Aspen Bibliography
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Bird Communities Along a Montane Sere Community Structure and Energetics, K.G. Smith and J.A. MAcMahon; Auk
Spatial patterning and competition in an aspen-white pine successional system, E.R. Squiers and J.E. Klosterman; American Journal of Botany
Hypoxylon-Mammatum Toxins With Selective Effects on Clones of Populus-Tremuloides, B.A. Stermer, J.H. Hart, and R.P. Scheffer; Phytopathology
Ecology and Regeneration of Aspen in Relation to Managment, R.K. Tew; Range Improvement Notes
Effects of collembolan grazing on nutrient release and respiration of a leaf litter inhabiting fungus, S. Visser, J.B. Whittaker, and D. Parkinson; Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Mycorrhizal Symbiosis of Sarcodes-Sanguinea, P. Vreeland, E.F. Kleiner, and H. Vreeland; Environmental and Experimental Botany
Mule and black-tailed deer in North America. A Wildlife Management Institute book, Olof C. Wallmo
Coyote Canis-Latrans and Mule Deer Odocoileus-Hemionus Interaction Observations in Central Wyoming USA, C.R. Wenger; Journal of Wildlife Management
Advantages and Disadvantages of Insect Defoliation, R.A. Werner; Proceedings of the Alaska Science Conference
Feeding of Onychiurus subtenuis (Collembola) at snow melt in aspen litter in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, J.B. Whittaker; Oikos
Seasonal changes in water-soluble carbohydrates of Populus tremuloides leaves, H.G. Wildman and D. Parkinson; Canadian Journal of Botany
Physical and Environmental Factors of Woodland Ecosystems on the Glenharold Mine Reserve in Western North-Dakota USA, R.L. Williamson, J.L. Richardson, G. Clambey, B.J. Bermes, and W. Keammerer; Proceedings of the North Dakota Academy of Science
Alternate Population Limitation Strategies for Feral Horses, Michael L. Wolfe
Aspen [Populus tremuloides] community types on the Bridger-Teton national forest in western Wyoming [including a key with indicator species], Andrew P. Youngblood and Walter F. Mueggler; Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ogden, Utah
Acetylene reduction (N2 fixation) by Alnus rugosa (DuRoi) Sprengel and the allelochemic effects of Populus tremuloides (Michx.) in the northern hardwood forest, P.D. Younger and L.A. Kapustka; Ohio Journal of Science
Evaluation of Immature Aspen as a Ruminant Feedstuff, L.L. Zerfoss, R.D. Goodrich, and J.C. Meiske; Journal of Animal Science
Effects of fire on soil nutrients in clearcut and whole-tree harvest sites in Central Michigan, P.W. Adams and J.R. Boyle; Soil Science Society of America Journal
Composite wood crossarms, R.D. Adams and A.E. Lund; Proceedings,-American-Wood-Preservers'-Association. Seventy-sixth annual meeting1980, 76: 50-55
Unsteady-state thermal heat transfer properties of solid wood walls, D.L. Allard and H.E. Troxell; Forest Products Journal
Herbivorous mammals along a montane sere: Community structure and energetics, Douglas C. Andersen, James A. MacMahon, and Michael L. Wolfe; Journal of Mammalogy
Effects of annual burning on grassland in the aspen parkland of east-central Alberta, Howard G. Anderson and Arthur W. Bailey; Canadian Journal of Botany
Leaf and shoot blight of aspen caused by Venturia macularis in northern Minnesota, Neil A. Anderson and Ralph L. Anderson; Plant Disease
The Potential Utilization of Short Rotation Biomass Produced Trees as a Feed Source for Ruminants, S. R. Baertsche
Fire temperatures in grass, shrub and aspen forest communities of central Alberta, A.W. Bailey and M.L. Anderson; Journal of Range Management
Biomass productivity of young aspen stands in western Canada, I.E. Bella and J.P. DeFranceschi; Canadian Forestry Service Northern Forest Research Centre Information Report NOR-X
Site index curves for aspen [Populus tremuloides] in the prairie Provinces [of Canada], I.E. Bella and J.P. DeFranceschi; Forest Management Note, Northern Forest Research Centre, Canada
Calorimetric analysis of fungal degraded wood, P.R. Blankenhorn; R.C. Baldwin; W. Merrill, Jr; and S.P. Ottone; Wood Science
A Possible Difference in Habitat Requirements Between the New-England Cottontail Sylvilagus-Transitionalis and the Eastern Cottontail Sylvilagus-Floridanus, D.W. Brewer; New York Fish and Game Journal
