Aspen Bibliography
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Interspecific crossability studies in poplars, R.F. Stettler, R. Koster, and V. Steenackers; Theoretical and Applied Genetics
The deer and elk of Rocky Mountain National Park, D.R. Stevens; Rocky Mountain National Park Publication
Foods of Ruffed Grouse Bonasa-Umbellus in Ohio USA, R.J. Stol, Jr; M.W. McClain; C.M. Nixon; and D.M. Worley; Ohio Fish and Wildlife Report
Summer Forage Use by Tame Deer Odocoileus-Virginianus in Northern Michigan USA, F.A. Stormer and W.A. Bauer; Journal of Wildlife Management
Energy Values of Nine Populus Clones, Terry F. Strong
Fiber, fuel and food from whole-tree chips, J.A. Sturos and R.E. Dickson; Transactions of the ASAE
Effects of fertilization on Hypoxylon canker of trembling aspen, G.E. Teachman, D.J. Frederick, W.E. Perkis, and M.F. Jurgensen; Plant Disease
Denning Behavior of Black Bears Ursus-Americanus in Boreal Forest of Alberta Canada, William D. Tietje and Robert L. Ruff; Journal of Wildlife Management
Basidiospore germination and substrate preference in Fomes fomentarius and Fomitopsis cajanderi., I. Tsuneda and L.L. Kennedy; Mycologia
Energy from Newfoundland's forest biomass: a research and development program, R.S. Van Nostrand; Information Report, Newfoundland Forest Research Centre
Mortality factors of satin moth, Leucoma salicis (Lep.: Lymantriidae) in aspen forests in Maine, T.L. Wagner and D.E. Leonard; Entomophaga
Procedure for evaluating the effect of heartwood extractives on decay resistance, S.C. Wang, J.H. Hart, and E.A. Behr; Forest Products Journal
Wetwood in trees: A timber resource problem, J.C. Ward and W.Y. Pong; Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Portland, Oreg.
The effects of scarification on trembling aspen in northern Ontario: a preliminary report, D.H. Weingartner; Forestry Chronicle
Lumber yield potential of aspen [Populus tremuloides] in the Rocky Mountains, E.M. Wengert and D.M. Donelly; Research Paper, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service
A synthetic sex pheromone for the large aspen tortrix in Alaska, R.A. Werner and J. Weatherston; Research Note, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service
Northeastern Forest Experiment Station: Oak Site Index and Biomass Yield in Upland Oak and Cove Hardwood Timber Types in West Virginia, Harry V. Wiant and Michael S. Fountain
Summary of green weights and volumes for five tree species in Michigan [tables, equations and curves], S.A. Winsauer and H.M. Steinhilb; Research Paper, North Central Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service
Birds in aspen, B.L. Winternitz
The role of habitat patchiness in the population dynamics of snowshoe hares, Jerry O. Wolff; Ecological Monographs
Allelochemic interference by quaking aspen leaf litter on selected herbaceous species, P.D. Younger, R.G. Koch, and L.A. Kapustka; Forest Science
A Method for Estimating Foliage-Height Profiles in Broad-Leaved Forests, John D. Aber; The Journal of Ecology
Foliage-Height Profiles and Succession in Northern Hardwood Forests, John D. Aber; Ecology
Cation release from Michigan Spodosols leached with aspen leaf extracts, P.W. Adams and J.R. Boyle; Soil Science Society of America Journal
Buried seed in the forest floor of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, C.E. Ahlgren; Minnesota Forestry Research Notes
Insect wounds as infection sites for Hypoxylon mammatum on trembling aspen, Neil A. Anderson, Michael E. Ostry, and Gerald W. Anderson; Phytopathology
Hypoxylon canker of Aspen, R.L. Anderson; G.W. Anderson; and Arthur L. Schipper, Jr; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Pest Leaflet. Washington, D.C.
