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Review of "The Recurring Dark Ages: Ecological Stress, Climate Changes, and System Transformation", by Sing C. Chew, Joseph A. Tainter; American Anthropologist
Review of "Untaming the Frontier in Anthropology, Archaeology, and History, Joseph A. Tainter; Agricultural History
Sustainability and Sustainable Development, Joseph A. Tainter; Vith International Media Forum on the Protection of Nature, "Environment and Development for Third World Countries," Associazione Culturale Greenaccord, Viterbo, Italy
The Fundamental Elements of Being Sustainable, Joseph A. Tainter; Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona
The Jevons Paradox in Everyday Life, Joseph A. Tainter; 6th Bienniel International Workshop, "Advances in Energy Studies," Graz University of Technology
What Does It Mean to be Sustainable?, Joseph A. Tainter; Torino Academy of Sciences
Volunteering to Manage Rangeland Weeds: Results of a Citizen Survey in the Southwestern U.S., L. S. Tidwell and Mark W. Brunson; Rangelands
Upper Colorado River Ecosystem - Alternative Futures Study Phase I Report, Richard E. Toth, T. E. Edwards, B. Crabb, J. Gibson, L. Hurst, N. Kenczka, L. Vander Wal, A. Kjar, and Ellie Leydsman McGinty; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Report
What Are Consumers Willing to Pay for Improved Milk Quality in Moyale, Kenya?, F. Wayua, M. Shibia, M. Mamo, DeeVon Bailey, and D. Layne Coppock; Research Brief 08-01-PARIMA. Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program
Public Perceptions of Land Management in the Great Basin, S. Wilmot and Mark W. Brunson; Collaborative management and research in the Great Basin — examining the issues and developing a framework for action
The coyote lure operative devicerevisited: a fresh look at an old idea, A. R. Berensten, R. M. Timm, and Robert H. Schmidt; California Agriculture
Fostering Behavior Change Via Community-Based Social Marketing, Roslynn Brain; The 1st Annual Greeks Going Green Summit, University of Florida: Gainesville, FL
Enhancing Organizational Interactions: Lessons Learned From George Strait, Roslynn Brain, H. Carter, and E. Kaufman; The Florida Farm Bureau: Gainesville, FL
Cultivating University-Wide Change Using Community-Based Social Marketing, Roslynn Brain and A. De Lay; The 7th Annual IFAS/CALS Graduate Research Symposium, Gainseville, FL
Applying Social Marketing Theory to Establish Rapport and Trust on a One-On-One Basis, Roslynn Brain and N. E. Fuhrman; AEE 4506: Nonformal Teaching Methods, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Perceptions of Florida Extension Leaders Regarding the Need for a Comprehensive Agricultural and Natural Resources Awareness Website, Roslynn Brain and N. E. Fuhrman; The Annual Conference of the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists, Mobile, AL
University-Wide Change Using Community-Based Social Marketing, Roslynn Brain and T. Irani; The 36th Annual North American Association for Environmental Education
Enhancing Florida Farm Bureau Organizational Interactions Through Active, Thematic Instruction: "Lessons Learned From George Strait!", Roslynn Brain and R. Rudd; The Annual Conference of the Association of Leadership Educators, Fort Worth, TX
Grazing and Social Change: Understanding Potential Effects of Exurban Expansion, Mark W. Brunson
Rancher Demographics, Socioeconomic Pressures, and the Challenge of Meeting Conservation Goals, Mark W. Brunson and L. Huntsinger; Quivira Coalition Journal
Comparing Citizens' and Managers' Concerns About Sagebrush Management and Restoration in the Great Basin, Mark W. Brunson and Jennifer Peterson
Are Utahnsʼ attitudes toward wolveschanging?, J. T. Bruskotter, Robert H. Schmidt, and T. L. Teel; Biological Conservation
