Aspen Bibliography

Aspen Bibliography

As the most widespread tree species in North America, Quaking Aspen systems provide an array of natural resource products and uses. Often among the most biologically diverse systems in a given landscape, the condition of aspen forests affects the status of numerous floral and faunal associates. Concern over the health, sustainability, aesthetics, and economic value of aspen has spawned a large body of literature in both basic and applied research. The Aspen Bibliography, sponsored by the Western Aspen Alliance and the Quinney Natural Resources Research Library and available from the Merrill-Cazier Digital Commons portal, provides a comprehensive and searchable database of published and unpublished aspen references. Your feedback and participation in updating this database is important to us. If there are items you are aware of related to aspen ecology that are not found in this database, please contact the Aspen Bibliography administrator at with the citation or mail a hardcopy of the document to Aspen Bibliography - Quinney Library, 5260 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322. All information is provided as-is. While every effort is being made to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date, errors may occur. Also, we provide many links to external web sites. Sometimes the links provided are moved or removed creating a broken link. If you think you have discovered a broken link or an error please notify us at

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Screening trials of chemicals suitable for conifer site preparation and release in Michigan's upper peninsula, W.S. Adams; Screening trials of chemicals suitable for conifer site preparation and release in Michigan's upper peninsula


Seventeen-year changes in climatic elements following prescribed burning, C.E. Ahlgren; Forest Science


Some effects of different forest litters on seed germination and growth, C.E. Ahlgren and I.F. Ahlgren; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Aboveground-mass equations for six hardwood species from natural stands of the research forest at Petawawa, I.S. Alemdag; Information Report, Petawawa National Forestry Institute, Canada


Single-tree equations for estimating biomass of trembling aspen, large tooth aspen and white birch in Ontario, I.S. Alemdag and K.W. Horton; Forestry Chronicle


Population dynamics and bio energetics of a fossorial herbivore Thomomys-talpoides (Rodentia Geomyidae) in a spruce fir sere, Douglas C. Andersen and James A. Macmahon; Ecological Monographs


Factors related to the incidence of Hypoxylon cankers in aspen and survival of cankered trees, G.W. Anderson and M.P. Martin; Forest Science


Quantity, decomposition, and nutrient dynamics of aspen litterfall in Utah, D.L. Bartos and N.V. DeByle; Forest Science


Early succession in aspen communities following fire in western Wyoming, D.L. Bartos and W.F. Mueggler; Journal of Range Management


Metric Form-Class Volume Tables, A.B. Berry; Information Report, Petawawa National Forestry Institute, Canada


Uneven-aged stand structure and growth of Rocky Mountain aspen, D.R. Betters and R.F. Wood; Journal of Forestry


Improving Aspen Poplar Populus-Tremuloides and Prickly Rose Rosa-Acicularis Covered Rangeland With Herbicides and Fertilizer, G. Bowes; Canadian Journal of Plant Science


Control of Aspen Populus-Tremuloides Re Growth in Western Canada When There Is an Understory of Established Alfalfa Medicago-Sativa, G.G. Bowes; Journal of Range Management


Control of aspen regrowth in western Canada when there is an understory of established alfalfa, G.G. Bowes; Journal of Range Management


Phytochemical Deterrence of Snowshoe Hare Lepus-Americanus Browsing by Adventitious Shoots of 4 Alaskan Trees, J.P. Bryant; Science

Partitioning of Cellulase and Phospho Mono Esterase Activities in Aspen and Birch Forest Soils, R. Candler, A.E. Linkins, and K. VanCleve; Proceedings of the Alaska Science Conference


Understory Canopy Affinities in Boreal Forest Vegetation, T.J. Carleton and P.F. Maycock; Canadian Journal of Botany


Effect of physical and physicochemical pretreatments of wood for SCP production with Chaetomium cellulolyticum, D.S. Chahal, M. Moo Young, and D. Vlach; Biotechnology and Bioengineering

Natural Selection and Geographical Variation of Enzyme Polymorphisms in Populus-Tremuloides, W.M. Cheliak and K. Morgan; Genetics


