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Evaluation of Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Modeling in a Natural River and Implications in Instream Flow Assessment Methods, Karl L. Tarbet
Predicting Resistance and Stability of Vegetation in Floodplains, David E. Werth Jr.
Discharge Coefficient Scale Effects Analysis for Weirs, Michael Clyde Johnson
Lake Evaporation: A Model Study, Jumah Amayreh
Nonparametric Stochastic Generation of Daily Precipitation and Other Weather Variables, Rajagopalan Balaji
Spatial Variability and Error Limits of Reference Evapotranspiration Estimates, Thomas W. Ley
Evaluation of Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Techniques For Utah Probable Maximum Flood Determinations, Ashraf Mohammed Shammet
Evaluation of Flood Routing Techniques for Incremental Damage Assessment, Enan Fakhri Jayyousi
Load Transfer Mechanisms for Piles in Soft Soils, Andrew L. Palmer
Design and Evaluation of Stepped Spillways for High Dams, Jeffrey Scott Rau
Use of Multispectral Aerial Videography for Jurisdictional Delineation of Wetland Areas, James A. Shoemaker
Modeling of Natural Settling in a Trapezoidal Sedimentation Basin, Kent S. Wilkerson
A Mechanistic Approach to Modeling Habitat Needs of Drift-Feeding Salmonids, R. Craig Addley
Analysis of Cutthroat Flume Discharge Ratings, Liyan Ren
Climatic Variability and Dynamics of Great Salt Lake Hydrology, Taiye B. Sangoyomi
Jet Velocity Dissipation and Modelling With Aeration, Stephen J. Schlenker
Probable Maximum Flood Estimation in Northern Utah, Khin Maung Win
Comparison of Optimization Methodologies for Sustained-Yield Groundwater Pumping Planning in East Shore Area, Utah, Shu Takahashi
Estimation of Crop Evapotranspiration by Means of the Penman-Monteith Equation, Paul J. Vanderkimpen
Density-Dependent Convective Flow in Closed Basins, Kim L. McCleary
Bioavailable Phosphorus in the Bear River System, Utah, Kenneth Warren Barker
Evaluation of Spatially-Distributed Snowpack Estimation Using Pattern Recognition, Cheng-Hua Leu
A Hydrological Characterization of a Zero-Order Basin in Volcanic Hillslope Terrain, Neil A. Mock
Highway Drain Depth and Soil Stability, Mizher Al-Himdani
Performance and Design of Labyrinth Spillway, Nosratollah Amanian
Aerating Butterfly Valves to Suppress Cavitation, R. Ted Davis
Clostridium perfringens: An Adjunctive Indicator in Nonpoint Pollution, Steven G. Eberl
The Vertical Distribution of Salts in a Soil Profile During the Drainage Process, Adel Taha Yassin
Design and Field Layout of Irrigation Flow Measuring Devices in the River-Lab at Utah State University, Abelardo M. Arriaran
Slow Rate Sand Filtration With and Without Clinoptilolite: A Comparison of Water Quality and Filtration Economics, Gordon P. Foreman
Calibration of a Temperature-Radiation Evapotranspiration Equation for Utah, Payam Foroughi
Cavitation Limits and the Effect of Aeration on Cone Valves, Bart "L" Mumford
Improvement of Deep Tubewell Irrigation Project Performance in Bangladesh, Md. Mirjahan Miah
Pullout Resistance of Welded Wire Mats Embedded in Soil, Mark R. Nielsen
Evaluating the Design and Operation of Irrigation Canals in Egypt, Amany El Kayal
Nonpoint Source Pollution to Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho: Magnitude, Periodicity, and Watershed Management Alternatives, Victor J. Kollock
Simulated Use of the Exponential Polynomial/Maximum Likelihood Technique in Developing Suitability of Use Functions for Fish Habitat, Kenneth A. Voos
Treatment of USU Dairy Wastewaters by Lagoon Intermittent Sand Filtration, Eric M. Claus
Evaluation of a Welded Wire Retaining Wall, Jerold Albert Bishop
The Effects of Artificial Destratification on Water Quality in Hyrum Reservoir, John W. Gill
Development of a Liquefaction Opportunity Map for Cache Valley, Utah, Richard J. Greenwood
A Liquefaction Potential Map for Cache Valley, Utah, Randall Jones Hill
An Investigation of Salinity Fluctuations In Soils of a Northern Utah Marshland, Gary Roy Newman
Energy Management Study of Irrigation Pumping Plants for the Utah Power and Light Company, Jeffrey C. White
A Mathematical Model of Stratified Bi-Directional Flow Through the Railroad Causeway Embankment of Great Salt Lake, James T. Cameron
Engineering Properties, and Slope Stability and Settlement Analysis Related to Phosphate Mine Spoil Dumps in Southeastern Idaho, Richard Ellsworth Riker
A Mathematical Model of the Dispersion of a Concentrated Substance for Use in the Great Salt Lake's South Arm, Anthony O. Rughellis
A Study of Geologic Hazards and Geotechnical Input for Selected Critical Facilities - Cache Valley, Utah, Kenneth Robert Green
Naturally Occurring Organic Compounds Found in Hyrum Reservoir, Utah, Russell Richard Renk
Salt Production From Micro-Channels in the Price River Basin, Utah, Richard Bruce White