Forest Service Grazing Permittee Perceptions of the Endangered Species Act in Southeastern Arizona, J. L. Conley, M. E. Fernandez-Gimenez, G. B. Ruyle, and Mark W. Brunson; Rangeland Ecology and Management
Diffusion of Collective-Action Innovations Among Pastoralists in Liben District, Ethiopia, D. Layne Coppock, Solomon Desta, Getachew Gebru, Getachew Kassa, and Seyoum Tezera; Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program
Can Collective Action and Capacity Building Reduce Vulnerability Among Settled Pastoralists?, D. Layne Coppock, Solomon Desta, Getachew Gebru, and Seyoum Tezera; Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program
Building Effective Community Participation and Stakeholder Partnerships to Promote Positive Change in the Southern Ethiopian Rangelands, D. Layne Coppock, Solomon Desta, Getachew Gebru, Seyoum Tezera, and Dadi Amosha; Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program
Implementing a Virtuous Cycle of Livestock Off-Take, Wealth Conservation, and Livelihood Diversification to Improve Risk Management and Reduce Poverty Among Pastoralists in Southern Ethiopia, D. Layne Coppock, Solomon Desta, Getachew Gebru, and S. Tezerra; Implementing a virtuous cycle of livestock off-take, wealth conservation, and livelihood diversification to improve risk management and reduce poverty among pastoralists in southern Ethiopia.
Sustainable Livelihood Diversification Among Women's Groups of Northern Kenya, D. Layne Coppock, Solomon Desta, A. Wako, I. Aden, Getachew Gebru, S. Tezerra, and C. Tadecha; Sustainable livelihood diversification among women’s groups of northern Kenya.
Stakeholder Alliance Facilitates Re-Introduction of Prescribed Fire on the Borana Plateau of Southern Ethiopia, D. Layne Coppock, Getachew Gebru, Solomon Desta, Lemma Gizachew, Dadhi Amosha, and Feyissa Taffa; Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program
Collective Action Among Agro-pastoralists in Baringo District, Kenya: Identifying and Nurturing the Entrepreneurs, D. Layne Coppock, Mark N. Mutinda, Stellamaris K. Muthoka, and Abdillahi A. Aboud; Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program
Perceptions of Wildlife Damage and Species Conservation: Lessons Learned from the Utah Prairie Dog, R. D. Elmore, T. A. Messmer, and Mark W. Brunson; Human-Wildlife Conflict
Residential Landscape Water Checks: Building Water Conservation Skills, Joanna Endter-Wada, Diana T. Glenn, Roger Kjelgren, and Christopher M. U. Neale; Spring Run-off Conference; Utah State University, Logan, Utah
The Power of Persuasion: Strategies for Getting Others to Change Their Behavior, N. E. Fuhrman and Roslynn Brain; 4-H Workshop Conducted at Reitz Union, University of Florida: Gainesville, FL
Graduate Students' Perceptions of "Good Teaching": A Phenomenological Analysis, N. E. Fuhrman, Roslynn Brain, and A. M. De Lay; The 53rd Annual North American Colleges and Teachers of America Conference, Urbana-Champaign, IL
The role of community andindividuals in the formation of social capital, R. Godoy, V. Reyes-Garcia, T. Huanca, W. R. Leonard, R. G. Olvera, J. Bauchet, Zhao Ma, J. John, M. Miodosky, O. Z. Rios, V. Vadez, and C. Seyfreid; Human Ecology
Spatial and temporal patterns of stream channel incision in the loess region of the Missouri River, R. Heine and Christopher L. Lant
Integrated, Adaptive Watershed Management, B. P. Hooper and Christopher L. Lant; Fostering Integration: Concepts and Practice in Resource and Environmental Management
Creating a Culture of Innovation in Ranching: A Study of Outreach and Cooperation in West-Central Colorado, C. A. Kennedy and Mark W. Brunson; Rangelands
Re-Introduction of Managed Fire in the Pastoral Production Systems of the Southern Ethiopian Rangelands, Eric LaMalfa, Getachew Gebru, T. Sexton, D. Amosha, S. Moats, R. Morrow, F. Taffa, L. Gizachew, D. Dallas, and D. Layne Coppock; Re-introduction of managed fire in the pastoral production systems of the southern Ethiopian rangelands.