Effects of municipal wastewater irrigation on wildlife and wildlife habitat, R.G. Anthony, G.W. Wood, W.E. Sopper, and S.N. Kerr; Utilization of Municipal Sewage Effluent and Sludge on Forest and Disturbed Land
Brush control on sandy rangelands in central Alberta, A.W. Bailey and H.G. Anderson; Journal of Range Management
Effects of Burning on the Aspen Ecosystem, Dale L. Bartos; Wyoming shrublands. Proceedings of the eighth Wyoming shrub ecology workshop
Influence of fire on vegetation production in the aspen ecosystem in western Wyoming, Dale L. Bartos and Walter F. Mueggler; North American elk, ecology, behavior and management
Elk-Aspen Relationships on a Prescribed Burn, Joseph V. Basile
The physiological ecology of plant succession, F.A. Bazzaz; Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics
Jackson Hole elk herd: A summary after 25 years of study, A.A. Beetle; North American elk: Ecology, behavior and management
Mean and tolerance limit stresses and stress modeling for compression perpendicular to grain in hardwood and softwood species, B.A. Bendtsen and W.L. Galligan; Research Paper, Forest Products Laboratory, USDA Forest Service
Faceglued blockboard from low-grade northern hardwoods, J.L. Bowyer; Wood and Fiber
Orientated structural board: properties, applications and production technology, E. Brinkmann; Timber Trades Journal
Interacting environmental factors associated with the incidence of hypoxylon canker on trembling aspen, R.I. Bruck; Dissertation Abstracts International, B. 1
A comparison of site index curves for northern hardwood species, W.H. Carmean; Research Paper, North Central Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service
Site index comparisons among northern hardwoods in northern Wisconsin and Upper Michigan, W.H. Carmean; USDA Forest Service Research Paper NC
Temporal and spatial variations in the accumulation in trembling aspen and paper birch of certain elements originating from particulate pollution, B.I. Chevone, F.B. Russo, and S.V. Krupa; Phytopathology
Characterization of Auto Hydrolysis Aspen Populus-Tremuloides Lignins 3. Ir and Uv Studies of Extracted Auto Hydrolysis Lignin, M.G.S. Chua and M. Wayman; Canadian Journal of Chemistry
Characterization of Auto Hydrolysis Aspen Populus-Tremuloides Lignins Part 1 Composition and Molecular Weight Distribution of Extracted Auto Hydrolysis Lignin, M.G.S. Chua and M. Wayman; Canadian Journal of Chemistry
Quaternary Mammals From the Eastern Peace River District Alberta Canada, C.S. Churche and M. Wilson; Journal of Paleontology
Effect of Cadmium on Foliar Injury of Woody and Herbaceous Plants, B. Clarke, R. Harkov, and E. Brennan; Phytopathology, American Phytopathological Society: Abstracts
Elk Pellet Group Distributions and Rates of Deposition in Aspen and Lodgepole Pine Habitats, W.B. Collins and P.J. Urness; North American elk : ecology, behavior, and management
Habitat components of clear-cut areas for snowshoe hares in Michigan, Michael J. Conroy, Leslie W. Gysel, and Glenn R. Dudderar; Journal of Wildlife Management
Habitat Components of Clear Cut Areas for Snowshoe Hares Lepus-Americanus in Michigan USA, M.J. Conroy, L.W. Gysel, and G.R. Dudderar; Journal of Wildlife Management
Long-Term Changes in Cottonwoods on a Grazed and an Ungrazed Plains Bottomland in Northeastern Colorado, Glenn L. Crouch
Growth response to fertilizer in a young aspen-birch stand, M.M. Czapowskyj and L.O. Safford; Research Note, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service
Potential effects of stable versus fluctuating elk populations in the aspen ecosystem, Norbert V. DeByle; North American elk, ecology, behavior and management
Forage utilization by elk and white-tailed deer on two clearcuts in Elk County, Pennsylvania, D.A. Devlin, J.L. George, M.S. Boyce, and L.D. Hayden-Wing; North American elk: ecology, behavior and management
Methodes de Coupe et de Preparation du Terrain Pour Favoriser la Regeneration Naturelle de Quelques Tremblaies de L'Est du Quebec, Rene Doucet; The Forestry Chronicle
Aerial Stand Volume Table for Plains Cottonwood in Eastern Colorado, Carleton B. Edminster and James R. Getter
Hypoxylon resistance in aspen and aspen hybrids, Dean W. Einspahr, G.W. Wyckoff, M.L. Harder, and R.T. Guries; Proceedings, First North Central Tree Improvement Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, August 21-23, 1979
Productivity of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) as related to soil mapping units in northern Minnesota, I.E. Esu and D.F. Grigal; Soil Science Society of America Journal
Phytoalexin production by aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) in response to infection by Hypoxylon mammatum (Wahl.) Mill. and Alternaria spp, G. Flores and M. Hubbes; European Journal of Forest Pathology
Leciographa-Gallicola New-Species a Putative Parasite on Aspen Galls, A. Funk; Canadian Journal of Botany
Elevational gradients in adult sex ratios and sexual differentiation in vegetative growth rates of Populus tremuloides, M.C. Grant and J.B. Mitton; Evolution
Wildlife Habitat Investigations and Management Implications on the Bridger-Teton National Forest, G.E. Gruell, M.S. Boyce, and L.D. Hayden Wing; North American elk: ecology, behavior and management
Physical and chemical changes in forested Michigan sand soils fertilized wtih effluent and sludge, A.R. Harris, W.E. Sopper, and S.N. Kerr; Utilization of municipal sewage effluent and sludge on forest and disturbed land
Niche Relationships of Thamnophis-Radix-Haydeni and Thamnophis-Sirtalis-Parietalis in the Interlake District of Manitoba Canada, D.R. Hart; Niche Relationships of Thamnophis-Radix-Haydeni and Thamnophis-Sirtalis-Parietalis in the Interlake District of Manitoba Canada