Microbial Bioassay Techniques for Assessing Acid Mine Spoil Amendments for Revegetation, Michael A. Anderson
Assessment of Possible Carcinogenic Hazards Created in Surrounding Ecosystems by Oil Shale Developments, Gerald L. Dassler
Effects of Heavy Metals (Cadmium, Copper, and Mercury) on Reproduction, Growth, and Survival of Brine Shrimp (Artemia salina) from the Great Salt Lake, Karl A. Gebhardt
A Rationale for Furrow Irrigation System Design and Management, Safa Noori Hamad
Development of a Water Quality Model Applicable to Great Salt Lake, Utah, Craig T. Jones
A Hydro-Quality Model to Predict the Effects of Biological Transformations on the Chemical Quality of Return Flow, V. A. Narasimhan
Examination of a Non-Point Source Loading Function for the Mancos Shale Wildlands of the Price River Basin, Utah, Stanley L. Ponce II
Lagoon Effluent Polishing by Soil Mantle Treatment Using Various Utah Soil Types, Roger Scott Tinkey
Interactive Hybrid Computer Program as an Aid for Teaching Hydrology, Arif Hikmet Atali
Phosphorus Budget of the Hyrum Reservoir - Little Bear River System, William A. Luce
Finite Difference Solution for Drainage of Heterogeneous Sloping Lands, Fahd Salih Natur
Air Pressures Over Reservoir, Canal, and Water Catchment Surfaces Exposed to Wind, Allen Ray Dedrick
A Hydrologic Model of the Provo River Basin, Utah, Craig T. Jones
The Use of Soil-Cement as a Highway Material, Vongchai Jarernswan
Hybrid Computer Modeling of the Hydro-Salinity Flow System Within a River Basin, Duane R. Jensen
A Study of the Effects of Water Institutions on Planning and Management of Water Resources in Utah, Donald H. McLean
Effects of Land Use on Water Quality: Summit Creek, Smithfield, Utah, David W. Meyers
Simulation of the Dynamics of Erodible Streams, Kousoum S. Sakhan
Hydrologic Inventory of the Great Salt Lake Desert Area, Gary L. Foote
Hydraulics of Waste Stabilization Ponds and its Influence on Treatment Efficiency, Kenneth A. Mangelson
Computer Simulation of Urban Runoff Characteristics Within Salt Lake County, Robert Newman Parnell
Phosphorus Distribution in the Bottom Sediments of Hyrum Reservoir, Kirk L. Schmalz
Irrigation Water Management Potential in the Bear River Delta, Tom Al Austin
Electronic Analog Computer Hydrologic Simulation of the Upper Bear River Basin, Mohammed A. Basha
A Study of Flooded and Rain Infiltration Relations With Surface Ponding, Yehia Z. El-Shafei
Estimating the Rainfall-Runoff Characteristics of Selected Small Utah Watersheds, Clive H. Walker
A Study of Precipitation Characteristics for Utah, Tsing-Yuan Chang
Formulation of a Mathematical Model for the Allocation of Colorado River Waters in Utah, Rick L. Gold
A Study of Free Surface and Viscous Effects on Simulated Rough Open Channel Beds, Julian B. Andersen
Streamflow Forecasting for the Logan and Blacksmith Fork Rivers in Northern Utah, Kenneth A. Mangelson
Irrigation Demand in the Utah Lake Drainage Area the Role of Irrigation Efficiency, Hiro Mizue
Design Criteria for USU Stilling Basin Pipe Flow to Open Channels, Chi-Yuan Wei
Simulation and Analysis of Stream-Aquifer Systems, Morton W. Bittinger
Evaporation and Evapotransipration in Venezuela, Hidalgo Guillén Echeverría
Development of a Drainage Function for the Transient Case, and a Two-Dimensional Ground-Water Mound Study to Evaluate Aquifer Parameters, Seid Abdollah Jenab
Estimation of Incoming Radiation From Extraterrestrial Radiation and Climatic Data, Rodrigo H. Pizarro
Application of Multivariate Analysis in Predicting Water Yields in Utah, Leei-Luoh Wang
Streaming Current and Streaming Potential Induced by Water Flow Through Porous Media, Mohamed M. I. Abaza
A Preliminary Experimental Study of the Turbulence Decay in the Wake of a Hemisphere in Free-Surface Flow, Jiin-jen Lee
The Influence of Exchangeable Ions and Their Concentration in the Pore Fluid on Plastic and Strength Properties of Cohesive Soil, Mahmoud H. Abd-el-Aziz
Flume Study of the Effect of Concentration and Size of Roughness Elements on Flow in High-Gradient Natural Channels, Mohamed Wafaie Abdelsalam
Tests of a Suggested Piezometric Method for Determining Hydraulic Conductivity of Saturated Soils, K. R. Channarasappa
A Critical Analysis of Water Rights and Institutional Factors and Their Effect on the Development of Logan River, Frank W. Haws
Water Budget of Bear River Delta, Chia Chu Hsieh
Estimation of Pan Evaporation and Potential Evapotranspiration of Rice in the Central Plain of Thailand by Using Various Formulas Based on Climatological Data, Paitoon Palayasoot
A Study of the Structure of Shear Turbulence in Free Surface Flows, Maddineni Venkateswara Rao
Evaporation and Potential Evapotranspiration in Central Iraq, Ala H. Al-Barrak
Simplified Approach to the Problem of Stability of Soil Slopes Under Horizontal Earthquake and Pore Pressure, Dalim Kumar Majumdar
Point Flow Measurements in Irrigation Furrows, David Ernest Mortin