Ecosystem Services in U.S. Environmental Policy, Christopher L. Lant
The Law and Policy of Ecosystem Services, Christopher L. Lant
Aeolian and Fluviolacustrine Landforms and Prehistoric Human Occupation on a Tectonically Influenced Floodplain Margin, the Mema, Central Mali, B. Makaske, E. De Vries, Joseph A. Tainter, and R. J. McIntosh; Netherlands Journal of Geosciences
Educational outreach: marketing forest certification to family forest owners in northern Minnesota, Zhao Ma; Educational outreach: marketing forest certification to family forest owners in northern Minnesota
Integrating cumulative impact assessment into state environmental review programs, Zhao Ma, D. R. Becker, and M. A. Kilgore; Integrating cumulative impact assessment into state environmental review programs
Water requirement of corn-based ethanol, S. Mubako and Christopher L. Lant
Cascading Events in Linked Ecological and Socio-Economic Systems, D. C. Peters, O. E. Sala, C. D. Allen, A. Covich, and Mark W. Brunson; Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
Dietary overlap of an alien and nativecarnivore on San Clemente Island, California, R. B. Phillips, C. S. Winchell, and Robert H. Schmidt; Journal of Mammology
Group Report: Millennial Perspectives on the Dynamic Interaction of Climate, People, and Resources, C. L. Redman, C. L. Crumley, F. A. Hassan, F. Hole, J. Morais, F. Reidel, V. L. Scarborough, Joseph A. Tainter, P. Turchin, and Y. Yasuda; Sustainability or Collapse? An Integrated History and Future of People on Earth
Aspen Indicator Species in Lichen Communities in the Bear River Range of Idaho and Utah, Paul C. Rogers, Roger Rosentreter, and Ronald J. Ryel; Evansia
Aspen in the Sierra Nevada: Regional Conservation of a Continental Species, Paul C. Rogers, W. D. Shepperd, and D. Bartos; Natural Areas Journal
Complexities of urban coyote management: reaching the unreachable, teaching the unteachable, and touching the untouchable, Robert H. Schmidt; Proceedings of the Wildlife Damage Management Conference
Bad dogs: why do coyotes and other canids become unruly?, Robert H. Schmidt and R. M. Timm; Proceedings of the Wildlife Damage Management Conference
Public Priorities for Rangeland Management: A Regional Survey of Citizens in the Great Basin, Bruce Shindler, Ryan Gordon, and Mark W. Brunson
Water Stewardship on Rangelands: A Manager's Handbook, Carrus Land Systems
Kolaps Kompleksnih Društava, Joseph A. Tainter; Naklada Jesenski I Turk, Zagreb
Scale and Dependency in World Systems: Local Societies in Convergent Evolution, Joseph A. Tainter; Rethinking Environmental History: World System History and Global Environmental Change
Sustainability, Complexity, and Problem Solving: Lessons from the Roman Empire, Joseph A. Tainter; "The Future of Eath and Humandkind-A View from Asia," Ogata-mura, Akita Prefecture, Japan
Sustaining Dryland Forests: Fundamental Questions, Joseph A. Tainter
Systems Thinking and Irreducible Uncertainty, Joseph A. Tainter; Interdisciplinary Round Table on Climate Change and Energy Strategies, Wasan Island, Lake Rosseau, Ontario, Canada