Interacting environmental factors associated with the incidence of Hypoxylon canker on trembling aspen, R.I. Bruck and P.D. Manion; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Mammatoxin assay for genetic and environmental predisposition of aspen to cankering by Hypoxylon mammatum, R.I. Bruck and P.D. Manion; Plant Disease
Foliar Uptake of Airborne Poly Chlorinated Bi Phenyls, E. Buckley and E. Horn; Plant Physiology Rockville
Propagation of Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) from Root Cuttings, Karen Elizabeth Burr
Habitat Use by 4 Sympatric Ungulates in Boreal Mixed Wood Forest, A.L. Cairns and E.S. Telfer; Journal of Wildlife Management
Agonum retractum (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in an aspen woodland in the Canadian Rockies: population biology and chemical cycling, A. Carter; Pedobiologia
Genetic variation in natural populations of Populus tremuloides, W.M. Cheliak; Genetics
Evidence for a cadmium and ozone interaction on Populus tremuloides, B.B. Clarke and E. Brennan; Journal of Arboriculture
Interaction of Cadmium and Ozone on a Woody and Herbaceous Species, B. Clarke, R. Harkov, and E. Brennan; Phytopathology, American Phytopathological Society
Feeding Behavior and Habitat Selection of Deer and Elk on Northern Utah Summer Range, William Brian Collins; DAI
Gel chromatography and association complexes of lignin, W.J. Connors, S. Sarkanen, and J.L. McCarthy; Holzforschung
Foliar nutrient status of young red spruce and balsam fir in a fertilized stand, M.M. Czapowkyj, L.O. Safford, and R.D. Briggs; Research Paper, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service
Individual ants specialize on particular aphid herds (Hymenoptera: Formicidae; Homoptera: Aphididae), B.C. Ebbers and E.M. Barrows; Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
Light effects on root formation in aspen [Populus tremula X P. tremuloides] and willow [Salix caprea X S. viminalis] cuttings, Lennart Eliasson and L. Brunes; Physiologia Plantarum
Molecular weights and molecular weight distributions of milled wood lignins of some wood and Bambusoideae species, O. Faix, W. Lang, and O. Beinhoff; Holzforschung
An evaluation of steam-treated aspen as a substitute for corn silage in the rations of lactating cows, L.J. Fisher; Canadian Journal of Animal Science
Processed Aspen as Roughage for Lactating Cows, L.J. Fisher; Canadian Journal of Animal Science
The Nature and Role of Phyto Alexin Produced by Aspen Populus-Tremuloides, G. Flores and M. Hubbes; European Journal of Forest Pathology
Forest regeneration of upland areas following logging in interia Alaska, J.D. Fox; Agroborealis
Effects of smelter pollutants on forest leaf litter decomposition near a nickel-copper smelter at Sudbury, Ontario, B. Freedman and T.C. Hutchinson; Canadian Journal of Botany
Logging hardwoods to reduce damage to white spruce understory, K. Froning; Information Report, Northern Forest Research Centre, Canada
Summer Ranges Cover Type Use and Denning of Black Bears Ursus-Americanus Near Fort-Mcmurray Alberta Canada, T.K. Fuller and L.B. Keith; Canadian Field Naturalist
"Buboes canker" of aspen in British Columbia, A. Funk; Bi-monthly Research Notes
The Nutritive Value of Processed Aspen Wood for Growing Lambs, H.J. Garino, E. Donefer, and J. Carreno; Canadian Journal of Animal Science
Biomass distribution and production budget for a nonaggrading forest ecosystem, J.R. Gosz; Ecology
Clonal Microspecies of Hybrid Origin in the Opuntia-Lindheimeri Group, V. Grant and K.A. Grant; Botanical Gazette
Fire's influence on wildlife habitat on the Bridger-Teton National Forest, Wyoming. Vol. II--Changes and causes, management implications, George E. Gruell; Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ogden, Utah
Preliminary results - brush control in conifer plantations with hexazinone pellets, C.B. Harris and T.A. Weidenfeller; Proceedings North Central Weed Control Conference, 1979
Forest vegetation of the Routt National Forest in northwestern Colorado: a habitat type classification, George R. Hoffman and Robert R. Alexander; Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, Colo.