Habitat Preferences of Mule Deer Odocoileus-Hemionus as Rated by Pellet Group Distributions, W.B. Collins and P.J. Urness; Journal of Wildlife Management


Regeneration on aspen clearcuts in northwestern Colorado, G.L. Crouch


Symposium Proceedings - Situation Management of Two Intermountain Species: Aspen and Coyotes, Part I Aspen Aspen, Norbert V. DeByle


Songbird populations and clearcut harvesting of aspen in northern Utah, Norbert V. DeByle; Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ogden, Utah


Studies on products resulting from conversion of aspen poplar to an oil, R.L. Eager, J.F. Mathews, J.M. Pepper, and H. Zohdi; Canadian Journal of Chemistry


Effects of Storage Temperature and Moisture Stress on Seed Germination and Early Seedling Development of Trembling Aspen Populus-Tremuloides, G.H. Fechner, K.E. Burr, and J.F. Myers; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Distribution in Manitoba of Mustela frenata longicauda Bonaparte, the Long-Tailed Weasel, and the Interrelation of Distribution and Habitat Selection in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta, R.L. Gamble; Canadian Journal of Zoology

The Nutritive Value of Processed Aspen Wood for Growing Lambs, H.J. Garino, J. Carreno, and E. Donefer; Journal of Animal Science

Habitat selection by wapiti in a boreal forest enclosure, C.C. Gates and R.J. Hudson; Naturaliste Canadien


Evaluation of several alternatives to basal applications of 2,4,5-T, J.W. Goodfellow and R.H. Mider; Journal of Arboriculture

Diseases of aspen suckers in northern Ontario, H.L. Gross and J.T. Basham; Report, Great Lakes Forest Research Centre, Canada

Damage to aspen regeneration in northern Ontario by the ghost moth Sthenopis quadriguttatus Grote, H.L. Gross and P.D. Syme; Canadian Forestry Service Research Notes

Small mammal populations, Curtis H. Halvorson; Clearcutting and fire in larch/Douglas-fir forests of western Montana--A multifaceted research summary

The influence of different species of leaf litter on the growth and food preference of the Prosobranch mollusc Potamopyrgus jenkinsi (E.A. Smith), R.D.G. Hanlon; Archiv fur hydrobiologie. Stuttgart [arch. Hydrobiol.]


Ecological succession in aspen and its consequences on multiple use values, Roy O. Harniss; Symposium Proceedings: Situation Management of Two Intermountain Species: Aspen and Coyotes - Volume 1: Aspen

Interrelationships among precipitation, vegetation and streamflow in the Uinta Mountains, Utah, K.T. Harper, R.A. Woodward, and K.B. Knight; Potential ecological impacts of snowpack augmentation in the Uinta Mountains, Utah

Forest floor characteristics of Marmot and Streeter experimental watersheds, Alberta, G.R. Hillman and D.L. Golding; Information Report, Northern Forest Research Centre, Canada


Cryptosphaeria Canker and Libertella Decay of Aspen, Thomas E. Hinds; Phytopathology


Composition and quality of elk winter diets in Colorado, N. Thompson Hobbs, Dan L. Baker, James E. Ellis, and David M. Swift; Composition and quality of elk winter diets in Colorado


The response of aspen (Populus tremuloides) to artificial defoliation, A.C. Hodson; Great Lakes Entomologist


16000 Year Pollen Record From Lake Wabamun Alberta Canada, R.G. Holloway; V.M. Bryant, Jr.; and S. Valastro; Palynology


Collecting ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) with an increment borer, E.H. Holsten and R.L. Wolfe; Canadian Entomologist


Minnesota's aspen resource, P.J. Jake; Research Note, North Central Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service


Minnesota's Aspen Resource, Pamela J. Jakes


Aspen Resource of Minnesota USA, P.J. Jakes; US Forest Service Research Note

Canadian waferboard properties 1979, A.P. Jessome; Technical Report, Eastern Laboratory, Forintek Canada Corp


Feasibility of Developing Regional Weight Tables, Matthew W. Jocobs and Douglas B. Monteith; Journal of Forestry


Macro Fungi on Uranium Mill Tailings Associations and Metal Content, M. Kalin and P.M. Stokes; Science of the Total Environment