Climate, Compexity, and Problem Solving in the Roman Empire, Joseph A. Tainter and C. A. Crumley; Sustainability or Collapse? An Integrated History and Future of People on Earth
Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP): A Roundtable Discussion, A. A. Aboud, M. Odiambo, and D. Layne Coppock; Poverty reduction strategy paper (PRSP): A roundtable discussion
Repeated exposures of coyotes to theCoyote Lure Operative Device, A. R. Berensten, Robert H. Schmidt, and R. M. Timm; The Wildlife Society Bulletin
Using the CLOD to deliver pentachlorobenzene to coyotes (Canis latrans), A. R. Berentsen, J. J. Johnson, R. E. Mauldin, and Robert H. Schmidt; Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference
Field test of a bait delivery device for coyote management for Antelope Island State Park, Utah, A. R. Berentsen and Robert H. Schmidt; Final Report
Synthesis of Major Discussion Points, D. Layne Coppock; Synthesis of major discussion points
Collective Action by Women’s Groups to Combat Drought and Poverty in Northern Kenya, D. Layne Coppock, Solomon Desta, Getachew Gebru, Adan Wako, Ibrahim Aden, Chachu Tadecha, and Seyoum Tezera; Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program
Collective Action by Women's Groups to Combat Drought and Poverty in Northern Kenya, D. Layne Coppock, Solomon Desta, A. Wako, I. Aden, Getachew Gebru, S. Tezera, and C. Tadecha; Research Brief 06-01-PARIMA. Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program
Women's Groups in Arid Northern Kenya: Origins, Governance, and Roles in Poverty Reduction, D. Layne Coppock, Solomon Desta, A. Wako, Medhat Ibrahim, Getachew Gebru, S. Tezera, and C. Tadecha; Women’s groups in arid northern Kenya: Origins, governance, and roles in poverty reduction.
Public Engagement to Prioritize the Pastoral Research Agenda at the Pastoral and Agro-pastoral Research Center of OARI in Ethiopia, D. Layne Coppock, Getachew Gebru, Lemma Gizachew, Sintayehu Mesele, Mohammed Hassena, and Solomon Desta; Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program
From Herd Diversification to Livelihood Diversification as a Response to Poverty: The Case of the Waso Boran of Northern Kenya, D. Layne Coppock, Abdullahi D. Jillo, and Abdillahi A. Aboud; Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program
Changes in Land Cover and Soil Conditions for the Yabelo District of the Borana Plateau, 1973-2003, D. Layne Coppock, Sintayehu Mesele, Heluf Gebrekidan, and Lemma Gizachew; Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program
Community Perceptions Concerning Key Ecological Resources at Risk in Baringo District, Kenya, D. Layne Coppock, Mark N. Mutinda, and Abdillahi A. Aboud; Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program
Forage Resource Use for the Utah Beef Production Under Risk and Uncertainty, D. Layne Coppock, D. Snyder, M. Amin, and L. Sainsbury; Forage resource use for Utah beef production under risk and uncertainty
Linking Ethiopian Pastoralists and Exporters in a Livestock Marketing Chain: The Role of Education, D. Layne Coppock, S. Tezerra, Solomon Desta, and Getachew Gebru; Linking Ethiopian pastoralists and exporters in a livestock marketing chain: The role of education.
