Aspen Bibliography
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Continuing investigations of the Uinta North Slope moose herd, William H. Babcock; Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
Alberta poplars - tree and log quality, G.R. Bailey and J. Dobie; Information Report, Western Forest Products Laboratory, Canada
Terrestrial vegetation of California, Michael G. Barbour and Jack Major
Final results of 15-year post study of treatment with powdered reagents, E.A. Behr; Forest Products Journal
Thermocouple psychrometer for in situ leaf water potential determinations, R.W. Brown and W.T. McDonough; Plant and Soil
Mammatoxin bioassay for genetic and environmental predisposition of aspen to cankering by Hypoxylon mammatum, R.I. Bruck and P.D. Manion; Proceedings of the American Phytopathological Society
Small mammal populations after a wildfire in northeast Minnesota, R.R. Buech, K. Siderits, R.E. Radtke, H.L. Sheldon, and D. Elsing; USDA Forest Service Research Paper, North Central Forest Experiment Station
Determination of Age and Sex of Dusky Blue Grouse, S. Dwight Bunnell, Jack A. Rensel, John F. Kimbell, and Michael L. Wolfe; Journal of Wildlife Management
Potassium and calcium cycling by Eupterotegaeus rostratus (Acari: Cryptostigmata), A. Carter and J.B. Cragg; Pedobiologia
Lichens on Populus tremuloides in Western Central Alberta Canada, J.W. Case; The Bryologist
Fertilizer induced morphological and chemical responses of a quaking aspen stand in interior Alaska, P.I. Coyne and K. Van Cleve; Forest Science
Litter fall and chemical cycling in an aspen (Populus tremuloides) woodland ecosystem in the Canadian Rockies, J.B. Cragg, A. Carter, C. Leischner, E.B. Peterson, and G.N. Sykes; Pedobiologia
Coition Nesting and Post Fledging Behavior of Williamsons Sapsucker in Colorado, A.B. Crockett and P.L. Hansley; Living Bird
Herbicides, nitrogen and control of tall larkspur under aspen trees, E.H. Cronin, J.E. Brown, and A.E. Johnson; Journal of Range Management
Local potential of remote sensing to weed survey methods and weed control, P.H. Crown; Minutes of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Canada Weed Committee (Western Section)
Biomasse D'un Peuplement de Peuplier Faux-Tremble Age Six Ans, René Doucet
Nutritive supplement method to evaluate resistance of natural or preservative-treated wood to subterranean termites, G.R. Esenther; Journal of Economic Entomology
Some characteristics of Arizona's mixed conifer forest floor, P.F. Ffolliott, F.R. Larson, and R.E. Thill; USDA Forest Service Research Note, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station
Water Yield Improvement by Vegetation Management, P.F. Ffolliott and D.B. Thorud; Water Res Bulletin
Screening aspen for resistance to Hypoxylon canker, J.R. French; Dissertation Abstracts International
Western Forest Insects, R.L. Furniss and V.M. Carolin
Vegetation and Environmental Features of Forest and Range Ecosystems, George A. Garrison, Ardell J. Bjugstad, Don A. Duncan, Mont E. Lewis, and Dixie R. Smith
Properties of particleboard from sunflower stalks and aspen planer shavings, R.O. Gertjejansen; Technical Bulletin, Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Minnesota
Biomass Estimation For Some Shrubs From Northeastern Minnesota, David F. Grigal and Lewis F. Ohmann
Litter decomposition following forest fire in northeastern Minnesota, D.F. Grigal and J.G. McColl; Journal of Applied Ecology
Forest manipulation for ruffed grouse, Gordon W. Gullion; Transactions of the 42nd North American Wildlife Conference
Maintenance of the aspen ecosystem as a primary wildlife habitat, Gordon W. Gullion; Proceedings of the XIIIth international congress of game biologists
Preliminary forest habitat types of the Uinta Mountains, Jan A. Henderson, Ronald L. Mauk, Donald L. Anderson, T.A. Davis, and T.J. Keck
Comparative reproductive ability of bigtooth and trembling aspen and their hybrid, R.M. Henry and B.V. Barnes; Canadian Journal of Botany
Potential for Augmenting Flow of the Colorado River by Vegetation Management, A.R. Hibbert; Proceedings 21st Annual Arizona Watershed Symposium, Nov. 1, 1977, Tucson, Arizona
Introduction of Black Walnut and Northern Red Oak Seedlings in an Upland Hardwood Forest in Southeastern Ohio, D.E. Hilt; USDA Forest Service Research Note, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station
Growth and decay losses in Colorado aspen, Thomas E. Hinds and E.M. Wengert; USDA Forest Service Research Paper, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station
Short-term effects of surface fire on the biomass and nutrient standing crop of Populus tremuloides in southern Ontario, T.D.W. James and D.W. Smith; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Forest Insect and Disease Management : Aspen Mortality at the Maroon Lake Campground, David W. Johnson and Thomas E. Hinds