Effects of Clear Cutting on Soil Water Depletion in an Engelmann Spruce (Picea-Engelmanni) Stand, G.E. Hart and D.A. Lomas; Water Resources Research
Fire-Decay: Interactive Roles Regulating Wood Accumulation and Soil Development in the Northern Rocky Mountains, A. E. Harvey, M. J. Larsen, and M. F. Jurgensen
Review of the Ceratocapsus lutescens group, with descriptions of seven new species from the eastern United States (Hemiptera: Miridae), T.J. Henry; Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
Palearctic Miridae in North America Records of Newly Discovered and Little Known Species Hemiptera Heteroptera, T.J. Henry and A.G. Wheelep; Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
Identification of tobacco necrosis virus in deteriorating clones of aspen, C.R. Hibben, R.F. Bozarth, and J. Reese; Forest Science
The identification of tobacco necrosis virus in deteriorating clones of aspen, C.R. Hibben, J. Reese, and R.F. Bozarth; Forest Science
Managing vegetation to increase flow in the Colorado River Basin, A.R. Hibbert; General Technical Report, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service
Effect of air flow on toxicity of pyrolysis gases from wood in USF (University of San Francisco) toxicity tests, C.J. Hilado and D.P. Brauer; Journal of Combust. Toxicol
Herbivore-woody plant relationships on a Pennsylvania clearcut, N.B. Hunter, J.L. George, D.A. Devlin, M.S. Boyce, and L.D. Hayden Wing; North American elk: ecology, behavior and management
Summer, autumn, and winter diets of elk in Saskatchewan, H.M. Hunt; Canadian Field Naturalist
Small Mammals in Aspen Clearcuts, Hugh M. Hunt; Blue Jay
Predicting the kraft pulping behaviour of decayed pulpwood, K. Hunt and J.V. Hatton; Pulp and Paper Canada
Effects of camping recreation on soil, jack pine, and understory vegetation in a northwestern Ontario park, T.D.W. James, D.W. Smith, E.E. Mckintosh, M.K. Hoffman, and P. Monti; Forest Science
Influence of Stand Factors on Survival of Early Instar Spruce Budworm Choristoneura-Fumiferana, W.P. Kemp and G.A. Simmons; Environmental Entomology
Vegetative propagation of trembling aspen with auxins, M.A.K. Khalil; Bi-monthly Research Notes
Utilization of aspen wood pellets as a partial roughage replacement for lactating dairy cows, D.S. Kipp, D.J. Schingoethe, and L.D. Kamstra; Journal of Dairy Science
Vegetation-soil relationships of forests, woodlands and grasslands of Arizona and New Mexico, J.O. Klemmedson, E.L. Smith, and C.T. Youngberg; Forest soils and land use
Vegetation response to climate and fire in the Driftless Area of Wisconsin, V.M. Kline and G. Cottam; Ecology
Aspen Populus-Tremuloides as a Feedstuff for Ruminants, K. Kraiem, J.C. Meiske, and R.D. Goodrich; Journal of Animal Science
Discoloured wood of aspen caused by increment boring, G. LaFlamme; European Journal of Forest Pathology
Metric site index curves for aspen, birch and conifers in the Lake States, P.R. Laidly
Preliminary Classification for the Coniferous Forest and Woodland Series of Arizona and New Mexico, Earle F. Layser and Gilbert H. Schubert
Soil development under asymmetrical vegetation: site specific characteristics near Calgary, Alberta, A. Limbird; International Society of Soil Science: Optimum soil utilization systems under differing climatic restraints. 11th International Congress of Soil Science, held at University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, June 19-27
Sulfur Concentrations in Plant Foliage and Related Effects, S.N. Linzon, P.J. Temple, and R.G. Pearson; Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association
A "drooping" malady of western aspen, C.H. Livingston, T.E. Hinds, C.E. Seliskar, and R.E. Klein; Plant Disease Reporter
Ultrastructural observations on teliospores of Melampsora pinitorqua Rostr, N. Longo, F. Moriondo, and B.N. Longo; Caryologia
Differential hatching times in the forest tent caterpillar (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), N. Lorimer; Great Lakes Entomologist
Prediapause hatching of the forest tent caterpillar (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae) in the laboratory, N. Lorimer and W.J. Mattson, Jr; Great Lakes Entomologist
Organic matter and chemical element dynamics in an aspen woodland soil, J.D. Lousier and D. Parkinson; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Jack pine ingress following aerial seeding, N.F. Lyon and J.S. Thomson; Forest Research Note, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ontario
Impact of Recreation on Vegetation and Soils in Rushing River Provincial Park, Ontario, E.E. Mackintosh; Report, Great Lakes Forest Research Centre, Canada
Ecosystems over time: Succession and other types of change, James A. Macmahon; Forests: Fresh perspectives from ecosystem analysis. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Biological Colloquium
Could S-D-R be the answer to the aspen over supply problem?, Robert R. Maeglin; Northern Logger and Timber Processor
Could SDR be the answer to the aspen oversupply problem?, R.R. Maeglin; Northern Logger and Timber Processor
Summer-fall food habits and forage preferences of a western Montana elk herd, C.L. Marcum, M.S. Boyce, and L.D. Hayden Wing; North American elk: ecology, behavior and management
A Recent Record of Speyeria-Idalia New-Record Nymphalidae From Manitoba Canada, J.H. Masters; Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society
Shrub nesting of the red-eyed vireo [Vireo olivaceous] in relation to structure of aspen [Populus tremuloides] forests [in northern Minnesota], W.J. Mattson, Jr; Research Note, North Central Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service