Change Agents Facilitates Cross-Border Diffusion of Collective-Action Innovations Among Pastoral Women, D. Layne Coppock, S. Tezerra, Solomon Desta, Getachew Gebru, and C. Tadecha; Change agents facilitate cross- border diffusion of collective-action innovations among pastoral women
Collective Action by Women's Groups to Combat Drought and Poverty in Northern Kenya, Solomon Desta, D. Layne Coppock, A. Wako, I. Aden, Getachew Gebru, S. Tezerra, and C. Tadecha; Collective action by women’s groups to combat drought and poverty in northern Kenya
Linking Small-Ruminant Producers to Markets: A Case Study from the Southern Ethiopian Rangelands, Solomon Desta, Getachew Gebru, S. Tezerra, and D. Layne Coppock; Linking small-ruminant producers to markets: A case study from the southern Ethiopian rangelands
Role of Participatory Action Research in Reviving Endogenous Rangeland Management: A Case from Southern Ethiopia, Getachew Gebru, Solomon Desta, D. Amosha, and D. Layne Coppock; Role of participatory action research in reviving endogenous rangeland management: A case from Southern Ethiopia
Residential Landscape Water Checks: Interventions to Promote Water Conservation, Diana T. Glenn, Joanna Endter-Wada, Roger Kjelgren, and Christopher M. U. Neale; The 12th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management; Vancouver, BC, Canada
Landscape Water Conservation for Utah Homeowners, Kelly L. Kopp, Roger Kjelgren, Joanna Endter-Wada, Jennie M. Hoover, Diana Glenn, and Earl Jackson; Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals Annual Conference
Water Resources Sustainability: An Ecological Economies Perspective, Christopher L. Lant; Water Resources Sustainability
Visitor Impact Monitoring: What, Why, and How?, Y. F. Leung and Christopher Monz; George Wright Forum
Monitoring the Health of Selected Eastern Arc Forests in Tanzania, S. Madoffe, G. D. Hertel, Paul C. Rogers, B. O'Connell, and R. Killenga; African Journal of Ecology
Recreation Ecology and Visitor Impact Research: Past, Present and Future, Christopher Monz; Exploring The Nature of Management: Proceedings from the Third International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas
Meaningful measures: Visitor impact monitoring and the NPS, Christopher Monz and Y. F. Leung; George Wright Forum
Dependency Syndrome Among Baringo Residents? Evidence from Community Perceptions Concerning the Restoration of Key Ecological Resources, M. Mutinda, A. A. Aboud, and D. Layne Coppock; Research Brief 06-10-PARIMA. Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program
New methodological considerations for assessing campsite conditions, P. N. Newman, Christopher Monz, Y. F. Leung, and D. M. Theobold; George Wright Forum
Using map algebra to determine the mesoscale distribution of invasive plants: the case of celastrus orbiculatus in Southern Illinois, USA, Archana Pande, Carol L. Williams, Christopher L. Lant, and David J. Gibson; Biological Invasions
Open Spaces, Working Places, J. Resnik, G. Wallace, Mark W. Brunson, and J. Mitchell; Rangelands
Bridging Borders: Organizing Short-Term Agricultural Communication Study Abroad Programs, E. Rhoades, Roslynn Brain, R. Telg, T. Irani, and O. Roberts; Journal of Applied Communications
Strengthening the Voice: Florida Farm Bureau Organizational Management, R. Rudd, Roslynn Brain, and E. Kaufman; The Florida Farm Bureau: Gainesville, FL
Benefit-Based Audience Segmentation: A Tool for Identifying Non-Industrial Private Forest (NIPF) Owner Education Needs, O. Salmon, Mark W. Brunson, and Michael R. Kuhns
Don't Throw Out the Baby With the Bathwater, Robert H. Schmidt; Science
Learning from the past and preparing forthe future: managing wildlife crises, Robert H. Schmidt, T. Mansfield, and T. J. DeLiberto; Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference
Ecology, Biodiversity, Management, and Restoration of Aspen in the Sierra Nevada, W. Shepperd, Paul C. Rogers, D. Burton, and D. Bartos
Archaeology of Overshoot and Collapse, Joseph A. Tainter; Annual Review of Anthropology
Energy Gain and Future Organization, Joseph A. Tainter; Sustainable Energy Forum 2006, "Peak Oil and the Environment," Washington, DC
Energy, Resources, and the Semantics of Sustainability, Joseph A. Tainter; Fifth Biennial Workshop, "Advances in Energy Studies," Porto Venere, Italy
Globalization Then and Now: Increasing Scale Reduces Local Sustainability, Joseph A. Tainter; Monitoring Science and Technology Symposium: Unifying Knowledge for Sustainability in the Western Hemisphere
Rational Sustainability, Joseph A. Tainter; Global Survival: The Challenge and Its Implications for Thinking and Action