Aspen Mortality at the Maroon Lake Campground, Aspen Ranger District, White River National Forest, David W. Johnson, Thomas E. Hinds, G.L. Downing, and F.A. Dorrell
Interim equations and tables for the yield of fully stocked spruce-poplar stands in the Mixedwood Forest Section of Alberta, W.D. Johnstone; Information Report, Northern Forest Research Centre, Canada
Summary of nutrient and biomass data from two aspen sites in western United States, Robert S. Johnston and D.L. Bartos; Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ogden, Utah; USDA Forest Service Research Note INT-227
Peroxyacetic acid bonding of wood, W.E. John and T. Nguyen; Forest Products Journal
Tree to Chips to Red Meat to Steaks, it serves as emergency livestock feed, Les Kamstra; Animal Agriculture
Evidence of genetic control of response to sulphur dioxide and ozone in Populus tremuloides, D.F. Karnosky; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
A method for differentiating heartwood and sapwood in unseasoned timber, C.T. Keith; Bi-monthly Research Notes
Aspen clones: development, variability and identification, Jerry A. Kemperman; Forest Research Information Paper, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ontario
Measurement of intra-increment tensile strength by using a zero-span technique, K.N. Law, J.J. Garceau, and Z. Koran; Wood Science
Field studies of pine, spruce and aspen periodically subjected to sulfur gas emissions, A.H. Legge, D.R. Jaques, R.G. Amundson, and R.B. Walker; Water, Air, and Soil Pollution
Avian Communities and Habitat Components in Natural and Wastewater-Irrigated Environments, S.J. Lewis; Available From the National Technical Information Service, Springfield Va 22161 as Pb-290 393, Price Codes: A07 in Paper Copy, A01 in Microfiche. Ms Thesis, November, 1977. 143 P, 8 Fig, 21 Tab, 173 Ref, Append. Owrt B-084-Pa(3), 14-34-0001-6113
New species of corticioid fungi on quaking aspen, J.P. Lindsey and R.L. Gilbertson; Mycotaxon
Jack Pine and Aspen Forest Floors in Northeastern Minnesota, Robert M. Loomis
The Presettlement Forest and Natural Disturbance Cycle of Northeastern Maine, Craig G. Lorimer; Ecology
Reducing crook in kiln-dried Northern Aspen studs, J.F.G. Mackay, E.A. Hamm, and R.O. Foschi; Forest Products Journal
Nutrient accumulation for postfire jack pine and hardwood succession patterns in New Brunswick, D.A. MacLean and W.W. Ross; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Tree Host Range and World Distribution of the Ecto Mycorrhizal Fungus Pisolithus-Tinctorius, D.H. Marx; Canadian Journal of Microbiology
Cohabitation of Female Spiders Guarding Egg Sacs, M.C. Matlack and D.T. Jennings; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
Investigation of Bark Residues for Livestock Bedding, J.N. McGovern, C.E. Zehner, and J.B. Boyle; Forest Products Journal
Aspen - the ugly duckling, D.A. Mead; Forestry Chronicle
Weights of Polia-Grandis Pupae Reared at 2 Constant Temperatures Lepidoptera Noctuidae, W.E. Miller; Great Lakes Entomologist
Vegetation Analysis of Ungulate Range Exclosures, Elk Island National Park, B.J. Milner
Population Dynamics of Oribatid Mites Acari Cryptostigmata in an Aspen Woodland Soil, M.J. Mitchell; Pedobiologia
Grindstone Flat and Big Flat exclosures: a 41-year record of changes in clearcut aspen communities, Walter F. Mueggler and D.L. Bartos; ntermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ogden, Utah
Hardboards from a mixture of Philippine hardwoods after chip storage, G.C. Myers; Report, Agency for International Development
Environmental factors affecting natural regeneration of Engelmann spruce in the central Rocky Mountains, Daniel L. Noble and Robert R. Alexander; Forest Science
Some Individual Plant Biomass Values From Northeastern Minnesota, Lewis F. Ohmann and David F. Grigal
Browse quality and the Kenai moose population, J.L. Oldemeyer, A.W. Franzmann, A.L. Brundage, P.D. Arneson, and A. Flynn; Journal of Wildlife Management
The effect of large herbivores on aspen in Rocky Mountain National Park, C.E. Olmsted, III; Dissertation Abstracts International, B
Grouping of Canadian veneer species based on plywood rolling-shear properties, L.C. Palka and W.G. Warren; Information Report, Western Forest Products Laboratory, Canada
The Effects of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilization on the Lower Stem Xylem of Quaking Aspen in Interior Alaska, Robert Henry Parkerson; DAI
Effects of Collembolan grazing on fungal colonization of leaf litter, D. Parkinson, S. Visser, and J.B. Whittaker; Ecological Bulletins Stockholm
Prairie cattle are happily munching shredded aspen, K. Park; British Columbia Lumberman
