wood and Fiber


Natural variation in merchantable stem biomass and volume among clones of Populus tremuloides Michx, G.A. Lehn and K.O. Higginbotham; Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the Poplar Council of Canada, Y. Levesque, R. Doucet, G. Tombler, G. Laflamme, S. Navratil, J. Menetrier, and G. Vallee


Colonization of decomposing deciduous leaf litter by Testacea (Protozoa, Rhizopoda): species succession, abundance, and biomass, J.D. Lousier; Oecologia


Prediction of throughfall quantities under different forest stands, M.K. Mahendrappa and D.G.O. Kingston; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Characterization of Aspen Populus-Tremuloides Exploded Wood Lignin, R.H. Marchessault, S. Coulombe, H. Morikawa, and D. Robert; Canadian Journal of Chemistry

Isolation of a Potyvirus From Declining Clones of Populus, R.R. Martin, J.G. Berbee, and J.O. Omuemu; Phytopathology

Feeding Steamed Aspen as a Forage Replacement to Yearling Dairy Heifers and Steers, G.D. Marx; Journal of Dairy Science

Biology of the American aspen beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Gonioctena americana (Schaeffer)) in the Medicine Bow National Forest, Wyoming, M.L. Mason and F.A. Lawson; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society


Forest vegetation management by aerial hexazinone treatments, M. McCormack, Jr; E. Sprague; and T. Grau; Proceedings Northeastern Weed Science Society

Physical properties of some Ontario slash fuels, D.J. McRae; Canadian Forestry Service Research Notes


Distribution and Ecology of Pisolithus-Tinctorius on Bituminous Strip Mine Spoils in Western Pennsylvania USA, R.J. Medve and S.M. Gill; Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club

Computerised measurement of fibre length, M.M. Micko, A.D. Yanchuck, E.I.C. Wang, and F.W. Taylor; IAWA (International Association of Wood Anatomists Bulletin)


Wildlife--Wild Death: Kenya's Man-Animal Equation, Norman N. Miller

Ditching improves forest productivity, R.B. Misiak; Technical Papers, American Pulpwood Association

Simulated water deficits in Minnesota aspen stands 1930-1975, D. Mital, E. Sucoff, and B.A. Thielges; Proceedings Seventh North American Forest Biology Workshop 'Physiology and Genetics of Intensive Culture'. Lexington, Kentucky. 1982.

Roller chopping for site preparation in Wisconsin: a case study, E.S. Miyata, H.M. Steinhilb, R.L. Sajdak, and M. Coffman; Research Paper, North Central Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service


Trichopteran communities of streams associated with aspen and conifer forests: long-term structural change, Manuel C. Molles, Jr; Ecology


Aspen community types on the Caribou and Targhee National Forests in southeastern Idaho, Walter F. Mueggler and R.B. Campbell, Jr; Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ogden, Utah

The wilderness world of John Muir, John Muir


Nutritional Requirements and Food Habits, Jack R. Nelson and Thomas A. Leege; Elk of North America: Ecology and Management


Autumnal Photosynthesis in Short Rotation Intensively Cultured Populus Clones, N.D. Nelson, D.I. Dickmann, and K.W. Gottschalk; Photosynthetica Prague


Geology Soils and Vegetation of Blackhawk Island Wisconsin USA, John Pastor, J.D. Aber, C.A. McClaugherty, and J.M. Melillo; American Midland Naturalist


Ecotypic differences in heat resistance of aspen leaves, K.M. Peck and S.J. Wallner; Hortscience


Biomass, nutrient distribution and litterfall in Populus, Pinus and Picea stands on two different soils in Minnesota, Donald A. Perala and D.H. Alban; Plant and Soil


Rates of forest floor decomposition and nutrient turnover in aspen, pine, and spruce stands on two soils, Donald A. Perala and D.H. Alban; Research Paper, North Central Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service


Upper limits of standing crop density for woody species in the Prairie Provinces, E.B. Peterson, V.M. Levson, and R.D. Kabzems; Information Report, Northern Forest Research Centre, Canada

Breeding woodcock use of manipulated forest-field complexes in the aspen community type, D.L. Rabe and H.H. Prince; US Fish and Wildlife Service Wildlife Research Report


The Extent and Characteristics of Low Productivity Aspen Areas in Minnesota, Garhard K. Raile and Jerold T. Hahn


The Extent and Characteristics of Low Productivity Aspen Areas in Minnesota, G.K. Raile and J.T. Hahn; Resource Bulletin, North Central Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service


Water-soluble products from the degradation of aspen lignin by Phanerochaete chrysosporium, I.d. Reid, G.d. Abrams, and J.M. Pepper; Canadian Journal of Botany


Effect of an Atmosphere of Oxygen on Growth Respiration and Lignin Degradation by White Rot Fungi, I.D. Reid and K.A. Seifert; Canadian Journal of Botany


Occurrence of carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in a boreal forest damaged by fire, R.J. Richardson and N.J. Holliday; Canadian entomologist

Effect of Maturity on Composition of Young Aspen Trees, N. Rihani, R.D. Goodrich, T.R. Heeg, J.W. Rust, F.R. Ehle, and J.C. Meiske; Journal of Animal Science


Sporophyte production and sexuality of mosses in two northern Michigan habitats, J.R. Rohrer; Bryologist

Intersectional Hybridization of Populus Sections Leuce Aigeiros and Leuce Tacamahaca, W.G. Ronald; Silvae Genetica


Eye Lens Testes and Body Weight Trends in Alberta Canada Red Squirrels Tamiasciurus-Hudsonicus, D.A. Rusch, W.G. Reeder, and D.H. Rusch; Journal of Wildlife Management


Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cellulose and Various Pre Treated Wood Fractions, J.N. Saddler, H.H. Brownell, L.P. Clermont, and N. Levitin; Biotechnology and Bioengineering

Hypohatchet Injected Herbicides to Control 3 Hardwood Species in Maine USA, T.B. Saviello, J. Blanck, J. Sutton, and C. Gammon; Proceedings of the Northeastern Weed Science Society

Anatomy of the secondary xylem in aspen stems afflicted with "drooping malady", Valerie Jay Scarpa


Sucker regeneration in some deteriorating Utah aspen stands: development of independent root systems, George A. Schier; Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Effects of a formaldehyde and sulphur dioxide treatment on the decay and mechanical properties of aspen waferboard, E.L. Schmidt; International Journal of Wood Preservation


Production and nutritive value of aspen understory, Black Hills, K.E. Severson; Journal of Range Management


A CODIT View of Tree Cankers, Alex L. Shigo; Phytopathology

Economic Potential for Increasing Sawlog Supply and Value Through a Log Merchandising System, P.V. Sibal; Dissertation abstracts international part a: humanities and [diss. Abst. Int. Pt. A - hum. & Soc. Sci.]


Determining and evaluating nutrient losses following whole-tree harvesting of aspen, D.R. Silkworth and D.F. Grigal; Soil Science Society of America Journal

Biomass equations for ten major tree species in the prairie provinces, T. Singh; Information Report, Northern Forest Research Centre, Canada


Biomass Equations for Ten Major Tree Species of the Prairie, T. Singh

Weight tables for important tree species in the Prairie Provinces, T. Singh; Forest Management Note, Northern Forest Research Centre, Canada


Soil biological properties of a montane forest sere: Corroboration of Odum's postulates, J. Skujins and B. Klubek; Soil Biology and Biochemistry

Waferboard press closing strategies, D.C. Smith; Waferboard press closing strategies


On Habitat Selection of Williamsons Sapsuckers Sphyrapicus-Thyroideus and Red-Naped Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers Sphyrapicus-Varius-Nuchalis, K.G. Smith; Southwestern Naturalist


Drought-Induced Changes in Avian Community Structure Along a Montane Sere, Kimberly G. Smith; Ecology


Natural hybridization between Populus alba L. and the native aspens in southeastern Michigan, T.A. Spies and B.V. Barnes; Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Effects of veneer preheating temperature, press and assembly time on aspen LVL, P.R. Steiner and A.W. Andersen; Forest Products Journal

SEM examination of subsurface damage of wood after abrasive and knife planing, H.A. Stewart and J.B. Crist; Wood Science


Water Relations of the Aspens, Edward Sucoff; University of Minnesota Agricutural Experiment Station. St. Paul


Lignin and related compounds. (8). Lignin monomers and dimers from hydrogenolysis of aspen poplar wood using rhodium-on-charcoal catalyst, K. Sudo, D.D. Mullord, and J.M. Pepper; Canadian Journal of Chemistry


Lignin and Related Compounds 9. The Isolation of a Dimer With a Benzyl Iso Chroman Structure From the Hydrogenolysis Products of Aspen Populus-Tremuloides Lignin, K. Sudo and J.M. Pepper; Canadian Journal of Chemistry


Aspen [Populus-Tremuloides] Root Systems and Suckering in Red Pine Pinus-Resinosa Stands, John C. Tappeiner; American Midland Naturalist

Elk of North America: Ecology and management. A Wildlife Management Institute Book, Jack Ward Thomas and Dale E. Toweill


Dark opening of stomata in successional trees, P. Tobiessen; Oecologia


Growth Response of Post Fire Quaking Aspen Populus-Tremuloides to Nitrogen Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilization, Keith VanCleve and L.K. Oliver; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Waterborne nutrient flow through an upland-peatland watershed in Minnesota, Elon S. Verry and D.R. Timmons; Ecology


A comparative analysis of potential nitrification and nitrate mobility in forest ecosystems, Peter M. Vitousek, James R. Gosz, Charles C. Grier, Jerry M. Melillo, and William A. Reiners; Ecological monographs


Michigan's forest cultivation program: An example of intensive management on public lands, M.C. Vodak, V.J. Rudolph, and J.T. Olson; Journal of Forestry


Effects of partial cutting on diseases, mortality, and regeneration of Rocky Mountain aspen stands, James W. Walters, Thomas E. Hinds, David W. Johnson, and Jerome Beatty


Root Distribution and Soil Water Regimes in Nine Habitat Types of the Northern Rocky Mountains, T. Weaver


Wildlife Conservation in the Soviet Union, Michael L. Wolfe and Douglas R. Weiner


Snowshoe Hare Cover Relationships in Northern Utah, M.L. Wolfe, N.V. Debyle, C.S. Winchell, and T.R. McCabe; Journal of Wildlife Management

Wisconsin woodlands: aspen management, A.L. Wooden, C. Locey, and G. Cunningham; Publ Univ Wis Coop Ext Serv. Madison, Wis.: The Service


Understory herbage production as function of Rocky Mountain aspen stand density, Ruth F. Woods, David R. Betters, and Edwin W. Mogren; Journal of Range Management


Selective Application of Herbicides for Aspen Populus-Tremuloides Control in Lowbush Blueberries Vaccinium-Angustifolium, D.E. Yarborough and A.A. Ismail; Proceedings of the Northeastern Weed Science Society


Population Dynamics and Movements of Black Bears Ursus-Americanus in East Central Alberta Canada, B.F. Young and R.L. Ruff; Journal of Wildlife Management

Changes in aspen bark stored in outdoor piles, L.L. Zoch, Jr; J.J. Rusch; and E.L. Springer; Forest Products Journal