The relationship of leaf area and foliage biomass to sapwood conducting area in four subalpine forest tree species, Merrill R. Kaufmann and C.A. Troendle; Forest Science


Winter uptake of airborne SO2 by shoots of deciduous species, T. Keller; A Environmental Pollution


Stomatal conductance and sulfur uptake of five clones of Populus tremuloides exposed to sulfur dioxide, T.W. Kimmerer and T.T. Kozlowski; Plant Physiology


Tree Dimensions Maximizing the Rate of Height Growth in Dense Stands, D. King; Oecologia Berlin


Skippers and butterflies of a disjunct aspen parkland area of Alberta, N.G. Kondla; Blue Jay

Ruffed Grouse Bonasa-Umbellus Density and Habitat Relationships in Wisconsin USA, J.F. Kubisiak, J.C. Moulton, and K.R. McCaffery; Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Technical Bulletin


Characterization of a Lignin-Specific O-Methyltransferase in Aspen Wood, H. Kurado, M. Shimade, and T. Higuchi; Phytochemistry

Biomass equations for six tree species in central Newfoundland, M.B. Lavigne and R.S. Van Nostrand; Information Report, Newfoundland Forest Research Centre, Canada


Estimating northern red oak crown component weights in the northeastern United States, R.M. Loomis and R.W. Blank; Research Paper, North Central Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service


Disruption of hardwood nutrition by sulfur dioxide, nickel and copper air pollution near Sudbury, Canada, F.C. Lozano and I.K. Morrison; Journal of Environmental Quality


Definition and Distribution of the Boreal Mixedwood Forest in Ontario, K.M. McClain; Boreal mixedwood symposium. Symposium-Proceedings

Chemical weed control in northeastern forests, M.L. McCormack, Jr; Proceedings of the 1981 John S. Wright Forestry Conference

Glyphosate and Triclopyr Mixtures to Control Forest Brush, M.L. McCormack, Jr and T.B. Saviello; Proceedings of the Northeastern Weed Science Society


Liquefaction of biomass as a source of fuels or chemicals, I.J. Miller and S.K. Fellows; Nature, UK


Plot, stand, and cover-type aggregation effects on projections with an individual tree based stand growth model, M. Moeur and A.R. Ek; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Trees Round-Table Summary, R.L. Mott and R.H. Zimmerman; Environmental and Experimental Botany

Hypogeous Fungi and Small Mammal Mycophagy in Alaskan USA Taiga, R.A. Mowrey, G.A. Laursen, and T.A. Moore; Proceedings of the Alaska Science Conference

Seasonal and Daily Use of Plant Communities by Sharp-Tailed Grouse Pedioecetes-Phasianellus in the Parklands of Alberta Canada, D.L.J. Moyles; Canadian Field Naturalist


Database management: a forest inventory application, D.L. Murphy; General Technical Report, North Central Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service


Caloric values of eight New Hampshire forest tree species, K. Musselman and H.W. Hocker, Jr; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Estimating plant biomass for undergrowth species of northeastern Minnesota forest communities, L.F. Ohmann, D.F. Grigal, and L.L. Rogers

Notes on soil fungi isolated from a 15-year-old aspen stand in interior Alaska, L.K. Oliver and K. Van Cleve; Mycotaxon


Present utilization of species in the boreal mixedwood forests in Ontario: industrial perspective, M.A. Opper; Boreal mixedwood symposium. Symposium Proceedings, Great Lakes Forest Research Centre, Canada


Biomass and production of an aspen-mixed hardwood-spodosol ecosystem in northern Wisconsin, John Pastor and J.G. Bockheim; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Accuracy of aerial censusing for beaver Castor-canadensis colonies in Newfoundland Canada, N.F. Payne; Journal of Wildlife Management


Forest Vegetation of the Colorado Front Range Usa Composition and Dynamics, R.K. Peet; Vegetatio


Clone Expansion and Competition Between Quaking and Bigtooth Aspen Suckers After Clearcutting, Donald A. Perala; Research Paper, North Central Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service

Effect of Nitrogen From Brewers Yeast on Cellulose Digestion in-Vitro, L.E. Phillip and E.R. Chavez; Canadian Journal of Animal Science