Application of nuclear polyhedrosis virus to control Bruce spanworm (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), W.G.H. Ives and J.C. Cunningham; Canadian Entomologist
Above-ground component weights in Alberta Populus stands, W.D. Johnstone and E.B. Peterson
Tree biomass equations for ten major species in Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, M.F. Ker; Information Report, Maritimes Forest Research Centre, Canada
Biomass and net annual primary production regressions for Populus grandidentata on three sites in northern lower Michigan, G.J. Koerper and C.J. Richardson; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Serological tests for identifying species of Melampsora on aspen, T. Kurkela and K. Von Weissenberg; Proceedings of the meeting of the IUFRO working party S2.05, resistance in pines to Melampsora pinitorqua, June 1979, Suonenjoki, Finland
Ecology and Management of Ruffed Grouse, Judith L. Landry
The Role of Ciliated Protozoa and Bacteria in Stream Benthic Organic Matter Decomposition, Thomas William La Point; DAI
Dispersal of the pre-overwintering adult stage of the American aspen beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae; Gonioctena americana (Schaeffer)) using Hg-203, M.L. Mason and F.A. Lawson; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
Laboratory rearing of the American aspen beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Gonioctena americana (Schaeffer)), M.L. Mason and F.A. Lawson; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
Muskrat Population Dynamics and Vegetation Utilization: A Management Plan, Thomas R. McCabe and Michael L. Wolfe
Seasonal nutrient variation in trembling aspen, J.G. McColl; Plant and Soil
Aspen [Populus spp.], J.A. McIntosh; Canada, Forintek Canada Corp., Western Forest Products Laboratory: Forest utilization symposium proceedings, Winnipeg, Manitoba, September 28-30, 1977. Special-Publication,-Western-Forest-Products-Laboratory,-Forintek-Canada-Corp
Effect of Dietary Fiber on Growth Rate and Intestinal Measurements, R.I. McKay and W. Guenter; Poultry Science
Observations on the ecology and evolution of quaking aspen, Populus tremuloides, in the Colorado Front Range, Jeffry B. Mitton and Michael C. Grant; American Journal of Botany
Observations on the Ecology and Evolution of Quaking Aspen, Populus tremuloides, in the Colorado Front Range, Jeffry B. Mitton and Michael C. Grant; American Journal of Botany
Identification of Elipsocus species of western North America with descriptions of two new species (Psocoptera: Elipsocidae), E.L. Mockford; Pan Pacific Entomologist
Bison Movement Patterns on the Canadian Plains an Ecological Analysis, R.G. Morgan; Plains Anthropologist
Instar head widths, individual biomass, and development rate of forest tent caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), at two densities in the laboratory, J.M. Muggli and W.E. Miller; Great Lakes Entomologist
Seed hairs and seed germination in Populus, J.F. Myers and G.H. Fechner; Tree Planters' Notes
Secondary or minor products challenges, R.W. Nielson; Secondary or minor products challenges
A provisional assessment of triclopyr herbicide for use in Lake States' forestry, Donald A. Perala; Research Paper, North Central Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service
Flowering phenology of Populus tremuloides and P. grandidentata and the potential for hybridization, K.S. Pregitzer and B.V. Barnes; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Evaluation of Double Sampling Estimators of Subalpine Herbage Production, G.A. Reese, R.L. Bayn, and N.E. West; Journal of Range Management
Lignin Degradation by Phanerochaete-Chrysosporium in Hyperbaric Oxygen, I.D. Reid and K.A. Seifert; Canadian Journal of Microbiology
In vitro culture of the ambrosia beetle Xyleborus affinis (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), R.A. Roeper, L.M. Treeful, R.A. Foote, and M.A. Bunce; Great Lakes Entomologist
Moose Population Dynamics and Winter Habitat Use at Rochester Alberta Canada 1965-1979, R.E. Rolley and L.B. Keith; Canadian Field Naturalist
Development of a model for simulation of forest regulation techniques, D.W. Rose and R.E. Burk; Technical Bulletin, Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Minnesota
Woody fuel particle size and specific gravity of southwestern tree species, S.S. Sackett; Research Note, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service
Better regeneration through full-tree logging, N.J. Saltarelli; Pulp and Paper Canada
Clonal variation in gross heat of combustion of juvenile Populus hybrids, C.B.R. Sastry and H.W. Anderson; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Forestry Use of the Hexazinone for Hardwood Sprout Control, T.B. Saviellol and M.L. McCormack; Proceedings of the Northeastern Weed Science Society
The Forest Vegetation at Higher Altitudes in the Chiricahua Mountains Arizona USA, D.A. Sawyer and T.B. Kinraide; American Midland Naturalist
Rooting stem cuttings from aspen seedlings, George A. Schier
Variation among healthy and deteriorating aspen clones, George A. Schier and R.B. Campbell; Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ogden, Utah
Management of western forests and grasslands for nongame birds, Virgil E. Scott, Jill A. Whelan, and Peggy L. Svoboda
Interspecific Crossability Studies in Poplars, R.F. Settler, R. Koster, and V. Steenackers; Theoretical and applied genetics [theor. Appl. Genet.]
Comparative nutritional value of corn silage and steamed aspen in the diet of wintering calves and finishing beef steers, H.R. Sharma, W. Guenter, T.J. Devlin, J.R. Ingalls, and M. McDaniel; Canadian Journal of Animal Science
Detrital processing and associated macroinvertebrates in a Colorado mountain stream, Robert A. Short, Steven P. Canton, and James V. Ward; Ecology
Nongame birds of the Rocky Mountain spruce-fir forests and their management, Kimberly G. Smith; Management of western forests and grasslands for nongame birds
Injury to aspen (Populus tremuloides) exposed to airborne salt from potash mines in Saskatchewan, L.J. Townley Smith and R.E. Redmann; Canadian Journal of Botany
Size Class and Age Class Structure in an Aspen White Pine Successional System, E.R. Squiers; Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science
Competition and spatial patterning in an aspen [Populus] - white pine [Pinus strobus] successional system [in Michigan], E.R. Squiers and J.E. Klosterman; Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science
Performance of pallet joints and pallets assembled with nails and staples, E.G. Stern; Bulletin, Pallet and Container Laboratory, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University