Managing aspen [Populus tremuloides] for wildlife in the southwest, David R. Patton and John R. Jones
Manager's Handbook for Aspen in the North Central States, Donald A. Perala; General Technical Report NC-36
Pilot test of four 16-feet, wood-base composite garage headers, D.H. Percival, M.O. Hunt, Q.B. Comus, and S.K. Suddarth; Forest Products Journal
Bionomics of Two Aspen Bark Beetles Trypophloeus-Populi and Procryphalus-Mucronatus Coleoptera Scolytidae, Jarold L. Petty; Great Basin Naturalist
Forest habitat types of Montana, Robert D. Pfister, Bernard L. Kovalchik, Stephen F. Arno, and Richard C. Presby; Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ogden, Utah
Earthworm populations as related to woodcock habitat usage in central Maine, J.W. Reynolds, W.B. Krohn, and G.A. Jordan; Proceedings, 6th Woodcock Symposium
Air quality as reflected by injury to metropolitan vegetation [in New Jersey], A.F. Rhoads and E. Brennan; Proceedings of the conference on metropolitan physical environment
The Enterprise, Wisconsin, radiation forest. Radioecological studies, B.J. Salmonson, T.R. Crow, R.R. Buech, J. Zavitkovski, F.H. Erbisch, P.G. Murphy, R.R. Sharitz, A.J. Murphy, T.D. Rudolph, E.O. Bauer, and J. Zavitkovski; NTIS, Springfield, Va. 22161, USA
Hypoxylon mammatum Pathotoxin Responsible for Canker Formation in Quaking Aspen, Arthur L. Schipper, Jr.; Phytopathology
Cavity nesting birds of North American forests, Virgil E. Scott, Keith E. Evans, David R. Patton, and Charles P. Stone; U.S. Department of Agriculture. Washington, D.C.
Effective heat content of green forest fuels, F. Shafizadeh, P.P.S. Chin, and W.F. DeGroot; Forest Science
A Land Capability Classification System for Beaver (Castor canadensis Kuhl), B.G. Slough and R.M.F.S. Sadleir; Canadian Journal of Zoology
Heating times for frozen veneer logs - new experimental data, H.P. Steinhagen; Forest Products Journal
Resin systems and glass reinforcements to improve dry-formed hardboards, P.E. Steinmetz; USDA Forest Service Research Paper, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison
Home Range of the Western Jumping Mouse Zapus-Princeps in the Colorado Rocky Mountains USA, N. Stinson, Jr; Great Basin Naturalist
Predicted increased water yield after clearcutting verified in west-central Alberta, R.H. Swanson and G.R. Hillman
Cultural Ecology and Ecological Dynamics of the Ceramic Period in Southwestern Manitoba Canada, E.L. Syms; Plains Anthropologist
Nutrient transport in surface runoff and interflow from an aspen-birch forest, D.R. Timmons, E.S. Verry, R.E. Burwell, and R.F. Holt; Journal of Environmental Quality
Natural Regeneration of Northern Hardwoods in the Northern Great Lakes Region, Carl H. Tubbs
Manager's handbook for northern hardwoods in the north central States, C.H. Tubbs; USDA Forest Service General Technical Report, North Central Forest Experiment Station
Precipitation nutrients in the open and under two forests in Minnesota, Elon S. Verry and D.R Timmons; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Feeding Preferences for Certain Litter Fungi by Onychiurus-Subtenuis Collembola, S. Visser and J.B. Whittaker; Oikos
A survey of soil invertebrates in two aspen forests in northern Minnesota, T.L. Wagner, W.J. Mattson, and J.A. Witter; USDA Forest Service General Technical Report NC
Nutritional evaluation of three winter browse species of snowshoe hares, Theodore W. Walski and William W. Mautz; Journal of Wildlife Management
Biomass of 50 Conifer Forests and Nutrient Exports Associated With Their Harvest, T. Weaver and F. Forcella; Great Basin Naturalist
Rose hips--A possible high-energy food for wintering mule deer?, Bruce L. Welch and Dean Andrus; Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ogden, Utah
Application of Nosema disstriae and Pleistophora schubergi (Microsporida) against the forest tent caterpillar in Ontario, 1977, G.G. Wilson and W.J. Kaupp; Report, Forest Pest Management Institute, Canada
Summer Birds of A Lodgepole-Aspen Forest In The Southern Warner Mountains, California, D.W. Winkler; Western Birds
Fallocampus: a new sawfly genus for the Nearctic species of Platycampus Schioedte (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae, H.R. Wong; Canadian Entomologist
Procedures for growing aspen and aspen hybrids from seed, Gary Wyckoff and Brent Stewart; Institute of Paper Chemistry, Appleton, Wisc.
Changes in Seed Viability During Storage for Selected Alaskan Usa Salicaceae, J.C. Zasada and R.A. Densmore; Seed Science and Technology
Ecological Impacts of Snowpack Augmentation in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado; Report No. Csu-Fnr-7052-1 Usbr 14-06-D-7052
Regeneration of Red Pine and White Pine following wildfire and logging in northeastern Minnesota, C.E. Ahlgren; Journal of Forestry