Aspen Management for Fuelwood, Walter W. Pierson; Symposium Proceedings: Situation Management of Two Intermountain Species: Aspen and Coyotes - Volume 1: Aspen


High density of avian cavity-nesters in aspen, B. Pinkowski; Southwestern Naturalist

Habitat and Energetic Relationships of American Woodcock in Michigan: Studies on Elicitation, Biological and Chemical Properties of Phytoalexins in Populus Tremuloides Michx, Dale Leslie Rabe and Gil Henrique Andre Flores; DAI: DAI


Tree Biomass Estimates For Minnesota's Aspen-Birch Forest Survey Unit, Gerhard K. Raile and Pamela J. Jakes


Tree biomass estimates for Minnesota's aspen-birch forest survey unit, G.K. Raile and P.J. Jakes; Research Note, North Central Forest Experiment Station, USDA forest Service

Effect of aspen and birch litter on the germination rate of spruce seed [Populus, Betula, Picea, moisture content of litter plus surface humus], Kh. K. Rebane; Lesovedenie


Climatic Modeling of Winter Rangelands in Utah, E. Arlo Richardson and S.G. Leonard

An aspect transformation with regard to elevation for site productivity models, J.P. Roise and D.R. Betters; Forest Science


An Approach to Functionalizing Key Environmental Factors Forage Production in Rocky Mountain Aspen Populus-Tremuloides Stands, J.P. Roise, D.R. Betters, and B.M. Kent; Ecological Modelling


First Approximation of Habitat Selectivity of Ungulates on Extensive Winter Ranges, R.C. Rounds; Journal of Wildlife Management


An Examination of the Leaf Quaking Adaptation and Stomatal Distribution in Populus-Tremuloides, J.W. Rushin and J.E. Anderson; Plant Physiology Rockville


Stratigraphic and Economic Significance of the Mississippian Sequence at North Georgetown Canyon Idaho USA, W.J. Sando, C.A. Sandberg, and R.C. Gutschick; AAPG American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin


Aspen regeneration, George A. Schier; Symposium Proceedings: Situation Management of Two Intermountain Species: Aspen and Coyotes - Volume 1: Aspen


Physiological Research on Adventitious Shoot Development in Aspen, George A. Schier


Aspen pellets as partial roughage replacement for lactating dairy cows, D.J. Schingoethe, D.S. Kipp, and L.D. Kamstra; Journal of Dairy Science

Length of western tent caterpillar egg masses and diameter of their associated stems, J.M. Schmid, P.A. Farrar, and I. Ragenovich; Great Basin Naturalist

Utah State University, College of Natural Resources, M.D.C. Schmitt, M.M. Czapowskyj, L.O. Safford, and A.L. Leaf; Plant and Soil


Stand characteristics of Rocky Mountain aspen, Wayne D. Shepperd; Symposium Proceedings: Situation Management of Two Intermountain Species: Aspen and Coyotes - Volume 1: Aspen


Opportunities for wildlife habitat management in aspen, Paul W. Shields; Symposium Proceedings: Situation Management of Two Intermountain Species: Aspen and Coyotes - Volume 1: Aspen


Deterioration of [over-mature] trembling aspen clones in the Great Lakes region, W.J. Shields and J.G. Bockheim; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Compartmentalization of decayed wood associated with Armillaria mellea in several tree species, Alex L. Shigo and J.T. Tippett; Research Paper, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service


Trophic Ecology of Three Winter Stoneflies (Plecoptera), Robert A. Short and James V. Ward; American midland naturalist


Utilization of whole aspen tree material as a roughage component in growing cattle diets, Mahendra Singh and Leslie D. Kamstra; Journal of Animal Science


Utilization of Aspen Populus-Tremuloides Trees as a Ruminant Feed Component, M. Singh and L.D. Kamstra; Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science

The Influence of Different Species of Leaf Litter on the Growth and Food Preference of the Prosobranch Mollusc Potamopyrgus jenkinsi, E.A. Smith and R.D.G. Hanlon; Archiv fur hydrobiologie. Stuttgart [arch. Hydrobiol.]